rTDEJSDAY, JANCJARY 8, 1925 TTMF MSC-IGAN A L. PAGE THR9 - - --- --- -- - - - - - --- ---- i, E AMERICAN ASSOCIATION' INSEC T UNI T O0UIVRSI",1 /T MUSEUMj I/ POSSESSES M YNf F)() ~Tf L Al CHAD MEN' Advoc De Fav rules, Fields tercol: versit; of Fo mend( at the fensiv taken Natior ciatiox "severa staffa versit3 .Coac footba gan rr oredl treasu. a3SsO-t for ga, of the Thot sity in manl,N vice-pa sentatj of atI Forsyt: city H~ ence,v ered tc athleti hygien The fumble of recc will be rulesc the lat is' a w; coache cally u ed chi chanigt First the alts gidoptec but th( end.P consicl a drop with lateral C A HSPROPOSES61 EDITORSN(YIFaT rnHAiuiiN'Hiuu {TIhis sthe fourth olf ri s The1I!I Daily illustrative 'of the ----work now being conducted ini NGE FIRST RECOMMENDED1 the University Museum. YCOC YOTGT 10NATIONAL SUPPORT I A division in the. museum of zoology of the University Museumn ifR HL NETIr which has made a groat dteal oz 4TORS HOLD MEE IN Iprogress in. the last fifteen years i, . cats MkingFumled allthe insect unit, which has beer}~ caeBadkingt fumbesd Ball under the direction of Mr. Fred-- ead n Sot f Rcovry Brick M. Ga ige as curator sine By" Defensive Team 1913. iThe first significant insect col- voring a change in. footballI lections of which there is any re- originally advocated by ord were obtained for the Museum_ ing H. Yost, director of In- by Dr, J. B. Steere in 1879 as a re-> llegiate athletics at the U~ni- sult of his famous five year expedi. y, the American Association tion to South America, the Philli- otbllCoahe hae econ-pine islands, China, and other ootbll Cachs hae reom-places. U~ndoubtcdly there oxistec ed that all fumbles be dead some insect specimens gathered b e spot of recovery of the de- the earlier Museum men, but, re ve team. The action was ceiving little attention. and carye iat a recent meeting of the they have disappeared.d anal Collegiate Athletic Asso-Teisccolton rciv:i ai hold in New Orleans, which lthle cnetdcollecutinstrecstive' al members of the coaching littlerconcetere untilthe t r and athletic board of the U~ni-ofD.AeadrG uvn'j ;y attended. regime as curator of the Mlu scun-} ch "Tad" Weiman, of the in. 1906. Previou~ to that Chi,e T all squad, one of the Michi- C. Adams in 1904 had made addi- 3 nen in, attendance was hen- tions to the collection of insects by being elected secretary- from Michigan, and here is foun.( irer of the football coaches the beginning of the work orI ration. The Wolverine men-' Michigan. insects whtich has as. iNv a report on officials at onef sumed major importance'ine th( {i sessions, work of the division now. )s representing the Univer- The scope of the work now i, n addition to Yost and Wie-7 very broad, the present collection, were Prof. William A. Frayer, amounting to about one- millior resident and faculty repre- specimens. Although most of th{ Live of the board in control specimens are of insects peculiar to t, biletics and Dr. 'Warren E. the, new world, the ]Museum p)os.c the, director of the Univer- sesses many. old world specie'so:r lealth. service.' The Confer- dragon-flies, ants and grasshop- which lasted three days, coy-I pegrs. epics concerning competitive Included in the collections airc ics, physical education, and many insect. types which liave, l ae. never, before been nitioned in in.,' ecommlendation tha t a sect literature, and many not pos- ed bll b ded onthe potsessed by other institutions. A col-I every by the defensive team' lection. of note which has recontlz. e considered by the nationalI been added is the Frederick Forster committee when it meets in collection of Bad en, Germany. At otter part of February. There present arrangements are being videspread advocation among l completed for the acquisition of es to leave the rules practi-nubrootevaalecl - iinchanged, and the mention- tins.e fohe aube olt aneis the only importantbosc e that has come to the fore. The personnek of thle istet sdo- tadvocated by, Coach Yost partmnent includes Dr. W. W. New- teration has not been wholely comb, honorary curator, E. B. Wil- d by the rules committees, liamson, associate curator, E. W x sere has been a trend to that Andrews, associate curator, Slher- At" present,, a fumbled pass is man Moore, associate curator, anc. .ered incomplete, likewise is( J. S. Rogers, associate curator. Dr A ped punt. A similar rule, Newcomb has aided inaterially ir- exceptions, applies to the making the insect library complete "r pass. by the addition of some valuble volumes on butterflies and moths. s In the research work now being 9r Want Ads Pay conducted in the department, P, Gaige is studying species of ants ~ 11acl nte d 1 the di agon 1;d ailC..F. fle'rs, graduate .&t' of FloidAin iJ votfgd i t £ inuCort , tce is AMoore'ns;i udy o0 NF ICtIK R E 'TO DIE OU..ITE POPULAR: Alichi71an11Is The Only University rJ'~Pro ~tC Shatng acilie k ~For It'; Stdnt~s FOR INTE~R VIE 11S All those si vderl swho expo G;e obtain teaching, positions in t,', near future end who have iii turnucd in t heir lietures anjd threec recommrendatioens to Uthe ureau of Appc-intm ent-, ill 1havex thu hr. n'x ncs withdra w l from the list c;f° For Sale ! 715 SRANSER _._ ____ _,..... ... ...H.....e A~~~~~~~~~~ th ~ct aks ilA1M~IIl ose: conskcerect for positions i.,.d Anc ,ihr.,,-imnpor tant section of th~e "'"' their records will be dostroyed, ifs ' olegy.museum is thie bird divi-; was announced yesterday by M,-~s wrvngi be< considerzed as Proving' intensely popular since lce.Shmag, i hre d a th Museisel Af ?f. The nmn its opening tee weeks ago, the the Bureau. IasteMichizganIce Rink has been used A oo s the studnt hlsfliz .vhoare ost t inus i thede-by 5,000 persons' in 20 days, accord- lehiprlmnyreueet, gelopznent o h Msu, Dr. ing to figures issued by Harry Til-I banSager, r leadrWi-hle will be notified by mail as tot' lot'son, business manager of the 'hel, ad J B.Steroallconra-Michigan Athletic association. The +reo i neve ihMs oidI the bauildt:,in11)pof the bird ]kcal athletic association is believed Shamnbaugh. After this intorvr4x 'oild ios. revius O 189,to be the only one in the country~ nasewl beecopleced ote ist t, nmphars~s was alo the acquziring.,E(hat, furnishes skating facilities for aewl epacdo h itv Af Michigan_! sp cimeins, but at the .d ns hos~a to be considered for tesa c>- lineof M'. Seeres exeditonThe rink, located at Hill and Fifth ,n psiios Tsodd species were also added. {Streets, has a stretch of ice 203 by Prospective' teachers should ; . Ncrmari.h A. Wood, who is the 60 feet in size. It is open to stui- to the Bureau as soon as they havec ~resent, curator of birds, became dents and townspepdlo from 2:301md hi eodsmse o- maeterscn. eetr ssociated with the Museum in 1895: to 5 o'clock in the afternoon and tions so that they can fill ou t, k ks taxidermist, anud received the froms 8 to 10 o'clock at night. To location blank. On this bl,.nki; ppoinztnent, of c('In'ator in l9ll. As- insure smooth ice the rink is flood- indicated the location and timt e ociated with Wood, is Dr. Josselyni ed before each session. The rink is I each class, in ordler that the sth - Jan yne, assistant cutrator, Who larg-er and its ice in better condi- 'dent can be found at any tine of oft recently with the Roosevelt ex- tion than any other in the state the day in the event that it mjdition, to Frenzch Indo-China:, or middle west, it is stated. found necessary to call him f'or a Villiain. C. Far, , honorary curator,' iVichigan and Princeton are the interview with a superintend-:ntt., Valter E. '_l :;,ing~s, cusi odl ia of only two schools ini the countr'y --__ 3irds' eggs, anad Jan Metzei:,_ar, 51)0-' that own and operate an ice rinks. vil investigator Othzer schools using rinks lease SeaoA.I.Vndbrg ae Thie bird diivisionz now jos550505 a plea for congressional 1rca p r- bou 21,0,pcmesOl(O them. Princeton, however, does tionment in a recent radio address , . bu2000seie ;)Inot; allow students to use thec rink.,___ ___ -- ---- deteiy filed 'and ctlge.Most i i en mccvd.o h oce II l -I~IIIIIIlIIIIi~II~I;v A thole spedliznns are fro Mifchi- teamn, according to the business' an and are usied fo rcreferenzce by manager of the local athletic asso- OPTICAL tuclnts nd sientsts.ciation. Several other universities The research w~ork of the division 'contemplate construction of similar DEPARTMENLT T ,.cludes examinationz of tihe stem= plants but as yet have not done so. Lenses and Frames made chs of specimnens so that the type Admission to the rink is 50 cents.; To Order f food consumed by the birds mnay f Students, however, may purchase a. oe determizned. In this way tb-c strip of seven tickets for $1.00 theni1 Optical Prescriptions, E spcies which aircs in-ijiii'i01 to plant; athletic coupon book being used I illed rid animail life may be determined, for identfctin - lso means for protectag" the no- -rtfcaon ijurious can be discovered. In c0- Showing of "Ben I-ur" in Cbinari I HALLERS pera (;ion with the Department of; beenr forbidden, it being; deemed State St. Jewelers ton1servation the (division makes E"Christian propaganda.' j1 ll1111[11 wint~t1t111 t s airg,'e collections of egg,'s. -__________ ________ AVE. Large living room ithy firep lace; 3 bed* rooms; tiled b ath with sh'ower;- bre::akfast nook; tiled kitchen sink; refrigzerator space; water softener;p house insulated with Celo-te ; lot wel l shrubbed; garage;~ Would be pleased to show it to CALL MRS. MHENR-Y, with REAL ESTATE EXCH ANGE, INC. (flice 2--2571 Residence 9800O 4lpha Kappa Initiates Delta Stadc n s Nine initiates were taken i() Ilpha Kappa, Delta in the pre- ?oliday initiation held at the' anion. Alpha K pr-a Delta is 0 a onocloary "s*,ooogy society rcqu-- ng a minimaum ignrde of B in all lie work of ( ZCxnida te; s. Th'er'e S> iso a mannnim requirem=ient o( Ave hours of work in the sociologyv epartinent. The initiates wore Persis Colt. ,rad; Ona Felker, '30; Marian Full - ner 29; Sidney Glazier, gradzr;c S~ac H-offm"1n1 '21b; Caroline lsa ;rad; ilidred Ker,,ner, '30; Willia~m 'adn -r, '29; and. Karlene -ShilanO, ;rad. ISmxashinig Epic otl World On ~ Pardadef Sm" - J . _ F FI Sp I (. a ' f"4 ( 1) i x ( '' 4 ' pI F I.T citi toir ii :th Ze j)O si 4 iis > K / ahonk ,riceqt th 1aws lC~a C1}Slt-, 5 eew t f n ii - 5-n .fcty 4 r A 3 ( +a 4'' hi e r cy o - }c hi 9 an 3 (, 41 r w ) +"+ Y', 9-\~t ) a . ; .rp l - '37(AFJ Yi i[ ~ ~ iu L 1J." A r "°- L ~tkto .h r gj*aC. ee Oa lIlc t £iU~hI~X'S' the ~-the d zra V telzaX t zrZ "'zCzze Idj ( ( Q~z~xjoz ~,;'d'zzzx . 'dX? 9'j11- -- .':+r 14171 lii -'C / \~ F With me -I L I momN