PAGEETC TT T~HE MICHIGAN IDILY TTTU% j DAYDCEMEi 20, 19:. DAILY OFFI1CIA L BULLEITIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of thae University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Psychological Journal Club: II The Psychological Journal club:, Rmeets Thursday,.,Dec. 20, at 7:30, UAJSTIC FUNERAL ,OF- LAE~TE K ING E DWA RD VI IFE IUNflFASEDRfllVFIUN Vol. 39 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1928 No. 7 5 Influenza Situation: The Influenza Situation at the University of Michigan for Wedines- day, December 19th, is favorable in every respect. There has been-a daily decrease in the number of outside calls since} Monday. Likewise there has been a decrease in the number of visits at the Health Service. The University Hospital reports a decrease in the number of cases among its employees. The present indications are that the apex of' the epidemic was reached on Monday. of this week. Dr. Sundwall Automobile Regulation: The restrictions governing the use of automobiles by University, students will be lifted during the Christmas vacation period beginning Friday noon, December 21st, 1928, and ending at 8 a. in., Monday, Janu- ary 7th, 1929. J. A. Bursley, Dean Faculty School of Education: By vote of the Faculty, the dates for the regular Faculty meetings for the School -of Education for the remainder of the academic year have been set as follows: January 28th, February 18th, March 18th,. April 15th, May 20th, June 10th. C. 0. Davis, Secretary, Registration For Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Beginning Monday, January 7, the Upperclass Advisory Commit- tee will confer with students as follows: Seniors on Monday; Tuesday, and Wednesday, January 7th, 8th, and 9th; sophomores and juniors, who are continuing three or more of their first semester 'subjects, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, January 10th, 11th, and 12th; sopho- mores and juniors who are continuing two subjects, on Monday andI Tuesday, January 14th and 15th; sophomores and juniors who are con- tinuing ong subject, on Wednesday and Thursday, January 16th and' 17th; all other sophomores. and juniors, on Friday and Saturday, Jan- uary 18th and 19th. The n.ames of Advisors and their office hours will be on file in the booth opposite the Recorder's Office, room 4, University Hall, on Monday, January 7th, and will be published in this Bulletin on Tuesday, Janu- ary' 8th. Please follow the, election procedure as printed in the Time Schedule, which will be available Monday, January 7, selecting the Adviser from the ]Department of your major interest, if possible. Atten- tion is called to the rule that THE ELECTIONS OF ALL SOPHOMORE STUDENTS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE UPPERCLASS ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Juniors and Seniors are also urged to consult the Coin- mnittee. C. C. Meloche, Chairman Special Highway Course: A short. course in bituminous materials and pavements will be offered December 26th to January 5th, inclusive, and will be open to anyone interested. Further information may be obtained at Room 3224, East Engineering Building. R. L. Morrison M. E. 2 and M. E. 2a: I shall riot be able to meet my classes Thursday, Dec. 20. Frank A. Mickle Aeronautical Society: The Society pins will be available for sale in room 304 E. Engineer- ing Bldg., beginning Wednesday evening. The price is $1.50. Member-j ship cards must be presented. W. E. Honeczny, President Aeronautical Society: There will be no meeting of the Society this week. All those who in 3126 N. S. There will be a re- - -- p or o n " T h e c o n t r i b u t i o n o f d i f -ife e t o r s f m n a l d e s e o I feeofr msotetl ies oRJECTED BY SENATE crime," by Ellen Pilcher. Also a report on "Recent studies of the Heated Discussion In House Is nerve currnt " by B. D. Thuma. Started By Introduction Visitors .are welcome. Of Bill 'Vast leCub:I. Griff'itts . 'VarityGleeClu: IWOOD DEFENDS MEASURE All Glee Club members will re- E(B'Py Asociated 'PrSA) port at the broadcasting studio in( WASHINGTON, Dec. 19.-Con- Morris Hall by 6:50 o'clock, tonight.'{*' ' gressional action on the billion dol- It is imperative that- everyone be ~rrauyPsofc upybl thmersotmestrevearaldofithe was completed in the House Tues- numbrs ust e rheared ithday after the Senate proposal to the orchestra. increase by $257,000,000 the prohi- Herbert J. Palmer, Manager bition enforcement fund had been Christian Science Society:j cast into the discard. This action Christian Science Society of the came with approval of the confer- University of Michigan meets to-' ence report on the measure. night at 7:303 in the upe'ro o-Heated debate was precipitated, Laner rhaiof. but the conference report's ap- FordJehnoalely.prova came without the formality of a record vote. It served only A.A.U.P.:to get the views of a dozen mem- The annual mneeting of the Mich-1.a bers into the Congressional Record. igan chapter of the American As- I The debate, however, brought sociation of University Professors ! «thefrom sthedwetsthde halenoea for the election of officers and offtedy i o aet noc } '¢ prohibition upon their constituents, a delegate to the national meet- ! n rvvd pnth5lorsm ing in New York will be held in ofdthevconentipons thaee foughtom IRoom D, Alumni Memorial Hall on out the reten ections. eefuh Thursday, December 20, at 5:00 p. !< When the discussion approached "m .E esn ertr at times the limits of debate fixed E._E._Nlson,_Scretary by the House rules, Speaker Nich- Union 1 olas Longworth admonished the UinOpera:( i1 s members to guard their utterances. The entire choruses (Men's Wo- 'men's and Singing) of the Michi- Ia This came during a speech of gan Union Opera are to report at Re.>.p. Will R. Wood, chairman of IMorris Hall at 6:45 today for the House Appropriations Sub- broadcasting. It is essential that Committee, in charge of the meas- everyone be there. ure, when in defending the action E. Mortimer Shuter of the conferees, lie declared that ________________th voters in the last election had Theta Sigma Phi:y registered their approval of the There will be an important prohibition laws. meeting of Theta Sigma Phi at 5, "I want to say to you tat on o'clock this afternoon at the Al- the other hand had Al Smith been pha Omicron Pi, house. elected President of the United Sally Knox, vice-president ., ~ .~ ..-.~..**.~....~***};":;:. has ever occupied with reference pneraty onlCrignms adO t?{:,:~t::..::; ' j. s,: { ..:r:.:rto this prohibition, law," he said, Aorfoer- ndAmr-.:..r,......:."there would have: ... been:r{.;:> 10 4;:::.>;:> timese oud av Ican men students remaining here .: ::. ::...ore<<:..,::.:violations, .;::;..<::>:};:.:fa::<":':';because}}>.;};;:<;::.}:..:every:.... via-r voaio s bea seeer vo duig"Critms il b hldonI T atr would have felt he had a 1- IChristmas eve, Dec. 24, at 8:00 p. ; " ;"; .3}y{r," . . " ; ense by reason of the attitude of mn. in Lane Hall. Students who de- " 'S....:; * ' -,." S; ,: the President of the United States, srtoattend are asked to leave tog h hoelnt. btefore names (care of Christmastogthwollet. Rep. Louis C. Cranton (Rep.), beoeSunday evening. A ten cent As King George V. the British Emperor, continues his spect acular fight for life with the pall of -death Mciaiqie ftedcaa gift is to be brought for the tree, seemingly not far off from the Buckingham Palace, there is recallcd the funeral of his predecessor, the late tion that a man "voted for Al I an 50cens t coer he epenes ingEdwrd II.Smith in the recent election could and50hetsytoAcover theaexpenesgKing EdardpVdIwhile thebody o' Edard was lying' in state, prior to the elaborate be termed an approbrious epithet." !H. C. ChangI services that were held for him, as for every other En;lish monarch. on the top of the casket the kings ___________________ J. Lindarte 'crown may be seen. 4 -Standing guard over the body, is a special guard of select men from the king's personal bodyguard CHRISTMAS GIFTS The Michigan Technic Business Funeral of King Edward preceded by only a short while the conation of King George V. Now theB rrPat so and Editorial Tryouts: latter, to all appearances, is approaching the end of his career as the head of the British Empire. And while'' B p' atro o There will be a very important his case is being watch~edIwith~ anxiety throughout England, and a large part of the world, the Prince off & Auld C. meeting Thursday, Dec. 20, at 8 Wales is at his bedside. If death should call the English monarch, the popular prince would ascend to: Church at South U }jp. M.~ .a the throne in all the pomp and glory of the regal coronation. B. MA Cain Managing Editor k J 3 1 i 7 _ ., have signed up for work on the glider during the Christmas vacationsI- should get in touch with Mr. Stoughton before next week. Work in University Women In Town Over! the shops will start immediately, the Holidays: W. E. Honeczny, President There are several private homesr where girls might easily earn theirI Professor Jobin's Classes: Mr. McGuire's Classes:# room and board during vacation. I shall not meet my classes the I shall not meet my classes thek Anyone interested apply imnmedi-. rest of this week. rest of this week.I ately at Advisers Office. A. J. Jobin T. A. McGuire j Beatrice W. Johnson _ _ _ _ _I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Political Science 291-Journal -. ~1111~1111~l~iiilllillt1t11illtlltlltllll~llil! Club: -=' The Journal Club in Political i Science will meet Thursday after- I=' e W s u ar n noon at 3 p. m., in room 2035 An-j T gell Hall. All graduate students A. N er expected to attend. J. S. Reeves = ~ ~~~~~C rs m s adIndividual Gymnastics: ____-wl o h it a n The 9 o'clock, Thursday, willmE Net meet today. - A .L.aLJL) N eE.B. Rawlings .° All R. 0.T. C. students who had - ° alterations to be made on their un- - iformns should report to R. O.T. C.I Headquarters either Wednesday, December 19th, or Thursday, Ike-~ ceinber 20th, to have clothing E marked by the tailor. Clothing not - marked at this time will have to be .. = altered at the student's expense. / Reinold Melberg - -r Oriental Women :' ,Will any Oriental women who are changing their residences' dur- = ing the holidays, kindly register I- their new temporary addresses in my office. THDLEN .4 BetieW ono L HEPhi Kappa Phi: £ 3 I v V Initiates who did not receive E their emblems at the banquet on1 -I Tuesday,. December 18, may obtain them by calling at the secretary's office at 302 e'ngineering Annex, ewl ecosdtruhu on Thursday afternoon of this =W ilb lsdtruhu week. If this date is not conveni- =2i aaio eid ent, kindly' call University phone tevcto eid 237 to make other arrangements.2 R. S. Swinton, Secretary. lilllllllll~lllllllll1111111i11UllIIIII~ U11llllli U I 1 , ..._ ._ ._ _ _ __ .n . DOuBBS HATS The tang of the ocean is in these Two New Holiday Shapes for the men who enjoy a touch of Bond St., London, in their headwear. Colors Pearl Grey and Seal Brown Er.xc lusivecly w'ihus THE BEST EVER-Take One Home With You the Michigan Calendar ti TINKER kolCO0M PAN Y El U ISo. State St. at William St. IF