THtSDIW;,: ,t~ D F 'T?2 20, li)2f THE MICHIAN DAILY __. 52 { r 7 w y Lxt 1. K C i t t r J r .s c Y Y l l ... ] j .l SAUE[ REASONS FOR WOMEN'S BASKET BALL ' PLYELD RULES ARE EXPLAINED BY DR. BELL tl<,0 F I or-s Nte: .{prepared to say that boys' basket- I this artic~kle, y Dr \[ trgaret Pell, licad of th3e Pstc{l f dzuetittoz epartrrcut for 11ball rules lend themselves to more OoFeIN:SKtT BsAL.nivers: has a prmrnttentcomplicated team play. We arej I "litie llr frotrepared tosaythat the maj-1 HAV CyLOSErS'si1' l'lriha irl s ast b' Rlte.1 mi has ty of girls could not tolerate the I s s o strain of baysbasketball. Consider , it iuhlilviedi n tin 1 al, for the the physical endurance of theI tvna a aa o m id ary e.i i1 in the zae Pry,;t?< ALPHA XI DELTA, MARThA COOK i.iit!it English women, who are able to+ TIE IN MOST EXCITING (By Dr. Margaret Bell) fplay the fastest kind of hockey for! GAME As no physiological experimentso thirty-five minute halves. mf have been made to prove the spe-'course, basketball involves mo-S cific effects of either girls' or boys' ments of more intense physical( 60 PLAVING EX ITEDbasketball rules, it is obvious that activity than does hockey, but re- I . .member that the ,preliminary Saurborn, Mcliurray, Crawford, no concrete physiological data are member th e reiint I available comparing the two. training of the American is notI Densmore, Renken berger, Theref msimilar to that of the English PlaTGoeremfsore, in the discussion which: Payamefollows, the conclusions indicated women. Remember, American tem- mu.s be derive sifro einced perament. The English have nerv-, The last three intramural bas- imust be derived from experience o us stability that could well be; I ketball games to be played before in interschool and intraschoalt envied by us. The English women Christmas vacation, were played at competition-player, coach and have gained this endurance I 7:15 and 8:15 o'clock, Tuesday, Dec. m- yI throughout generations of prelimi-' physician. 17, in Barbour gymnaisum, and re- There are certain physiologicl. nary training and environment I sulted in two extremely close th we are a llogicl very different from ours. They are , facts with which we are all farm-i a scores and a tie. ' kliar. We kno that in order to accustomed to strenuous daily The game played at 7:15 o'clo achieve our best physical condition activity, day in and day out, from between Gamma Phi Beta and Al- a lon d of t-their early years. pha Gamma Delta was really any- g psar (ero raining is neces-ou All agree few girls have had suf- , body's game until the final score e orse to wnt res.) ntrain- ficenV experience in complicated of 15-14 was announced in favor ed horses to win races.) In train- team play to go through the me- 1 of the Gamma Phi Beta team. At ng eein inhrase au chanics of the game. This in con- the half, before the forwards of af exercise and increase it gradu- junction with, the endurance fac- the winning team started piling up at its height-when we are in the tor, is conducive to the productions o their scores,g the Alpha Gamma n o it n of stars. Production of stars de- Delta team was ahead with. a score kys ascondition lay more stren- at our aim-we are trying to de- of 8-3. Iously than girls. This does not a p tepdenc y en boys' rules are The lineup follows: mean that the heart and blood, aedtey w en s er Gamma Alp1h muscles, lungs, etc., of many girls used to emulate men and their Phi ClBeta G aaDeltan re not as efficient as those of type of play. In the emulation of- V. Glaize......P.....A.JhnsonIboys. But it does mean that the man's style of play come other ob- c R. Wagner.....L li.. G. Campbell majiority of boys, between the ages 'ectionable features - desire for C B. Lorch ... ..J C ...... C. Cook ;f twelve to fifteen years, have otside competition; outside con- C M. Joslyn ....... H. Campbell pore "wind", more muscular I petition and all the emotional E. DeJourno... R G.... H. Andries strength and physical efficiency of strain that goes with stars: com- . J. DeJourno.... LG.......V. Scott his type than have girls. As petition, exhibition, and exploit - r The tie-game was played between .portsmen we are going to adjust ;etion of girls' teams under the di- 1 Martha Cook, and Alpha Xi Delta, ur sports for the benefit of the rction of men coaches and offi- and the final score was 16-16. This najority. cials. game was the most o; ct na.ej We arediernSambys; The result of these objectionable b playe duris thems exciting on eaedifferent from boys, sofeatures, of which the desire to h~ played during thxe evening, and 'hat everything that is good for a ;fe iure mostwih th ein..oe some very good basketball playing goy is not necessarily good for a in is uppermost, is that thedin- e was exhibited. The score piled up rl. We must not lose those m dividual girl instead of withdraw- evenly, for as soon as one team late feminine qualities which men ing from her team when a substi- would make a basket their oppo- respect, for it is through this in- ntte would be indicated, is inclined $ nents would also score one. Esther luence that we can establish our in a glow of emulation to lose herI Middlewood, Martha Cook forward, deals. sense of values and to compete to - made 12 of the 16 points won by Most of us begin to play basket- the ultimate disadvantage of her-1 her team, and the Alpha Xi Delta ball just as we begin to grow self and her team. the game forwards, Helen Marter and Marion rapidly. This physiological transi- Therefore let us accept tey ame Geib, teamed together excellently. lion goes on between the ages of that is built especially for us, Katherine McMurray, Alpha Xi twelve and twenty-five. During this adapted to our skill and to our Delta's tall center, continually long period of adjustment we want physical ability. In the evanescent managed to get the tip-off, and to do everything best suited to our glory of emulating the mistakes of Jeannette Saurborn, Martha Cook perfect development. Therefore men, let us not lose sight of our guard, did about the best piece of we must avoid physical strain. Be- ideals of perfect health and per guarding done during the game. fore participating in a strenuous fect sportsmanship. Martha Cook Alpha Xi Delta sport we must have a careful E. Middlewood . RF....... M. Gieb physical examination, to be sure Rifle Team Accepts M. Demaree . . .LF.....H. Harter that as a result of our play we D. Bender .....JC .. K. McMurray will be improved physically. Seven Challengers M.,Garland ...SC...... J. Josher Since we play basketball be--_ J. Saurborn ... RG. Vandarmaker cause we are sportsmen-fair and M. Kitson,..... LG... M. Follmar idealistic-we must be sure that' Seven challenges, to be fired The Delta Dolta Delta-Alpha Chi :basketball is bringing us nearer to I during the last two weeks of Febr- JUNIOR WOMEN 0 Margaret Bush, '30, Dorothy Touff, '30, VA CA TION H OMES Second try-outs for the Both In Favor Of Proposed Dormitory ARE OFFERED TO Junior Girls' play will begin on ORIENTAL WOMEN Thursday, January 10. Those h:.ti n tih sith ot a;"I am in favor of the new dormi- t trying out for leads will be heard """' "ii"i" ""'"'"ith Sti. tory," Margaret Bush, '30, pres- Forteen Oriental women wh on that day only, so everyone "i "" "" ' dent of Wyvernini coesnd- have made no particular plans for must be prepared. ihat sororities will not be i ing se aY ons spending their Christmas vaca- Unless you have been asked to ;jured, independents will be bene- Ingoscretary of the Women s tibns will be given an opportunity take the art of a certai tn men League, said in an interview re- to pass the holidays in American p I feted, anld freshmen women will be homes," said Miss Beatrice Jahn. character in a specified play, mrcently. They seem to be success- mae uron elcto o da- more ,satisfactorily dealt with "'son, adviser of women. make your own selection of dia under the new drmitorsstem is ful in other schools where they sBnt iser Inome logue. The committee requires d hdm Y Ys }have been tried, and those exist- By not signifying their prefer- that speaking parts be memor - the opinion of Dorothy Touff, '30, i on the ence to stay in Ann Arbor over ized vice-president of the Women's th campus have worked the vacation," Miss Johnson con- Ij a few cases two people Athletic Association wellThatthere is room for more tinued, "we understand that these have been especially requested dormitories here is proved by the women are willing to spend the to try out together. Otherwise, "After a year or two of dormi- great number of applications that time in American homes through try-outs should be made indi- o life girls will seek a small, in- ed out the state." vidually not only for cast, but tmerp.rIn finding homes for the wom- also in singing and dancing. tual support and the friendship of; "The dormitory would provide en, Mrs. E. R. Vander Slice, who is If you are trying out for a sorority life. Although the mere more comfortable living quarters(a state officer of the American As- male lead or for a place in a convenience of living in a dormi- Ijwith better facilities than women sociation of University Women and male chorus, appear in costume.tory might influence some not to living in league houses now have. in contact with a great many Songs dances, and specialtie pledge who would otherwise, the At the present time they often women who are interested in Ori- Sos, danesad seciltie number would probably be neglig- live in1 one place and eat in an- ental women in Michigan, has Smust be prepared before. the ; be"Ms of eto os hl isBs eakd hour of your appoiItment Ex- ble." Miss Touff went on to say Jther." Miss Bush remarked, been largely instrumental through y p- that she did not believe that Pres- "TIT would make for a greater out the state, while in the uni- temporaneous singing and danc- ident Clarence Cook Little intend- unity of spirit and better coopera- versity the work has been carried ing will be disregarded. ed to do away with sororities. tion among the students with the on by Miss Johnson. Sing a popular song rather "It seems to me that the idea is university. Better organization I Eight of the women will be in your sheet music with get the freshmen together, so among the women would result; Lansing for the holidays, four in These rules must be closely that they will get acquainted easi- for it would give them a tangible Birmingham, and two in Saginaw adhered to throughout the sec- ly, and learn the ropes. Dormi- feeling of belonging to something. where plans are being made by the ' stories will be able to keep more This feeling they often lack when general secretary of the Y. W. C. (__and ___try-outs._________ uniform control than league living in small groups in league A. to provide an interesting so- houses ever can. The freshmen houses. The dormitory also will Icial calendar though not too SMITH COL LEGE STA RS will have az greater understanding ;provide the' women students with Istrenuous of the University and its spirit." more opportunities for friendship. The women who choose to stay BEAUTY CULTURE COURSE In response to a question about In fact, in almost every way they in Ann Arbor or Detroit for their the relative merits of League 'will be entirely satisfactory." Jvacations will live in one of the Smith college is adding a new houses and dormitories, Miss Touff Helen Newberry cottages which is ourse to their physical education said, "there will be a broader and COL LEGE WOMEN being kept open for their use, ac- epartment. Its name is Beauty saner view in the dormitories, I be- cording to Miss Johnson. Culture. It has been inaugurated I iGve. It is so easy to get side- CAN LIVE CHEAPL Y Suscib because "The appearance of our tracked in a League house. You' - Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, young, laughing lassies and their have no choice of companions as Three meals a day on 45 cents $4.00 a year. epresentatives of health should be you do in a dormitory. On- the enable Pennsylvania college prac-_ _ _ ___"- tems for our first consideration." whole I think the dormitory sys-' tice-housekeeping women students To pass the course the pupil tem will be a fine thing." to not only exist but to actually THE HAUNTED TAVERN must have no fallen chin or eye- ---'take on weight, states Miss Edith TEA ROOM brows, well made-up faces, and TIE HAGUE-Dutch forced- Chance, head of the school's de- hips whose measurements do not blooming tulips have been sent for partment of home economics. Al- I Announces that it will be closed xceed the waistline measurements the first time to London by air- lowed $3.50 a week "or 50 cents a! from the Saturday evening of more than two inches." plane, thence to Southhampton, in day the girls are able to provide a December 22nd to Sunday, Jan- order to reach New York in six simple but nourishing menu for uary 6th, opening again to serve Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, days, where they will grace Ameri- themselves and from two to five tsy Danner onith ou special Sun- 4.00 a year. can Christmas dinner tables. j dinner guests a week.yn r:r. ""%f. rte' " r y'+r ": i ". " .: 'd.. '% "": ...: J R . r ". 'r ,f, . ' J';:1':: : f:''. .1'fr':V :i"'r .. Rtit3io X.lesign .. .,r;.,v..:": : "i'rti: 4 :,:%..j{?,:",::. .: f 'r It " " I)E!trOit Unihr ft ,t,{::'" +:; .::::.,.":. .,{:. f"'rjf 'r f" "r: ": ?yf: i f .r : ": C.'oilege. 22 f ff s: ':f}:i} ;,, i:'Y.ti% r fJ.1 : '."' tom. N N . ":':5f: ' "" :. '" """ """; "f ' "!?'" S :'Sti . f - r !':r y "tsr''!.":":' '"'"' y'j ,:::": t}f.:. 1 rr 'r'ry . . Sf'" jr; " t?: wont of the We: +"j ""' f'' inghonseradioequi "' '' '" "'' ' merit on the Ixxin ".;Y;: .ton an$ Saratoga i. ,, fr.;." .;." r i'1i iiflyit'iiylf.{drYdr f / r :: ;: "i:tiv: : }: i?: ii}i>}: i:"i:"}::5: }i:":::"i:iti"'r:ti"}:. iV ' A. . CL'I3 I_. .":::. :::: " :"::".e ::".;":::": :":;":::;"::"::" S 8 1 2'ra : m t r i t i. n v r it of y ;: ., ttS {:. J'.4.'. g ................ ................:............................ : ... .. .:..:.j....:::::::'. :"::: y :...":::" t: i . ,} "ti:' :" "' " 1:"""::". .. .f _r.u... . ...... af. '": :"" t!: : : ", -""v j: " "' "" w " .. t t': T " 7 . w i?: : :: :::;: ' 1s+ w : .r} : ti :'4 + :" i 7^' : ir.. r :::"i:".":. '... .............. .................. is ' yir' ' liv:"i:avii: t': ' +.v:: _ .; .._ti' . ":4 ;. i 'l. %^' "':: :' ::' :":"ti+ t:::::' :;: fS . . f ..y . r.. ." :;: " " . GLTtti'I3Y : ?<: :"::. :. ? t e "::":::"::":::". r"::. :"::" 3:tt iu rr - >, ' 1 r, tsintt .crto I'Ttnrt : : ' ' s kin n ..7 Omega game, also schedule 8:15 o'clock, was not such a game, as the final score was Maud Sargent, Tri Delt for made 12 of the 13 points gain her team, and Doris Densmor pha Chi Omega played'extr well. Mary Crawford, Alph Omega guard, did some exc guarding, and Doris Renkenb of the Delta Delta Delta team ed well, in both the positio side center and guard. P. Fast .......RF.. D.A Den M. Sargent . . .LF.......E. M. Harrigan .. .JC.. M. Tem Renkenberger . S C .... D. Ma B. Amerine .. . R G . H. Hawk M. Foster.......LG.. M. Cra CHRISTMAS GIFTS Burr, Patterson & Auld Co. Church at South U I, Pianos, Radios Victrolas and Everything Music Make Your House a I This Christmas Pay next year. Schaeberle & S Music House 110 S. Main St. d for our ideal. If we are subject to any 'uary and the first two in March, class physical defect, such as under have been accepted by the rifle 13-9. weight, etc., we should make every 'team, according to Irene Church, rwardI effort through good health stand- '2 ied by ards, sleep, regular habits, graded - manager. Before the end of e, Al- exercises, to correct this, and reach the season the team plans to take 'emely good condition. We must be able on around 25 matches. a Chi 1to prove that our condition is defi- Rifle practices will be held from ellent nitely improved by our play. 4 until 6 o'clock every Tuesday and erger, All agree that boys' rules are unsily o'clo every Te and play- conducive to a more strenuous Thursday afternoon after the holi- tns of game than are girls' rules. All are 1 days. mr Jenny y MACK & CO.j The Smiling Christmas Store Phone 4161 pleton _ alcolmR, shurt- wfordr. I-- lome I on! Merry Christmas To You To the student body and members of the faculty -- we wish you a "Most Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year."r Tomorrow-hundreds will trek home- wards and as you gather' round the - family table your thoughts will be of Christmas morn. st's a real treat to get home again and I - it's equally thrilling to get back to old Ann Arbor town. - I r YOUlNGER COLLEGE MEN ON RECENT WESTINGHOUSE JOBS JOT-IN coLEM aNr Radio Engi suer Carn'uegie Tlust itutz (tt "iectuiology", '23 Radio Directs the Navy's Flyers 11 f , y ebĀ£ y o o \' a h e e . IWhere doyoung college men get in a large industrial organization? Have they opportunity to exercise creative talent? is individual work recognized? IRPLANE carriers are a re- cent development in naval history-and they have a corm- nmunication problem that calls for the engineering resources of an organization which has shown it can make radio history. Complex maneuvers are di- On the U. S. Navy Airplane Carriers " Lexington" and "Sara- toga" the situation is met with crystal control transmitters de- signed to send on different wave lengths. Each plane's receiving set has its own wave length. A turn of the dial on the transmit- ter selects the wave length cor- responding to that of the plane to be reached with a message. Radio equipment on the "Lex- ington" and "Saratoga" was de- i