THIE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBE~R -16;- 1928 0 FORMER FACULTY MEMBER SUI MITS 'Flo Will Attempt IDICE SAVES GIRLS' JOBS' PLAN FOR BURTON MEMORIAL TOWER1 Second Havana Hop Fl~ liainth gifrls ofalIaintepoO 7777 K i$f:d$ y the falur f i cirlsany married in infraction of ght romWalkrvilethe company's rules were frustrat- Cubatwo nweksao, ed recently by Mussolini. The girls! Havana, ua w k g, have been reinstated and the rule Lieut. Leonard S. Flo, manager of t ; Ann Arbor's municipal airport, an- changed. n ounced thait he would again make- e.1Spca : - ~~~~~~an attempt at the flight Jan.24. we.2-pcalTint Licetenant Flo was in Jackson- PHILADELPHIA, WILKES BARREI,I yulle, Fla.,, when he made the an- READING, NEWARK at 3:15 p. in.j nouncement and stated that he Also Wolverine Daily 4:30 l). m. intended yesterday to take off forPhn40147 j;Langley Field, Va., to make repairs_ _ ___ }f ! on the Spartan biplane in which ago.t Asn toenS a s t h il workisn o erwH IS MAchT ' :'I he made his attempt two weeks; B Fl nenst return to Ann Ar-I bor, where he will thoroughly over- E B rr, Patterson ,haul his p~lans preparatory to mak- &A l o .-ulECo ing aother attempt from Walker- Church at South U 4 ~Iville to Havana.E SERVIICE -RAN '. _ i I i i i l "TeWiesaeso pleasant and at- tentive t hat one t eally enjoys eating Shere." A R_. 3 -$5.50 Meal Tick'ets for $5 COOPER'S KITCHENETTE FAMOUS FOR FOOD _. Over Slater's Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry High Grade Repair Service 3 0.4 M Tl -Courte'sy ofThe lt\inu ,s Above is one of the proposed designs for the campanile and carillon in honor of former President Burton, a campaign for which will soonC get under way. The drawing was prepared by Eliel Saarinen, a former member of the faculty of architecture and the designer of the Chiefto Tribune Tower. The building is part of the University's ten year build-! ing program. ARCADE TEATREj TODAY and MONDAY HAPLIN IT'S A CIRCUS OF FUNl COMEDY-ADDED-NEWS .._... Tuesday and Wednesday in Corinne Griffith "Garden of Een" q 0 Matinees ......2.00-3.30 V~vnings ....... ,....7.00-3.30 WMWMMMNMM - mord I I Lafayette at ShelbyA F jWM. In Hi I "STRAIGHT NEW YORK, CHIC New York Times-' New York Graphic- Chicago American-- Philadelphia Ledgej Boston Advertiser- Nights 50c to $2.5~0; Thun SECOND Beginning Sun .HE [is Gr 'TI End( CAGO "Abou -"Star irsdlay any i da3 Cadillac 870 5 .YETTE )DG reatest Success -RU THE DOOR"9 orsed by ~PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON ands in sentiment and satire." eliiously entertaining." oves bull's-eye." Audience delighted." ir never more effective" y and Saturday Mats. 50c to $1.50 i d LAST WEEK Y Evening, Dec. 16th -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = THEATRE Lafayette at Wayne Cadillac .11.00 ® ~SECOND and LAST' WEEK. Beginning Sunday Evening Dec. 16th 1 ' Nights $1.00 to $2.50 Opo.Mats. ndn Strdy 75c to $150 Direct from One Year's Triumphant Run "at the Pliymouth Theater, New York ARTHUR HOPKINS Presents - inHisHAL SKELLY inHsOriginal Creation of "Skid" -AND- - BARBARA STANWYCK in Her Original Role of "Bonny"_ In the Comedy Success Entitled A Romance of Stage Folks and Stage Life Behind the. Scenes I I 4 *1 I4 i I jai l d