FACE FOTJR THE MICHIGAN DAILY s".TTJ1t'raYte, r rC~E1 R B1., 1D28 Published every morning except Monday Ring the University year by the Board in Control of Studnt Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en. ttled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- ished herein. Entered at the postofiice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.o; by mail, ;4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- bard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Rusines, 212!. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor.....................Paul J. Kern City Editor .............. .Nelson J1 Smith News Editor..............Richard C. Kurvink Sports Editor................Morris Quinn Women's Editor ..............ylvia S. Stone Editor Michigan Weekly.... J. Stewart Hooker Music and Drama............R. L. Askren Assistant City Editor.. Lawrence R. Klein Night Editors Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe Joseph E Ilowell Pierce Ro.nerg onad J. Klin George E. Simons George C. Tilley Reporters Paul L. Adams C. A. Lewis Morris Alexander Marian M acDonald Esther Anderson Henry Merry C. A. Askren N. S. Pickard Bertram Askwith Victor Rabinowitz Louise Behymer Anne Schell Arthur Bernstein Rachel Shearer t Seton C JBovee Robert Silbar Isabel Charles ]oward Simon L. R. Chubb Robert L. Sloss Frank E Cooper Arthur R. Strubel Helen Domine Edith 'Thoma Douglas Edwards Beth Valentine Val borg Egeland Gurney Williams Robert J. Feldman Walter Wilds Marjorie Follmer George E. Wohlgemuth William Gentry Robert Woodroofe Lawrence Hartwg Joseph A. Russell Richard Tung Cadwell Swanson Charles A. Kaufman A. Stewart Ruth Kelsey EdwardwL. Warner Jr. Donald E. Layman Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Aaistant Manager-RAYM4OID WACHTER Department Managers Advertising.................Alex K. Scherer Advertising......... A. James Jordan Advertising............. Carl W. Hammer Service................Herbert E. Varnum Circulation................GeorgeS. Bradley Accounts........ ......Lawrence E. IWalkley Publications..............Pay M. Hofelich Assistants Irving Binzer Jack horwich Donald Blackstone Dix Humphrey Mary Chase Marion Kerr Jeanette Dale Ullan Kovinsky Vernor Davis Bernard Larson Bessie Egeland Leonard Littlejohn Helen Geer Hollister Mabley Ann Goldberg Jack Rose Kasper Halverson Carl Fl Schemm George Hamilton Sherwood Upton Agnes Herwig Marie Wellstead Walter Yeagley SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1928 Night Editor-GEORGE C. TILLEY HAIL POMMERENING Grantland Rice has picked what is generally conceded to be the of- ficial all-American for 1928. In- cluded in the 11 regulars recog- nized for' that honor is Pommeren- ing of Michigan. Such recognition must not pass without fitting com- ment. Michigan is proud of her Pommerening. Congratulations, Otto! THAT PEACE PACT Sometime soon the Paris Peace pact will pass from the tender mercies of the foreign relations committee to our hard-headed Senate, which is expected at least to propose some reservations in behalf of the Monroe doctrine and the country's policy of ignoring Russia. It is rather difficult to see how an intelligent body can find any perils in a pact as innocuous as Mr. Kellogg's. The 15 high con- tracting parties solemnly bind themselves to renounce war as an instrument of policyaand settle their difficulties by pacific means. In other words it focuses a senti- ment that has been generally ac- cepted since the World War. There is nothing mandatory about the pact such as provided the "splendid isolationists" with an appeal against the League of Nations. There is no hint of dis- armament to alarm the militarists. President Coolidge, in fact, wants the present Congress to pass both the Kellogg pact and his $180,000,-' 000 cruiser bill. The- threat against the Monroe doctrine is even vaguer than the pact itself, for it is hard to see how a pacifistic utterance can imperil, the validity of our interests in: South and Central America. TheI pact does not provide any nation with the assurance that we will. remain neutral to unfriendly in- terference in our most important sphere of influence. Yet harmless though the pactI is, it represents a step forward forl this country, a concrete proof to Europe that our intentions are not bellicose, and a document that peace sentiment can rally around until the next war becomes inevit- able. We should sign it withoutl thing constructive in his adminis-RO tration's foreign policy. 3 1 D AFTER TWENTY-FIVE YEARS ' FAMED December 17 marks the twenty- EXECUTIVES five anniversary of the first suc- CONVEN\E cessful airplane flight. Started COV and developed in this country, roDue to a most unfortunate er- commercial air travel should be ror, recent deliberations of the far in advance of European. But Rolls Executive Board have been the rverseis th case confused with supposed meetings the reverse is the case of the University Board of Re- A large percentage of Americans gents, an organization generally who go abroad travel on one of i considered as subsidiary to the the lines of European airways and Rolls group.E enjoy their trips. Air travel is * * * looked upon in Europe as the Almost a year ago, the official quickest and easiest way to get Rolls Fxecutive Board, feeling it- from place to place, and the daily self descending to the inglorious papers report the aircraft activi- level of various local councils, de-I ties the same as they do shiping. cided to abandon the University1 Great strides have been made in to the devices of the devil, and the last few years towards an resigned in a body. But at the established commercial air travel jexpress request of ex-Secretary in the United States. The inaugu- Bolt, the members assembled in rating of passenger service on reg- extraordinary session during the ular air mail lines has done much past week, in a noble attempt to for the furtherance of aviation, save the University from the pre- But while a great many of these vacation doldrums., passenger planes carry one or two * * people in open cockpits, the Croy- INFLUENZA BANNED r don planes carry from twelve to twenty people in luxurious cabins. Dread Malady Branded As America has chosen the slower Corrupter Of course. of development in relying Morals on popular confidence to make the Without knowing anything in airplane industry, what it has particular about the situation, the made the automobile industry, following resolution was unani- Europe has picked the swifter mously passed, only three mem- method of government subsidies. bers dissenting: Airplanes are only one of the several fields for development. The "Resolved: That no student recent trip of the "Graf Zeppelin" in attendance at the, Univer- is only a gesture in the direction sity hereafter shall operate of the development of air liners. any case of influenza. In ex- Already the United States govern- ceptional and extraordinary ment has contracted for two dirig- instances, at the discretion of ibles of 6,500,000 cubic feet capa- the B and G Department, this city-a 100 per cent increase over rule may be relaxed." the German model. The dirigibles * * * of the future may be able to travel It was further provided that the around the earth without landing. phrase, "exceptional and extraor- They will be able to carry on their dinary instances," should be con- backs a half dozen crafts like the strued so as to include friends of "Los Angeles." Supplies and pas- the administration. sengers may be delivered to them by smaller craft docking on expan- "That ought to take care of sive decks these i n c o m p e t'e'nt students, Before the invention of the auto- sneered one member as he cast his mobile, we had an individual social vote for an appropriation to put radius of five miles, and a good the measure into effect. Several horse might increase this to ten plain-clothes men to pose as stu- miles. The automobile enlarged dents, and three fire engines were this radius to twenty-five miles included in the enforcement as a minimum. And now the pro- scheme. "We ought to get out for posed air transportation promises about $15,000 a year," exulted the to increase this radius to almost chief proponent of the scheme. indifinite measure. This will na- * * * turally lead to an extension of the KERNEL SUSPENDED individual horizon to a world-1 Ex-Champion Of The Oppressed wide horizon. Charged With Breach Will this closer and speedier Of Faith communication promote a more O at friendly feeling among all men? Recent statements in unqualified Only Time can answer these approval of University policies, queries, but we may well look for made by Kernel, famed member an advanced civilization if air of the Board drew the fire of ev- travel reaches a proportionate de- ery member. All were indignant velopment at its half-century at such unprecedented action. mark. * * * Demands were made for Ker- o oj Music And Drama "RAINBOW'S END" A Review By Sylvia S. Stone With a combination of good mu- sic, excellent costuming and some fine bits of acting, "Rainbow's End" goes a long way toward redeeming the Opera after the showing of the I past few years, Bob (Sidney Straight), the hand- ' some blonde hero, is, quite at home on the stage, and in addition has a voice which adds considerably to even the best musical selection.E Heyman, Lewis and Watkins have E done a nice piece of work with theE musical numbers, and one remem- bers particularly Heyman's "Pow- t Wow Papa," as presented by the versatile Buell, and his melodious "Rainbow's End"; Lewis' "Mexi- cana" has an excellent rhymic swing. The lyrics show originality and more thought than has been given them for several years past, resulting in a clever novelty in "Wide Open Spaces," a radish ridi- culousness in "Pow Wow Papa" and the appealing sentimentality of "Rainbow's End." Dan Buell, who plays the part of Rita LeDoux, the soubrette of the troupe, is half the show. He, or rather she, supplies both humor and some outstanding clog special- ties, being accompanied in the lat- ter by several cowboys, whose clog- ging deserves high commendation. For coyness Buell rivals the femin- ine of the species itself. Harlan Christy adds a relishable bit of acting in his part as "Ike," elderly ex-cowboy employed on the ranch, and general woman-hater, while Richard Kurvink has learned to sway quite admirably as a Span- ish widow should. One feels disap- pointed that Senora Mercedes is not given more opportunity to demonstrate her abilities in a dance number, particularly since the subservient Miguel is right at hand. George Johnson fills the bill so completely as "Jack Denton," man- ager of the troupe, that one won- ders why heiis merely "pinch-hit- ting" for William Day. From a woman's point of view, the opera presents feminine ap- parel this year, for the first time in many years, that can be ac- knowledged as such without blush- ing. After a display such as that in "Rainbow's End," Peter March (Milton Peterson) should have lit- tle difficulty in keeping Lester in Chicago. In addition to being colorful, the gowns were in keeping with styles of the day, and the use of a num- ber of sport outfits showed a com- mon-sense eye for the proper clothing for boyish forms. It is sur- prising, too, how successfully a hat will introduce appealing shadows and femininity; the costumer was aware of this and made good use of hats, which in addition created effective color costumes. Harmony between the coloring of costumes and the setting was more easily accomplished this year, and the use of the rainbow theme in the dress is interestingly worked out. The performance opens effec- tively but too slowly, and requires all of Buell's versatility to carry it over several other portions that tend to drag. The choruses have a fine arrangement of dances, espec- ially well-executed by the men's chorus. The girls' chorus began weakly but ended up with a flourish. The selection of chorines seems particularly fortunate this year, some of tne youths possessing en- viable forms and faces. Speaking, of feminine beauty, William Browne comes in for mention in his role as Sylvia Lee, star of the theatrical troupe. He is at his best in the "Western Stop" number. The use of a male chorus whose chief value lies in its voices is an excellent innovation that is fully appreciated in the "Song of the Cowboys" and the opening and closing hymns. The book of the opera is un- usually coherent, and does not seem to have been written merely as a string with which to tie the choruses together. While the book itself is devoid of humorous lines, Buell, Christy and Johnson furnish amusement. * * - MYSTERY DRAMA "The Ghost Train," a thrilling mystery drama, engaged the atten- tion of the Detroit Civic theater beginning last Monday. The story is based on a superstition in a country town that periodically a Sghnst.-tran sw~ings 1byu nt ,ipi-viI 12 , 1 1, 22 22,1,_2__LU2_1" J~a~JgI~rnJ-- A% Aft*D.40 p ESEU'UUU *EU uIE a l lil ~ ~ u '1a~~ ~ mr-ft VI We Are Now Agents I I fo r I I AUNT MYOLLY'S HOME MADE CANDIES A POUND WITHAM DRUG STORE l l/, \ SOUTH UNIVERSITY AT FOREST Nil/ ...- I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- is -g= VYpi Vial Y WYet-WW-V---WW-WW-----YY WFri-Sri-- W Wi iri Yd WiViW yiiii YYY rr 6" b" a" a" M.06.0 la"i Classified A ds Pay a LVil1W11641.) YY-V 111 WtAV l-, - I ACCURATE COUNTING ! nel's immediate explusion. 'But it ACCUATEwas pointed out that, as a pur- John J. Raskob declares that the ported member of the e-society Democratic party is not dead and of Sphinx, he ought to be given estimates that its candidate car- o Shnxeoeitateent. ried a vote within eight per cent a chance for reinstatement. of that of the President-elect. Of the 28,000,000 ballots cast, 16,000,- PRESIDENT CHEERED 000 were for Hoover and 12,000,000 Ideal Liquor Solution Praised for Smith. Just how those figures By Executives can be construed to place a differ- A message of encouragement was ence of eight per cent between the ( sent to the head of a near-by two is rather hard to conceive. It r University, to wish him success in would rather appear that there is his latest undertaking. His plan, a difference of one-seventh in the in brief, is to personally eliminate total vote or 14 and a fraction per all the liquor on his campus which cent. Looking at the figures from has suddenly achieved notoriety a different angle, it more readily as the wettest in the country. appears that the Democratic, total "Just think of it," sighed one ex- was but 75 per cent that of the Re- ecutive, "one single man getting publican. away with all the liquor on that It is inaccurate statements such campus. That man must have a as this of Mr. Raskob that place monstrous capacity." the Democratic party in an unfav- * * * orable light. While it is impossible UNIVERSITY CLOSED to follow that gentleman's count- Executives Adopt Measure To ing, we must agree with him that I Eliminate Vacation the Democratic party h, nct dead. E ting It is possible, in fact, to see for it Bolting a very definite and successfui i- By special permission of the ture. Rolls Executive Board, all students Before such an event can come who wish will be excused from to pass, however, the party will classes for two weeks, beginning have to cast aside its vulgarity It next Friday. ;will have to pass from beneath theP *I *U* A direction of such men as Mr. PETITION UNHEARD Raskob and find its inspiration Local Bootleggers Fight in new leaders. These new leaders i Elimination Of will have to be men of the first Business rank, statesmen in every sense of A petition signed by over 100 lo- the word. cal bootleggers was thrown under When and only when the time the table after a spirited skirmish. comes that the Democratic party The petition follows:C can forget the petty jealousies which have served to estrange its "In behalf of the taxpayers factions, and can unite behind an' and citizens of Ann Arbor who outstanding leader, it will find it- consider their rights and in- self in a position of power. It is not terests vitally affected by the impossible to vision that occasion proposed program of the elimi- but it can only be seen with the nation of honor societies, we development of a new leadership. dare. you to give us a public NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING CAsS GILBERT Architect 17 I - 0 hearing, at the next time you clcvatvr is a inarvci Vi niccnanicai genius--speeay, sane, aepenaanle.