ESTABLISHED 1890 Ail- AW mi - I-W fqw t r t ~47at MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXIX, No. 75 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1928 EIGHT PAGES - - - - - - - - - - __. I t . - - KELLOGG PARIS DEFERRED BY SI UTNTIL AFTER R BORAH PRESENTS PEAL BUT IT IS POSTPON AFTER CANVASS TO CONSIDER NAVAl No Trouble Forecasted I Big Measures In Spite Impending Fight (By Assoeiated Prss WASHINGTON, Dec. Senate got a Christmas package-the Kellogg peac --from its foreign reiatio7 mittee today but it is going until after the holidays to c After formaly present pact pledging all nations world to renounce war, C Borah of the foreign relati mittee who is sponsori treaty, canvassed the le PACT FIATF r I ri it I T" I /'Y 0 1 "Rebel Forces Seizf Fortresses In 1- India L M It r(By iAssoeiatedl Press) NEW DELHI, India, Dec. 19.- Rebels were reported today to have seized two forts overlooking Kabul, capital of Afghanistan. They were awaiting reinforcements to press 'E PACT their attack. 1ED A British airplane, shot through' the radiator, made a -forced landing near Kabul. The plane had been L BILL attempting to establish communi- cation with the British legation! Por .owith a view of the evacuation of1 Of IBritish and Indian women and' children, i° necessary. Large quantities of arms and ammunition were understood to bea 19.--The'in the two forts reported seized. season j ce treaty l g to wait P G M O EATURE open it. e ing thepor it OPERA1 of the, hairmant ons com- Selections From "Rainbow's End"a ng the Will Be Broadcast egislative'Tonightt PAN-AMERICAN GROUP Contest Writers Are Given Time Lin'it Contestants intending to sub- mit plays i the play writing con- Or flINltest sponsored by the Division of. English are reminded that any such manuscripts must be in the1 -hands of any of the judges not CONFERENCE ON CONCILIATION f later than noon on Friday, Jan. 11, BEGINS PROCEEDINGS 1929. The judges are Prof. C. J. TO END WAR Campbell of the English depart- ment, Prof. Kenneth Rowe, of the i retoicdepartment, and Valentine NATIONS DESIRE P E AC E B.Windt, of the speech deparpt ment, director of Play Production. South-American Quarrel, In Laboratory production will bel Balance For Two Weeks, Is given a number of the plays se- Victory For Peace lected by the judges with a view to' possible public performance later (AHI AssNcited D. .if- the works should merit such at- WASHINGTON, Dec. 19.-Con-; tention. I THREE DAY WELCOMEl; PLANNED FOR HOOVER~ IN BRAZILIAN CAPITAL' New Hooks Raise "Test" Subm ................. ianne FIRST DISPLAY OF AMERICAN; FLAG IN SOUTHERN CITY FOR FOUR YEARS TO ILLUMINATE WELCOME Senate And Chamber Both Appoint Committees To Greet Hoover On His Arrival i (Bly Associated Pre.")~ RIO DE JANERIO, Dec. 19.-I When the battleship Utah passes the headlands of "the most beau- tiful harbor in the world" on Fri- day it will be the first time in four years that the Stars and Stripes has flown from any American bat- tleship in Brazilian waters. The Utah paid a visit to Rio de Janerio on January 13, 1925, while return-j ing the Pershing mission to the ciliation proceedings in the Boli- vian-Paraguayan dispute by the Pan-American arbitration confer- ence began today with a special committee addressing to the two countries a set of identical ques- tions to determine the exact scope of the proposed settlement. The MONARCH'S CONDITION SHOWS IMPROVEMENT } Events Favor King George two countries also were asked to I Day's express their views as to who In Desperate B attle United States from the Peruvian nitelv to e S- - - 4 For Life centenary celebration. defer until after the holidays any EL ET OF SERES should be selected on a mediation f, !board The hstotyothe infreuent attempt to consider it in the Sen- bvisitsofAmSERIESsould b l oe n T ho f hinfr ti ate. Presenting an introductory pro- br Is Peace Victory BULLETINS ARE HOPEFUL visits of American warships to this Calendar Is CrowdedPesnngninrdtryr-y city began with the call of the St, caendartIs crowded . gram of its main musical selections After hanging in the balance (Lcity.beand withyte cl of they in befoule inte cast nbormembrs since Dec. 6, B o I i v i a n - P a r a ~ LONDON, Dec. 19.-King George j sailed from Hampton Roads on tinof thenae alear tr guayan row will apparently end in tonight continued to make slow the August 9 of that year for a cruiset remaining three days before the of the 23rd Michigan Union Opera,, Christmas recess begins, the Sen- "Rainbow's End," will appear as a victory-for peace. Only last definite progress toward recovery through the Indian Ocean and1 ate declared it would be "mere dis- the feature number on the Saturday, when fighting began from the disease which for a full South Africa and made Rio deo radi pro itapperedmonth has beseiged him and kept Janerio their last port of call onc play" to seek ratification of the eleventh Michigan Night radio pro- again on the border, it appeared o a i i an the homeward trip. treaty in that time. 1 gram of the current series to be that war was inevitable. But the ( the day and evening bulletins of h City Is Anxious "I am not disposed to take up the broadcast between 7 and 8 o'clocl. >yC a hnouned, utilu tr As the opening number of the clash, while fierce in its nature, the physicians brought cheering The city is counting the hours treaty,' he announced, until there nght's prlasted only a short time. " Renew- efforts of the royal patient's suc- until it will welcome the American c is a prospect :of getting somewhere night's program, the singing d- !* i it. Trsre is gettn oportuni chorus, consisting of about fifty ed pressure was brought to bear on cessful resistance. battleship bearing the next Presi- with it. There is no opportunitym rsoniBolivia and Paraguay by outside The desperate battle which King dent of the United States and see to get action on the pact before jmembers of University Glee cuTedseaebtl hc ig1dnto hclubSae n e n hitmsadayatmti htadterglrchrsso h tiacetw oteFis ofrneGog a enwgn o hsisiosadmrnsaansrlig hrge acton n t teipt ibef and he rgulr chruss ofth aynsesnt wordationthe conferee George has been waging for his Isailors and marines again strolling direction would be mere display." production will sing the main here that she was ready for media- life continued somewhat in his the palm fringed avenidas after a, theme song of the show, Rain- ton Bolivi follod Tud favor today. lapse of almost four years. Mem-t Along with the Kellogg treaty, bow's End, with the leadingman'th a siviarelowed uesday This morning's medical bulletin, bers of the American naval mis- Chairman Borah reported from the Sidney Straight, Spec. as soloist. with a similar reply. like the two of Tuesday, recorded sion to Brazil only wear uniforms foreign relations committee the This will be followed by the Mobilization Ordered improvement, even though slight. when in active service with the modified interpretative resolu- "Hymn to the Dawn," the choruses Enrollment of troops in Para- Despite the fact that his majesty's Brazilian navy and the warant and tion of Senator Moses, Republican, supporting Otto Brown, Spec. in his guay goes on, however, mobiliza- gain has been slight, it has been petty officers always appear in the New Hampshire. The resolution solo. The other numbers that the tion having been ordered after the definite and a more hopeful at- streets in musti. The white caps goes before consideration with the choruses will sing include "If a tilt Saturday in which Bolivia was mosphere prevailed among palace and bell bottom trousers of the treaty without. recommendation by Girl Like You," "The Song of the said to have been the victor. This4 officials. American sailors, therefore, have the committee:. -Cowboys;" "I Can't Believe It," and war-like preparation is regarded in This mdrning's bulletin, which been forgotten. SdsMseFocs"Moxicana." The first three were part as an outlet for the popular Thsmrig'blenvtic benfgoen Sides Muster Forces e y 'Edward Heyman, Gr 'eli acausewdb th rrel .as signed by Sir Stanley Hewett, Preparations for electric illumin- With the fight now on the floor, while "Mexicana" was written by livia announced Tuesday that her Sir Hugh Rigby and Lord Daw- ations in welcome of Mr. Hoover Senator Moses and McNally, Sen- William M. Lewis, '29. The choruses troops had been ordered to stop son of Penn, was as follows: "The are nearly complete with a special ator Reed, Democrat, , are will be under the direction of The- their advance into the Gran Chaco King has had a restful night. The arch in front of the American em- mustering forces for the resolu- odore Harrison, head of the voice region, which is claimed by both slight improvement noted yester- bassy made of American and Braz-f tion which was redrafted to elimi- cotne. ntenyhic treferetcd tohem-department in the School of Music, i her and Paraguay. day continues." ilian flags flanking, reading "Wel-t nate any direct preference to the ile the Opera orchestra, com- Even before the secon and last On the whole, the situation was come Herbert Hoover" in three- American Monroe Doctrine. How-i posed of 25 members, will be direct- armed clash. Paraguy had signi- regarded as favorable and satisfac- foot letters of incandescent lamps. ever, the rsolution still provides ed by Roy Langham, '30. fled her willingness for arbitration. tory although it was emphasized Chamber Pays Tributet that the treaty "does not impair Contrary to the usual form of the Bolivia had insisted on "moral re- that anxiety continues and must Following upon the action of the for or abridge the right of the Uni- Michigan Night programs, only one paration" from Paraguay but this continue for some time. Uninter- Senate whose silver-tongued ora-Y ted States to defend its territory talk is listed for this program. demand was not mentioned in ner rupted progress for several days, I tor paid homage to the President- or other vital interests in accor- Prof. Evans Holbrook, of the law note accepting the good offices of it was said, would be necessary elect after that body had appointed dance with the traditional Ameri- school, who is well-known among the conference. before real confidence in the out l a committee of 21 to greet him, can policies, alumni circles, will speak on "Di- Quarrel Reopened Crisis come can be felt. the chamber this afternoon paid' Senator Bayard, Democrat, Del- vorce." Tonight's program is to be The quarrel between the two The developments of the imme- its tribute to the next President aware, who voted against reporting given over almost completely to the }Reubilics had reached the point diate future are awaited anxious- of the United States to the lips of the treaty from the committee, and broadcast of the musical selections. of a crisis when the Pan-American always being . The chamber Senator McLain, Republican, Con- conference met. Immediately a present of his majesty suffering a named a similar committee of necticut, who voted "present" on: Senate Passes Bill special international committee setback and losing some of the greeting. that poll, going with Reed and was named to look into the trouble ground so painfully won the pasthUhmk fast to Moses in writing the final draft. Approved By House! and to offer to conciliate. The two or three days. There was no When the ta makes ,committe'P has been standing by,~ disposition to minimize the fact, the quay at the foot of Avenida Senator ShipsteadFarmer-La- (Prs)nthat the royal atient's condition' Rio Branco the Hoover paty bor, Minnesota, who voted for re- but with the way cleared for ac- yt t e porting the treaty, stated today he H WASHINGTON, Dec. 19.-The tion it had before it today a meet- still was critical. step from the gangway to a red- wraspotth inclinedry also to ae favor tythe Hawes bill designed to allow states i ng to formulate concete po- cree uwylaigt h Ms esolo tough the to bar the sale of other states' pris- gposals fone already in mind was- S customs building to the praca on made goods was passed today by St. Lous Selectedmaua, the big square- at the foot wanted to study the entire case the suggestion that there be no fute.Te"eouinss lothe Senate b a vote of 65 to 11.1 further fihig oent 'cslof the avenue. Automobiles will further. The "resolutionists" also The measure already approved ___hr __htn _r___ ___ 1 take the entire party to their shore are counting on other support Iby the House, now goes to confer- Bv Associated Press) quarters, but before leaving thec Final Bill Delayed ence to adjust minor amendments Chart Of Upper Air WASHINGTON, Dec. 19-The Na- quay Hoover will be greeted by: As soon as the dispending prison; before it may be sent to President ,I du dByNaPresident Washington Luis, mom- labor bill is out of the way the Coolidge. The Senate changed the tional Aeronautic association's bers of his cabinet and the com- Senate will give right of way to the i bill to make interim before its pro- \ id1 ,e...;contest comimttee Tuesday an- mittees of the senate and chamber. administration's naval cruiser con- visions could become effective fivA I- nounced St. Louis, Mo., has been ill Ride With President ~trction bill but laders hold no years rather than three years as WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. -- Thej selected for the Gordon Bennettl; WlRie itPrsdn;x hope of obtaining final action on proposed by the House. first aviation chart ever made by 1 international balloondraces, next I Hoover will ride in the personal hpeang__mtnnany country of the upper air over Oct. 1. The association announced automobile of the Brazilian presi- ths before Christmas either. the Pacific Ocean has been issued also that the national balloon races, dent, an American made car, to It is entirely possible now inat estifes nCrease by the navy hydrographic office, to determine American entrants Guanabara palace, followed by an-: after the recess which will end In Alien Smuggling; showing conditions to be expected for the international event, would other car containing Mrs. Wash-t January 3, the Senate may consider !__during the month of January. e be held in Pittsburgh, Pa., on Iington Luis and Mrs. Hoover. both the treaty and navy measures (y Associated Press) This will be the first of a series the-p-I May 4. The newspapermen accompany- over which a fight for propriety WASHINGTON; Dec. 19.- The of monthly "pilot charts of th - ing the good-will tour will be lodged was threatened. However, which- Mexican border is proving the per air for the north Pacific, simi--n is actedauponrfirst, eadersngx-hleaklfortte bulkeofftheealiens Atlantic !in the Gloria and Palace hotels. ever is acted upon first, leaders ex- leak for the bulk of the aliens lar to those of the north Political Star Rises They have a hectic program of en- pet no trobule in getting a final !smuggled into the United Stte issued by the navy department / hyhv etcpormo n States, during the last year. It is thought -In French Government i tertainment before them by their vote on both, nor is any trouble George J. Harris, assistant commis- tIBrazilian conferee in addition to ,.,na ; ranili ,rhnl ;C +~! . , ,, ;,,,;",,+;, +o+; !hat Pa ifc ir con itonam y nditirf n,.o (fl Associated Press) ABOARD U. S. S. FALCON, Off Block Island, R. I., (by way of Block Island Coast Guard Radio Station), Dec. 19.-The submarine S-4, which remained down by the stern in 55 feet of water when an attempt to raise her with new lift- ing hooks was made, was brought to the surface at 9:47 this morning. The craft had been deliberately sunk without a crew at 8:21 Mon- day morning. The bow of the submarine was high and dry out of the water of Great Salt pond earlier this morn- ing, but its stern was resting in mud, whence it had to be removedi before the test of new lifting hooks for submarines was completed. COUCLASKS GROUPS TO REPORTON SEALSI Committee Attempts To Secure Vacations Of Four Days For Thanksgiving GILMARTIN MAKES REPORT At a regular weekly meeting of the Student council last night, Ernest McCoy, '29, in charge of the council's campaign to sell tuber- culosis seals to fraternities, urged all fraternities who have purchased their quotas to remit $5.00 to the national headquarters of the tuber- culosis seal association before Christmas vacation. John R. Gilmartin, '29E, dele- gate to the recent convention of the National Student Government federation, reported indirectly that the local Student council was praised in the higest terms at that meeting. While the convention was in session at the University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo., the uni- versity was forced to close due to the influenza epidemic, Gilmartin said. Reporting on the progress of a committee of which he is chair- man, to secure a four-day Thanks- giving vacation, David Wheeler, '29, stated -that each of the persons whom he had interviewed had re- ferred him to some one else, and that as yet he had not taken up the matter with the final authority. The council is taking the matter up now to obtain a stand next year by University officials who have heretofore been able to escape the issue on the ground that the year's calendar had been fixed. Frederick M. Asbeck, '29, chair- man . of the council committee of student investigation of the facul- ty, reported that he is carrying forward plans for the investiga- tion with the cooperation of faculty members. He denied rumors that the investigation had been drop- ped, but did not disclose the na- ture of the work being done. Ohio State Asks For Extension Of Budget (Ry Associated Pres) COLUMBUS, Dec. 19.-An agri- culture extension budget of $959,- 280 for Ohio State university for the next biennium has been sub- Mitted by President Rightmire. The amount. an increase of 64 REGENTS WILL HOLD PUBLIC MEETING FOR DORMITOYHERING SPECIAI SESSION TOMORROW AFTERNOON WILL BE OPEN TO PUBLIC LITTLE WLL PRESIDE Fourteen Citizens Sign Petition Presented To Members Of Board Convening at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in room C of the Law building for a special session, the Board of Regents will conduct a hearing on matters relative to the proposed construction of dormi- tories in Ann Arbor, according to an announcement made yesterday f from the office of Shirley W. Smith, 1 secretary of the University. Nature Of Testimony Unknown After a compilation of replies from members of the board who were sent copies of the petition presented to Secretary Smith last week, in which a special meeting of the Regents was requested, it was decided to hold a special meeting before the holiday vacation began. Although the exact nature of the testimony to be presented at the meeting is as yet uncertain, and although the meeting will be of a somewhat special nature, it is ex- pected that the proceedure will be comparable to that of any other meeting of that body, for which President Clarence Cook Little will act as chairman of the meet- ing. Large Attendance Expected According to Herbert G. Watkins, assistant secretary, the University will be ready to care for a large attendance tomorrow afternoon, and indicated that if room C, the proposed meeting place, should prove inadaquate to seat those who are interested in attending; the meeting would be moved to some place large enough to accommo- date the attendants. The decision to hold a meeting open to the public rather than a closed committee meeting includ- ing citizen representatives evident- ly was the result of the.wishes ex- pressed by the members of the board. Each member of the board was given a copy of the petition presented by the citizens and in- vited by Secretary Smith to offer suggestions as to the type of meet- ing to be held during which the dormitory matter was to be con- sidered. Fourteen Sign Petition The petition was signed by 14 citizens representing groups of residents of Ann Arbor who felt that their interests would be jeopardized if the proposed extenr sive dormitory construction, and - was the climax to several weeks of agitation aroused by the announce- ment made by administrative of- ficers of the University to the ef- feet that work would be started immediately on the first unit of the dormitory system. Among the signers of the petition appeared the name of Mayor Edward W. Staebler, of Ann Arbor. expected in deciding wnicn is to sioner genera of immigration testi- be taken up first, fled during hearings on labor do - prove to vary so slightly that the in issuance of the Pacific chart later, -- ---partment appropriations carried n'will be on a quarterly basis. C I the supply bill reported today to Committee Supports the House. Nomination Of West! He said, however, that while the' Plans Six Weeks' Work apprehensions of aliens comig (Bc Associad Pr 1esOh across the Mexican border this year' For Victims OfStorm WASHINGTON, Dec. represented a 50 percent increase,' nomination of Roy O. West, of Chi- he did not feel the large number SAN JUAN Porto Rico Dec. 19- ,as secrtay of the interior of apprehensions indicated a larger cago,rderedrfaorably reportedtnumber of surreptitious alien en- I Six weeks of work forthousands h ordre f ted to trants. of laborers in the coffee districts, +ha g~nn fnr onfirfin n't -,- _ (By Associated Press) PARIS, DEC. 19.-Andre Tardieu, high commissioner for France dur-- ing the war in the United States, is looked upon as the star of Pre- mier Poincare's fifth cabinet. He was Clemenceau's right hand man and is now developing an eclipse in 1924. His friends call him a rising star. He is the first man outside the rad- ical party to become minister of' the interior since Barthou held the official program of foreign. Minister Mangadeira who has ar-' ranged to occupy every hour of ther three-day stay with two luncheons,x two dinners, and motor trips tot Petropolis, the summer capital. Pan amans Legislate For Aviation Field' (qty Associated Press) PANAMA, Dec. 19.-The Nationals congress has given first reading to c a bill which authorizes the gov- ernment to undertake the con-i struction of an airport in the sub-j urb of Panama city. The bill car- ; per cent of the present budget, in- cludes approximately $125,000uan-!Search Continues nually for salaries of county P i agents for university recommends For Pair In Canyon be added to state payroles. The, salaries now are met by contribu- (By Associated Press) tions from the counties, local farm { GRAND CANYON, Ariz., Dec. 19. bureaus and other private agencies. Continued search of the waters of the Colorado river and vicinity to- Institutional Loans j day failed to reveal any trace of Help Many Students Mr and Mrs. Glenn Hyde, venture- some couple, who attempted to (By Associated Press> shoot the rapids of Grand Canyon WASHINGTON, Dec. 19.-A new in a home-made scow. and well-rounded education can Two army observation planes, now be secured on the installment sent out from March Field, River- plan, since the bureau of educa- side, Cal., and based last night at tion has found that in 282 colleges Las Vegas, Nev., soared over the and universities there are funds scenic declivity today without totalling $4,000,000 for loans an- sighting the Hyde scow two weeks nually to students. These loans overdue at Needles, Cal., its destin- generally are paid back to the nation. fund in a specified time after graduation. Aside from the institutional re- Evangelists Fear For sources there are many indepen- Future As Jobs Fail dent agencies which give financial assistance to college boys and girls, (By Associated Press) it was found. MEMPHIS, Tenn., Dec. 19.-Un- employment among evangelists Flo Will Attempt "has reached serious proportions .r,. : N.. - _ - . (and". fi 'YmLthi, 1 r( mildY1 hp1 rrn M the enati eor cn rmIaLi1 Iu "today by its lands committee after the secretary had listened to a- blunt statement by Chairman Nye opposing him because of his previ- ous holdings of stock in the Sam-; uel Insull power utilities com-: who have had little chance to earn that portfolio 32 years ago Andrews To SacY h tmoney since the September hurri- -___tf ___2_ers_ .. r rcane, was promised by the Red For "Missing Link" Cross Tuesday. The work will Holiday Mail Rush start Jan. 1. and plans now are! Approaches Climax (By Associated Press) being perfected for the expenditure ___CsX