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December 20, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-12-20

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"TT-i .TT . '3Jr3Y. LEC MPER 2 _ r2A;

Published every morning except Monday
.tnring the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Cozference Editorial
The Asaoiated Press is exclusively en-
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dispatches credited to it nr not otherwise
SCedited in this paper and the local news pub-
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Entered at the postoice at Ann Arbor,
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Gard Street.
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iditor............ ....Paul j. Kern
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Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
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Agnes Herwigw e Marie Wellstead
Walter Yeagey
a _
While the United States Senate
hails the KelloggBriand treaty for
the renunciation of all war; while
the League of Nations council
solemnly sits in Geneva; while the
Pan - American representatives
confer at Washington; while ev-
eryone shouts for peace and be-
lieves it almost achieved, little
Bolivia and smaller Paraguay
seem to be staging a first rate
minor war all unaware of any
peace proposals whatsoever. The
League offers arbitration; the
Paris pact offers hope; the Pan-
American delegates remonstrate
and Paraguay ships 30,000 troops
to the border= as the Bolivians at-
tack forts.
It is very odd indeed, this tiny
war, with the presumption-so gen-
eral that the public opinion. of no
nation will stand for warfare.
Bolivia and Paraguay, of course,
could both be rather thoroughly
wiped out without harming the

. progress of mankind to any mate-
rial extent (they total 4,000,000
persons between them) but the
point which is really vital in .the
situation is quite different, and one
which is rather hard to face.
We are told that all the nations
of the world want peace; and we

the public press and by the powder
manufacturers of the U n i t e d
States Senate, could be induced to
,believeagain that all Germaps are
bloodthirsty barbarians and all
persons murdered in war heroes.
Our historians, to be sure, might
conclude again ten years after the
conflict that Germany was not
even responsible for the war; but
that would only make to seem
mord worthy the expenditure of
millions of lives in testing the fact.
Given some good advertising
slogan like "Make the world Safe
for Democracy," a generous dose
of perverted propoganda, anQi a
few demagogues in the national
government and it is extremely
likely that any nation in the world
will go to war. in 1937 precisely as
she went to war in 1917. There is
no such thing as universal peace,
even in name, until the people of
the world come to the conclusion,
if they ever will, that it is really
rather foolish to kill persons or get
killed just because the steel manu-
facturers can make a fortune out
of it. Kellogg pacts, arbritration
treaties, League of Nations, etc.,
are all rather worthless until this
enlightened state of the public
conscience becomes a reality; and
judging from the actions of our
far southern neighbors that en-
lightenment still does not exist in
at least two nation of this hem-
The House committee on the
census has reported "a bill for the
apportionment of Representatives
in Congress," constituting the first
step in the direction of Congres-
sional obedience to the constitu-
tional provision which it hlas been
violating for the past eight years
and will continue to violate until
this or some similar bill becomes
a law.
Oddly enough, but not without
reason, the question of reappor-
tionment has become closely linked
with that of prohibition enforce-
ment. Supporters of the Volstead
act have consistently opposed re-
apportionment for fear that it
would mean an increase in the
wet representation in Congress.'
From the standpoint of the stu-
dent of government, the situation
is a most interesting one. From
the viewpoint of practical politics
and government, it is a most de-
plorable one. In either light, the
spectacle is that of two bitter op-
ponents, each resorting to nullifi-
cation. In the one case, the wet
group have virtually nullified the
prohibition laws by appropriating
insufficient funds for its enforce-
ment; in the other, the dry group
has been practicing nullification in
the case of reapportionment.
Reapportionment, in any event,
is far too important a subject to
be allowed to pass unheeded, sim-
ply because of the opposition of
I nullificationist forces. Among the
states which have suffered be-
cause of the failure to reapportion
House seats, Michigan has been
probably the heaviest loser. Of the
Michigan representatives, Con-
gressman McLeo has taken a def-
inite leadership in the fight. His
work is to be commended and
should be remembered by the state.
It is McLeod's' contention that
provision should be made at this!
time both for the balance of the
time until the taking of the 1930
census, and for the ten years fol-
lowing. In the face of previous op-

position, it hardly seems likely that
any action will be taken affecting '
the 1929 Congress. There is little
reason, however, why the present
Congress should not pass an act!
providing for reapportionment on
the 1930 elections under the cen-
sus of that year and relieve for

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THIS AFTERNOON: In Hill Auditorium, the University Symphony
Orchestra in concert, featuring Bloch's "America," beginning at 4:15
AT CHICAGO THEATERS I (A Review By Paul L. Adams)
_In a Christmas concert that was
y Pier°ce Rosenberg rather notable for its lack of
Christmas numbers, but otherwise
* * unique for a band concert, Nicho--
For the convenience of students las Falcone, director of the Michi-
who will be in Chicago during gan band, presented a program
Christmas vacation, the following last evening in Hill Auditorium
list of attractions playing there at that was a decided success in the
that time is presented:- use of the symphony idea rather
* * * than the blaring effect that is
"Coquette" - the feature between acts of the
Helen Hayes and the company football games.
that was in New York for a full The opening number, "March
season will open at the Selwyn and Procession of Bacchus," by Leo
Christmas night. Produced by Jed 'Delibes was not unusual, but it was
Harris, "Coquette" is said to be a I followed by the rather over work-
bit of exceedingly well-done ed "Bells of St. Marys" done in a
drama. Worth-while trying. Imanner which was decidedly musi-
dcal. The use of the brasses in a
S* * * Idelicate orchestral manner wit},
"The Trial of Mary Dugan" ' the woodwinds giving color, and
Some more drama at the Adel- the percussion subdued to its prop-
phi, but with even more dynamite er place was decidedly artistic even
power than "Coquette." It's been for this piece.
there since August and looks good I The "Lost Continent" from the
for many more months. Everyone "Atlantis Suite" by V. F. Safranckj
says it's really good. was one of the finest things on the
* * * 1program. The alts and trumpet
"The Front Page" duet was decidedly effective as was
Plenty of new cuss-words for the the unusual use of the clarinets in
ladies and gentlemen in this sup buildingup to the musical climax.,
posedly uproarious farce by BenS.
Hecht and Charles MacArthur Fasoli was an agreeable surprise
playing at the Erlanger without in the use of tone and color rather
any stars in particular. Some more than rythmn to gain its effect. The,
of Jed Harris' work. Incidentally, martial note was entirely aban.,
o Haris ork Incdentlly doned far a mare subdued rendi-
when Lennox Robinson spoke here dondfo aeded rendi-
recently he characterized this _tion, and one decidedly more ap-



, a s


The most popular cereals
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HEAP them high in the bowl. Then
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Try these better bran flakes.
Thev have the nenv fl a vor of PEP_

y - - " u "UHa crggy rnDGr papifY:Ga 1y~ i ,i."
play as a "valuable part of the propriate for the concert hall. Creek. They include As4-
American theater-typically Amer- The selections by the girls' glee e TA, Corn Flakes, Rice The nourishment from the wheat.
ican, in fact." Go prepared to rgb were the only numbers on e K ispies, Krumblesand Just 'nOUgh bran to be mldly
bls.tprogram which might be calledj Kellogg's Shredded Whole eog~mll
*~. * Christmas music. The Carole and Wheat Biscuit. Also Kaffee . T h th mlk
"The Bachelor Father" "Silent Night" were pleasingly Hag Coffee-the coffee that *
Use your own judgment about a sung although the singing was t y leep, crem Yothey're great
play with that title. It's one of rather unbalanced by the predom-
David Belasco's comedies and it inance of soprano voices. The
is claimed that when it opens at "Gypsy Life" by Schumann wa.®
the Blackstone Christmas night done with delicacy.
the New York company will be In the last group by the band,
there intact. Risque, of course, but the "Dance of the Hours," by A.
in keeping with the New York Ponchielli revealed the excellent
trend opthe last few months. technic of the band, and again the PE PPEEP
soloists work, especially of the alto BRAN FLAKS PE P
* * * horn, was excellent. __ BAN
"Redemption" All in all, the unique use of the I.,FLAKES
Morris Gest (remembered for band as a symphonic instrument ;cO
"The Miracle") presents Max capable of achieving the colorful, !___________
Reinhardt's production of one of full, and yet controlled harmony of
Tolstoi's works at the Woods. an orchestra as well as the swell-
What's more, Alexander Moissi ing volume possible from a band
hailed as Europe's foremost actor, deserves a fuller appreciation than 9
is in the star role. It comes direct ft has been given heretofore, and m y
from Berlin, Vienna, and New' Mr. Falcone has taken a daring (.
York. In the latter city, one of though successful step in introduc-I~
our native critics advises, "See Re- ing this form of band music to Anni
demption, for Moissi's sake." Arbor. I =
* * * *
Characterized as high-calibre
1George Jessel who scored in "The park,;"heCmmndT Lve
Jazz Singer" starts doing his stuff paprika, The Command To Love
Sunday at the Harris theater. His which opens at the Shubert La-
press agents call "The War Song" fayette next week is the spiciest;-
comedy mixed with drama, and we production in the way of involved
hear that Jessel is worth seeing in political intrigue bound up with
th amorous attachments to leave the
tis vehicle.
* * * I pen of the Hungarian play-wright,
"Rio Rita" jRudolph Dothar. The scenes are
"Rio a m laid in the French Embassy at
If you can enjoy a show from !Mdi n ns rianti =We 'NS1 t 7to 1 t l
which you heard the music a Madrid and furnish a brilliant s
p"background for an intrigue which
couple years ago, "Rio Rita" at the _mnd h ls oneoflyat
Illinois might be worth your time demands the last ounce of loyalty wishes for A
after taking in some of the newer from a young attache who is al-
shows. The usuale100 or soeZieg- ready pretty wltithebeautifan Mery Christmas a 1 d
feld girls, renowned for face and (ifmoou swayw iiththeeauti
figure, are attractive scenery for wife of his own Minister.
the eyes of tired college men and A quintet of stars, headed by the very Happy and Pros-
women beautiful Mary Nash and including!; New
* * * tullio Carminati, Violet Kemble perous wYear
"Dear Brutus,, 'Cooper, Henry Stephenson, and I
Chicago's "little theater," the i Ferdinand Gottaschalk carries the I
Godman, way over at Lake Front main thread of the piece, while a
supporting bodly of considerable '
and Monroe, is showing this com- dsptinn rond out cst. D rin theC me wee
edy of James Barrie. The play it- distinction rounds out the cast.
self is very funny, but you'll have
to gamble on the cast and the "FOLLOW TnRl" that we may render you the same -
Flu-weary students will antici- that-part
*rimmings pate with considerable pleasureteto thtsapat f
* r g I the arrival at the Cass theatre in
"The Desert Song" Deri ath ne Scwbnd"- =
Here's another of those old war- Detroit of the new Schwab andrsty
horses coming back to Chicago for Mahdel musical comedy, "Follow ve.
the benefit of those who missed out. Thru." Since "Good News" and
It, too, is simply a musical show "The Desert Song" the name of
embellished by good scenes, many Schwab and Mandel has become t. -
excellent voices, and a cast of 100.;somewhat of a trademark for fast
stepping fun, tunefully embellish-
* * * ed. But "Follow Thru" has beside Phone 4219
Chicago Civic Opera the advantage of a fine trademark.
New Year's Eve this fine com- I the - fascinating personality of
pany will do "Norma" with Raisa, ; Zelma O'Neill whom followers of ,
Glade, Parshall, Lazzari and Po- "Good News" will remember as the -"
lacco conducting. That's speaks black and white icicle of dancing
for itself. The sedate atmosphere pep who stopped the show with I =
of the Auditorium theater will be her .version of the Varsity Drag. --T E
invaded on Jan. 4 by Michigan's Since her debut vaudevillians all
own little product, "Rainbow's over the country have been beat-
End" with Browne, Buell, Kurvink, ing their thighs with vain fists in
Straight Cristy, Claney, Hemp- i an effort to get a stomp of the
stead, Tremble, and Langham, O'Neill brand of enthusiasm. In
conducting. (Shuter in charge.) j this show the fair colleen will have
* * * some new offerings in the pep- U NDI CO-
"The Golden Dawn" dancing line. - i d .,


are told that the towering pressure another decade a most unfortu-
of public dpinion is building so nate question.
vast a buttress against any find
of war that no government would 0
dare think of such a course. Still OUR LIBRARY
when two nations come to a crisis, I Our University library was the
as the present crisis in South ,recipient of a great deal of favor-
America, there seems to be not the able criticism by a recent inspec-
least trouble in arousing public tion party from Manchester, Eng-
opinion to the point where even land. Not only was the general
the campfire girls get out and pa- appearance of the library praised
rade the streets of the capital in but special mention was made of
a fiendish desire massacre all the details of equipment.
citizens of the "enemy" country. Probably the students who fre-I
It is rather a sad disillusionment, quent the library most little re-
on the face of it, this recent dis- alize the fine detail of the library
turbance. Everyone in his sane (equipment. The special indirect
moments abhors war, quite natu- lighting system in the main read-
rally, but the question which wor- ing room is an arrangement un-
ries a person after viewing current known to the older libraries of
history is whether or not persons United States and Europe. The'
can retain their sanity in the face special individual lights provided
of national emergency? Time and I for those with weaker eyes have
again in the past supposedly edu- no glare. The venturi-shaped
cated persons have been beguiled type of drop lights with which the
by propogandists into thinking library is generaly furnished are
that there is utterly no good in {economical, practical and beauti-
any fellow man that may live ful. The conveyor system is an-
within the confines of a foreign other convenience seen only in the I



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