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December 21, 1928 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-12-21

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FALLS ARE NMEROUS Varsity Quintet To Play Three Games During I
Woodard And Stanchfield Take STRONG DEFENSE IAre Listed On High ILLRIGSCRITICISM ITU
Boits Of Afternoon Statistics show that Michigan, in nirti+A1UT uaAssciaeE dN ,cs ec.
Tilts IOfMAst exng [ndn hePnslvnaqune! L L ND NATATOR S SholCourt Squad lAtM 1M T, rLt!S U T {POIJGHPEEPSIE N Y, Dec 20:P R
a 34-21 beating last Saturday night -West Point's eligibility rules in
KELLY WINS OVER BENZ in the field house, considerably out- ~-~IB Ass'cimwd mess, football, which kept the Army
played the Eastern Intercollegiate Wolverines To Invade Cleveland DETROIT, Dec. 20.-Michigan lunior Varsity Will Make load from meeting Navy this year on the Court S
Wrestling champions of the Uni- champions both in the matters of Athletic Club Pool On high school basketball teams will Trip During First Week gridiron, were criticized here last Fo
versity of Michigan were decided getting and sinking tries at the Saturday Night get in their final contests before Of New Year I night be Representative Hamilton
yesterday afternoon when the fi- basket. the Christmas recess this week-end, --- Fish, Jr., as "undemocratic and
nals ofthe all-Campus meet were The Quakers were held to 43 TWELVE WILL MAKE TRIP with several games of more than TEAM TO BE WEAKENED unsportsmanlike." JNRT
run off at they ordinary pre-season importance,;_?__ The criticism, made by the one-
ing. Five of these matches were sank seven for an average of 16 Boasting a strong contingent of scheduled, hs time-all-American Harvard tackle
won by falls, while in 'only one of per cent. Not only did the Wol- swimmers, the Cleveland Athletic Benton Harbor, apparently head-i While the Varsity playshost at the Eastman college football Retur
the remaining bouts was it neces- verines gain more chances, taking club tank team will play host to ing for a good season will enter- Penn State, Cornell, and North dinner, was coupled with the hope day va
siry to call an overtime period. n even 50 tries at the basket, but the Michigan natators Saturdayta Lindblom High of Chica western during the first week of that West Point "would step down" cage s
The bouts were fast and clean and their shooting was more effective, night at the Cleveland Athletic Friday night while it nigo he New Year, Coach Courtwright's from its position and permit the practice
the tme. clubThe eet ill e th Friay nghtwhil itsneighbor, "B" team will handle the traveling two service teams to resume theirthe
kept the large crowd on edge all 11 of the tosses counting for an club pool. The meet will be the St. Joseph, meets an old rival in end of the Wolverine assignment, seannua t am e thre eI
the time. !average of 22 per cent. Michigan last one for the Wolverines before Three. Rivers, on the latter's floor, the Junior Varsity being slated to" annual football gamed the firs
The first match of the day was also held an edge in free throws, they disband for the Christmas Soe A an M en t o "The Navy has adopted the three Pennd
between the 115 pounders with Ru- sinking 12 out of 19 tries for an vacation. Saginaw Meets Owosso vade Alma and Mt. Pleasant on year rule along with other colleges," slated t
bin and Dalrymple opposed to each average of 63 per cent, while Coach A squad of twelve men have been Sagm aw Eastern is scheduled to h successive nights, Jan. 3 and 4. said Mr. Fish, "and was able this while th
other. Rubin started too fast for Nichols' quintet garneied 7 out of selected by Coach Matt Mann tonieet a Class B opponent Friday The Alma five is expected to pro- year to defeat Princeton and Penn- will i
his opponent and pinned his 12 chances for a 55 per cent aver- oppose the Cleveland club. Head-i his team to Owosso. Pontiac will either of the Reserves' first two op- in the east." verines'
shoulders to the mat in 2 minutes age. ed by Captain Dick Spindle, the I . M P1 ' Albs wop-nheet.eres
and 45 seconds. --- ---- rest of the men who will make the' play at Royal Oak, and Highland ponents, Mt. Pleasant and Albion The I
Steinke Wins trip are: Hubbell, Merts, Beebe !Park is to journey to Port Huron. who fell before the "B" team by the yea
Tu dd i TVry10 Walker, Walaitis, Grimshaw, Sea Another contest of considerable in- scores of 28-18 and 45-12 respec- texIpP
The next bout ended in a victory. QO T akeWatiso,GRif saidGodSea etwllb-hepc N n unnfast ex
which brought the 175-pound title HLL I j J PHU ger, Ault, terest will be the invasion of Jack- tively. Coach Courtwright will be I Wolveri
to Al Steinke. This match alsoW ismith. The squad will leave Sat son, runnerup for the state title handicapped by the fact that reports.
endlStned itiasallas h xgidr~ M [V~rtcheaUso o ad.illo'loavoe Sa meeeigturswl ealet eotwt u 972
hadd hih apponetos the maxin-g F U~ II Il , urday morning last year, by Detroit Central, the neither Lytle or Engelman, regular includes
same evnn, il ealet eopponent on the mat in- the Union. meeng.urdwlbebetorptwth12-8
side of 4 minutes. Steinke had the ! Molitor Leads C. A. C. There will be considerable ac- the rest of the Junior Varsity for also ha
advantage most of the time and Don Molitor, captain of the tivity in the Grand Rapids sector practice on Dec. 26, and will have I1to rank
well deserved his victory. (Spial To ' C A. C. tank squad and one of with five teams scheduled to play. to choose two substitutes to work George Herman Ruth and Henry best tur
One of the two best bouts of IOWA CITY, Ia., Dec. 20.-Olymp- the leading breast strokers in the The feature event should be the with Wenstei and Downing, reg- Louis Gehrig, batterng rams i years.
the afternoon was shown when the ic experience gained in the inter- East, is expected to furnish plenty meeting of Catholic Central and ular forwards, and Dougal center. the powerful New York Yankee C
finalists of the 125-pound division, national games at Amsterdam last of competition for the Wolverines. Union, on the latter's floor. Cres- New Men To Play attack, led the American league in Thec
nHe holds the club record for the ton, one of the strongest teams in Den Bleyker, Murphy, Burke, runs batted in during the last will en
Stanhfield and Imfield match- summer will aid three athletes now20 d bro t the city last season, will meet Ot- Bauer, Glocheski, and Dolinsky campaign. Although Gehrig bat- next ni
e tricks. tahfie oustok the beginning preparation for the w20yr b re st oke . tawa Hills. Tech is to entertain will probably all be given a chance ted .374 and Ruth only .323, both better t
offensive at the very outset of the will be his opponent. tawaer t
match, but Immerman's quickness Western conference indoor track Alan Seager and Frank Walker, Middleville and east Grand Rapids at the guard positions against the were tied at 142 runs In Cap
and cleverness saved him from be- and field championships at the Wolverine free stylers, will con- goes to Sparta. strong Alma five, which was one Seven players including the two Lewis, c
ing inne. Asthesnath enedof the leaders in the M. I. A. A. anks drove in more than 100
inU pinned. As the match ended. University of Iowa March 8 and 9 tend for honors against Marc Hot- Two Tilts On Saturday 1IF , ea s
y; 7 n"f n _n o rro~ eran s

quad T oo R esum e Pra ktie
flowing Christmas Day
After Short Layoff
ning Dec. 26 after a five
cation, Michigan's Varsity
quad will start intensive
in preparation for the
hard games scheduled fog
t week of the New Year.
State and Cornell being
o come here Jan. 1 and 2,
he strong Northwestern five
nvade the field house
ays later to open the Wol-
Conference season.
Varsity's third opponent of
r, Penn State, will bring a
erienced squad against the
nes, according to advance
The Nittany Lions' five
four regulars from the
quintet, while the invaders
ve sufficient reserve power
their five as one of the
ned out by State in recent
ornell Above Average
Cornell aggregation, which
igage the Varsity on the
ght, is also reported to be
han the average Red team.
tain Layton, forward, and
center, Cornell has two vet-
harpshooters who can be

Stanchfield had a time advantage
of 46 seconds when an advantage
of 45 seconds is necessary to Win,
This match was very good and the
decision just about shows Stanch-
field's advantage.
Woodard Gains Fall
The next match between Cran-
age and Woodard in the 135-pound
class rivaled its predecessor in in-
terest. It was not decided until
there was 10 seconds of time left
in the regular period. Then Wood-
ard pinned his opponent's should-
ers to the mat and took the title.
Both men were very near a fall
during the bout, and the crowd was
kept in breathless suspense during,
the entire match.
Another fine match followed
these two when Kelly and Benze
met in the 145-pound division. The
(Continued on Page Sevent

The trio is George H. Baird and; kins and Dick Morgan, while Jim-
Thetri isGeoge . Birdandmie House of Yale, a star backa
Edward L. Gordon of Iowa, and I , u1o Yl, tr ak
dwad Lordo of Iowa y and stroker, will appear against Cap-
David Abbott of Illinois. They are t ain Spindle and Hubbell.
the only Big Ten Olympic athlete§; Godsmithl aes squad
still in intercollegiate competition. Goldsmith aes of
As a relay runner in Amsterdam Goldsmith, a member of the
and London, Baird turned in two Michigan squad and making the
great races last summer. He ran trip, has a rather unusual record.
gra re lastf psmmer.n eanth His attempts to make the tank
in the lead-off position on the team as a free styler failed because
American team which won the! of his so'sedadh a u
Olympic 1,600-meter championshipoffhes slow speed and he was cut
in world's record-breaking time, offthe list. However, he request-
ind wordasrrcordtekigti44e- ed to be given a time trial in the
and oand also raced the first 440- i breast stroke events and his un-
yards on the Yankee team which usual good has earned him a place.
cracked the world's mark for the The program for Saturday night
one-mile relay in London. lists a number of exhibition events
The Hawkeye enters his senior besides the regular races. There
year of competition with two Big will be a diving exhibition by Rose'
Ten titles and a record to his cred- Bozcek, national high board div-
it. He was outdoor quarter mile ing champion, who will be assisted
champion in 1927 and made an in- 3 by Alan Schoeller and Mary Geizy.
door record of :50 1-10 last March. (Continued on Page Seven) I

Conference iastyear, while ap-
Two contests are listed for Sat- proximately the same lineup is ex-
urday night. Detroit Northern pected to start against Mt. Pleas-
will play Ole Olsen's Banters, and ant on the following night.
Kalamazoo Central will play host i In the first Mt. Pleasant game
to Allegan.ethe Reserves had the advantage of
Unless the flu epidemic pre- playing against a tired team while
vents, the upper peninsula will see fresh, the Varsity substitutes hav-
three games, all of them on Fri- ing played the first half which
day night. Munising is to play at ended with the Wolverines leading
Sault Ste. Marie, Republic will go by a single point, 12-11.
to Michigamme and Escanaba will Freshmen Triumph
see a home talent production when The Junior Varsity closed prac-
St. Joseph's meets Escanaba High. tice until after Christmas with a
scrimmage with the freshmen yes-
BATTLE CREEK - The Battle terday afternoon, two complete
Creek professional basketball five teams of both yearlings and re-
will open its season Saturday night serves seeing action during the
against the Buffalo Lincolns. game, which resulted in a 22-201
victory for the freshmen after an
DETROIT-John Ryan, U. of D. overtime period.
tackle, has been declared ineligible!
because of previous competition in Subscribe to the Michigan Daily,
Texas 1 $4.00 a year.
{ ~--- -I

Your Club



"" U ~IA&&& Afl

in Detroit
The Savoy
I have set aside an en-
tire floor in the Savoy,
for Michigan men.
An old--time student of
thle U. of M. myself, I
know the need for such
a headquarters, and I
am very happy, indeed,
to be able to provide it
-and to give Michigan
men the benefit of a
20 Percent
Reduction in Rtates.
Paul iJamper, Pres.

f rGiw/eiin g


M IDST the hustle and bustle attend-
Ant upon the holiday season, we pause
to assure you of our deep appreciation
of your friendliness during the passing
year. May your Christmas be a joyous
one. May the New Year bring you
health and prosperity.



. I N.L

Walk-Over Shop
115 S. Main

...,. . .. e:.., . t..,,w

To all of our friends and customers
we extend outr
AT~.YtoT TT n" A MT~I A T-% T-

tuns duLI tine 1'-game scneU- counted upon to connect with the
ule. Meusel was third with 113 u basket frequently, while, Stein,
runs, thus pemitting three New veteran back guard who, was men-
York batters to top the list. Man- tioned on several All-Eastern
ush, ex-Detroit star and at present teams, will bolster the Red defense.
i Brown, was responsible for 108 h the first tilt of the year the
tallies while Simmons of the Ath- Cornell five, although handicapped
letics was one run behind Manush. by the absence of Lewisregular
Hellmann, dependable Tiger club- center, succeeded in spoiling Ni-
ber, finished in a tie with Sim- agara's winning streak, 28-24.
mons, Goslin, the leading batter, Lewis, Murphy and Captain Lay-
was the seventh member driving in ton were all on the injured list, but
over a 100 runs, his record being the latter recoveredin time to play
"wo over the century mark. most of the game and garner five
Joe Sewell, Cleveland shortstop, baskets and a free throw for high
further enhanced his reputation as scoring honors. Cornell displayed
s hard man to fan when he led the I an excellent offense against the
league for the third year in leastNate nst
Strike outs. Sewell fanned but Niagara eam.
nine times, but even this mark was Purple Is Strong
almost double his last year's rec- Northwestern will invade the
rd. Ruth, as usual got the most field house on Jan. 5 to provide the
walks, 135, with blue, St. LouisVarsity cagers their third strong
vetting 105 passes. (Continued on Page Seven)
THAT You and
Yours May Have
Good Health,
oo Cheer
/Frosperity or
Christmas and
The New Year
Is the
Hope of -
Greenwod an Kilore



Sleason's Qreetings
W ITH deepest appreciation, we thank
the great student body for their
splendid recognition of our Store during
the year just passing, and extend to all, our
sincerest wishes for a New Year of great
happiness and great prosperity.

Woodward at Adelaide


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