)ESTABLISHED 1890 i'r Air U Ia113 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX. No. 72. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1928 EIGHT PAGES CAGERS REVERSE FOR VANDUSEN TO ADDRESS TODAY'S CONVOCATION ON MODERN RELIGION' LLEADS MICHIGAN IN GOAL-DROPPINGFLU CANCELS DANCE AT UNION; SEVERAL OF FACULTY ARE ILL SCHOOLS, COLLEGES CLOSE TO PREVENT SPREAD OF EPIDEMIC DuN EXHAUSION OFKING PERSISTS; DOCTORS ARE STILL WORRIED TO BEGIN USING TREATM.ENT BY RAYS TO RESTORE SRICKEN RULER i BOLIVIA STRIKES BACK AT ENEMY Revenges Capture Of Vanguardia By Taking Paraguayan Fort Boqueron PENN QUINTET, 34-21 Michigan Takes 1928 Champions For Long Rbide Invaders In Lead By One Point As Half Ends; Chapman's Work At Center Is Feature Of Contest PROFESSOR AT UNION RELIGIOUS MESSAGE FOR STUDENTS HAS FOLLOWED 'BUCHMANISM' Convocations Committee Engaged In Seeking Men To Speak On Spring Series Taking for his subject "The Rea- sonableness of Religion," Henry Pitt VanDusen will address the third and last convocation of the fall series at 11 o'clock this morn- ing in Hill auditorium. VanDusen is a professor at Union theological seminary, and during recent years has been prominently identified with a movement to carry a modern religious message to:students. He is said to be one of the more modernistic members of the ministry, and has several anti-fundamentalist doctrines in his articles of faith. At the time of his ordination in New York several years ago, fun- damentalist. clergymen rose in op- position, and newspapers featured his alleged denial of the virgin birth. Was "Buchmanist" At Princeton VanDusen belonged to a group of insurgents that de- clined invitations to join clubs, classifying them as rubbish, and joined the "Buchmanism" move- ment that gained headway there after the war._ Although he later sheared away from Buchman's anti-sex emotion- alism when it grew to fantastic proportions, he was written up in a book of anonymous character sketches as a convert of Buchman. He is identified with "Erd" Harris, "Sam" Schumacher, and other young men well-known in the East for their Christian influence among preparatory schools and colleges, all of whom followed Buchman for a while and-then re- pudiated the sect when it outgrew the bounds of reason. VanDusen is the author of a widely read book entitled "In Quest of Life's meaning." Invite Men For Spring After tomorrow's convocation no more will be held until the mend of March when the spring series is scheduled to start. Attempts are now under way to secure Dean Charles R. Brown, retired dean of Yale Divinity school, and Hugh Black, professor of practical theo- logy at Union theological semi- nary, for the spring series. Senator] William E. Borah and Senator Ar- tiur H. Vandenberg both were forced to decline invitations be- cause of the probability of a spe- cial session of Congress after March 4. It is understood that invitations will also be sent to Rabbi Wise and Charles G. Dawes, whose names were mentioned at the last general meeting of the Student council convocations committee headed by Mark Andrews, '29. Senator George Wharton Pepper, also may be in- vited to address a spring convoca- tion, though he declined an invita- tion to speak this fall saying thatf it was "time he spoke less and thought more." He referred to his recent unsuccessful campaign for reelection against Senator Vare. STUDENTS LEAVING TOWN NOTE NO SUDDEN CHANGE Professors Kenyon, Fries, Winter Prince Of Wales Will Continue As Are Among Faculty Victims Of Acting Head Of Nation Until Wave Of Sickness Patient's Recovery i r (Bv Associated Press) LA PAZ, Dec. 15.-The Bolivian army has struck back at the Para- guayan forces which on Dec. 6 captured the Bolivian fort Van- guardia in the disputed territory of Granchaco. The new conflict, which resulted in the capture of [the Paraguay fort Boqueron, was reported in a terse commique by the Bolivian minister of war to- night. His statement read: "New Paraguayan detachments having threatened our forts in the Chaco, a sanguinary clash occured. Our forces after punishing our op- ponents occupied Fort Boqueron. The army has done its duty. MUSICIANS WILL GIVE CHRISTMAS PRO'GRAM SUMMARY OF GAME Michigan (34) Decision against the holding of' the Christmas membership dance which had been planned by student officials of the Union for this com- ing Wednesday night marked theI principal action of the board of di- rectors of the Union at their regu- lar monthly meeting held yester-' day. Action was takeii against the dance, according to Kenneth Scha- fer, '29, recording secretary, on the suggestion of J. A. Bursley, dean I of students. Dean Bursley advisedr against holding the proposed dance because of his belief that it woula serve to aggravate the epidemic of influenza which is sweeping the campus. BobC[aIn addition to the many students Chapman sick either with colds or mild cases Veteran Wolverine center who of influenza, it was learned last turned in a fine performance night that at least four members against Penn last night. He of the faculty are confined to their totalled 10 points to annex the beds with somewhat more serious scoring honors for the contest. cases of the same epidemic. Among these is Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the law school. Professor Aigler has been forced to forgo the CONGRESS H ALONG;Age ftelw col rfso teaching of classes for sometime.- In addition to his connections in I chairman of the board in control _of athletics. Substantial Progress Made On Dam, .Other professors known to be Appropriations, Cruiser I sick are: Prof. Herbert A. Kenyon, Construction professor of French and Spanish in the College of Engineering, Prof. Charles C. Fries of the English de- partment, and Prof. John G. Win-, y eter of the Latin department. WAHNAssociatedP ress) In spite of anrnouncements from WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.-Con- i the University health service and) gress, at the end of the first two the medical school that the num- weeks of its short session, found ber of cases reported yesterday itself today with appropriation ,showed a decrease, the damp at- bills well along towards enact-d ment; with the Boulder Dam bill mosphere of Friday and Saturday through the Senate and back in 'promised an increase in the num- throuhte Seaem and bkinh ber of colds and seemed to mdi- the House for agreement, and with cate that the dangers of the epi- a place made before the Senate for demic are by no means over. Many the naval cruiser construction bill students, it is known, have already which was given right of way by left Ann Arbor. the Republican steering committee.,lethwaret.a All of these measures were lokd-While this was the reported and Alpof thesemesurgesd ulooked indicated situation here, informa- upon two weeks ago as difficult tion that Carnegie Tech closed subjects. With another week be- Wednesday, that Pittsburgleand fore the Christmas recess begins, Washington and Jefferson were however, House and Senate has closed Thursday, and that Duques- made progress which could not be ne has been closed were received. predicted with any degree of here. None of these schools will re- accuracy when the session began open until Tuesday, Jan, 8. with a membership tired from the At the same time reports from! exertions of the national cam- the offices of the surgeon general paign. of the United States in Washing- The Senate session was long ton showed 41,069 cases reported enough only to permit Senator and expressed the belief that there Bruce of Maryland to give expres- were five times that many unreport-1 sion to his view upon the Kellogg ed cases throughout the country. treaty. for months. REEVES TELLS STORY OF ANGELL'S LIFE FOR BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARYI (13y Associated Prvs) LONDON, Dec. 15.-A prolonged consulation in the sick room of! King George, in which five phys-. icians took part, caused tension in and about Buckingham palace late today. When the evening bulletin was issued at 8:20 o'clock it reveal- ed that the doctors had decided to add treatment by rays to the methods which they are employing in their attempt to bring the stricken monarch back to health. This bulletin, which had been awaited by the crowds outside the palace with apprehensive interest. showed that there had been no such sudden change as had been anticipated. The condition of the patient remained about as before. the disquieting factor being the persistence of the exhaustion from which he has been suffering. Obtained Some Sleep This was balanced, however, by the fact that he had obtained some sleep, which is of great help in such an illness; the steadiness of the pulse and the moderation of fever. The text of the bulletin was: "His majesty had a quiet day with some sleep. Though the pulse remains steady and the fever i'e- I mains moderate, the exhaustion re- mains persistent. It has been de- cided to employ ray therapy a, part of the treatment." 'ren lDoctors In All The five signatures on this an- nouncement were those of Sir Stanley Hewitt; Lord Dawson of Penn, Sir Hugh Rigby, the surgeon Doctors Frank Howitt and Robert atanton Woods, both members of the Royal College of Surgeons. The addition of these two made the I otal of the king's attendant ten This includes radiologists and the specialists who administered thc anaesthetic at the time of the operation on the king. LONDON, Dec. 15. -Because of the illness of King George, the rince of Walces has become act- ing king of England. He probably, will continie in that capacity anti' his father is able to resume hi duties. The Prime Minister t c:sU pon the Prince on business of state Just as he would upon King George Other cabinet ministers come t1 consult the Prince and be is arturag- ing to keep in the near f'uture all the appointments the king would ordinarily fill. He is passing upon documents and in various other ways is acting as titular head of the state. Acts For Regency Couticil There is every evidence that Al- bert Edward will continue . this work for some time. Whatever turn the illness of the king may take, he is, by word of his doctors, relegated to a period of inactivity in. official affairs which may extend state has been duly appointed to act for the sovereign, it is the Prince of Wales as eldest son and heir to the throne who steps to the front as the principal member of that committee. Pos. Truskowski, if ..... Orwig, rf ......... Chapman, c ....... Rose, rg .......... McCoy, Capt., lg ... Barley, if........ Total......... B FT .... 1 1 .... 2 4 4 2 .2 3 .. 2 2 .. 0 0 .....11 12 Varsity Band, Girls' Glee Club Appear In Annual Concert Wednesday Night To Pennsylvania (21) Brodbeck, if....... . 0 Schaaf, Capt., rf........4 Peterson, c............1 Hartnett, rg...........0 Lazar, lgg...............0 Herbst, rf.............1 Lobley,, rf ............. 1 Gilfillan, c ............. 0 Ushka, rg..............0 Noble, rg .......... 0 Total................7 1 0 2 2 0 1 0 . 1 0 7 7 o CAMPBELL TO GIVE TALK' Combining their efforts in a joint Christmas program, the Varsity band and the Girls' Glee club will present the annual concert for the student body at 8 o'clock next Wednesday night in Hill auditor- ium. The band will be conducted by Nicholas Falcone, while Nora Crane Hunt will direct the Glee club. Due to their appearance in "Rainbow's End," the 1928 Union Opera, the Men's Glee club was un- able to take part in the concert this year as they did last year. The Girls' organization was substituted and promises an excellent program. Ten members are listed on the musical program which includes several carols and classical selec- tions appropriate to the season. During a brief intermission be- tween the fifth and sixth num- bers "Uncle Bob" Campbell, 'treas- urer of the University and faculty advisor of the band, will extend a short Christmas greeting to the au- dience. The complete program follows: March and Procession of Bac- chus ................ Leo Delibes The Bells of St. Marys.A. E. Adams Varsity Band Gypsy Life.............Schumann Girls' Glee Club Soloists: Esther Anderson, Dorothy Wilson Orma Weber, Ruth Marchall Andrea Havre Atlantis Suite in Four Parts The Lost Continent........ . V. F. Safranck Symphonic March......R. Fasoli 'Varsity Band Christmas Greetings. ."Uncle Bob" Campbell1 Silent Night ............... Gruber Hark The Herald Angels Sing It Came Upon a Midnight Clear Adeste Fideles Girls' Glee Club Overture Zampa......L. J. Herold Dance of the Hours from La- Gioconda...........A. Ponchielli The Yellow And Blue......Balfe Accompanist for Girls' Glee Club -Miss June Marshall Free throws missed: Michigan- Truskowski, 2, Orwig, 2, Chapman,! 2, McCoy, 2. Pennsylvania-Herbst,I Peterson, 2, Ushka, Lazar, Noble. Referees: J. J. Molony, Notre Dame, Frank Lane, Cincinnati. PHILLIPS MANUSCRIPT GIVEN $2,500 AWARD Work On Ante-Bellum History South Wins Prize Offered By Boston Publishers Of IS FIRST BOOK OF SERIES Award of a prize of $2,500 for the best manuscript submitted on American history has been made to Prof. Ulrich B. Phillips, of the American history department of this university. Little, Brown & company, (Bos- ton), publishers, offered the award in a contest which closed October 1. Professor Phillips has conferred with the publishers, and in addi- tion to the $2,500 prize he will re- ceive royalties on the book which probably will be off the press by May 1. Judges in the contest were Worthington C. Ford, etlitor of publications of the Maine Histori- cal society, James Proswell Adams, historian of New England, and Allen Nevins, of the editorial staff of the New York World and author of numerous histories. The book, entitled, "Life and La- bor in the Old South," is the first volume of a set not yet completed which will be known as the "His- tory of the South." It traces the settlement of the colonies and the development of slave plantations, and pictures the life and experi- ences of the planters, slaves, and overseers. The material, concerned not so much with the law as with the actual conditions of life, was drawn from manuscript records. By Morris Quinn Showing a complete reversal of the form displayed in the opening game of the season with Michigan State a week ago, Coach George Veenker's Wolverine cagers rode rough-shod over Pennsylvania, 1926-27 Eastern Intercollegiate champions, last night in the field house to hand the eastern team its worst defeat of the present trip, 34-21. Approximately 5,000 spec- tators saw the contest. It was the third successive beat- ing absorbed by Penn in as many nights at the hands of Western conference aggregations, Indiana turning the trick Thursday and Ohio State Friday. The victory was doubly . significant for the Wolverines, as it marked their first win of the 1928-29 season and avenged the 39-36 loss to the Red and Blue team at Philadelphia a year ago. After a slow start, the invaders I took the lead early in the first half largely through the sensational shooting of Captain Joey Schaaf who registered no less than four baskets in this period, most of them from beyond the foul line. Michigan gradually pared down Penn's lead, however, and the east- erners were leading by a single point margin, 13-12 as the half ended. Rose Counts First Shortly after the game opened Danny Rose drew first blood by registering a free throw. Schaaf dropped in his first basket and Mc- Coy knotted the count from the foul line. Chapman next sank a goal after dribbling through the Penn defense, but Hartnett scored a free throw and Schaaf a pair of baskets, both of them on difficult shots, to send his team into the lead that it never relinquished dur- ing the half. Rose sank a close-in shot, but Schaaf retaliated with another long one to maintain the lead in Penn's favor, 9-6. Peterson scored 'a free throw. McCoy dropped in fourth basket of the game on an- other long shot, and Hartnett in- creased the lead still further with a free throw. McCoy dropped in a long shot and a free throw, while Orwig counted from under the basket and from the foul line to cut the invader's lead to one point, as the half ended. The second period saw the Wol- verines take the lead soon after the opening whistle, Truskowski sinking a short one; McCoy broke -away for another close in shot. Rose dropped in a free throw and Chapman and Orwig bagged a basket each before Peterson made good on a free throw for Penn's first point of the half. Michigan Increases Lead Michigan increased her lead, Rose dribbling half the length of the court to score. Peterson made another free throw, but Orwig dis- counted his effort by doing the same. Chapman looped in another short one and Rose and Truskow- ski, registered free throws. Ushka sank a free throw and Lobley, whd had replaced Hartnett, connected on a long one, making the count 28-18. Chapman dropped in a free throw and Orwig added two more, then Chapman sank another close in shot. Herbst tallied from the floor and from the foul line, while Chapman made a close shot on a perfect pass from Orwig to end the scoring and increase the Wolverines advantage to 34-21. Chapman's work at center wa one of the features of the contest; while Orwig turned in a fine ex- hibition of floor work but was un- able to locate the basket during the first half. Danny Rose did a good job of advancing the ball Two articles, one of them the life' history of a past-president of the university, written by members of the faculty annear in the first vol- institution among the people of the state, so that they would come to regard the state universiy as an integral and necessary part of the MISS HAWKINS STATES DORMITORIES TEND TOWARD DEMOCRATIC FEELING ume of the "Dictionary of Ameri- lan Special Train can Biography," which has been placed on reference recently in the For Homeward Rush library. The first is a biography of James Greyhound Lines To Offer Three Burrill Angell by Professor Jesse Extra Buses From Here S. Reeves of the political science To Chicago department. The other is the life of Benedict Arnold by Dr. Ran- Studehts leaving Ann Arbor Fri- dolph G. Adams, custodian of the day for Chicago are being offered Clements library. special transportation on both the Professor Reeves traces Angell's bus and train. The Greyhound life from his birth in 1829 through Lines announce several special the years of his youth and edu- buses leaving the Union Friday on cation at Brown university, and his a direct seven and a half hour run career as journalist, educator, and to downtown Chicago, while the diplomat, to his retirement and Michigan Central has put on one death in 1916. He relates in factual extra train to accomodate the+manner the great accomplishments homeward bound students. of a .versatile man. public educational system." In the year 1871 Angell became BULLETIN president of the University of- Michigan. Professor Reeves writes: (By Assoiae d "Angell's inaugural address, de- CINCINNATI, Dec. 15.--All fur- livered in June, 1871, was an able,] ther classes at St. Xavier college' brilliant, and, for the time, novel were ordered discontinued today by appeal to his audience and to the college authorities until after the, people of Michigan by which he Christmas holidays in order to stopk sought to create an ideal for the! the spread of influenza whichd state by setting an ideal for the has caused much illness among University." While he held the office of presi- I BASKETBALL SCORES dent here, Angell received several A E _E diplomatic appointments. He was minister to China under Hayes, At chA socited Pr(-i,4 Cleveland appointed him to two ACampaigne,_X1,I11inoi5 44 special diplomatic commissions, Lombard 22. and he was minister to Turkey un- At Des Moines, Drake 32, Min- der McKinley. He retired in 1909. nesota 21 . Editor's Note: This is the third of aI series of interviews with women students re- gar(iu- the proposed women's dormitories. Cynthia Hawkins, '29, chairman of the judiciary council, declares herself in favor of the new dormi- I tory plsn. "I think that if the I dormitories constructed are a suc- cess, so many will be built that in time there will be no sororities;, for sororities have been raised as a council, upheld by the sororities, has been carrying on all the work, and those not in sororities or dor- mitories are out of the circle, nor can they understand that which the inner group are doing. Were all girls housed in dormitories, the individual would have more oppor- activities. Some declare that the mixing of girls of different castes would result in a loss of harmony and would be a total failure. Con- trary to this opinion, the dormitory' life would make for better racial understanding and sympathy. Smith college houses in one dor- mitory girls of every caste and re- ligion, and the experiment has solution to the housing problem for girls." Miss Hawkins stated. "I do not mean that sororities will not exist at all on the campus, but that they will become like their fellow chapters at Ohio State University where they have taken on the na- i