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December 19, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-12-19

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No more than 2 per cent of the veloped. At any rate, there is no
CHOSEN AStudentSbody has been ill in bed justification for closing the Uni-
with influenza, according to a versity on account of influenza.
(' ( I ATY statement released late yesterday The Health Service has made a if
by Dr. John Sundwall, of the hy- survey of 153 student groups in-T
giene and public health depart- cluding fraternities, sororities, and I
ment. The figure was based on dormitories, and league houses
PHI KAPPA PIll INITIATES Health Service estimates. relative to the prevalence of influ- BOTH DISPUTING COUNTRIES
CHOSEN FOR CHARACTER "Today's indications are that the enza. Its report is based on the AGREE TO SUBMIT TO
AND SCHOLARSHIP peak of the epidemic was reached findings among these groups. ARBITRATION
Monday," said Professor Sundwall. The University hospital reports a _ ~
IB];RDELIVRS ADRESS"Fewer calls have come in today total of 50 cases among its e-
HUBER DELVERS ADDRESS for medical attention. The Health ployees. This represent less thanm 4'DECISION PROBLEMATICAL
Service is happy to announce that, per cent of the number employed,
Five Different Schools, Colleges so far, no serious cases have de- and since these people are far more Special Branch of Pan-American
Represented In First Semester exposed to influenza than are stu- Body To Meet Tomorrow And
Elections To Fraternity L dents, Dr. Sundwall concludes.that Hear All Arguments
the present situation is satisfactory.
Thirty-five seniors from five dif- "The Health Service will be theAH (Iy Aso c 18ed-ress)
ferent schools and colleges of the first to recommend that the Uni- WASHINGTON, Dec. 18.-With
University were initiated into Phi u[TI versity close if this is regarded as Bolivia and Paraguay both agree-
Kappa Phi, national honorary KN S IP OE desirable," said Professor Sundwall. able to mediation of their dispute
society, at the first semester initia- "But indications at the present by the Pan-American conference
tion banquet last night at the I moment are that the University on arbitration, that gathering to-
Union. Those. honored were selec- Ray Treatments Are Effective In will continue its regular work until day set its machinery in motion
ted for outstanding scholarship Aiding Slow Improvement, But the end of this week." looking to a settlement of the con-
and character as shown by their Recovery Is Not Certain troversy which for over a week has
scholastic records and their rela-j --r n~~Tf threatened war in South America.
tionships with faculty and fellow- ENWLAND IS OPTIMISTIC LAW IS IN AI TION i A meeting of the conference's
students. ; __ II uIIiuu special committee to conciliate the
Dean G. Carl Huber of the Grad- (y Associated Press) I Paraguayan-Bolivian tangle, was
uate schoolformer president of the LONDON, Dec. 18.-Good news STATLITLEproposed for tomorrow. As soon
Michigan chapter of the society, came from the King's bedside to- IdTAGEEI as the text of the note by Bolivia
gave the principal address. Trac- night. It was all the more welcome and Paraguay, accepting the con-
ing the development of the Univer- to British hearts after the disap- ference's offer of good offices
sity "ontogenetically" rather than pointment caused by the Monday President Speaks At Smoker On could be brought before it. At that
"phylogenetically" Dean Huber night announcement. The bulletin, Changing Conditions In Law meeting proposals will be discussed
gave short sketches of the lives timed 8:10 p. m. said: Profession Today for concrete measures to investi-
and accomplishments of some of "The King has passed a quiet day -- Igate the controversy and reconcile
the more famous former members and the progress noted this morn- RESEARCH IS P 0551BL E the disputants.
of the university faculty. ing has continued." anucmt Conciliation Treaties Considered
Huber Talks Oi Success from the doctors told of a slight "You are fortunate to be in your Meanwhile the conference itself
"The lives of these men teach improvement over night, despite student days, in the transition pe- pushed forward with other work
us,"ea Hber dheclredm tathe facrtmthatr Kgh, Geoe driod of the Law profession," de- and a sub-committee on concilia-
it is Dean Huber declared, "that the fact that King George had ar lared President Clarence Cook tion treaties agreed upon a general
ke s nottrainingsuccess. in itselfS eswhich gone throughseveral disturbed Little last night at a Chirstmas basis for a multilateral pact of con-
makl on satie abliy, s rapas huri. ina to s repcts smoker held at the Lawyer's club. ciliation whereby in the future all
mainly on native ability, on capac- cheering in two positive repect'"You must act as individuals," he disputes between American states,
ity for work, on an optimistic ap and besides it confirmed the re- challenged "for the days are fast no matter what their nature,
preciation of opportunity." newed optimism which the morn- calne frtedy r atn atrwa hi aue
in p"nwd anoumen had aroused going when you can act on the would be suggested to the media-
The initiates were presented by Tnguan n sewere signed by Sir traditions of the Law profession." tion of an international commis-
Prof. C. S. Yoakum of the business Th bins whe siged by "There is a new type of education sion.
administration school and were in- Hugh Rigby, the surgeon in the d Lord being developed," he continued "in The work of this sub-committee
structed in the history of the so- Daws on of Penn. Doctors Woods which the individual is capable of progressed during the day while
ciety by Prof. A. E. D. Boak of the and Hewitt this evening administ- finding new truths. The attempt the developments in the Bolivian-
history department. Phi Kappa ered the daily treatment by ultra- to decentralize in most professions Paraguayan dispute were taking
Phi was founded at the University violet rays. They were with the has been slow in spreading to Law, place.
of Maine in 1897, and has grown ipatient about an hour, a consulta- but now the development of re- I
searchiin the legalfaeldhissagpart of In connection with the latter
until now there are 45 chapters in tion of the regular doctors followedsearch i the legal field is a part o phase of the conference's activities
colleges all over the country. and the bulletin was then issued. a general tendency which all pro word was received early in the day
Its motto is "The love of learning Of the last six official bulletins. fessions are making, sa resi- from La Paz that the Bolivian
dent Little. gvrmn ol ipthant
rules the world" and the key is the four have given reports of improve- "To us, who are trained in the government would dispatch a note
name of the society superimposed ment. This fact was taken as board f sciences, life is one big to Secretary of State Kellogg ac-
on a globe surrounded by sun-rays. good evidence that the ray treat-bi experiment In law it has been cepting the arbitration conference s
Thirty-Five Are Initiated ment was proving an effective different and he approach to this good offices after this report was
"hreceived. Minister Diez de Medina
It is a special honor to be elected maueiih ffr osrnte condition can be noted now," he o oii alda h tt e
to esosciyinthenirtsemestr.thThe check elated in last night's'continued, "and I challenge you to of Bolivia called at the state de-
Further elections will be made bulletin was tonight believed, as it break open you profession with all partment to give oral assurance of
later in the year. Those initiated i was otog be ly a it of your originality." his country's intentions in this re-
lat nightweeom the miteard was then hoped, to be only a tm- The smoker was preceeded by the gard.
last night were: from the literarywin i porary halt in a slow upward regular Christmas dinner in the Danger Of War Lessened
Brownell, Inez M. Clark, Lucille B. careful to suppress anything like dining room of the Lawyer's club. The prompt reaction of both dis-
Deinzer, William Emery, Robert E. extreme optimism andtheyinsist- In co-operation with the local puting governments to the con-
Finch, Ruth M. Fine, Eleanor A. ethatthe time fanxiety had charities campaign, a boy was com- ference's offer and reports from
Fainch, Russell.GoFrih, laoAed thath me fory pletely outfitted by the members of La Paz that instructions had been
Gaiser, Russell C. Goodrich, Isaac by no means gone. the club with sweater, corduroy issued by the Bolivian general
poe B. Kimels, Walter L. Mcowan, trousers, heavy boots, and other staff to its troops on the bordei
Elizabeth A. McIntosh, Morris Mel- Auto Ban To Be Lifted articles which make up a small to withhold any further attempt
EWzbt . M yerts,. oer A. C Holida boy's usual attire. in the disputed territory were re-
nik, Daniel W. Myers,. Roger A. I C rstmas od y Music before and after the in- ceived in all circles here as indicat-
Pack, Orsamus M. PA. Sodeman, Regulations prohibiting students formal remarks of President Little ing that the danger of hostilities
Schwartz, William A.Sdmn e Uivrsit fromtn tdivngs was furnished by Gerald White, between the two countires hac
and Virginia C. Tice; from the en- of the 29L; Lester Davidson, 30L; Blair been lessened for the time being
gineering school, Gordon H. Brown, automobiles will be relaxed during Swartz, Grad.; and Marlin Small, at least.
Bernard M. Cain, John A. Hapke, the holiday vacation, according to 31L. The committee. which had Th conferences special commit-
William R. Hough, and Atsushi W. an announcement made yesterday charge of the arrangements for theTeeconferene'sisfirot
Miyanaga; from the Medical school, by J. A. Bursley, dean of students. program and the dinner were Fred tee will have t its first problem
John F. Huber, George L. Pattee, Beginning at 12 o'clock, noon, onp Smith, 29L, chairman; Gerald ed promulgation f such recom-
John F.9LHuberan;Georlde!mendaios as will make perma-
and Richard L. Sutton, Jr.; from Friday, Dec. 21, students will be Smith, 29L; and Dan Tencate, 30L. I nent the present lull in the Bolv-
the dental school, Percy J. Hopkins, allowed to operate automobiles nt peth -
D. C. Miller, and Paul V. Reid; and until 8 o'clock Monday morning, and, r'- Glee C b an-Paraguayan situation. It i
from the School of Education, De- Jan. 7, 1929, at which time the d G rs therefore expected to recommen
light H. C. Berg, Helen A. Fagg, present restrictions will again be Give Concert Tonight to both countries that they refrair
and Irene L. Richard. enforced by University authorities. from any warlike activities whil
As a final student get-together the arbitration conference is a
VALUABLE BOOKS DEPICTING EARLY before the holidays a musical pro- work.
gram arranged by the Varsity Final Action Uncertain
PRINTING PRESENTED TO UNIVERSITY band and the Girls' Glee club as As to what final steps the com
their contribution to Christmas mittee is likely to recommend t
Characterizing it as one of the "Fasciculus Temporum," printed by gaiety will be presented at 8 o'clock the conference as best suited t
first fruits of the Alumni univer- the famous firm of Ratdolt in Ven- tonight in Hill auditorium. A sim- ibring back normal relations be
sity, W. W. Bishop, Universityli- ice in 1484, and the "Epistolae," b! ilar concert was held-last year and tween Paraguay and Bolivia, dele
Marselio Ficino, Florence, 1494. proved so successful that it has gates on that body were very re

brarian, announces the gift to the Both of these last two named books been decided to continue the event served. It is known, however, tha
University library of the works of 1 are first editions, and both are as an annual custom. An enthusi- a proposal will be introduce
Konrad Haebler, "The Italian In- unusually interesting specimens of astic audience is expected to at-; whereby the permanent interna
cunabula" and "The German In- printing. jtend. tional commission established it
cunabula," by Virgil V. McNitt, The library has been singularly The band, conducted by Nicholas Montivideo, Uruguay, under th
who has been interested in fine fortunate in gifts from alumni and Falcone, has prepared a varied terms of the Gondra investigatio:
printing for many years. others interested in its progress. program of selections including treaty, signed in 1923, would be em
These consist of an introductory The greater benefactors of recent "Procession of Bacchus" by De- powered by the conference t
text by the famous author on years are Silas Wright Dunning, Jlibes, "The Lost Continent" from establish the facts in the contro
early printing,,and 110 leaves taken Octavia Bates, Regent Lucius L. V. P. Safranck's "Atlantis Suite," versy.
from Italian incunabula and the Hubbard, and Dr. Lewis S. Pilcher; and "The Yellow and Blue." A report of this group, under t
same number of specimens of Ger- the gift of the Spaulding Memorial In keeping with the holiday tone Gondro treaty, then would be sub-
man incunabula. These are con- Book fund from Major Thomas M. of the concert, "Uncle Bob" Camp- mitted to a committee on the con
sidered invaluable for the study of Spaulding; and the gift of medical bell, treasurer of the University ference itself for study. This las
fifteenth century printing. Com- incunabula in memory of Dr. and faculty advisor of the band, committee could be either th
bined with the Dunn-Wooley pho- Ernest Haas, of Detroit. The gift will give a short talk extending special committee which has al
tographs and with almost 150 in- of Mr. McNitt is directly along the Christmas good cheer to the audi- ready been constituted here or an
'cunabula which the library already line of his own personal interest, ence. other of a more permanent nature
owns, the University has abundant I and it is his intention to add to The Girls' Glee club which is as- ___fvr imn ncs
'specimens for the study of f if- ithe volumes from time to time. sisting in the concert this year -- 1C k
teenth century types. ; In commenting on the gifts of under the direction of Nora Crane Football Coach Talks
Mr. McNitt has added to this] alumni, Librarian Bishop stated, Hunt in place of the Men's Glee To Freshman Player
gift five incunabula including two I "Alumni who are themselves col- club, will sing Schumann's "Gypsy '"'
mii 1,a r Ta. . Thp first nf 11ntnrC of honks. in QivinQ the fruits ILife," with several solo parts taken t Mr of the freshman fon

Speaking in favor of the dor- bers of the forensic organizationsf
mitory system, Nathan Levy, '31, danced and refreshments were
won first place in the finals of the served.d
all-campus extemporaneous contest Judges for the contest were
held last night in the Alpha Nu Henry Moser and Floyd K. Riley of
room on the fourth floor of Angell the speech department, Jarl An- i ili MUCH t I
hall. Leo T. Norville, '30, took sec- deer, '29, Howard Simon, '30, Or-
ond place, and Arthur E. Schroder, mond J. Drake, '30Ed, and Law- MEASURE CALLS FOR EXPENSE
'31, was third in the field of seven rence E. Hartwig, '31. Drake was OF $165,000,000 ON DAM ON
competitors. Gold, silver, and winner of the contest last year.,lCLRD IE
bronze medals were awarded to the Levy, this year's victor, took second COLORADO RIVER
three winners. in last year's event.
A large audience was present to According to an announcement PARTY LINES SHATTERED
hear the contest and to attend the by John E. "Webster, '30P, chairman
party given afterward by Athena, 1 of the local contest committee of Irrigation Chairman Confers With
Portia, Alpha Nu, and Adeiphi, the the Oratorical association, the ex- Coolidge; Predicts Bill Will
for campus literary socities mthe tempare contest, which has been Be Approved
forcmu ieayscte.Teproom was decorated in harmony an annual affair, may be held each
with the Christmas spirit. Mem- semester if sufficient interest is (13Y Associated Press)
shown. A policy of awarding gold, WASHINGTON, Dec. 18- Con-
silver, and bronze medals for first, gress today laid on the doorstep of
second, and third place, respec- the White House one of the most
. tively, will be followed in the fu- battle-worn legislative products of
ture, he stated. Live local topics a decade when the House puts its
such as the dormitory plan will be stamp of approval on the bill pop-
Pselected for discussion as far as ularly known as Boulder dam.
L II possible, and an attempt will be In less than two hours time, giv-
made to stir up real interest in en over to a final analysis of the
California ' University Professors speech activities on the campus. measures by its proponents and a
I Tel O Disoveing pata few parting shots by its old foes,
In New Mexico the Senate amendments to the bill,
ITIUSULIflI C NT O passed last session by the House,
were adopted and the long con-
FINDITRIASSIC REMAINS troversey ended, for the time being,
at least.
(M hAId ]) I JaThe revised measure, calling for
BERKELEY, Cal., Dec. 18.-Two a $165,000,000 flood control, irriga-
University of California professors.. tion and power project on the Colo-
. Assumes Ministry Of Colonies! rado river was passed by a roll call
have just returned with a tale of Making Seven Of Thirteen ! vote of .166 to 122, but not until
discovering a spot in New Mexico! Departments His Own I after its chief sponsor, Representa-
more remote from the general cur- tive Swing, Republican, California,
I rent of civilization in the United' COMBINES DEFENSE UNITS had been given the scare of his life
States than the wildest spot in by a standing vote showing the
AraoBro(By Associated Press) , motion to agree to the amendment
AIn their report, made public to ROME, Dec. 18-Benito Mussolini to have been beaten 77 to 71.
I d hyrProfeort.madCampbcuato- today took over the ministry of Party Lines Are Shattered
of amphibians and reptiles in the! colonies, thus assuming seven of Party lines were thoroughly shat-
the thirteen portfolios in the gov- tered on the final vote, which saved
I museum of vertebrate zoology, and ernment and constituting himself the measure the ignominy of fur-
V. L. Vanderhoof, museum collec- a majority ther torture in conference and sent
" osaid in one spot in northamjrt of the cabinet. He now - oPeietCoig
nholdsthe most important depart- it forthwith to President Coolidge
western New Mexico, one could ments in his own hands, having for his approval or rejection.
stand on a promontory and survey besides colonies the departments of The roll call showed exactly as
time, perhaps 75,000,000 years ago.I foreign affairs, war, marine, avia-. many Republicans in favor of the
whthme irpst four-,foote al tion, interior and corporations. revised bill as against. Seventy-
when the first four-footed animals The ports held by other indivi- nine Republicans were joined by 85
walked the earth. duals are the ministry of public Democrats, the lone Socialist mem-
The location, the university men works, justice, finance, national ber, Berger, of Wisconsin, and a
say, is one of the richest fossil economy, communications and pub- Farmer-Labor member, Carss, of
i fields yet found on the American lic education. Minnesota, in favoring adoption,
continent. In official quarters, it was said, while 43 Democrats lined up with
"Pushed up and exposed to view experience showed that concentra- 79 Republicans in opposition.
by the great continental divide are tion of the various branches of All of the Republican leaders, in-
many old strata containing the public administration under oneI cluding Tilson of Connecticut, the
fossilized bones of animals from person was highly advantageous. It majority flood leader, Chairman
most of the important heirs of the insured uniformity of direction and Snell of the rules committee Chair-
past," says the report, "starting theh avoidance of disagreements man Hawley of the ways and
with the premian period more which might reach actual conflict I means committee and Representa-
- than 75,000,000 years ago and con-! when ministries are headed by dif- I tive Wood of Indiana, ranking Re-
tinuing the comparatively recent ferent persons. publican on the appropriations
miocene period, closing perhaps i It was stated further that Mus- committee, voted for the amend-
7000000lversli i h d fm dr it i ll Ie-ment.

1 , Y, 01 .5v so in n a oun a i espec iu a e
Professors Camp and Vander- ful to be at the head of all depart-
hoof investigated many of these ments having to do with national
strata and obtained about a ton defense. He has thus been able to
of material which was shipped to co-ordinate his various forces and'
the university museum. In one: make the army, navy, and aviationI
bed, representatives of the triassic groups a single. unit.
period, they found early reptiles;
above that, in another bed, rep-' Doialdson To Deliver
resentatives of the cretaceous pe- Ii
riod, were found crocodiles, and Illustrated AddressI
dinosaurs, still higher was the pal-
eogene, containing primitive main- Prof. Bruce M. Donaldson, of the
mals; and above that the Sante: fine arts department and president
Fe marls of the miocene epoch, of the Ann Arbor Art association,
containing the primitive horse, the will lecture on "Some Masterpieces.
rhinoceros and other more recent of Italian Renassiance Sculpture"
s iat a meeting of Il Circolo Italiano'
s to be held at 4:15 o'clock this after-
noon in room D, Alumni Memorial
Teachers To Representl hall.
.". - The lecture will be illustrated
UiverSity At Meeting with lantern slides, it is announced

Coolidge Is Consulted
Chairman Smith of the irrigation
committee, who moved adoption of
the amendment, together with
Representative Swing, co-author of
the legislation, conferred with
President Coolidge at the White
House earlier in the day and said
afterward they were hopeful that
the measure would be signed.
Swing described the conference
as "very satisfactory" and express-
ed confidence that the bill would
meet with the approval of the exe-
As finally passed, the measure
proposes construction at the Black
canyon site in the Colorado river
of a huge dam to provide water for
irrigation in the seven states in the
river basin. A power plant also
would be built at the dam to fur-

A by Helen M. Latting, '29, president nish electric power to scores of lo.
Several faculty members of the of the club. calities of the west.
German and Romance languages I
- departments will represent the "SCHOOL GOING TO CLOSE?" "NO!"
o University at the annual conven- !
o tion of the Association of Modern SHRIEK DAILY MEN TO 750 CALLS
- Languages, to be held in Touonto _______ A L
- Dec. 27, 28, and 29, it was learned By Lark the Regents were to hold a special
yesterday. The hation at large may have meeting in Ann Arbor to close the
t Walter A. Reichart, of the Ger- doubted the direct benefits of the University to check the spread of
d man department, is the only Uni- f the influenza. Well, it seems that this
- versity teacher who will read a alleged whispering campaign o fellow told another fellow who
n paper before the convention this late presidential race, but could knew a girl who lived in a sorority,
e year. He will present a discussion the eyes of the country have been and that, of course, spread the
n of Gerhart Hauptmann's play, turned on the University of Michi- thing all over the campus. The
- "Germanen und .Roemer," which gan campus for the past three or whispering campaign had begun
o was written in 1881 and discover- four days, they would have ob- and the sororities whispered as
- ed only last year after having served first-hand the cause and they never had whispered before.
been long considered lost. The effect of just such a phenomena, if And so a spark of hope kindled
e manuscript was loaned to Reichart such it be. in the breasts of the studious deni-
- while he was studying in Germany Last Monday night the staff of zens of the University brightened
- last summer. 1 The Daily answered between 750 and spread till it was a raging fur-
st Prof. A. O. Lee, Prof. Tobias J. and 800 telephone calls between 6 nace of information. At least, so
e C. Diekhoff, Prof. J. A. C. Hildner, o'clock and midnight in reply to the call at the office revealed.
"~ and Fred B. Wahr, in addition to frantic queries- of students and "SCHOOL WAS GOING TO CLOSE
- Reichart, will represent the Ger- townspeople about the closing of AT NOON TOMORROW!"
e" man department at the conven- the University. The calls poured Of course, as the young ladies got
tion. Several instructors of French into the offices of The Daily so hold of the report fully three-
and Spanish have also signified fast that a special assignment of fourths of the calls were made by
their, intention of being present seven staff-members was drafted girls), it grew wierd and diversified
7 I including Prof. Hugo P. Thieme, for the sole purpose of answering "The Regents had met to close the
1 Prof. William A. McLaughlin, and the calls. And when all the trunk University." "Dr. Forsythe ha
it- irAf Rdarri . Adiams. lines of the office were in use, the, ordered President Little to close


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