ESTABLISHED 1890 Jr a~t itM owdowmadim MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX. No. "7. ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN. TUESDAY. JANUARY 8, 1929 EIGHT PAGES UL ERI Eao i* . i. e ,;! a S °qt a i" is co SI 3 am 1-23 MICHIGAN GUARD Ohio AR-MI PLAN[[STARS IN PLAY State su HISTORICALIGHT !losing ~Northwe 50 HOUin a Big AFTER 150 HUS ss s 3was a t: TheI SHIP REMAINS IN AIR FOR lead to State Wins Conference GameP ESIDENT Settle Sole Dispute - In Treaty DiscussionMF * I (Bv Associated Press) STON, Ill., Jan. 7d-Ohio T uddenly snapped out of its ways tonight and handed ; NEARLY SEVEN DAYS AND NIGHTS MOTORS FINALLY FAIL. Crew Of Five Apparently In Fine Physical Condition After Gruelling Test (By Associated Pres-) METROPOLITAN AIRPORT, LOS ANGELES, Jan. 7.-The Army's en-j durance flight plane, the Question Mark, glided -o a perfect landing here toda,, at 2:07:01 o'clock afterI a histcr c ana record-smashing flight of a 150 hours, 40 minutes and 15 seconds. The ship flew con- tinuously for nearly seven days and nights following its takeoff here on ! New Year's morning at 7:26:46 o'clock. The end of one of the greatest flights in all aviation history cane after a crew of five weary men had fought constantly againsr time and motors which piled trouble in a heap upon them an hour before landing. Thirty hours before, their work seemed near an end when the motors balked, but the trouble cleared away and the flight went1 on. 1 As though in protest to the great i strain placed upon them, the mo- tors finally sputtered, one went "dead" and with another rapidly failing, they forced the nroe ,f the trouble had been almost negligible. ship earthward: Previous motor bin, wh the firs pile up Northw the bat field gc which o North lified b Ohio S working estern a 31 to 28 trimming g Ten basketball game that [hriller. Buckeye jumped into the some sharpshooting by Er- o caged four field goals in t half. They continued to' their margin until several estern substitutes entered, te and came within two oals of turning the tide, nce seemed hopeless. western's offense was mul-' y frequent fumbles, while tate displayed a smooth attack. i ,l ') i ; OF AMITY HOOVER MAKES N TO PUBLIC CO VOYA CONFERS WIT Former Commerce First Day In V Since Ehe (Bsy Associated Preus) WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-Early R ratification of the Kellogg anti-war treaty appeared as a possibility to- night after a day of conferences had brought an agreement near on th sole dispute in the treaty dis- cussion-whether an interpretation of Americans' rights under the past JO STATEMENT is necessary. The negotations have )NCERNING reached such a stage that late to- GE day Senator Moses, Republican, New Hampshire, the author of the interpretative revolution which has H COOLIDGE been opposed by President Coolidge; announced in the Senate that an head Spends understanding by tomo_'row seemed Washington likely. cction The tentative agreement calls for a report by the foreign relations A Press) Hcommittee stating its interpreta- ran. 7.-Herbert tion of American rights under the st day in Wash- treaty and the transmission of: ^- -.-. this report to the other powers.' (By As.sociatc( WASHINGTON, J Hoover spent his fir WISCONSIN INHARD F[OUGHT GAME Rough Play From Both Teams And Tight Defense From Michigan Marks The Annual Battle Bv Harold Dubinskv, Sports Editor, Daily Cardinal, Madison, Wisconsin MADISON, Wis., Jan. 7-Michigan earned first place in conference standings last night as it defeated Wisconsin, the only undefeated major team in the middle west by a score of 31-23. In the progress of the hard fought game Michigan clearly demonstrated its crushing power with beautiful .long shots and tight defense. Michigan got off to a good lead in the early part of the game making five of their first six shots. At the half the Wolverines ha4 amassed a lead of 19-9, after holding Wisconsin to one basket. A tight defense by Michigan kept Wisconsin from making more than four shots at the basket during the first half. The game was marked by rough play on the part of both teams, and the crowd in the small Badger gym was displeased as the referee made some close decisions. Truskowski with 13 points was the leading individual scorer of both teams. Chapman and Orwig with six points aiecre p- -e wer f '"~ rQ:1"::. . ICHIGAN SEXTET; DROPS PUCK 1TILT Falters In Second Period, To Lose b~efore 'Visiting Ontario Aggies, 5 To 1 IS THIRD STRAIGHT LOSS' Joe Truskowski Whose stellar work at guard Faltering in the second period marked the Michigan-Wisconsin after, holding the visiting puck- basketball game He counted six stere even in the first period of field goals and one free throw, play, the hockey team dropped i's netting a total of 13 points which third consecutive game last night contributed materially to the suc- when the University of Westein cess of his team. Ontario skated it! way to a 5-to-I victory at the Co~seum. The Michigan sextet flashed a strong defense during most of the game, tWo of the Canadian score5 nil TIIIIfl fbeing of a rather flukey nature i owepver_ thn Onri xin St t'c nf ington since his election acquaint- ing President Coolidge with the re- sults of his Latin-American mis-' sion and receiving a barrage of re- Ports and suggestions from friends and Republican party leaders who i called at his temporary headquar- ters at the Mayflower hotel in an! almost steady stream. The president-elect had nothing to say regarding either his White House visit, the conferences he hadj during the forenoon and afternoon. It was stated on his behalf now- ever, that he had entered upon a two or three days period of "li:ten- inn"tnxia i !lnch s oa v ' FINAN'CE MEASURE; Appropriation Makes No Allowance For University Or Hospital Improvements MAY CUT PROPERTY TAXI i I s? 1 ;t t t it ;t jf t II Army Officers Cheer l , ;; o - As the great body of the tri-mo- l . .U . ense clicked reau2ly in the middle tored Fokker, with its shining yel- Uection of th ame and t rdi; low wings, touched earth almust a section of the game and the verdi upon the spot where it. had left so Dramatic Interpreter Will Present With Catain Fiher sick, Joserh many hours before, a cabin door "Peaceful Valley" On Fourth substituted at center for the Mich.- swung open and from it d!)pped Lecture Program Lan leader and turned in a pretty the crew. In the milling crowd of caeaeadtundnartt_ lauging fair exhibition of hockey, leading. they were the calmest of all, broad "EAD OF BOSTON SCHOOL the Wolverine offense and playing smiles spreading across their faces a prominent part in the defensre.I as they heard the accl iinof their Appearing as the fourth numbe: . Wheelwright, Michigan's n e efforts of the 1928-1929 Oratorical associa- goalie, was on the ice. for the first- Not one of the five, though worn tion lecture course. Philelah Rice, time this year. Ilis work was at looking, faltered. Major Carl prominent dramatic interprete,1 times of a high cla ss, Spatz, commanding officer, Captain will present 'Pea.ceful Valley," a Lanoue, the Canadian center.' Ira C. Eaker, Lieutenants Harry A. rural comedy by Edward E. Kidder. boosted his team into an early lec Halverson and Elwood R. Quesada . Thursday night. Jan. 10, in Hill y skating through the Michigan and Staff Sergeant Roy Hooe walk- auditorium. This play which war team 15 seconds after the face cf: ed to a waiting car which carried made famous by Sol Smith Russeti,, nd jamming tbe.puck into the nit them to a hangar and then to +s the play through which, more The two sextets battled furiousl;y Clover Field, Santa Monica, Cal., for than any other, Mr. Rice made a for the rest of the period, but n,) an official physical examination.' reputation, scoring devel.ped until Maney. Just what happened aboard the Rice, who is head of the Boston Michigan left win:g. skated dow Question Mark was told by Lieut. school which bears his name, is the side toward the close of the Quesada in simple words as he styled as a "Monactor," a title that period to even ur the score. lounged in the automobile speeding in itself is as unique and different' Western Ontario Michigan to the medical base. as his art. It is through sheer ar- Bowen........LW.. Schianderer Quesada Tells Story tistry, a background of wide know- 'ieman ........W.........Mane. "Just as I left the controls at edge of the drama, and his inter- LanoueC................Joseph "thisIeftteoonCata esting personality, that makes his Walkem.................Hart o'clock work stand out in' such a big way. Sinclair ......i D.........Bryant' Eaker took the wheel and the left No reader before the, public has, Kress......G .. Wheelwright motor went dead. We sent Sergeant through the acid test of many ap- M'I'ae . . .....ub.....Copela~d Hooe out on the catwalk, but his pearances in all leading centers of, Yeandle;......s ub........Abbot weight was too heavy in the un- culture in the United States over m. stable condition of the Question a long period of years, so conclus- Armstron sub......Courtis Mark. ively proven his right to preemi- Brownsub "We knew then that the flight nence in the field of dramatic in- was over. We tiropped the gas terpretation. F Goal Summary within two or three minutes after Rice is the logical" successor to Firs Period ' Miney we had taken it. Leland Powers, for years the great- 18:05. Second Period: Sinclair "This was not the first trouble. est of all play readers. At his 14:50, Armstrcrg 17:35, Yeandle Saturday night we thought it was death, Rice was chosen to head' 19:51- Third Pe rod: Armstrong all over, all three engines losing the famous Leland Powers school (Lanoue) 18:31. their power. That was fouled spark and only a few years ago resigned Referee, Rousho."ne (Windsor). plugs. We were all ready to end to head his own institution. the flight but finally we cleaned His appearance in Ann Arbor is Police Apprehend that up. It was not necessary for j quite appropriate. He has appeared Fourteen DriversI anyone to go out on the catwalks I here twice, has appeared at Colum- then. The first time during the I bia eleven times, at Dartmouth Fs flight that it was necessary to go five times, at the University of Ar- { Fourteen motorists operating out was at 1 o'clock today when kansas five times, and at a dozen ears with 1928 license plates wer Sergeant Hooe went out to the left other leading American universi- tapprehended Sunday by police wh motor. ties he has been a most popular'! today continued their campaig "It was worse than spark plug I "repeat" number, tained their new tags. trouble this time. It looked like .t heirppewddagg. valves. Shortly after 1 o'clock the Bird Curator Leaves until tonight to obtain new plates right motor began to weaken. Then y and if discovered driving their cars we knew the flight was about to For Field Expedition after this time without the 1929! end." ttags will be placed under arrest and' When the 'plane landed, the left Dr.Jossslyn Va~n Tyne, assistant prosecuted -in court. None of those motor was silent, the right motor curator of birds in the University apprehended Sunday was ordered was functioning, but a stream of oil Museum, andscn of Prof. Van Tyne;into court. started from it and the center mo- of the history department, left r- The sale of license plates dropped tor was able to make but 1500 revo. cently for French Indo-China, be- off sharply at the close of 1928,; lutions a minute. ing granted a year's leave of ab- although a moderate business was sencP to invetima te hirds with the IA~ T -- 1)flC'1 nT n hon-- ng owa isc r ad to say. Asocited Press) ' ". After spending the day at the (By sa*two other factors in the Michigan Mayflower the president-elect re- LANSING, Jan. 7.-An adminis- 'Tvictory. Foster, the giant Wis- turned to his "S" street home for a tration bill covering all state de- I consin center was the leading dinner conference with Senator partments and institutions provid- scorer for his team with seven Curtis of Kansas, Republican leader ing for the appropriation of near- r ipoints. of the Senate and vice-president ly $68,000,000 for the coming bien- LM The second half saw the speedy elect. Senator Curtis will sit in on nium but making no provision for Badger team hitting a fast ace. cabinet meetings during the Hoov -In this period Wisconsin complete- er administration at the invitation building or major improvement atsl of the president-elect exte reed be- the University of Michigan,th Selections Of Girls Glee Club Form:tly outplayed Michigan but were ofth pesdet-let xtndd e-th UivrstyofMihia, the PFart Of Twelfth Radio3 frequently scored upon when they fore the election, hospitals or educational institu- Progra t disregarded defense to press their Many Subjects Covered tions, was submitted to the heads offense. A wide range of subjects were t huOrwig dropped in a basket in the Ao widehrangeaof subjectsiweree covered in the more than a dozen . PROFESSORS WILL SPEAK I first few seconds, and Chapman conferences which the next poen committees today by Governor. followed with another long shot. dent had during the day and eve- Green. Three five-minute talks and a Wisconsin scored a free throw, and ning, running from cabinet and The measure if adopted as it musical program to be given by the iChapman added a free throw for other appointments to the matter stands, will insure a reduction in Girls Glee club will comprise the Michigan. McCoy then made a of the promised extra session of the state property tax in each of the twelfth Michigan Night radio pro- beautiful long shot and Wisconsin seventy-first Congress in the event next two years. however, it conced- gram of the current series which herfollowed with a free throw to make that the present session fails to edly comes far from meeting in- will be broadcast between 7 and 8 the score 7-2. Orwig missed a free enact an adequate program of farm stitutional- needs, as for buildings o'clock Thursday night, Jan. 10, throw and soon after Kowalczy relief legislation. and improvements Governor Green frmtenwMri alsuialso made one for Wisconsin. But impoveent Goernr Geenfrom the new Morris hall studio, McCoy followed with another long If the next president had any has suggested a quasi state income through WJR, the "Good Will Sta- shot and the score was 9-3. comment to make on these sub- tax designed to raise more than tion" of the Richards Oakland jects his callers successfully kept $23,000,000 ifi the next four years. ;Company, DetroitcOKanitz And Orwig Score the fact to themselves. Some of : The appropriation bill contem- 'a De'oidKanitz then made two free them frankly said they did not be- ; plates tax appropriations of $19,- Dr. Udo J. Wile, professor of der- throws. On a rebound Orwig scored lieve Mr. Hoover had made up his, 996,992 the first year and $19,900,- matology and syphilology in the another basket with score at 13-5. own mind regarding the selection 508 the second. The rest of the medical school, will speak on "The Foster then slipped away and put of his official family while others' money would come from fees, the Care of the Skin," Dr. Wile has an in first Badger basket. A technical inclined to the belief that he had corporation tax and other revenues. international reputation as a skin' foul gave Wisconsin another point, formulated at least a tentative Less than $3,000,000 would be specialist and is the author of a but Chapman got away and scored slate. spent in the two-year period from I number of research brochures on for Michigan and soon after Orwig Information Unavailable direct tax revenues for buildings, the subject. and then Truskowski followed with They had no suggestions to offer the state hospitals would be given Prof. Roger L. Morrison, of the two more baskets. Tenhopen made as to what names might be on the only nominal amounts from this College of Engineering, will discuss a free throw making the score sa to u gh opn on e souice for repairs. They, with the the question which will be under 19-9 as the half ended. e tho gh tha Andrew el- University, the Michigan State col- considering of the Michigan Con- Soon after the-half began Chap- ed to be general that Andrew Mel- man scored a free throw. Ellerman ____._--__._.____:;lege, the normal colleges, the state ference on Highway Safety meeting ia crdafe ho.Elra Ion would remain as secretary of---------------------, t public school at Coldwater and the that day, that of "Making Michigan put in the second Wisconsin bas- the treasury and that the attorney College of Mining and. Technology= Driver's Licenses mean something ket, and soon after Truskowski put generalship would be offered to ..try l in- one. Matthusen scored a basket William J. Donovan of New York. must depend on the governor's in- besides registration, possibly driv- on Mattsen scoreda- ak. There were several guesses as to come tax plan, or such other source ing and legal tests." for Wisconsin. Score 24-15. the secretary of state, but admit- of additional revenue as may be The first of a series of talks for Ellerman made a free throw and tedly those who were doing the devised by the legislature and ap- youngsters. upon airplane model Matthusen followed with a basket guessing had -no concrete informa- proved by the governor, or building making will be given by "A. F. (Air for Wisconsin. Truskowski got un- tion. Several names were mention- in these institutions must halt. Flying) Scribe" the nome de- ,der the basket for another - two ed but no new ones were added, the The administration evidently has plume of a graduate student in the pointer and soon after he got a supply seemingly becoming ex- elected to stand or fall on its im- 'School of Education whose articles pass under the basket and unmo- hausted with the roll call of Sena- provement program, with the pro- have been widely published in mag.- lested put in another score. tor Borah of Idaho, Ambassador posal .for new revenues. The build- azines. This talk wil aim for a Wisconsin scored a free throw Dwight W. Morrow to Mexico and ing appropriations made in the ad- better understanding by Qlder folks and as the fight became tighter Ambassador Henry Fletcher to ministration bill providing for the of young peoples interest in air- Miller put in a basket for Wiscon- Italy. expenditure are few. plane models and what this interest sin. Chapman snared a' basket -_means to the field of education. with the aid of a long pass down "Rainbow's End" Company Doffs Grease Paint The Girls Glee club, under the the floor -as the game ended, 31-23. direction of Nora Crane Hunt, of' Lineup and box-score: After Two Weeks Of Praised Performances the University School of Music, will ! Michigan (31) FG FT P Dpresent a series of selections both Kanitz f ................ 0 2 2 Doffing their grease paint, fem- Philadelphia and New York per-of a classical and popular nature. Rose f .................. 0 0 0 inine attire, chaps arid boots, or 1 formances of the opera were a Dorothy P. Wilson, spec., will pre- Orwig f..............3 0 4 simply- an oficis appearance number of representatives of the sent. three solos. June Marshall, Chapman c...........2 2 3 simply an ocious pp rn Schuberts, well known theatrical '29, and Retta McKnight, SM, will' McCoy g........... 2 0 1 gained while the producers. Included among their be the accompanists. Truskowski g..........6 1 2 r of many of tne iargest theaters 0f representatives at the Philadelphia the country (depending on their performance was Roy Hoyer who Totals...............13 5 12 functions in the show) members of originated many of the dances in Commence Alteration Wisconsin (23) FG FT P the company of "Rainbow's End," "Rainbow's End." Incidentally, 'rFoster f .................. 3 1 3 Of Ijall For Museum: ehpni......... 23rd annual Mimes of the Michi- Hoyer is now playing the juvenile, Tenhopen f ............ 0 0 4 gan Union opera, returned to Ann lead in "Angela," one of the popu- -Miller f................. 1 0 0 Arbor by their special train Sun- lar shows on Broadway in New Work has begun on the renovat- Matthusen f............ 2 0 1 day morning, a tired but happy York. ing of Newberry hall which will be Kowalczyk c ............. 0 3 0 group of 110. Elaborate entertainment was converted into an archaelogy mu- Chmielewski g ........... 0 3 1 Success greeied Ihe actors wher- provided in every city by alumni seum. The rooms of the lower Ellerman g .............. 1 2 0 ever they went; packed houses were and friends of the University. floor are being painted, but no Fraber g............... 0 0 0 often the case despite the serious Many of the most popular and actual remodeling is being done. I Dpyle g................0 0 1 effects of the influenza on many of finest of the country's clubs and Modern dustproof cases have been +vA 1P.,-ii, thpntripn1 enternrises hntals were thrown onen to the : ordered and will be installed as I Totals ................. 7 9 10