FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY; bl CE'MBER "'16,'l 'f928 FOUR SUNt~AY; ~M~E~MBER' "1~) 'f928 I r Published every morning except Monday Suring the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Coaference Editorial Association. The . Associated Press is exclusively en- ttled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub ished herein. Entered at the "r~toffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post_ Waster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.oo; by snail, 04.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May. hard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, ta,. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor......................Paul J. Kern City Editor............. .Nelson 3 Smith News Editor............Richard C. Kurvink Sports Editor................Morrit Quinn Women's Editor ............. Sylvia S. Stone Editor Michigan Weekly... .3. Stewart Hooker Music and Drama......... .R. L. Askren Assistant City Editor. Lawrence R. Klein Night Editors Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe r oseph E. Howell Pierce Romsberg onald J. Klinc George E. Simons George C. Tilley Reporters Paul L. Adams Morris Alexander Esther Anderson C. A. Askren Bertram Askwith Louise Behymer Arthur Bernstein Seton C. Bovee Isabel Charles L. R. Chubb Prank X. Cooper Helen Domine Douglas Edwards Valborg Egeland Robert 3. Feldman Marjorie Follmer William Gentry Lawrence Hartwig Richard Jung Chiarles R. Kaufman Ruth Kelsey Donald E. Layman C. A. Lewis Marian MacDonald Henry Merry N. S. Pickard Victor Rabinowitz Anne Schell:- Rachel Shearer Robert Silbar Howard Simon Robert L. Sloss Arthur R. Strubel Edith Thomas Beth Valentine Gurney Williams Walter Wilds George E. Wohlgemuth Robert Woodroofe Toseph A. Russell Cadwell Swanson A. Stewart Edward L. Warner Jr. Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L HULSE Asistant Manager--RAYMOND WACHTER Department Mana er Advertising..............A. James Jordan Advertising..........Carl W. Hammer Service...............Herbert E. Varnnm Circulation...............George S. Bradley Accounts.............Lawrence E. "Walkley Publications............Ray M. Hofelich Assistants Irving Binzer Jack Horwich Donald Blacktone Dix Humphrey Mary Chase Marion Kerr J eanette Dale Lillian Kovinsy ernor Davis Bernard Larson Bessie Eeland Leonard Littlejohn Helen Geer Hollister Mabley Ann Goldberg Jack Rose Kasper Halverson Carl F. Schemm George Hamilton Sherwood Upton Agnes Herwig tMarie Welstead Walter Yeagley SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1928 Night Editor--GEORGE C. TILLEY CLOSE THE UNIVERSITY With a serious epidemic of mild influenza sweeping the country from coast to coast, and with sev- eral universities in the Middle West, including Kansas, Chicago, and Wisconsin, to say nothing of many smaller colleges closed against it, it is only natural that there should be considerable agita- tion locally for the closing of our own University for the same rea- sons. Christmas vacation, moreover, is no more than five days in the offing, making it, seem doubly sen- sible to meet the epidemic in the open and eliminate one of the greatest sources of its strength- the assembly of hundreds of per- sons in closed and often crowded classrooms. Local health authorities, as is only natural, have refused to ad- mit that the epidemic is beyond their control. At the same time, however, enough of the situation is apparent to indicate that there is much more sickness and danger of its increase than they have chosen to make public. All of the beds in the health service have been filled forhdays past and the number of cases which have been transfered to the University hospi- tal has been on the increase. A number of instructors and professors are known to be unable to conduct classes at the present time, and in addition there are students who have already gone home under doctor's orders. These factors take no consideration of the many lighter cases which as yet have not developed to a suffi- ciently serious point to bring them before the attention of authorities. They also ignore any number -of cases, many of them of recent ori- gin, in which students are contined to beds in rooming housing and fraternities. Although it is true that there have not been a large number of serious cases, it must be recognized that an epidemic of hard colds and mild influenza is of particular danger in a city such as Ann Ar- bor whih is almost always affect- ed by stormy weather at this sea- son of the year. The weather of the past two days has been particularly indi- cative of this situation though realize that the maintenence of efficient classroom work is ex- treme difficult when large num- bers of the students are absent.' Such conditions seem to fairly warrant an early closing of the University. Action at this time may well succeed in preventing' the epidemic from reaching a sit- uation so serious that it will be spread to an even greater extent ' by students travelling to all parts of the country the latter part of next week. PENNIES AND VAUDEVILLE. Student conduct at local thea- ters has been a problem which managers have had to face almost since the beginning of the thea- ter business in Ann Arbor. That problem was at least partially solved recently when the local po- lice force stepped into the picture with somthing other than tear- bombs and "billies," namely a fine for misconduct levied against a student guilty of misconduct dur- ing a theater performance. There is no doubt but what, that student was guilty of not only a breach of the peace, but of social etiquette. It hardly becomes a person of supposedly refined tastes (such as college students are sup- posed to be) to voice disapproval of an attempt at entertainment in such a manner as tossing pennies onto the stage. 1En fact, disap- proval is made no less apparent simply by the lack of applause than by hooting an act or disturb- ing it in even less boisterous ways. Disorderly conduct at a theater not only disturbs the performance, but is highly annoying to those who wish to sit quietly and enjoy the better sections of the stage presentations. It is an. insult to well-behaved people to have some person in the audience conduct himself in such a way as to dis- turb those around him.. This not only applies to the in- cident of the other night which led to the arrest of a student, but to the countless other times when a disturbance has been created by someone who may have been spur- red on by the laughter of a few people in the audience. If the ever-ready wise-cracker could only be made to understand how in- sincere such laughter is, and how little he is respected for his at- tempts to better the act, there would probably be much less dis- turbance during vaudeville acts at Ann Arbor theaters. o----- CQLLEGE HUMOR READERS It is interesting to note in an article appearing in the last is- sue of Time, the statement that the editors of College Humor could still point to their survey to show that 242 collegians out of 276 read their publication, regularly, fre- quently or occasionally, in spite of the charges made by college comic associations. These figures, how- ever, cannot readily be accepted. Careful consideration shows that they were compiled under circum- stances which are very far from being normal. At Michigan, for instance, the compilation shows that 21 students in one fraternity read College Humor regularly, 6 read it fre- quently, 10 occasionally, and 2 very seldom. These figures as they stand would not justify the state- ment that 95 per cent of the stu- dents read the magazine. In addi- tion, the editors fail to show under what conditions these figures were obtained. The particular frater- nity in question had received pub- licity through stories appearing in College Humor. It is hard to be- lieve that the statements of this small and unrepresentative group can be taken as unbiased opinion and applicable to the entire stu- dent body here. In answer to a questionaire sent out by College Humor's editors, 13,025 out of 16,000 replies were to the effect that the sender reads their periodical at least occasion- ally. These figures, however, fail to state how many questionaires were sent out and the figures are based only upon the number re- turned. Naturally, questionaires were returned only by those per- sons interested in some manner or other in the magazine, and can scarcely be considered as a true base for such compilations. In this light it does not appear that College Humor is justified in setting forth the results of their survey with the weight that is placed upon them. On the other hand it casts a dubious shadow upon the manner in which College Humor has secured its advertisinf in competition with college comic magazines. We see by the papers that they 0-0 0 0 . . Msic And Drama About Books s o 010 -o "RAINBOW'S END" A Review By Paul L. Adams THE In comparison with past Union Edward J. O'Brien has been stu- operas, "Rainbow's End," which dying and collecting the short finished its local run last night, is stories of the United States long unquestionably superior and de- enough to understand that they do serving of all the praise which it possess something that is distinc- has received. For music, choruses,,tively their own, and to make his leads, comedy, story, and all the basis of selection the finding of rest, with the possible exception of just this thing which differenti- the dancing it is way beyond any- ates the short story in the United thing that Mimes has' done in the States from the short story in past few years.-I other parts of the world. The However, if one is to judge it by latest volume, "The Best Short some possibilities which have not Stories of 1928*," reflects the wis- been utilized, it can hardly be said dom of the choice and demon- to be a perfect opera or one which strates the truth of the small succeeding years cannot surpass. thesis that O'Brien sets up. The opening has already been In the preface he says. "They justly criticized for dragging but (the American short story-writers) it is one of the most impressive who are most likely to survive are things in the show and would be those who did not know how to more so if the direct lighting frorr talk, but simply crossed the border the sides was eliminated. It only line of experience in a straight touches one or 'two figures, but line." What he means by this be- spoils the general indirect light- comes more apparent when 'one ing effect of the scene. This same reads the stories that he has se- scene used at the end of the opera lected. One discovers very soon might well be eliminated as it is that what he means is that the out of the spirit of the finale; or stories have been taken from the rather the egotism of the players great American scene and have might be sacrificed by elimination been given a touch of the spirit of the finale and a more artistic that animates that scene. They conclusion, though not so conven- are direct and to the point, and tional, of the play with the prayer they deal less with the innuendoes' scene. of life than with the immediate The straight, blue skirts of the contacts and attractions. opening chorus in the ranch scene But it is when all of the stories are probably one of the worst bits have been read that one gets the of costuming in the play. They ac- full force of the impression. Then centuate the masculine to the one sees the great American city, point of incongruity and supply and American activity playing its one of the best unconscious pieces part in our life as surely as the sea of humor in the production. The ands the downs played their part fuller lines used in the later cos- in the life and the literature of tumes have a more happy effect England. We see emerging from and are much more successful in these short stories a certain con- hiding the unfeminine legs. After ception of life which is American-- one is a little more accustomed to a certain viewpoint on life that is the choruses, the short, tight skirts struck out of experience, not vica- would not perhaps seem so much riously but actually. out of place, but at the very open- That there is not today another ing, they sent the audience into man in the United States better - EXCLUSIVE Cleaners 3'or- ,Jpa ~+ sAcs C. H. SCHROEN Phone 49 209 S. 4th Ave. - - iiittaittll f ll iullt rtruutrnttnrl urlrrnrunrruuli l ll rll rull uututll lltllll tll :, Mack '& Co. I Phone 4161 { Mack & Co. Delivering...* _ - AJoy When the gladsome day dawns . . . the day which brought down through the ages has heralded "Peace on earth, good will to men" . .. Mack's will have carried Christmas cheer and joy unbounded into hundreds of homes.. - w aR w = ~ And especially . . . in these last fcw shopping days . . .is Mack's .'-. The Smiling Christmas Store .. exerting every effort for the happi- a w ness of others . . . and joyfully assuring you of all the Mack & Co. labe means . . . the best of quality, service and value. Now is the time for a happy heart . . .thed tiewhen Mack's muliples the pleasures o Christmas givng . . . the time of all times when it is a positive thrill to see a Mack & Co' delivery motor halt outside the door. _ tsiewen tcks mTh lesMih glasurDso y mo- Chritmasgivng .. th tie-ofall im- Subsciemtohose MihiganoDail 9 5 roars of laughter. One of tie things which makes the play linp at times is the at- tempts at funny gags which are not funny. This is true especially in the first act where not a single pun caused a laugh. The idea that these are necessary for a well rounded opera just because most musical comedies have them is wrong, and the play would ;run better without the dialogue which the audience is anxious to get over for the better pleasure of the mu- sic and choruses. In this connec- tion, several parts have quite ob- viously been dragged in for the purpose of giving those personsj parts who haye helped the play in other ways, but do not do so by their "comedy" acting. But even though the red cos- tumes were rather over done, espe- cially to put one on a blond as in the case of William Brown, even though the music sounded suspici- ously familiar in certain motifs, even though the Pow Wow Papa chorus was reminiscent of the cos- tumes in the snow scene of "Front Page Stuff," and even though the dancing of the leads was not as good as that of last year's opera, this year's opera is undoubtedly excellent. It deserves to be praised highly, and the littlei details mentioned in this reviewl might be overlooked were it notl that they have not attracted so much attention in past reviews, while the, praise has already been 'said. In spite of the intention of this reviewer to merely criticize, at least in the case of Danny Buell,I he succumbs to toss a bouquet be- cause of his more than good work. Others, and many of them, deserve mention, " but it has been given, and since there is not room for in- dividual mention, let it be said that "Rainbow's End" is a superb opera, all deserve credit, and the weaknesses are far over balanced by the general character of the show. * * * qualified to collect the best short stories is patent. And the past experience of O'Brien goes into the moulding of this book as a very excellent work, which every stu- dent should at least read. *Edited b4 Eld,:nd 0,1 icn. Owd, Mead and ,) ( . N ew k . pia. * * 'C A THINKING CHALLENGE Written for the average individ- ual, and written with an insight which gives the reader confidence 'in what Dimnet is saying, "The Art Of Thinking*," is both a chal lenging and an inspirational book. It is unfortunate that this book I has been given the title it has, be- cause it will frighten many people from reading it by the thought that it is probably dull or heavy reading. On the contrary, the book is one of the most fascinating it has been this reviewer's privilege to read in some time. Wittily probing into our ways of thought, our time for thought, and our ability to think, Mr. Dimnet reveals the appalling difference between the average individual's ability and his actual accomplish- ment. From this, he turns to aids and. ways one may improve one's abil- ity. He is an unicompromising enemy of imitation, aid" if he does preach anything, in thi; book that is very free from that attitude, it is the creed of originality and the individual. The book is in charming essayI style. *3y Ernest Di et Simn~ and Schuster In. New YorkI. $-. damn the public all the way to the altar. Thereafter the happy pair lived on in a bowered bliss of Vic- torian -bric-a-brac. Hankin disagreed slightly with this point of view. He had the rather appalling idea that compa- nionship, mutuality of interests, and equality in the social sphere were far more important con- comittants to love than a bleeding Want Ads Pay I f m.., I 4 I Pre - Holiday Sae Prin Our Clothing Department All suits inCluding our fine Hickey-Freeman garments in seasonable patterns and fabric's at. reduced prices. All overcoats, inciluding fur coats, velvet collared dress coats, fleece's and the I heart. Such a Brute WOuld natu- PAY PRODUCTION Iknown . to find delights in the Again for pureiy laboratory pur- I phantasy and sly satire which poses Play Production are bending have made it a favorite for so their academic energies upon two many years. plays of somewhat varied appeal I rally state his theatrical problem to be given in the remaining few in the grossest terms. And so days before Christmas vacation controversy raged, and moralities sets in. Lucid moments in the were not trimmed to the shorn hysteria of happiness which the lamb of rationalism until the War season inevitably arouses may re- came, with short skirts and the call some of the delightful ration- rather frightful monstrosity of the ality with which St. John Hankin, sexless business woman. in his oldtime romantic-baiter, Restated today, the problem in "The Cassilis Engagement," has "The Cassilis Engagment" is quite treated the subject of romantic as fresh as ever. It has little fun-i love. When' first produced some gal addenda of the Victorian pe- two score years or more ago it riod to mar the plain story, told raised a tremendous tempest in ; as it is with considerable wit and the theatrical teapot for the liber- very keen insight, and Play Pro.- ties it took with the conventions-, duction should have considerable popular oxford meltons at reduced prices. Minimum reductions 20 % VWA3GiEI,&COMPAHY J orme &c 14 gf i '' I I I I _ 11 II