THURSDAY, DECEMB3ER 20, 102M HE-ILMrI HIIG.A N DAIU\t u --.>.... _ __.----... _ _ - . .__ __.. ._- - - -_.. .. _ f 1 a __ _ -- _ -__ 'Detroit- for "home" games. Cougars or the Olympics. of mst of the New York payrs. I Fnal Kanss A gie Boo t7Chales A. IHughes president of "The Blackhawks" M. iHuh s "The Cougars' and Olymnpis' PH[ P AGER1S TO METna A gesB okICIUCAGO BLACKIIAWKS the Detoit HIOCkey club indiates said, "wil play six ofthi~r oi' m chedles wll be followed in detail Tod; FistBig Ten Gamne ibtdts fteCicgIer MAHATTAN, Kas. .The fiT rot terms for the playing of its wit leLeCadel l beiasnees here will be altered when ((IL1 E99 ii R1Kansas Agges will meet Pur- t 71VffLTVJ 4J[[T home games there. played in Montreal and Chicag o 1ver there i a conflict." [Cn ALM II-FRT-M due Oc.5 929i the first MO[T D TR I These terms, Mr. Hughes said, in-= home games with the New York minutes Loses AtCMidyear Will Hamuperi football game ever arranged be- 1(A' fte " '3 ss ta onofte hcgo dates Rangers all will be payedi in ai- Subscribe to the Michigan Daily, Corach floll~way i, Tcarn tweenth Wildcats and a Big 1 CHICAGO, Dec. 19.-After sixi conflict with either those of the, ilton, Ont., which is the home town $t4.0 a year. rsln Develpmientj Ten Conference team, M. F. ( more home games thc Chicago '-_____ _____ __-- -------* ------ -- from M Ahearn, director of .Athletics at 4 Blackhawks, local entry in the Na- - The - KURIJI(isINEItiIB- Kansas State Agricultural col- I tional Hockey league, will move to: mg yes ___lege announced today. th lmpaAeaDtoitson a Coco-_laay ~ V~ of finish the schedule. The lease on 1wonl fas CociHlaeisdilig iI the Coliseum expires Jan. 20, andj today. An ro ihshodailyopinr Jimnice Veteran the Blackhawks management has wenl o paain'o h sasCs pnrnot been hiao able to negotiate a satis- V Arglt when the Purple will meet a team Oarsman, TO Retuirnl factory lease fr an ice ink in VI Parke composed of former "Ann Arbr iChicago. W V Ipried prep cage stars, Dec. 28. Prospects It was the intention at the start' twenty- for the team at the present time- Jim Rice, who this year coached f the season to move to the new Ol seem fair enough but with the ar-, the Detroit Boat club crews to 'their Harmon stdium after Jan. 20, but= Only-, rival of the nextf semester in Feb- greatest string of successes in! 170 weitarseoerth ,Jj( ruary the lss of three veterans by many summers, has signed aeon- trso hs es.Ighema-j ~ Sinoutli graduation will leave the prep'tract t return in the spring to time the dates at the Coliseum had his mar squad in an inexperienced state. handlet the D. B. C. megaphone ain-{been assigned to other entertain-: L.V. Ann Arbor 7:00 a. mn., 10:30 a.,in.; 12:30, 3:30. 7:30 p. InC. ute'ors With the season as yet not un-;other year. ments.fn derway announcement comes to The receipt of Rice's contract was Ma Frederick McLaughlin &r" Toledo 9:25 a. i.; 12: 5 P. i., 2:55, 5:55, '9:55 P. m". The f further darken local cage hopes in announced yesterday by the boat peieto h lchws Direct Connections----Monroe, Cleveland, Liina, Buffalo, N.Y.C. uelld fo fiefr fthe reported ineligibil- club's directors. It came in heprsid o thtBhockyawillretunR U D T IPTm-E O-$.0fnl ty of Don I orvuck, captain-elect! mail from New Yorkt, .where Rice 1 hzdththckywllrtrn(R UN fP 11LE O $3Q fn f oCicago next a, and the game. champi and an all-state forward., Korvuck makes his home in winter, will continue at the Coliseum. Also iJ A Ii L A II Sbs was counted on for another sensa- Rice returned to Detroit waters it is understood that a minor league Sus tional season and his loss will sei-' as a rowing coach last spring afterj hockey team will play in1 Chicago.L.A n ror .. ... 81 a.i;12 5,4 5,6 p.n. $4.00 a; ously impair the power of the Pur- an absence of a couple of decades. Following an 'astern trip the L"A nA br$ 21,4 ,61 .m l' fes"H etrgtt oko h otI(4.A ra 1 , (,j4a /I Mordsky, Newman, and Walz are club oarsmen and kept at them inI games ha lreturnoitiJan.o1; fo'iirc C netos:-Hu o, IIisdl those who will finish their schol- and out of the shells throughout to,Janea.i3; D rietroit, Jan. ; TMon-Drc Con ti s:-H doHlsae and Newman saw service last year! The result was the repeated suc- treal Maroons, Jan. 10; Pittsburgh,C i gur poiin whl Wazcess of the boat club's colors at th Jan. 3, and oston, Jan. 2. Atejta CALL 3589 .___ ingadpsiinrhleWo h Atrta the team moves to boke in as forward on the Purple! Canadian Henley, St. Catherines'I________________- outfit of a year ago. Tfessme, Ont., and in the People's Regatta Clark trophy, recently presented, JflT Miller, Shankland and Litchfied of! at Philadelphia. by Mr. Clark in person. Not less '"uuENT last year's team are the others who- Win At St. Kits of an accomplishment in Philadel-. ad composed last year's squad and A t is hc swa phis was the winning of the famous Lin gautdJs1s.Catherines is warmly called by Tom Fox trophy by the intermediate -ecec This state of affairs leaves onlyLaendterslyosmth eight. This trophy is sterling sil--- -______6__ 25 E one ettrmanavalabl atthe i~dBoat Club's shells won four out of en 'and the boat club put upa of the current semester in Pegan. fv trs u oe t rli g t h bond of $2,500 to bring it back t c) o tobt m r r mIh e o d t am o at y a o PIANOth n a h n ls w n D t ot. A s ,a hla ep i h ' u~ r .4 p~ wr . P s~ however Hlway has Walsh andwathcpurofheTyrcp boat club's team score was within' ____________________________________ o* Nott, forwards, Nowack and Wag -wa thaatr f h alrc point____of___the___number_____needed____to___musi__ ner at the pivot post, and Tillotson,;yte eirtakegh rwan- oito henmernee t ______ tune Zahner, Mayfield, and Graham at :the J. B. Ford trophy by the junior Mc ftecei o hs i-. o gtard positions. Eleven additional eight. Muho h rdtfiteeve ?o inxeine e r nte Capture Clark Trophy tories is given to Coach Rice. 1608' squad and some of these are mk- InpP rPhilade attelphia, at the National dTIC ing determined bids for first sring giPeole's regtt, the boat lb's j, ii II NOTIC beta.- 1senior eight won the Emory W.II 7 1 1U. L~ fullIn s Will Be Held ay In All-Campuis Vrestling Tourney tinued From P'Lgc Six) and four seconds of g . BC1nz won his match aeb ius. 160-pound finalists folo)w- terday's bouts will be Burl- «ud Parker, both of whoml is to earn the right to clash Burleson pinned Smithi -niy a half inute of the ion period remained while downed Xoffman in a very lbout in three minutes and seven seconds. one bout was held in the Ight class, Haber disposing iin a very brief session. The for varsity gridder pinned n. to the mat within a min- so of the start of the bout. al events today are scvhcd - r 4 o'clock. Cranage and -ho worked their way to the re last year's all-campus .ois. gibe to the Michigan Daily, year. I LA S S I FIETD f ADVERTISINGii NOTICE~ CE - Michigan Tailors- n' coats and dresses altered ed, repaired, by our expe-ri- . tailors. Work guaranteed E. Liberty. 'Upstairs.' 66,6$,72;7 TUNING-The Concert Art" lano Tuner, phone 67176. Vie. lmendinger. Not with an:. c house. Exclusive piano r' for the. University Sclhoo Eusic. Office at residence Morton Ave. Wed., Thu.. Fri.i E-We are closing outj ou lie of Dresses and Wardrobi rks at cost. Koch & Hefine mile I I We still, have some very attractive Small. Framed Pictures ,Which would make ideal Christmas Gifts Also our usual fine stock of Picture Frames LET U SFRAME YOUR CHRISTMAS PHOTOGRAPHS Wishing to all a Merry Christmas and a Most Successful New Year 1308 S. University I AT H EN A A Soap for Beauty and an Ideal Gift for Xmas From the olive trees of Greece, a pure Olive Oil Facial Soap, and the purest. ever imported into the United States. Mak!de T his Soap Your Xmas GiftI Stop in Today DOUKAS BROS. Manufacturer and Importcrs, 1319 South University Nestor Johnson's Tubular Hockey Shoe Skate Outfits, Ladies or Men-$7.50 Union Hardware Shoe Skate Outfits, Ladies or Men-$5.25 Northland Skiis--$1.75 to $5.00 a pair Ski Wax Ski Poles Hockey Sticks I 6 Ft....$ 8.00 NORTHLAND TOBOGGANS, 8 SFt. . .. 10.50 10 Ft. . .. 12.50 1Holiday Gifts for Cold and Y\oung Yo "(u Will Fild Them ati Fischers I Jno. C Fischer Co. Q2 QUALITY. RI-U 4'QUALITY.: - o I I s ' 1I 1, t .,. ..___ __ . ,__._......_....._... __.__ _._.._..._.___..._.w .......,. , ...-__.__._.___._., .... e..... __ r When a .feller Needs a Friend a a 4 w By BRIGGS fil G IF T M EN A PP R ECI AT E *;J 4 - r "" ,'t' ' , P t ! ;. , , z, T ; ,, ,' J..... ME'- 'N~RCY Sf1K .S. W'HY O RIE!V A / Pof' Nfir, t STIE - 1 rA~AiF41 WHY VVioM-' T N O2'J -PL.AC \AITH -w rA t U3T ACE NA Tw - ~~~~THIN.GS AkIYV'INu p$ PENrYJ ,-,I'OIKE.OL HOURS SORTINJG F-rC AL OU 4..__ i4 '--4 l''( 0t G4 \ S~ ~5 use a supply of thnce.c. . Suspa"1enders for His Gift - or belts, garters, cuff liniks, or what not Scores and scores of gift suggestions for men -all of the fine style and quality you'd want to convey your Christmas wishes. Everything new, useful, serviceable, inexpensive-come -now for the best selection. M5iscellaneous gifts for men sflg to $2.50 'ro", 1 F' f-N!1I /01463oI4 ,, Cxc_ ..If v f . Aud I l