PACE TWO AIR4NDE WORLD PAYSHflAQE TO MEN TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF FLYING IS CELE1RATED IN NORTH CAROLINA ORVILLE WRIGHT ATTENDS Crowds Pay Tribute To Wrights At Scene Of First Air Flights * ( fl As s e<~c Pre.- . KITTY HAWK, N. C., Dec. 17.- Kill Devil hills, windswept sand dunes on the North Carolina coast, became an international shrine to- day as an "air-minded" world paid tribute to the men it called "flying fools" 25 years ago. Orville Wright, the first man to fly, was the center of an interna- tional celebration in observance of the twenty-fifty anniversary of man's first flight. Scores of hardy seafaring folk who live along these sandy shores anxousy awaited the return of the man "")in they re- garded as "foolhardy but harm- less" ,a quarter of a century ago. The four living witnesses of the Wright brothers' first flights here, 25 years ago today, related inci- dents from their memory of the first flight. Life Guards Helped Three of the men, John T. Dan- iels, W. S. Dough and A. D. Ether- idge, are now past 50 years of age, and their graying hair and ruddy faces tell the story of hardy early lives as members of the Kill Devil Hills life-saving crew. __ i i ;3 , t k w .., __. NJ I Cll J G A N IF A ITV 'VTTThZRMMAV ThI'tVRA P11 1'. 1 f01r, ....__x__ r'3' wy little for the pub- situation sine) asete Paul Porter, recently appointed fieldsertary Demofay, te Leag e rcrests bees use of the annual ap- elty, but they exhibit no ,tirm m'r Industrial Democracy, will be the ----- pearanc ocf C hristmlas trees,." de- the t housands of t, ev>end younI speaker at the meeting of the National Student Federation Favor ared Prom. L. J. Young. of sta nds of timber that are w ied Round Table club at 8 o'clock to- Optional Military Education School of Fore"tr and Conse:'va- out in a singie fire in a wes trn morrow night in room 306 of the. In Universities tion in an interview yesterday. He forest,' Union, it has been announced. said that the estimated three mil- According to professor Yonge Porter,' who has taken over the DISCUSSES -ONOR SYSTEM lion trees that are used every the Conservation department ot position held by Paul Blanchard, .t Yuletide in the United States con- the state has instil uted a campairn Michigan graduate, will speak on Optional rather than compulsory prise only one third of what the to cheek up on all respassers and the "Status, of Labor." Allthose military education was recom- State of Michigon alone plants in see to it that the state prccrty is; interested in'labor are cordially in- mended at the fourth annual con- one yet. nrcpcriy protected in every a"y: t vited to attend. gress of the National Student Fed- "The ndency now is to plant against unrestricted eutth of, eration of America held recently regular plantations to take care of trees. Individuals who have been r PAPER CONDUCTS in Columbus, Mo. It was also the Christmas needs, so that the cutting Christmas trees. partic- stated that war, as a means of forests may be saved for lumber ularly those who engage in the* A THLETIC SURVEY settling international disputes is and other practical purposes," said. business on a commercial basis,e no longer practicable. Professor Young in stating the will have their activities curbed1 The Pennsylvania Gazette, stu- It was not advocated to do away present status of the situation. this year. under threat of arrest. dent publication at the University with the army, navy, and reserve "People are much alarmed over the Trees legitimately cut will be so of Pennsylvania, has discovered ofcers' training corps, but such o emarked by a tag. This is a reg-! through a'reden-t survey that a lit- training should be optional and Austrabian uchlar procedure in Colorado where tle ntore than a sixth of the total not compulsory. The use of pub- the Forest service cuts trees for numnborof stuidents in: the institu- lct n sut opopularize PasdBy fl iA i nbep esici an stuntsnto p Prised pe um tags them, and sells tion. rpored or artciptio onmilitary training in colleges andthm the athletic squads there, last year. .niversities are dangerous it was --- In discussing the greed of people Of the'six thousand students in the poin'ted out, because young peoplei "a P for Christmas trees, Professor institution, 1582.:reported for ac- accept customs of the commu-, ROME. Dec. 17.-Pope Pius, at Young stated that it is common at tion. with the various squads and ities in which they are born the opening of a secret consistory Christmas for people to cut down 919 actively .engaged in the sports. in a discussion on the establish- today, extolled the Eucharistic trees in the arboretum. Around The 919 are divided thus: foot- rent of honor systers in colleges congress at Sydney, New South the Hudson river estates of New ball, 86; baseball, 67; crew, 148; and universities, it was concluded Wales. as one of the most striking York owners are forced to pour track, 104; basketball, 58; soccer, that the success of such a system manifestations of Catholicism any- a lquid mixture over the trees to 74'-; boxing 59'; fencing, 40; golf, 10; upon the character of where in the world in recent years. make them undesirable over the gymnastics, 26; lacrosse, 75; swim- the students. It was brought out The congress formed the sole Christmas season. At the present ming, 64; squash, 6; rifle, 19; ten- thetudents. y 4a brut o The o es foe thensancQ time the forestry school is main- nis, 7; wrestling, 74.E that approximately 40 percent of subject-of the Pope's allocutiona andi taining an armed guard at their, The 7 slnmber o4 methe colleges in the United States he concluded by saying that the plantation in Saginaw forest out cipating may be excused on the use the honor system. success of the gathering was such 1lnon treet. grounds that other activities take On the impracticability of war, that it merited devoting an entire doubt there is valuable tim- it was stated that war as a tool allocution to it. up much 'of the undergraduate's topooebsns nterets wil TePnifvcd ber in the trees that are so cut, time, but the Gazette asserts that npromote busines ineressmbll The Pontiff voiceddparticular but the amount is not sufficient for the sh fo t no longer pay. We must gamble pleasure at the attitude of non- general alarm," he concluded. nnathletic fes an tht th everything," said Tucker P. Smith, Catholic Austr'alians who contribu- averge undegrduatefinds na texecutive secretary of the Commit- ted to the success of the gather- interaetndUersityuativitiesnotee on Militarism in that showeithe, terest inUniegratactivities.Eutcation, ing, saying they showed them1 CHRISTMAS GIFTS "either on the perpetuation of, -entiment in which war- finds itsP selves not only hospitable and re- MEMBERS OF ORCESIS xcuse, or upon the formation of stf lut also animated:-by a urr, Patterson WGRK ON DANCE the biggest club in the world. e p & Auld Co. There is no middle ground." set h apostolic enedictin Church, at South U to all who took, part in the conl- Members of Orchesis are working E C Wgress.__ hard on "The Little. Princess" the MMVIVE~.- SCH1vIAAEL The Pope's allocution was the 1 daice drama whichrthey'have PUBLISHES BOOK feature of this morning's secret Detroit Theaters selected for production before the zonsistory, since no new cardinals members of the academic natural A new book, "Tisza Tales," just were created and proclaimed. The dancing classes and other people received by local book stores, is the Pontiff, however, announced the who are particularly interested in work of Mme. Rosika Schwimmer, formal appointment of several CASS THEATRE seeing the drama. The date set noted pacifist who appeared be- arehbishopos and bishops, most of Beginning Sun. Eve., Dec. 16th for its presentation is January 31, fore several Ann Arbor audiences whom had already been nominated Nights $1.U to $2.50 three weeks after classes have been this month. The volume, while in- by "brief" during the course of the HAL SKELLY resumed after Christmas vacation. tended primarily for children, is past year. AND BARBARA STANWYCK The drama itself is extremely sim- said to possess such charm as to --In the Comedy Success Entitled ple, but it presents some very in- make it highly appealing to adults. TYPEWRITING ' M "BURLESQUE" teresting and fundamental prob- In the words of Freda. Kirchwey, and <__ _ _ lems which Orchesis members are writing for The Nation, "Tisza IIIME0GRIAPHING SHUBERT enjoying working on.. Tales," are intended for children, A specialty for LAFAYETTE Yesterday noon the entire foot- neither could an adul t who pre- Prompt sevice.. Experienced op- WM. HODGE ball squad and the coaching staff served any sense of kinship with erators.. M1,oderate rates. In His Greatest Success BOSTON, Dec. 17.-Gov Alvan T. Fuller and Mayor Malcolm E. - Nichols, both Republicans, were at v odds today after an exchange of JACKSONVILLE. Fla., Dec. 17-- charges that for acerbity were al- Forced back by bad weather, Lieut. most without parallel in recent his- Leonard S. Flo of Ann Arbor, Mich., tory in the state. returned to Municipal Airport The governor, by inference, at- Sunday after hopping off on a tacked the mayor in an address at proposed non-stop flight to Tulsa, Malden Saturday night in connec- Okla. He planned to make the tion with the failure of the city flight today if weather conditions to solve its transportation problems. improve. Mayor Nichols replied to the' Lieutenant Flo, who recently was Malden attack by describing the forced down by illness at Key West executive as "a successful specu- { v- nIe attempting a non-stop flight lator" rather than a "studious ad- from Walkerville, Ont., to Havana, ministrator," who "substituted per- annrounced Saturday he had can- sonal invective for for a dispassion- cc Hed his plan for a flight to Ann ate discussion." Arbor via Langley Field, Va. Such a perfect gift! a , -4 The fourth living spectator of the, first flight, John Moore, was only 18 years old on that cold December morning 25 years ago today when the Wrights asked the life saving!- crew to aid in launching their fly-, ing machine. Moore trudged up though the heavy sand against a biting wind to watch what the little 'group ex- pected to be' another flying ma-- chine that would not fly. The men helped the Wrights place their lia-; chine on its tracks and waited. with mixed sentiments of hopefulness and pessimism as Orville Wright, climbed into the kite-like machine. Engine Was Warmed Up The engine was warmed up; the propeller churned in the 'stiff wind. a wire holding the machine was re- ENER ELECTRIC "Makes it Safe to be Hungry" Any gift that lightens the every-day tasks of house- keeping always gets a warm welcome. And a General Electric Refrigerator which, in addition, provides new comforts and economies, gets a double share. This unusually quiet, "years ahead" refrigerator is entirely different from all others. Come in today and study its many superiorities. SCHLENKER HARDWARE leased, and it started down the were guests at the Kiwanis club of his own past or that of the race: track. Wilbur Wright ran 'along- Ann Arbor at a special football and for jaded minds, Oppressed by side the right wing, ready' to ba- luncheon. intellectual complexities. ance it on the track. The machine, dashed' down its rails and lifted into the air, flying 120 feet in 12 seconds before settling onto the sand without damage. It was a short flight compared to the present world record of more than 4,400 miles.- between Rome 'and Brazil, but it proved for the first time in the history of civi C lization that man could fly in o nachines of his own design. Three other flights were made by the Wrights 25 years ago today, Wil- bur staying aloft for 59 seconds and flying 852 feet against a 20-mile wind on the fourth attempt.' The stiff winds, which still blow in from the Atlantic with terrific Now Showing velocity, not only aided the Wrights in their first flights, but proved dis- The love romance of a little astrous to the machine they 'had spitfire who would rather devised. A few minutes after Wil- *starve than be love starved! bur had completed his flight, a strong gust of wind upset the frail plane and wrecked it. The pictur COSMOPOLITAN CLUB c hsen fron b h u n dr e ds to PLANS CHRISTMAS PARTY open tre Ne Fisher Theater The Cosmopolitan club will hold in Detroit. its annual Christmas party at 8:30 o'clock tonight in the Women's Athletic house . The committee in charge has planned a special pro- gram. Guest tickets may be secured by applying to Kalr A. Anderson, '29Ed, at 602 Monroe Avenue. Subscribe to The Michigan Daily., $4.00 a year. CHRIS TMAS CRN PRESENTS Foster's House of Art 213 S. State 1||!|111111111111111111s:1 --On the Stage- Let us do yourO t S She e/ictoRecording Star ShoeRepairing A H eaiAlso Highest. :qutality