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October 02, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-02

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press ' is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein. "
Entered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Ofices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925.

tures of its type that are certain to
be erected. Already the new build-
ing has caused considerable com-
ment among the leaders of intra-
mural athletics in the schools of
the country, and they are advocat-
ing the erection of similar build-
ings in their respective institutions.
Michigan has definitely showed
itself to be a leader in developing
a broad athletic program, that
will allow all a chance for recrea-
tion. It has refuted, most strong-
ly, all charges that University ath-
letics are "narrow and commercial-

To the Editor:
As students of the University,

we have all been


through the medium of The!
Michigan Daily, that the admin-
istrative authorities desire to asK
the Treasury department to send
one or more Federal agents to
Ann Arbor to investigate the
"liquor situation."
It is not at all clear whether

Editor........... .........Paul J. Kern
City Editor...............Nelson J. Smith
News ditor .....Richard C. Rurvin
$narta Editor...... ....Morris QQuinn
Women's ditor .......Sylvia S. Stone
Zditor Michifgan WUVeekly..:J. Stewart Hook er
Music and Drama............R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor...Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors
Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
oseph E. Howell Pierce Rosenberg
onald 3. Kline. George E..Simons
George C. Tilley
A Reporters
'Paul 7~' Adas Ruth Relsey'
Morris Alexander Donald >:Layman
Esther Anderson C. A. Lewis -
C. A. Asken Leon Lyle
Bertram Askwith Marian MacDonald
Feneln Boesche Henry Merry
Loise *ehymer N. S. Pickard
Arthur Berntein . William Post
Isabel Charles VictorR abnowit
T. "R. , Chubb 'oin'T. Russ
Laura Codlbng Harold uaperstein
rank E.: Cooper Rachel Shearer ,
Helen Domine Hloward Simon -
Edward Efroymsoin' Robert L. Sloss
Douglas Edwards Arthur R.eStrubel
Valborg Egeland Beth Valentine
Robert .:Feldman Gurney williams
Marouie Pollmer Walter wilds
Oscar Fuss Edward Weinman
Willamn Gentry Robert Woodofe..
tomGniett ±;., oseph''A. Russell
Lawrence Hartwig Cadwel Swanson
Wilis Jones A. .Stewart
Richard Jung Edward L. Warner Jr.
Charles R. Taufman Cleland Wyllie ,J
T elepone 1214'
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department ;Managers '
Advertising.........,..Alex K. Scherer
Advertising. ........A. James Jordan
Advtsng........Carl' W. Hammer
Service.. - ..:Herbert E. Varnume
Circulation..............George S. Bradley
Accounts...... .....Lawrence E. Walkley
Puibliations........Ray M. Hofelich
Irving Binzer George R Hamilton
3ary Chase Dix Humphrey
eantte Dale Bernard Larson
llrnor Davis - Leonard Littlejon
HTelen Ger TI-oir fla~v',
Kasper GHalverson CT. hemm
Ag4nes lkcv" iCalchm
ack Horwitch Robert Scoville
TUESDAY, OCT. 2, 1928
Night Editor-CHAS. S. MONROE
To all, charges that athletics in
universities and colleges today are
both narrow in their scope and
hiighly "commercialized" the Mich-
igan Athletic association has
answered in a definite manner.
While Michigan has been reap-
ing huge profits from its highly
successful football teams, it has
spent this money wisely, by secur-
ing equipment for an athletic pro-
gram that will include every male
student on the campus.
We refer to the Intramural
Building, most of which is ready
for use by the Intramural depart-
menb today for the first time. This
structure is an addition to the ath-
letic plant that makes Michigan
stand above any other college or
university in the country, not only
in the possession of physical
equipment butt in attainment of
a program of athletic participation
for all.
With the opening of the new
building, the ;men students at the
University will have at their serv-
ice the best in apparatus for any
sport they may select. There is
sufficient space to provide lockers
and playing room to accomodate
every man desiring athletic activ-
This added equipment will allow
the carrying out of a two-year
physical education requirement for
the University students. While the
freshmen Wrill 'continue to use
Waterman gymnasium for their
gymnasium work, the sophomores
will have access to the new struc-
ture. The second year gym work,
which has already received the
sanction of the regents, will be
conducted on a different plan than
the first year work. Sophomores

will be allowed to select any sport
for their athletic activity, and will
work cut only in this field. Free
instruction will be given these men..
This greater freedom has been al-
lowed the second year men because
of the large facilities in the new
Michigan's new Intramural
building, the first of its type in
the country, 'and the prograim of
athletic participation for all, is.
an accomplishment, typical of the
Athletic association. They show

Annonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon requtest. Letters pub-
lished should notbe construed as ex-
pressing the editorial opinion of The
To the Editor:
I have been interested in the dis-
plays of youthful logic have been
found place in the columns of
Campus Opinion during the past
two days. I must confess that I
was somewhat ashamed when I
read Miss R. P.'s contribution, for'
little had+ I thought that I was
a member of a University whose
co-eds had sucr a warped con-
ception of personal liberty. I was
further surprised when I read Mr.
J. A. A.'s discussion of the matter,
for he showed as bad a misunder-.
standing of the prohibition ques-
tion as the lady whom he so
childishly criticised.
First, I wish to very briefly say
that Miss R. P. attacked the mat-.
ter from what seems to me a pure-
ly personal and prejudiced atti-
tude. She had much to say re-I
garding the loss of her personal
liberties, and for want of better
argument resorted to uncalled for
sarcasm. She automatically brand-
ed herself as an immature person,
incapable of grasping the large.
significance of University or na-
tional problems. She went on to.
infer that governmental authori-
ties should not bother with the
drinking problem in the University,
but go out to the citizenry of 'the
nation and begin there to enforce
the law.
With all due respects to Miss
R. P., and I must say that we have
come to a sorry pass indeed if our
University students, the cream of
the country's;. 'intelligence and
breeding, are so incapable of the
responsibilities of citizenship as
her letter indicates. The men and
women (not children) who consti-
tute this University's population
should be the first to realize the
necessity of respecting the laws of
our commonwealth. If we aren't
good enough citizens to have that
respect, God help the future of this
Now as to J. A. A.s statements,
he seems to have a decided opin-
ion that Miss R. P.'s letter is a
typical example of the attitude of
the whole body of feminine stu-
dents at the University. I can't

these investigators will be agents'
of the Federal government alone,
or whether they will be agents
such as the state police in Ann
Arbor who enforce the automobile
regulation. Our President in his'
letter to Dean J. 4. Bursley
says, "In my opinion the Univer-
sity is not the agent to conduct
such an ,investigation, although
for the protection'of the .frater-
nities as well as itself, it should,
in my opinion, see that such an
investigation is made."
Without question, every student
of the University should agree
that such an investigation, or
permanent scrutinizing. by agents
of the Federal government alone,
is, if it be conducted as it would
be conducted for any group pio
citizens in the country, not only
entirely fair but even necessary
to preserve the good name at'
Michigan and its students.
During the past few years it
has become evident that the at-
titude of the administration to-
ward the student is paternalistic.
This is exceedingly unfortunate.
It is this attitude which the stu-
dents regret, and which we real-
ize will not make us stronger.
The student who enters the Uni-
versity from high school often
has too much freedom thrust up-
on him at once, with the net re-
sult that it goes to his head.
After he has been here for a year
or two and become accustomed to
living under his own direction.
there is no reason why he
should be treated as a child any
longer. The average upperclass-
man is mature enough to look out
for himself and should be treated
as any other person in the United
States. of .his own age. If he dis-
obeys a federal law and is ap-
prehended he should be punished
for himself and should be treated
just as any other citizen.
The reasons for such an all in-
clusive automobile regulation are
not clear. It is true that many
students have abused their privi-
lege as citizens to drive cars, It
i probably also true that they
have violated state and local laws,
and in a few cases have encian-
gered the life and property of other
citizens. This should not be al-

Music And Drama
One of the more striking anom-
alies incidental to the necessity of
keeping an organization abreast of
expansion and innumerable desires
is the inclusion of Play Production
courses under the Department of
Speech. No one can belittle the
importance of a public speaking
department in this day of Kiwanis
and Radio broadcasting but affili-
ating with it a dramatic depart-
ment like Play Production, which
requires'far more than mere elocu-
tionary skill, suggests nothing more
sensible than lazy bureaucracy.
The result of ;such a situation is
inevitably overorganization and
misdirection of effort.
There are three oganizations on
the campus given over at least in
part to the antics of the political-
ly minded and those activities en-
thusiasts whose summum bonum in
life is the inclusion of their name
in a printed program to the glory
of God and the fame of some com-
bination of Greek letters. Inci-
dentally from the. organization
point of view, these societies do a
fair measure of educational work.
,From a practical point of view they
do an unexpectedly large share.
But where organization is con-
cerned, and that seems overwhelm-
ingly important in this part of the
country so long as Henry Ford lives
nearby as a shining example, no
one really has a right to ask any
more of such societies than that
their capers in pursuit of collegiate
cutlery be mildly amusing. It
seems rather a glaring anomaly,
then, that the elocution depart-
ment should have control of the
only organized means for dramatic
Ideally the department might be
visualized as an independent body,
subsidized by the surplus funds of
those recognizing the importance
of its work, controlled by an ex-
perienced faculty, motivated by
enthusiastic students--and there
really seem to be such, working in
its own plant, and offering bills of
high class amusement and worth-
while entertainment. Actually the
situation is for the most part re-
versed. Endowment there is none
except' what can be wrung from
the box office after tribute has
been paid to Mimes, cats-paw o1
the Union, and the plant is the
rather sad affair which, in spite
of age old condemnation warnings
by the fire department, passes fo
University Hall auditorium. Stu-
dent enthusiasm, however, exists
and with it experienced facult3
control. Last year Play Productior
did George Kaufman's satire
"Dulcy," and' a play of behind-the-
scenes life, "The Play's the Thing.'
These under Earle Fleishman. Thi
year a somewhat similar program
is planned, under a new man, Val-
entine B. Windt. Last year's pro-
ductions reached a high standard
The same is expected of this sea-
son's offerings. But in both cases
the box office is the importan
The guidance of Mr. Windt ma:
forecast unusual developments i
the department. Enthusiastic an
eager, he seems not yet to have fal
len victims to the dulling effect
of routine and bureaucratic emas
culation and his training is idea

for the sort of thing he will have t+
tackle. He received his A. B. fron
Cornell, following it with an A. NVJ
in Princeton in dramatic literature
The Princeton Theatre Intime wa
then in its very pink cheeke+
youth. Then followed a number o
years with the Carnegie Tec2
Drama school where he bot]
taught and worked as a studeni
and formed a friendship wit]
Chester Wallace, a born troupe
and now the director o
the school. For cwo more years h
was connected with the Universit;
of Iowa in Iowa City, where h
worked under E. C. Mabie, an ex
cellent director and stage technic
ian. Last year Windt was with th
American Laboratory Theatre ii
New York, working under Richar<
Boleslavsky, and frequently work
ing with local community theatre
-principal among these Haze
Hoyt's Panel Play House Puppet:
The range of experience this train
ing implies would indicate tha
nothing much in the way of dram
atic surprises could arrive whic]
would stupnp him in his effort t
make Play Production take it
place as a respectable departmen
in an' educational system.
One of the changes which sug
gests itself in the present regime i
the coordination of the playwritin

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believe that this is a true condi-
tion. Mr. J. A. A. would have done
better to confine his criticism to
Miss R. P.'s statements alone. I
agree with him that students
should not come to a University
with the idea that their rights
should be allowed to run rampant.
Every right must necessarily in-
clide the obligation and responsi-
bility of being worthy of it. When
a person thinks so indignantly as
Miss R. P. seems to regarding the
loss of rights, that person usually
has a poor conception of the rights
of others. I must disagree with the
gentleman, however, in his confi-
dence that the Eighteenth amend-
ment is the best law that this
country has ever had. I think it
is one of the poorest makeshifts
we have ever had. But that doesn't
alterdthe fact, Miss R. P., that it is
the duty of every responsible citi-
zen to respect the law of the land
as long as it is the law. The evi-
dences of the failure of the Vol-
stead act are to be seen on every
side. It seems to me that one of
the greatest needs of the nation is
a more sane control of the liquor
problem-but an even greater and
more fundamental need is a more
healthy mental attitude toward the
responsibilities of citizenship than
Miss R. P. has evidenced.
President Little realizes the
broad issues of the problems that
affect the University better than
any student or groups of students
can. He has shown this by his in-
telligent attitude in wishing the
federal authorities to investigate
conditions here. He has seen the

lowed, but in its enforcement the
students should be 'treated ;'ex-
actly as any other citizen. The
University should not interfere in
any way with the course of jus-
tice, and the student should not
be allowed to "get away" with
things because he is just a stu-
dent. On the contrary, if he is
allowed freedom as any other
citizen, he must accept it previ-
ously and be subjected to the same
restraints which are placed upon
other ctiziens. .
The recent news regarding pro-
hibition enforcement in Ann
Arbor, is we hope, an indication
that there is an opportunity for
the student to be treated as a
man, not "molly coddled" at times
and whipped at other times by
the University authorities, as a
small boy would be treated. The
student must grow into his free-
dom, however, and should not be
allowed to sink or swim until he
had been shown how to act in
order that he may keep afloat. In
the same way the student should
be allowed greater freedom in his
studies as an upperclassman
Mentally, he should be capable of
individual thought and his studies
should bear evidence of this.
There will be some for whom Lhe
liberty will be too much, and they
will sink, most probably in their
studies as very few are law viola-
tors. Thy senior should not be
pushed through to graduation be-
cause he is a senior and every-
one hates to hold him up. IHe
should be' graduated as evidence
that, under his own management,
he has been able to accomplish
things and has conducted him-
self as becomes a citizen.
These arguments which have
been applied to upperclassmen,
should apply even more strongly
to graduate students and members
of the professional schools.
The rebuttal which has been of-
fered' in the case of the automo-
bile regulation that the Univer-
sity can not afford to differen-
tiate between its students because
of the greater cost is comparable
to offering freshmen rhetoric to
seniors because teachers for ad-





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