PAGE TWO rTHE MICHIGAN DAILY I I TT11"SDAY, ~'A G E T W O r.T.h...................92 EUR OPE'S LITEF ~JV E~CUBAN SUGAR SITUATION ILLUSTRATES IECONOMIC PRINCIPLE, PROFESSOR SA YS Dr. Cutter To A ddress Medical Society iT ET PCPR O F'. H A Z A R D fl,~ S A S S U B J E C T "Voltaire In Germany AND EN (;LAND" "The Cuba:. sugar situation fur- ; rp strictly suit~hle to them anid nishcs another example of the ad- riot turn to the raising of bect ecrse results from tampering withI sugar which is a somnewhat inferi,,r economic law;,," declared Prof. D. Sugar." :le continuer) that 1,:1t M. Matthewa, of the School of For-, Cuban sugar situ^ ,on is of espec- estry and Conservation, who has; ial interest to Un'ted States be- just returned from a two weeks': cause of the fact that about orle visit to Cuba, whei're he was inves- million dollars of American capi- tigating the !sugar situation for the tal is inven~ted in Cuba and becautse United Fruit company and the Cuba United States :uses nlost of the s12,- Doctor Irving S. Cutter, dean of, and posses;ses a rnui ed collection of ti, e Medical sch' 4cl at No thwest- 'historic me~dical books, will speak' ern university , ili speak at the on "Some Sidelights on the Etiology of Puerperal Sepsi" second lecture of the series being' A banquet in honoar of the speak-' , Sonsored by Alpha Omega Alpha er will be held as 6 o'clock. at the honorary mcdlica l fraternity. The Union. All faculty members andy lccture will bo hleld at 8:15 o'clock alumni members of the organiza- tomorrow night ii Natural Science tion .are invited to attend. Dr. iuditorium. Dr. Cutter, who is in-' Cutter will &!liver a short address ft-rested in the history of medicine, after the dinner2 Positively Last Showing Today company. ar product of Cuba. The price of ----____________------_______________ SPEEH TOBE TURSDY !For the past two yeais Cuba has sugar in New York is $.083, the INTRAMURAL ATHLETICS REACH HIGH been restricting the sugar crop to greater share of tl e remainder .'- POINT IN HISTORY OF DEPARTMENT four and a half million tons inl tail price going to the American Speaker Holds Chair Of EuropeanI order to raise the selling price of refiner. Literatnre In College ,'gr e mv rol.hv e- Pofso' Mthes rcnl Intramural athletic activity at One tourney, that of basketball, De France mitdhe-otkea 1est five, noted in The DailY the loss of the University is now at its highest in which 160 teams have entered nda half willinacodn'toGetBiansrbemaktb-pitsneteitduinofI get under way this afternoon Prf alHzrwho holds tiePoesr ' nacodn GeatB itai'smuberimren e-gon snete nrdcto fi-and evening, with 19 games sched- chair of. European liter-ature in tle ?rfso Matthews. As a result the cause of similar tmeig wit-1 tramlural athletics it is disclosedj uled for the four courts in the new Coleg d Fane. il sea +sugar market bn tended to turn economic latws. in reports of the Intramural de-,gmaimo;te Itaua 'ivsiysue.heea 4ito Java, wheY'e the production has partment. The new Intramural; building. Tournaments for frater- p lc hrdyafenoJ~ een increased the one million Library Continues buildng, which has been in use fori nity, class and independent teams inNaturalfno Science audiltt-; i ons that previouely went to Cuba. Poiythree months has aided greatly in, are being held. All but nine fra- xayr4,r an effort to retrieve her market ExpansionPoiy the executing of the program. i ternities have entered fives, and' torlumr, it was announced yesterday i uba will permit again this year Nal 150sudnsad-autaothlfhv-wotas byProf. Hugo P. Thieme, of 1the :aothl aetotas Roacelnuae dprriet an unrestricted production. Approximately 50,000 volumes members of the University have Probably the largest number are "otaie i nlansdparnte- -Ti ya sxmllo onco are being transported to the new taken advantage of the new build-i taking part in the handball toxrna- m an~y," is the anuxounced subjecti: s anticipated, but of this only five west book stack in the main library,' mg. ansprd about n-thrdouse the mrti wihteear;onsi ofPoesrHzr' etrwihmillion will be harvested. Cubans itl was announced by, Librarianlaiteprdy.Isuconae all-campus men, members of the willrosuffer haavrd'sandcfatallyhbe- WwiW. ;ishop , "'la. gea ow being given in eight sports, jLawyers club, doubles for non-fra-' will be delivered iri French. There sfeha~,adftlyb-W .Bso n oraet r en edi cause of the lowprc of sugar,' deal of pitn was also done adtunmnsaebighl in ternity men, and singles for nov- 4.n te be ner adm~ cisinviteadsi. which is $.0115 pr pound f. o. b. the L.ibrary during the Christmas :ices._Afacultyourneyisbeing_ ~.regera pubi i{nvtd Cuban mills. Lithie or no profit vacation period. volumes are being increased at the! planned.i "Professor Hlazard is known asc-a exete4ecueofsc a The books .are Meing shifted to rate of 30 ,000)pi er n h A swimming and waterpole tour- abeepcebeasofsctg eryaan th(p( ae one of the foremos.t critics of modn- tlcw price, and Professor Matthews the new west bock, stacks to pro- estimated spae left will accommo- aet, b in which the quarter-finl ern France and as a thoroug h ijpredicts that the smnaller mills wil vide room for expansion of other date not mn vx 60,000 volumes,; are to b held tonight, a squash scholar," Laid Prof'^ssor Thieme °n b rvn4nobnrpcredprmntswich areben con- mnyv tournament, and hockey tourna- 'ennouncing the lecture. "His cown- ?I;mbes dr ive itoobarp tcy. ;o's- deparentsebookbeing {Some means of expansion will soon ment are also being held. An in- ment onVoltireshoud b ofpredict the effect on the largerj shifted are the government docu D1 ave to be devised if the library door tennis tourney is the next to interest to all advanced students of ;mills, but in any evc.nt it will be ±'lew mentu and pclitiual science and ' continues to grow at the same rate.j be established. Frnh",uvvlo h iet cnmcbos h oki oAn invitation was extended to - "Sugar should be produced ia yet completer and will probably re--______________ Professor Hazard to teach at the tne tropics," he declared, "becausie !ouire two nmore weeks to fill thej University the seond semester of! of the cheapness of tropical labor new stacks compising two floors.* the present school year. vle was I and because of the greater suita- According to I ibrarian Bishop, unable to accept because of a by- 1blity of the tropics to the raising; the space availabl~e for expansion law of the College de France which:c f cane. sugar. The temperate; will last only thxr ough the next. proide tat achofitsproesors- ones should use their lands for 3 two and a half ycars. The library- UEX R must teach at least one courbse _______________________________________ there every year. Since Professor MIOM Hazard was exchange professor at!' 'darvard last aill, hle must sail back i h qout Jptii tD)C to 'France next spring. Aenpyrwredo 1,0fPrfesor s re- F o r aolg osl Iez.wl n~I ieo arz f1,00 fa c a Vanderbilt Mills wants four m'en from this HCleet elterwl n w i eo c~enly, wardd Prfessr Haar ?1 Shrs, Ties anl Underwer direct to the by th_ French Academy, in recogm. - onsumer. It is a favorite line among col-} tion of his bock on modern Italy.g Fr1*d lege men everywhere-and the rush sasonI Ths' h eodlcuede- comet r[ is now on. liee hr iX]S y: ar by a proms- ! YOij CAN GET SE Phis is not one of those 114,OO-i-4- nenlt Frenchmrin. A third lecture j O TFclays" ads. But you really cau trni your. will be delivered znext semester oyV peole)IT E hsare ie knt c upb tsow10an hour.lie. - Andre Chevrlbn, w ho, although ofi A Single Cutter (for two pepe ter elmaing 1 French origin, is known as a scholar erience is unnecessary... Geneous profitsi of hins I'.nlih. e i nerl 70A Dubl Ctte wih atem (ourpeole are paid you in rash wth each order you { of ting l~l< rsh.He s narl 70A DobleCuter itha tem (ourpeole)take. Applicationxs will be considered in the years old, ac^.ording to Professor order in which they are received. Thieme, and a member of thne' Pleasure Bobs for parties (20 people) French Academy. 'Valltderbl) I IiI o n. Professors H- zard and Chevrillr'n Alwthjnl bells come here on Ithe University lecture AlwhjigeVANDEr~rBLT N iLLrs. ru.1 Series, which is distinct from the- '368-374 368.374 5irh A'euue, 1,'w York City 1)-i 38 series sponsored by the Cier2 lAD L xhAe. rlawiterested in making mony ii my pr Francais. The latter body is irvIUIJLL1itON S D L STAB1"LES e okCt lae edm orfe eln uft charge of arrangements for the 1 /i1/t . li1+ L i1 BPL annual French :Jiry. 326 E. Ann Address Geology Faculty Phone 7418 - ~ Receives Honors --_____________________ PASSIONATELY SHE LOVED! and a Cubnning ~ & Clown! A Jloyat Duchess S --anr unholy passion or a love sublimie!l ; :: , Victor Hugo's Immortal Classic ggl G i "r.t . . S Fb "y .¢ , . Directed by Paul Leni T With CON'+RAD VEIDT-MARY PHLN And cast of 2~500 i I_ Majestic Combination Ensemble II Aesop's Fable News & Review -1 E And for Mid-Week COMMENCING WEDNESDAY Several members of the geolov'y 4epartment have . eceived signifi- cant recoa;nition in their several fields recently; Prof. William Her- bert Hobbs, director of the Uni- 'ersity Greenland expeditions, was made a Fellow of the American } Meterological society in recognition rqf his outstandin ( meterological investigations in Greenland; Prof. Ermine C. Casty of -he paleontology department w~s recentl)' elected president of the Ai, erican Paleon- t ological society. By becomirgf )resident of this so)ciety, Profess tr base automatically becomies third I vice-president of the Americaln geological society for the cominM-- year.# Prof. Lawrence t4. Gould, who is geographer and geologist on VA Byrd Antarctic' expedition, has M been in active command of the en- tire expedition at its base wlhile Byrd was away (in a reconnais- sance trip, and Brophy, general manager of the expedition and - second in comman-d. was absent 'n New Zealand. Ser ious work ha E already betni underctakenl by tCie men at thet southe-rn tip of the world, sever:. ahort trips having- already been made onto the ice by various mem- bers of the expedition. TICKETS & RESERVATIONS _ For All Important Lake and Ocean Lines Toaurs, Cruises = Indcpendcnat Travcl E. G. Kuebler F Gera. Steams/hip Agency 601 E. Huron Ph. 6414 ANN ARBOR Detroit Theaters SHLUBERT LAFAYETT'E Pauline Frederick (Herself) "TfHE SCARLET WOMAN" Nights 50c to $2.50; Thursday ,i Saturday Mlats. 50c to $1.50 I NOW! I6 H i Special Anniversary Show. Come to Our First Birthday Party --ON THE STAGE- The Greatest All-Star Stage Show Ever Asebld featuring The Original -44, , iy § ? y$ JOE JACKSON "The Man Who Says Nothing and Does The Most Imitated Pantomine Comedian in Late Star of Ziegfeld Follies EXTRA SPECIAL P EAT .UR%,E -~NICHOLAS BOILA Nothling" the World ~"TaAte l ' ''~ EL HAM1LTON a Qaramount 9icture Belie's in the chorus now! She dances herself away ahead of any picture she's ever made! Still the lovable, loving Bebie, she displays a few new talents in the art of acting. You'll take home a box of chuckles from this new drama of the backstage. When you see Belie mix it up with the Cleopatra of the show, .you'll sit up straight in your seat,. . swift-moving comedy-drama with a startling ending! Presents Star of - "The Student Prince" - New York and London Star of ., NOBODY'S GIRL I LSE MAR VENA 4-, CJI'JA with TOWNSEND & BOLD BAILL1Y ) -7' -A great m eshe< again, . faste N rom va A. -1 in SPRINGTIME ROMANCE" The Critics Say mu" tt love found, losl es of intrigue, o. Your heart wil pe as you follow miance of Ramon axro and R e n Adoree. You'll ga at the climax o the girl on the auction block. ! ~- Vaughn it inl tile found ill beat -- v the - f No- lee sp- of - r I Hear the- Special ANNIVERSARY I IIntroducing a New Michigan Feature FOXNEWS ILSE ,MA RVEN- GA is a true prima donna, beautiful and with a voice You can hardly blame th e Prince for lov- ing this little girl. I LS E MAR VENGA is just the sort of a girl you would THE SHU-- BERTS know how to do those things as you will agree after seeing' ILSE MAR VENGA as KATHIE in the ATasty 'Treat I } S I 11I III fll 1 , 11 11 I i I OVERTURE I