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veIs Subect Of Senate Lands Committee Reports
Speech Suggesting Possible In Favor Of Accepting
Rem edieg'<-ss" 'Coolidge Nominee
Featured by a musical program; (y Associated Prescs)
constig of hits frm the 23rd WASHINGTON, Dec. 20.-Con-
Michigan Union Opera, "Rainbow's, gress today found a place, side by,
End" and a talk on "The Increase { side, for the Kellogg treaty to re-
in Divorce-its Causes and some nounce war and the naval cruiser'
Possible Remedies" by Prof. Evans building bill.
Holbrook of the law school, the Beginning Jan. 3, both will be
eleventh Michigan Night radioBi taken up under an agreement to:
program of the current series was let each have a show each day.-
broadcast between 7 and 8 o'clock This compromise, reached after I
last night. The program, which much parliamentary dickering to-
was put on the air from the new day cleared the calendars of big
Morris hall studio located at State Senator G. A, Nye controversial issues and gave an
and Jefferson streets, was sent independent Republican chair- outlook for a peaceful two days on
through WJR-WCX, the "Good- man of the Senate lands commit- Capitol hill before adjournament
Will Station" of the Richards Oak- tee, who is preparing to fight for the Christmas recess.
land Company, Detroit. President Coolidge's appointment Both the Senate and House put
The musical selections werepre- of Roy O. West to the Interior post i through appropriation bills during
sented by the singing chorus of the in his cabinet. the day-the Senate passing the1
show, consisting of about fifty $285,000,000 interior department
members of the University Glee measure, with its funds for many
club, the cast, and the regular ULIVIA -ARAGUuY western reclamation and irrigation
choruses. Opening the programH projects, The House made short +
with the theme song of the show, pro The Hous mde short
"Raibow' End wih th leaingwork of the bill providing $112,-
ma "in ey'Strdaihte.,eading-000,000 for the departments of the
man "Sidney Straight, Spec., as sostate, justice, labor and commerce.
loist, all of the popular hits of the 13-Month Calendar Urged
production were presented.. The A few committees were in ses-
program was an introductory one Conflicting Nations Show Tendency sion, but no proposed legislation of
to the annual road tour which will To Respect Mandates Of major importance was passed to
start today, playing in twelve of Peace Conference the Senate or the House by them.
the leading cities of the East and George Eastman and a group back-
SolodByeWest.I KELLOGG SEES SOLUTION ing the move for a 13 months cal-
Solo By Brown endar argued their case before the
Following the theme song, (By Associated Press) House foreign affairs committee.
with the choruses supporting Otto'WASHINGTON, Dec. 20.-Al They would have 13 months of 28
Brown, Spec., in his solo. The other though replies from Bolivia and Pa- days each. The Senate lands com-
numbers included, "If a Girl Like raguay as to exact conditions under mittee formally reported the nomi-'
You," "The Song of the Cowboys," which they are willing to submit nation of Roy O. West as secretary
"I Can't Believe It," and "Myxi- their controversy to conciliationj of interior, but Mr. West faces a
cana." The first three were written have not yet reached Washington, fight for his office in the Senate
by Tedwar _H ryman, Grad., whilen Secretary of State Kellogg is con- because of his former holdings in
"Mexicana" was wHiten by William fident that all danger Of hostilities the Instill utilitiescompany.
M xy Lewis, '29. between them is over.
The choruses are under the ,'i- Further steps in the conciliation WASHINGTON,' Dec. 20.-The
rection of Theodore Harrison, head proceedings which the Pan-Ameri- nomination of Roy O. West of Chi-
of the voice department of the can arbitration conference have cago as secretary of interior, was
School of Music, while the Opera undertaken are awaiting the an- presented to the Senate today with
orchestra, composed of 25 members, swers of the two disputing coun- a favorable report from its lands
was directed by Roy Langham, '30. tries to a questionnaire cabled committe but consideration of the
Unlike most of the University them yesterday. This communica- nomination will be deferred until
programs, only one speaker was tion asked their' views as to the after the holidays.
heard in place of y the usual four. exact questions in dispute and their The final vote of the committee
Professor Holbrook, who is well- desires as to the composition of for West stood 9 to 4. Chairman
known in alumni circles, spoke on the court to adjudicate the con- Nye completed a poll today of
the great increase in the number troversy. members who were not present;
of divorces during the past fifty Secretary Kellogg, however, feels yesterday when the vote was 7 to I
years, the causes of the movement, that both nations already have 3, for the nominee. Of those ab-
and its possible remedies. shown their willingness to submit sent at that time, Senators Smoot,
"Since this problem has become the matter to peaceful solution by Utah, and Dale, Vermont, Repub-
very acute, thousands of sermons their acceptance of the good offices licans, voted for West, while Dill,
have been preached, thousands of of the arbitration conference and Democrat, Washington, opposed
editorials and articles have been also by the instructions of the two hDto p
printeddeploring the great in-. countries to their forces on the Independents To Fight
crease in the divorce rate, attempt- frontier to avoid further activities Republican independents head-
ing some explanatiors of its rapid which might lead them into clashes e id by Senator Norris of Nebraska
growth and seeking some remedies with one another. and Senator Nye, are prepared to
for what nearly all consider to be A move to have Secretary Kel- renew their light against West
a serious evil in our social scheme," logg, as chairman of the arbitra- when his nomination comes up in
he said. "One of the first reactions tion conference, undertake the the Senate. They will base their
to the problem is this: there is an conciliation of the Paraguayan- opposition on the fact that the
evil in the great mcrease of di- Bolivian controversy also, has been interior secretary, who is a mem-
vorce; discouraged by the Washington ber of the federal water power
accordance with law; therefore government which held that united commission, is a former investor in
the evil may be cured by changing action in this direction by repre- the Samuel Insull power utility
the law. This is a typical Ameri- sentatives of several Americancompanis which have petitions
can reaction: if something is go~ states would exert much more in~ pending for water power licenses.
ing on which meets with disap- jluences on both disputing coun- On his second appearance before
proval, "there ought to be a law tries the committee yesterday, Mr. West
against it. It also was argued that a con- volunteered, in view of the opposi-
"It is more sensible, however, to ciliating commission on which va- n to him on tis groundto
look deeper into the problem and rious American republics were rep- withdraw participation in any do-
to ask two questions: first, have resented would be more in har- visions before the commission af-
there been any changes in the law mony with Pan-American ideals. eing petitions of the Insul com-
which make it easier to get di- The United States, however, has fectingpetitconstoftehexcnonfb gco-P-
vorces? and second, are there not every expectation of beinig repre- ep.epoms o ohr
other causes-outside of changes i sented on the conciliating con-' Despite the promise of anot er
in divorce legislation-which may mission when it eventually shall fight, friends of the secretary are
account for the great increase be constituted. confident ntof winning his confirma-
in divorce rate? The arbitration conferences ac-' tion. Pesident Coolidge likewise i
"On the first point, the changes tivities toward the conclusion of showing interest in the Senate
that have been made in divorce the multilateral treaties of arbitra- consideration of his cabinet se-
(Continued On Page 3) ;tion and conciliation for which it lection and before the committee
was assembled, were in the mean- voted yesterday he called in Chair-
Jack W ill Ad dress, time progressing actively today. man Nye to discuss the situation.
Opera Cast Will Visit Historic Spots
Of Interest In Washington
And Philadelphia
Leaving on the annual tour of
the Michigan Union Mimes opera,
members of the "Rainbow's End"I
company will take their special4
train for Toledo at 4:15 o'clock thisj
afternoon. More than 110 will
make the trip, including cast,!
chorus, committees, and persons in
executive capacities. The tour will
be under the management of Dal-
ton D. Walper, '29, general chair-
man and Hayes T. Meyers, '30, per-
sonal representative of Paul Buck-
ley, treasurer of the opera and
general manager of the Union.
Eight cars comprise the special
train. After the performance at
the Rivoli theater in Toledo, the
itinerary is as follows:
Cincinnati, Taft auditorium, Sat-
urday, Dec. 22; Philadelphia, Aca-
demy of Music, Monday, Dec. 24;
New York City, Metropolitan Opera
House, Tuesday, Dec. 25; Buffalo,
Consisitory, Wednesday, Dec. 26,
Cleveland, Public auditorium, Dec.
27; Detroit, Orchestra hall, Dec. 28,1
29, and 31; Saginaw, The Auditor-
ium, Jan. 1; Lansing, Strand thea-
ter, Wednesday, Jan. 2; Grand
Rapids, Regent theater, Thursday,
Jan. 3; Chicago, Auditorium thea-1
ter, Thursday, Jan. 4; and Kala-
mazoo, High School auditorium,
Saturdav. Jan .5.
Now that the last day of sessionsEhas arrived The Daily can
take time off to acknowledge a few things and to pay a few com-
pliments. Like all student publications it always claims the right
to be a bit radical, a bit unthinking, and a bit presumptuous. It
cheerfully acknowledges that this has been the case during the
last few days, which means that no one in a sane mind really want-
ed school to close early, especially if he had considered at all that an
early closing would have meant in all probability the attach-
ing of days of vacation somewhere along the line-days that would
have been much harder to fill out than these last have been. The
agitation through these columns for an early closing of school on
account of the supposed epidemic of influenza was in truth only an
extension of the Toasted Rolls column, and it is truly believed that
the greater part of the student body has taken it as such. Very
few projectscould have morenappeal to the undergraduate mind
than the conducting of a campaign to lock the classroom doors,
especially when there was not a chance in a thousand that the end
would be accomplished. So much for this.
The Daily wishes to compliment the Health Service, however,
for the apt way in which it refused to be taken in, for its cheer-
fulness in the face of a barrage of telephone calls, and for the
efficiency it has displayed in handling the wave of real and psychol-
ogical illness that has swept the campus in the last week or so. It
is sincerely desired that there will be no hard feelings because of
the episode.
To the doctors and nurses who stopped the running noses of
the campus, to those who in some official capacity spent consider-
able time during the last few days in saying over the telephone
"No, school will not close!", and, then to everybody in general-
The Daily wishes a Merry Christmas.
The Managing Editor.
Residences Ornamented With Flags
As Newspapers Devote Space
To President-Elect
(By Associated Press)
RIO DE JANEIRO, Dec. 20.-Rio
de Janeiro was ready tonight for
its welcome tomorrow to Herbert
Hoover when he arrives aboard the
U. S. S. Utah.
The Stars and Stripes seemed to
be everywhere, while private
homes, business blocks, and streets
i 41,molvn Krlh pp b decrated
N~va L, cx. -tnemseives na ueen uui u
Special Entertainment with the entwined colors of Brazil
Special entertainment will be and its northern neighbor in an-{
provided for members of the com- y ticipation of the arrival of the'
pany in all of the cities visited. So- president-elect of the sister re-
cial leaders and alumni of the Uni- public.
versity have planned a great va- The front pages of afternoon
riety of social functions to keep papers today were devoted entirely
the "show-girls" and the rest of to the photographs of Mr. Hoover
the company well-entertained.. and his family, the house where he
In Cincinnati, a breakfast dance was born and of the White House,
with prominent debutantes as his next residence.
hostesses will take place in the Octavio Mangabeira, Brazilian!
Club Chatterbox, Sinton hotel. foreign minister, conferred with
Following the performance, an- I the newspapermen of the city this
other dance at the Sinton hotel is afternoon and told them that their
planned. The company will leave I treatment of the newspapermen
Cincinnati at 2 o'clock that morn- who will be with Mr. Hoover will
ing to spend the Sunday interven- be second in importance only to
ing between scheduled perform- the reception given the president-
ances in Washington, D. C. A sight- elect himself.
seeing trip in the capitol city will The Utah's voyage from Monte-
occupy the attention of the com- video this far has been in ideal
pany. weather with a smooth, deep blue
Arriving in Philadelphia, the y sea adding a touch of beauty to
opera will have breakfast at the the journey.
Pennsylvania Athletic club, where -
dinner will also be served. In the
afternoon buses will be at the club Night Mail Crashes
to take the members of the com- In Heart Of Village
pany to Valley Forge and points of
interest around Philadelphia. Plane Out Of Control In Storm;
Stop At Pennsylvania Pilot Killed And Mail
New York city will be the scene Cargo Burned.
of the next day's activities. The
day will begin with a breakfast at (1y Associated Pres)
the Pennsylvania hotel. A special HURON, O., Dec. 20.-Leo J. Mc-
Christmas dinner at the same hotel Ginn of Maywood, Ill., pilot of the
will be served prior to the perform- national air transport plane car-
ance. No other special entertain- rying the night air mail from
ment is provided in New York, but Cleveland to Chicago lost his life
the company will assemble before Iearly tonight when his plane fell
three o'clock that morning for the er t nht whe hilae fell
' trip to Buffalo, where dinner wl in the heart of the village of Hu7
will ron, during a heavy snowstorm.
be served at the Buffalo Athletic B
club. Buffeted about by a. 60-mile wind
The Hollanden hotel will be the plane ,which McGinn appar-
Cleveland headquarters of the ently could no longer keep aloft,
Croup, where all meals will be serv- descended with a rush through
Ir. In Detroit, the coipany will - the top of an apple tree in the
Sstay at the Statler hotel. All yard of Charles Warnke. Then it
meals will be served in the grill bounded into a barn in the ad-
room of the Statler at a time to suit joining property of Wright W.
the convenience of the group. Stein, Huron undertaker.
Included in the entertainment on The body of the pilot was de-
New 'Year's day at Saginaw is a capitated when McGinn was lurch-
dance following the performance., ed from the cockpit. It was taken
The Bancroft hotel will provide the in charge by Stein.
meals during the day. A-pother
dance is scheduled for the follow-
ing day at the Hotel Olds in Lan- Physicians Optimistic
sing Stillante dance is to be PhscasO tm'i
held ihe anobthe r dn b For King's Recovery
hed n heballroom of the Regent --2'j ®i "
theater in Grand Rapids. (By Associated Press)
eIntChicago the Auditorium hotel !LONDO , ae2- tors whc
will be headquarters for the com- I a Dc. 20.-Doctor h
County Medical Society To Find
Whether He Knew Peach
Was Unlicensed
Further investigation will be
conducted by members of the
Washtenaw County Medical society
to discover whether Dr. A. H.
Pearson, M.D., local physician,
knowingly allowed William Peach,
24, to practice in his office withoutf
a license, it was announced last
night at a meeting of the society.
If rumors are substantiated that
Dr. Pearson knowingly permitted
Peach to practice illegally, the so-j
ciety will recommend to the State
Medical Registry board that Dr.
Pearson's license to practice be re-
voked, and his membership in the
local society will automatically be
Peach, a former student in the
University, was arrested about two
weeks ago by a State officer for
practicing medicine with a license.
jTried in circuit court before Judge
Sample, he was sentenced to from,
six to nine months in jail and a
$200 fine. Dr. Pearson is Peach's
uncle, it was learned by investiga-
Rumors as yet unsubstantiated
indicate a collusion between Pear-
son and Peach to allow the younger
man who was unable to secure a
doctor's degree and a state license
to practice in Pearson's office. A
rule of the State Medical Registry
board states the license of a doc-
tor who knowingly practices with
an unlicensed man will be revoked.
Pearson is out on bail at the
present time charged with arson
in offering a hired man $100 to
I burn a barn on some farm prop-
erty he owns north of this city.
Building And Grounds Department
To Spend About $8,000
On improvements
About $8,000 is being spent to
repair damage done to the Uni-
Michigan Surprises Highly Rated
Foes By Leading Major
Part Of Contest
By Joe Russell
A gamely fighting Wolverine
hockey team last night held the
highly touted Toronto Aggie sextet
to a 4-3 victory in the inaugural
game of the new Coliseum rink.
The Aggies, a group of fast skat-
ing, hard playing pucksters were
led by the Lowry-coached men for
the greater part of the game, and
it was oily in the third period that
they showed their superior experi-
ence and longer training.
The Toronto Agricultural College
team is rated as one of the best in
Canadian intercollegiate hockey-
dom, and the feat of the Michigan
squad in holding them to such a
low score, is noteworthy and prom-
ises a brilliant season. The Maize
and Blue team played together re-
markably well for the short period
they have been practicing, about
ten days, and showed the form of
old veterans in their blocking and
checking. The forwards had some
trouble in keeping ' their three
man combination together, but the
defense men, Bryant and Joseph,
flayed fine games and stopped
many promising Aggie advances.
Captain Fisher Stars
Captain Mort Fisher at center
was in on every play for the Wol-
verines and made one of the three
goals which his team was able to
collect. This score by the Michi-
gan captain was one of the pret-
tiest plays of the game. Fisher
took the puck from behind his own
net and advanced it the length of
rink - single-handed. He evaded
several would-be blockers in this
advance, and then shot a hard
short try between the goalie's legs.
Walker of the Canadian team
made the most points for his team
with three goals to his credit, and
Goodwillie at defense showed the
crowd of about five hundred the
fastest skating of the evening, be-
sides scoring a goal in the first
period. In the last period Good-
willie opened up with a bewilder-
ing burst of speed that did not net
goals only because his shots had a
habit of going wide of their mark.
Michigan drew first blood in the
new rink when Renouf, Aggie goal,
blocked a hard shot from Fisher
and Bryant pushed the sliding
puck into the net. Goodwillie
then made his score which just got
past Rhines, Wolverine goal.
Schlanders Counts
With the score tied at one all,
Schlanders took a fine pass from
Joseph and slipped the puck past
Renouf for the second Wolverine
score. This goal followed a long
advance down the rink and the
Michigan men had to fight hard
1 to get clear for the try. Both goal
tenders saved almost sure scores
by difficult stops during the rest
of this period, many of these plays
being of the spectacular one hand
variety. The period ended with
the score 2-1 in Michigan's favor.
Less than one minute after the
versity. tunnels and to old stacks second twenty minute period had
on the first and second floor of begun, Walker put a long try past
the Library by fire last week, it was Rhines to tie the score. This shot
announced yesterday at offices of seemed to put new life into the in-
the Building and Grounds de- vaders, and they started a deter-
partment. mined offensive which was spoiled
New power lines are being by their wild shots. Most of their
placed in the tunnels, a huge 400- trys at the goal were above the
wire cable, pipe coverings, and net, or so far to the side that there
pipes. Some carpenter work is nec- was no danger.nMort Fisher took
essary to repair damage suffered the puck on one of these wild
by stacks in the library, and a shots and made his long advance
great deal of repainting is being which ended with the rubber in the
done, it was announced. - Aggie net. However, later in the pe-
riod Goodwillie and Walker passed
Law College Given I the puck downi the rink between
Give them and Walker shot a hard try
Million And A Half past Rhines for his second score of
I the night.
(sy Asociated Prss) Finally after twisting and dodg-
ITHACA, N. Y., Dec. 19.-Myron I ing his way the length of the
C. Taylor, of New York, chairman rink, Walker again was in a posi-
of the finance committee of the tion to shoot, and sent a hard try
United States Steel corporation, which was in a position where it
has given $1,500,000 to Cornell uni- I was impossible for the Wolverine
versity for a new building to goal to stop it. This point brought
house the Cornell law school I the score to 4-3, where, despite
Announcement of the gift was Michigan's efforts, it stayed, giving
made tonight by the board of the invaders the first game of the
trustees, of which Mr. Taylor is a 1929 season.
"The Application of a Theory of
Value to Aesthetics" will be the
subject of Prof. P. M. Jack of the
rhetoric department in an address t
to be given at the Modern Langu- a
age convention to be held at To- a
ronto, Canada, Dec. 26, 27, and 26.'
This will be the regular annualr
meeting of the society.a
Other members of the rhetoric a
department who will be attending
are: Prof. R. W. Cowden, Prof. F.r
q __T 1 -n.-.
L..t'l f l a? ra V 1 r L1 G Y A.;"
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 20-Mys- He said he would take to the air
fr r concerning an airplane dash again today in the hope of inter-
wry IUJVhas a
across half the United States in cepting the girl. pany during the day. Departure
apparent pursuit of a girl deepened Meeker greeted reporters in Salt from Chicago is scheduled for four
today as the principals, who have Lake belligerently and said anly o'clock that morning when the
refused interviews, neared this city that it was "a little trip to surprise company will leave for Kalamazoo,
and contradictory reports of the Miss McConnell" the final performance of the trip.
affair continued. Miss McConnell was said by Following the performance, there1
Miss Ruth McConnell, 20, eluded trainmen to be "in a state of nerv- will be a dance at the Burdick ho-j
newspaper men as she passed thru ous collapse" when she passed tel. Sunday morning will find thej
R.Pno NTmrdao on an overland train through Reno. They said she had. Michigan Union Onera train pull-
nave peen uunnr",, a g L j
today took the British people into
their confidence and told the na-I
tion that it might entertain good,
hopes of slow recovery of the king.
They issued a lengthy communica-,
tion in the afternoon after medi-I
cal consultation at the palace. The
result was wholly welcome.