FRIDAY; " DECEMBER 21, Mg- THE. MlIiA 4 DATE"' I- M iOIW 1 M "WON WNN M lnnc'iErn WILL MEETI CHAMPIONSHIP BOUTS ARE HELD IN IIv1In WIL L M[[I' A LL-C AMPUS W REST LING T OURN2Y Swim Squad To Meet; THREE TILTS Cleveland Natators ON VARSITY ARE CARD With only two r lineup, Walter, cen E'hall, floor guard, downed the highly NOTRE DAME TONIQ Coeah Dean Drills Indiana Five offense For Use Against (Continued From Page Six) I was particularly hard fought. At advantage swayed back and forth I the end of the regular eight min- with both men showing some good utes both wrestlers had a time wrestling, and finally Kelly man- advantage of two minutes with no 01 aged to put his shorter adversary difference which is needed to win. on the mat for a period long Sigerfoos won the toss and chose enough to win by a fall in 6 min- to go below in the first two min- egulars in the ter, and Mar-' the Wildcats ADVERTISING touted Notre I Tuesday night. NOTICE (Continued From Page Six) Dame five, 18-14. (Continued From Page Six) opposition of the week. A 40-yard free style race for girls . The Purple squad' includes five is also listed while the C. A. C. lettermen from last year, Walter, junior dash championship races Marshall, Gleickmann, Mundy, and will be held. Haas. The latter three have been . i I CHRISTMAS GIFTS Burr, Patterson 0% A 12 it If, I j_utes and 45 seconds. . utes overtime period, but immedi- - -Iout with influenza for the past & Aul Ray Parker, ex-Wolverine foot- ately wiggled out of Thrush's hold. Subscribe to the Michigan Daily, week, but are expected to be ir Church at ' ball player, won the 158 pound When the second period cane$4.00 a year. I shape for the Michigan tilt. title from Burleson with a time ad- around, Thrush went on the mat, (Special To nheIVy) vantage of 2 minutes and 45 scc- and could inot break away, so was .LOOMINGTON, Ind., Dec. 20. onds. Both wrestlers showed all defeated by an advantage of nearly -wuilding an offense powerful t heir power in this match and two minutes. B enough to evade the strong Notre were visibly tiring when the timer The last match brought together Dame defense has been the prob- called the match to an end. two heavyweights, Hager and lem of Coach Everett S. Dean, In- Sigerfoos 'takes Title Sornson. Hager continued his diana net mentor, as he prepares The only match which had to go streak of falls by defeating his op- ______ his Scrapping Hoosiers for their into an overtime period before a pohent in one minute and 10 see- - _ _._______ first foreign invasion Friday night, decision could be reached was in onds. This fall came as somewhat when they play the Irih at South the 165 pound class between Siger- of a surprise, as the men had been Bend. foos and Thrush. This match was about even up to the very tinme uf Starting the season with 18 reg- marked by some roughness and the fa l ular squad men back from last season, Coach Keogan, Notre Dame mentor, has placed one of the strongest teams in the mid-West on the court. Smith, a husky all- Western guard, will undoubtedly furnish the Hoosiers considerableV trouble. He is the backbone of the Irish defense, and in addition isT a strong cog in the offensive at- ULGEI tack. Crow, an all-state forward, is small, Buth as a dead eye for the basket. He is the high scor- Notre Dame Has Veterans f Donovan at floorguard, Colerick at center, and Jachym at forward are other members of the regular outfit. All five men are veterans. WISHES YOU A Smitih and Jachym serve as cap- tains of the Notre Dame team. Se tIlSic r Indications are that the game M R Y C R I S T tm.A - will pe one of the most difficult ap reciation of t e on on the Hoosier card. a It is thought that the members; AND As of the Indiana regular quintet whoA NDaAeb a c liyrO n eydawill y have been hampered by bad colds and influenza will be in condition for the game with Notre Dame. If HAPPY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR not, Dean will be forced to use recruits. Strickland, high scoringh forward, was used only a few min- i utes in the Pennsylvania game.! His absence was very conspicuous in both the offensive and defen- sive play of the Hoosiers. Will Be Oper r VU Subscribe to the Michigan Daily, $4.00 a year. ON STATE STREET ~f _______________ ' 4 Y 4t.- 1 I -l . ~ "*-_____ ____ _____ ___M_____ ____ dCo. South U BE4L oit, A MAN NOTICE-During the Christmas Vacation the "Michigan Diner," 502 E. William St., will serve breakfast from 7: 0 to 10 A.M. Short orders at noon and dinner from5 to 7 P.M. Closed Christ- mas day. 76; MACK TUTORING AGENCY 310 So. State. Phone 7927 T. T. F. c PIANO TUNING--The Concert Arc- ist Piano Tuner, phone 6776. Vic- tor Allmendinger. Not with any music house. Exclusive piano tuner for the University School of Music. Office at residence, 1608 Morton. Ave.. Wed., Thu.. Fri. c NOTICE-We. are closing out our full line of Dresses and Wardrobe Trunks at cost. Koch & Henne. c NOTICE-Dial 3916, Moe Laundry, 204 N. Main St., for laundry ser- vice with real personal attention like received at home. c TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9387. C TYPEWRITER S E R V I C E--New Corona, Royal, Underwood, Rem- ington portables, also used large and portable typewriters of all makes bought, sold,: rented, ex- changed, cleaned, repaired. Large stock, best service, considerate prices. Phone 6615. O. D. Morrill 17 Nickels Arcaae. c NOTICF-1 W. Clark Shoe Fac . tory, corner of South University and Forest. Let us save you 20 percent on your repair work. Qnly one shoe factory in town RIDING BOOTS from $10 up; golf shoes from $8 up; moccasins in ten different leather styles, $6 All kinds of shoes made to your measure.-H. W. Clark. C NOTICE-Room and board for eight during Christmas vacation. The Grey Shop, Dail 7490. 74,75,76 NOTICE - Person who exchanged slickers in Tappan hall Monday please call Fauster at 4017 or 5591. 74,75,76 LOST ts* tkat EFfG LOST-Gray leather purse con- taining papers, valuable only to owner. Call 2-1114. Reward. 76 LOST-Thursday noon Amber choker. State, Liberty, Main or Williams St. Call 8638. Reward. 76 L O S T - Fraternity pin between State and Washtenaw Tuesday. Name Marcus .Cunningham en- graved on back. Reward. Call 6517. 75,76 LOST-A small-size left hand buckskin glove somewhere be- tween Waterman Gym and cor. South University, on Thursday afternoon. Phone 6617. LOST-French bull terrier. Lost five :weeks. White breast, four white feet, bob tail. License No. 847. Telephone 6589 after 6. Reward. 74,75,76 WANTED WANTED-Students . wanted for special campaign during Christ- mas vacation. Salary and bonus. Prefer students with some sales experience. - Call or write But- terick Reading Club, 820 Trans- portation Bldg., Detroit. 76 FOR SALE FOR SALL-Cadillac sedan, 7 seats -in good condition. $160.00, 1111 S. State St. 74,75,76 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Large attractive room for two girls, steam heat, shower. Also garage. Also accommoda- tions during vacation. Dial 8544. 422 East Washington. 75,76 the wuth Commerce, Want Ads Pay 1 I i t! I I t I WJ A majority of the beacon lights used in airport and airway illumination have been designed and manu. factured by the General HE air map of America is now in the making=on the ground. Ten years ago, there were 218 miles of air mail routes with two station stops; to-day, a network of sky roads bridges the country from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. Can you imagine this growth without electricity-without illuminated airports-.-without trunk lines studded with electric beacons? Men of vision are building for increasing traffic of the air. Soon, the skies will be filled with commerce. London Man Gives Cool Tip Smokers Here London, England 80th December, 1927 Larus & Bro. Co., Ptichmond, Va.,,, U. S. A. Gentlemen: As my Christmas present I pur- chased for myself a pound of your to- bacco (Edgeworth). in 2/ lb. flat tins. This morning on the tram I met a man with whom I am onlyslightly acquaint- ed, and filling my pipe produced your tin, at which he exclaimed: "I am not a pipe smoker, but occasionally I have a try in that direction and f consider that the tobacco in your hand is the finest made." I