. _ ... ...r - M- -
f 't ,..
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ght Editor-CHAS. S. MONROE
longer than is necessary. Further
than this, the ring-leaders of the
present hazing will have to be held
responsible in case any serious
consequences in the nature of open
fights result-a prospect which
even sophomores may not find
To waste further time even de-
nouncing a class responsible for
these outrages is too high flattery,
and certainly any mention is too
much respect for the juniors and
seniors who were seen aiding the,
sophomores in their boisterous-
ness. Michigan has no reformatory
for these types of thugs, but she
does not need to tolerate them in
her midst.'
DEAR THREE STAR-They tell me
Harvey Emery is in the grad school
and aching for a permit. Do you
think it would be better for him to
be refused and thus have a little
wide-eyed retributive justice meted
OR WOULD YOU rather see him
get a permit and let this happen
to him?
* * *
Mutipz And Drama
A headline in the "World's
Greatest Newspaper" reads,
"Shoots Intruder In Home; Finds
He's Neighbor." That must have
been another one of those quiet
neighborhood arguments you read
about in 'the Chicago papers.
With the announcement this fall
that plans are under way to in-
crease the4membership of the Var-
sity band to 100 members thus
making it comparable in size with
the leading musical organizations
of its kind in the Big Ten, it seems
well to consider the proposal pro-
jected last spring that University
credit be given to band members.,
Such a suggestion has several
arguments favoring its feasibility.
In the first place, it would mean
that roll would be taken at all
band meetings, thus making it
possible to require a full attend-
ance at all times. This possibility
in itself makes the suggestion de-
sirable, for on too many occasions}
last year the band was eitherf
totally missing at events when its
presence would have qbeen most
desirable or else appeared in such
meager numbers that its perform-
ance was nothing short of dis:
graceful. With the larger member-
ship planned for this year's plan
some scheme of required attend-
ance becomes all the more neces-
sary in order to. maintain the or-
ganization as a working unit.
Credit for the band, however,
offers other possibilities of value
in that it would enable the band
members to spend more time in
practice without feeling that they
were losing opportunities to earn
University credit in other fields. At
the same time it would make possi-
YOU CAN ALL see that Yellit is
back on the job. He promises plen-
ty of polluted panegyrics to keep
this column going. Remember the
author of the "Ode on Intimations
of the Immortality of a Dying
Ciggy Butt" and "Alias Andy
* * *
Faucet, Lark, Poison
Front, Kernel-
Ivy, Blue
With'the first issue of the year
it seems a bit of a shame to have
to disclairii all the carefully work-1
ed out , policies which received
such thoroughgoing publicity in
this' column the last week of last
school year. They were honest
statements, made sincerely. But
God seems to have a habit of dis-
posing, sometimes quite roughly
of the propositions m'an sets such
store by---which makes this dis-
claimer necessary.
Policies seem to be a human
weakness. First cousin to ideals,
people.think that there should al-
ways be a policy-though how the
deuce they can expect one from a
critical column in a college paper
is more 'than this editor can see-
but ' leepless nights have finally
evolved one, a nice shiny one, to
the effect that this column will no
longer tolerate mountebanks and
fakirs. We shall police the high-
way to Art.
In other respects the column will
remain , the same as it has been
for the4last three or four years,
even to the advance stories about
Detroit' shows, which are a neces-
sary evil, tolerated only because
they make free tickets possible.
* * *
A Review by David B. Hempstead
Once again the Messrs. Shubert
have built a substantiating column
under their already superlative
position as producers. This time
their effort is dubbed "The Red
Robe," taken from Stanley Wey-
man's novel of the same name.
The score was written by Jean Gil-
bert, whp happily managed to
catchr the romantic spirit of the
thing and was thus enabled to
write several delightful musical
numbers. First among them we
should place "Passer By," and
"Wings of Romance." Doubtlessly
in a ;cOuple of months we will be
wondering how we ever could have
overlooked such established suc-
cesses i:.a "Clarinet," and "What-
ever It Is I've Got It," but anyway
that's our story and we'll stick to it.
Walter Woolf-who, by the way,
was elevated to stardom in "The
Red Robe"-.- gave a performance of
rare quality and demonstrated act-
ing abilty entirely commensurate
* * *
hooligans we. ought to get
right, all right.
along all
* * *
WE WONDER WHY the sorority
rushing was deferred and the
frater nutty R.F. procedure went
along as usual. If you don't tip
off the Board as to what R.F.
means, we'll get off.a few fast ones
about that stuff. i
* * *
DON'T YOU THINK some of the
boys ought to wear fancy old Eng-
lish S's or arrows or keys or other
feminine jewelry, judgingfrom
the way they help. the sisters rush
the fair frosh femmes?
Tap Faucet.
* * *
YOU'RE RIGHT AS h-1, Tap !
And they say it works vice-versa
during leap year. Maybe so, but
we' don't know, for it sounds so
awfully queer, etc.
* * *
KONSENSE AND SOPHOMORES ble regular -band practices, fully ANYHOW WE'RE GLAD of one wiUlJU remarkable baritone voice.
It is very odd-this hazing busi- attended, at which the band direc- thing. One fair, only fair, coed We prophecy much success for
s tors would be able to secure a was allowed time enough to com- Walter Woolf, and we hope we are
s. sownhomresins of, av e quality of musical tone and har- pose a couple of verses that'll be right. Helen Gilliland, the London
ast, shown some signs of average mnyhhhprinted in tomorrow's bakery actress, i chief among Mr. Woolf's
telligence; and frequently the mon which a n bnsadl breakfast. Her name is Pert Gert, supporting cast but somehow, in
>phomore class has been of such cg g b y and this is a sample of her dirt. siof.a pleasantl s
high character that it respected it may be said that any medium Spite f pyricsoprano
ie rights of property and the feel- which has as its excuse the giving * * * voice, she didn't quite manage to
igs of women. But Michigan's to Michigan of not merely a "click" with us. Others of the cast
)phomore classes have gone woe- march but a musical band is in- THE GAL'S GOOD were adequate in their roles but
illy downgrade, and not only has deed worthy of consideration. I most of our highly esteemed praise
goes to Mr. Woolf, the Messrs. Shu-
ie gang of '31; stooped to a mean- I finally landed in the gym bert, and Jean Gilbert.
r type'of hazing than ever before A certain California town was And there was put to shame;
it it has failed entirely to respect "rocked" by an earthquake the I feel that I am black with sin, The play is pungent with the
ven the common decencies which other day, according to papers of I have no, middle name. romantic' atmosphere of France
vilized men and women have the. section. We"d be willing to under Louis XIII and Cavalers,
arned to regard as basic to so- wager that the etizens of that town duels and delightful songs are all
ety at large. didn't class that "rocking" with the I started in the morning over the stage at once. We recom-
very family must have a black "rockings" they were accustomed To register for Class. mend this one unreservedly.
Ever faily usthavea backThey wouldn't tell me where to go
peep, we suppose, and every gen- to receive as babies. enord * g DETROIT SHOWS
ration must have its black class. Pert Gert. In Detroit, things are pretty slow
hat this has happened to be '31 CHEERING SECTION * * * in a theatrical way. "Frail Emma"
no reflection either on the Uni- Institutions are slow to develop, in spite of a good box office title
ersity or the freshmen who have and traditions are slower still. An ..DYA KNOW, FELLAHS, the da- and a lot of ballyhoo failed to
> bear it, but merely a cause for institution, in fact, can not be call- dum-dum that was censored 're- make the grade for a third week's
)y that there will be no more like ed a tradition until it has the mel- minded me some how of that joke, showing at the Cass. The story
in the near future. Over-ex- lowness of years behind it, and for Prose or Poetry, Teacher? concerned the famous Lady Hai-
ressive youths, who have found that reason, if for not other, the ilton who knew her irons well
ipreme sophostication in the sin- Cheering Section is the former and * * * enough to rise from blacksmith's
le year that separates them from not the latter. daughter to-almost anything the
eing freshmen themselves, are Few of .Michigan's institutions, ..FRESHMEN DO A lot of funny Sunday scandal sheets care to ima-
kely to have little respect for the however, have made more rapid things of course, but those that gine-but the trouble was that the
ounds of common propriety and progress in a shorter time than the happen during their medical ex- story couldn't keep up with the
nnmon social necessities. That Cheering Section. Starting in 'a niest that could possibly be done beautiful lady so it has been re-
here should be an excessive num- modest way at Ferry field two by anybody, anytime, turned for rewriting and perhaps
er of such youths in the class of years tgo, it has progressed to the later production.
J is just too bad for the reputa- point where it will take its place * * * * * *
on which that class is to bear. as one of the most colorful and "The Red Robe," a musical ver-
Instances where sophomores yes- effective incidents of the football WEARING LONG BEVEs is not sion of J. Stanley Weyman's his-
erday over-stepped the bonds of season. Through the promotion of what we mean either. Stop around torical novel of that name, has
ropriety are too common to need the Student council and the sup- at about three o'clock and we'll been doing good business at the
mment. Tearing clothing is, in port of the Athletic association the tell you more about them. Shubert Detroit but will be re-
ze first place, a practice in which section this year has already ex- placed next week by Dorothy Gish
mtlemen, no matter how playful, ceeded in enrollment by more than * * * in "Young Love," a legitimate
o not engage. Such exercises as 200 students any previous effort of show especially written for her by
zampooing men with various the kind. More than 1,000 male WORST JOKE EVER HEARD Samson Rapheaelson, who wrote
:getable compounds are likewise students have already entered the Coach Oosterbaan-Hey,'Young "The Jazz Singer." Playing oppo-
ther out of place in public; and block M, and less than 125 more Heston, did you take a shower? site; Miss ,Gish is James Rennie, in
aen brawls on the street in which registrations are needed to fill the Young Heston-No, sir. Why his own right a "legit" star and in
hysical injury is done are even block to its capacity of 1,200. are you missing one? private life her husband.
ss excusable.' This larger registration means * * *
All of -these injuries fade to in- that in addition to an enlarged M * * * The Bonstelle Playhouse, now
gnificance, however, in compar- a background three rows deeper AS GENTLEMAN GENT suggest- metamorphosed into the Detroit
on with the utter disrespect for all the way around. Such an en- ed last week, we'll bet the fresh- Civic Theater, opened its season
omen students which was shown largement needs little comment; man are now seeing the campus some four weeks ago with the Rob-
iring the sessions yesterday. If and of almost similar importance from a peculiar angle. ert E. Sherwood comedy of pri-
ere is one thing which decent is the fact that a newly developed * * * vate life among royalty, "The
en in any station of life will not clerical system will prevent almost ESKIMO, JUST OUT of his igloo Queen's Husband," which played to
lerate, from the most meanly to entirely the possibility of error in for the last minute or two, looked moderately amused houses and
e most exalted grade, it is the arrangement which crept in during over this copy and raised objec- gave Craig Ward a splendid part as
imiliatio of., innocent women; each game last ;fall. tions to his not being included in the husband.
d why our women students To commend the Athletic asso- the list of star contributors. His * * *
ould be sibeted .to treatment ciation and the Student . encil idea of humor is expression of ap- a AJ- 4.1...n. 4.-- u Th'. m1 n ,