TRH-t, Vi Ci-IA d l ' i3AiLY Gliding Offers Chance P ROFSS _. _ _ ®... _....._.. _. . s . .a.. _ ... 1 / 1 O ...- U -fin-. w -:i-- To Fly At Small Cost10OCHICAGO WILL GO MEEIN TWent -P-mirth Anni, r __-. ,'J .,y + 'i{ ' A A ,k <' t y r nnua onventon GLIDER SECTION CHAIRMAN aeronautical engineers, has reach- has become comparable to our Of Political Science Association STRESSES PRACTICAL ed its highest perfection in the football rivalry. There is no rea-- Attracts Local Scholars VALUE glider. The machines, moreover, son why the United States should are extremely light, ranging In not take advantage of gliding to REEVES, TAYLOR TO TALK' OST OF PLANES LOW, weight from 140 to 210 pounds, develop her aviation as Germany minimizing the possibility of has done. With Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the UPKEEP IS NEGLIGIBLE serious accident. As for the actual development of political science department as the 'They, have a landing speed of pilots, there is no doubt that glid- central figure of the convention, Manly Three Fatal Mishaps Known practically zero, for in coming I ing offers an opportunity to de- the faculty will be well represented In The History Of Gliding down the machine is allowed to velop knowledge of airplane con- at the twenty-fourth annual meet- As Sport And Science glide along just above the earth trols and their manipulation, ing of thenAmerican Political Sci- until it gradually loses momentum ability to meet air conditions, air- epce association to be held. Dec.' Interviewed last night on the and settles down of its own accord. mindedness and confidence, fam- 27-29 at the Stevens Hotel, Chicago. purposes and value of gliding, Furthermore, because of the ma- iliarity with the mechanics of Professor Reeves is president of Robert B. Evans, '30, chairman of: ehine's inherent stability, cases planes and their construction, and the society and Prof. Joseph R. the glider section of the Aeronau- have been known of the controls' a sound flying knowledge of me- Hayden, also of the political sci- tical society, stressed the economy, being completely abandoned in teorology. Recognizing this, Ger- ence department, is secretary- safety, and practical value of stu- flight and the machines coming to many has made it compulsory for treasurer. Prof. Thomas H. Reed, dent gliding as a sport and a sci- earth safely and on an even keel. pilot-license applicants to be grad- of the same department, is chair- ence. Evans is the son of Edward Gives Practical Experience uates of gliding schools. We are man of the policy committee and S. Evans, Detroit, former holder of "The practical value of gliding not taking too Much for granted in a member of the board of editors of the globe-circling record,aand a is emphasized by the opportunity stating that motor pilots develop- the American Political Science Re- director of 26 American airplane it gives the student of aviation to ed from glider pilots will be much view. concerns. experiment with the technical side better equipped than the average Of the three presidents' ad- Robert Evans spent several weeks of flight problems that extend to American pilot today." dresses to be given the opening last summer in Europe studying the whole field of aviation, both evening, two will be delivered by German methods of gliding at the glid adUniversity faculty members. Pro- -17 .1- , 4. - lidi g a d m t rie . L k w s *"___s nr"/ -s --~ __ . of patches of trousers worn during previouj successful examinations, heavy beards resulting from a one to a two-week neglect of the razor, the seventh seat from the aisle, and seven pencils, the same shoes which carried the exam-taker to victory in the past, favorite foun- tain pens and favorite pencils, and many more occult signs which border on the African. At Colorado university examina- tions are taken upon boards which are placed in a pile before each examination. Writings and draw- ings on these boards offer further proof of leaning toward the super- stitious. Likenesses of Buddha are very popular. Many boards con- tain the information that their usershhave an unsurmountable' handicap for passing an exam. Many other kinds of magical em- blems for the wooing of knowledge may be found on these boards. The article states that there are a few students at Colorado who honestly believe an examination Tuberculosis Seale Net $4,000 To Date' Washtenaw County Tuberculosis association is nearing the halfway mark in its Christmas seal cam- paign with almost $4,000 received, according to figures announced yesterday at the association head- quarters in the Chamber of Com- merce building. Pianos, Radios, Victrolas and Everything Musical Make Your House a Home This Christmas Pay next year. 1Schaeberle & Son Music House 110S. Main St. COLLEGE STUDENTS SUPERSTITIOUS AT EXAM TIME,_SURVEY DISCLOSES In this enlightened age, popular, may be passed by conscientious I belief has it that superstition is a! study even without the aid of defunct medieval attribute, and no magical symbols. But "this radical where does it exist today; so the and aparently ridiculous view is fact that it exists in the very cen- not generally accepted." ters of modern sophistication and The passing of a much more science, the colleges, is rather sensible superstition is also men startling. Recently an article in I tioned in the article, the good old the Silver and Gold, University oficelluloid cuff. Vigilant professor's, Colorado newspaper, appeared tell- however, have eliminated the max- ing of the widespread and weird im that knowledge was directly forms of supersitibon which pre- proportionate to the size of one's vailed all over the campus during cuff, (probably believing that this the final week of the first quarter. gave an unfair advantage to the Desperate peace offering at the men students). altar of Lady Luck took the forms Wasserkuppen school on thekRhine, and is in touch with German de- velopments through a gliding pilot In that country. He said of gliding in America: "Facilities for developing ex- perienced airplane pilots in th: United States, are, on the whole, poor, relative to the size of the country and the popular enthus- lasm for aviation. We have quality but not quantity. Money Needed To Fly I "The only man who can learn to fly today is the man with money, except those who join the army or navy. The army and navy fields, moreover, are few and far between, and not accessible tol everyone. "Therefore gliding has been brought to this country for the ex- press purpose of teaching prospec- tive young pilots to fly who can-} not afford a course in piloting mo- tor planes. "In addition to being economical and within the means of any young man, gliding is both safe' and of practical value. The safety factor is extraordinary high in gliding, as shown by the fact that there are only three fatal acci- dents on record. "Flight stability, according to it gives practical experience in con- structing planes because of the es- sential simplicity of the glider an i the cheapness of the material. "The soundness of this argument has been startlingly exemplified by I Germany's accomplishment in avi- ation through the medium of glid- ing experiments. I have heard it -L aucaLiL i acuLres Will Meet At Dinner Mairaaining the friendly rela- tions between the two institutions, the faculty of the School of 7Edu- cation will entertain the staff of- the department of education andP physical education of MichiganI ,ta tP7~ra N!ilm of C2rn ! fessor Reeves will speak on the subject of "Perspectives in Po- litical Science, 1903-1928." Profes- sor Fred M. Taylor of the eco- nomics department, president of the American Economics associa- tion, will address the meeting on "The Guidance of Production in a Socialistic State." Prof. Robert T. Crane of the po- litical science department is a rep-' resentative of the society on the Social Science Research Council. uab e ormai voege at a aininer to! commonly agreed upon that Ger- be held at 6:30 o'clock Tuesday many has forged ahead of other night, Dec. 18, in the Women's countries in solving stress and Athletic building. stability problems through theirIBrief addresses will be given by gliding experiments. I have even Professor James B. Edmonson, heard it said that gliding experi- PoesrRlihShrig n ments are more practical and valu- Dean Allan S. Whitney, all of the able than those conducted in wind School of Education. President tunnels, because a real plane is be- Charles McKenney of Michigan ing used nste f a e State Normal will speak in reply. b Germrran Gliding Rivalry After the dinner there will be The value that Germany places informal discussions of pertinent on gliding is further emphasized educational problems. The athletic by the whole-heartedacooperation equipment and training devices in between universities and student Palmer Field house will be at the gliding enthusiasts, and the spirit disposal of the guests. during the of rivalry between universities that evening. ART SCHOOL OF THE SOCIETY OF ARTS AND CRAFTS New Term Opens Day School.......................Jauay. Night School.....................January 17 Drawing and Painting Interior Decoration Design, Illustration, Modeling 47 Watson Street Detroit Cadillac 4721 DRUGS pComptKodak Line Hee itstYour Christmas shopping will be simple if you bring your gift list to our Kodak counter. You'll find a camera here that will suitably fill any gift requirement. The price range is so broad that you won't need to pay any more than you had planned for anyone's gift. Kodaks $5 and up. Brownies as low as $2. Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co. Ann Arbor, Mich. We have served Michigan and her students for 41 years 11 h~a m 1 SODAS CANDY * SS !It1t111i~ I1liiliillliIIIIIIIII~ti ll!iiil iiiililiiitiliiii Ill111i iillil l~ ili- r pr Sorriie r o= - r= r Christmas Vpacation is an excellent time for your 'linen, blankets -and furnishings to be laundered withoutin 1= convenience to yourselves,} The Varsity will be glad to launder and return them to you on -or before the opening day of school. Stored -in a safe place. T here is no danger of loss by theft during I tepeio ha ou hue s lse. Phone 4219 i- err Lt r = l ac { ruS L 1fXNDIr