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December 15, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-12-15

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Plans Are Being Made For Spring
Convocation Series To Start
Late In March
Henry Pitt VanDusen, professor
at Union theological seminary, and
one of the leaders in a group of
young men engaged in carrying a
modern religious message to stu-
dents, will address the third and
last convocation of the fall series
at 11 o'clock tomorrow in Hill au-
ditorium. He has chosen for his
subject "The Reasonableness of
VanDusen is known as one of
the more modernistic members of,
the ministry, and is said to em-3
body in his doctrines several anti-
fundamentalist conceptions. At the.
time of his ordination several of
the old-line clergy raised objec-1
tions, and newspapers featured his;
alleged denial of the virgin birth.
Followed Buchman
At Princeton VanDusen belongeds
to a group of insurgents that de-
clined invitations to join clubs,
classifying them as rubbish, and
joined the "Buchmanism" move-
ment that gained headway there
after the war.
Although he later sheared away
from Buchman's anti-sex emotion-
alism when it grew to fantastic
proportions, he was written up in
a book of anonymous character
sketches as a convert of Buchman.
He is identified with "Erd" Harris,'
"Sam" Schumacher, and other1
young men well-known in the
East for their Christian influence
among preparatory schools and
colleges, all of whom followed
Buchman for a while and then re-
pudiated the sect when it outgrew
the bounds of reason.
Has Published Book
VanDusen is the author of a
widely read book entitled "In
Quest of Life's Meaning."
After tomorrow's convocation no'
more will be held until the end
of March when the spring series
is scheduled to start. Attempts
are now under way to secure Dean
Charles, R. Brown, retired dean of
Yale Divinity school, and Hugh
Black, professor of practical theo-
logy at Union theological semi-
nary, for the spring series. Senator

Minor Outbreaks Occur Regularly I
Between Major Epidemics, OFSI I INIT
Fishbein Explains
(flyAssociated Press)U
CHICAGO, Dec. 14.-The present;
sweep of influenza over the coun-
try is one of the minor outbreaks MUST SETTLE DIFFERENCES
which regularly occur between ma- WITH BILL AS PASSED
jor epidemics, Dr. Morris Fishbein, BY LOWER HOUSE
editor of the Journal of the Ameri-
can Medical association said in a
statement today. PROVIDES POWER PLANT
Dr. Fishbein discussed the prob- I
able causes of the spread of the Dam To Be Twice As Big As Any
infection, and gave suggestions for In Existence; 165,000,000
treatment. Is Appropriated
"Epidemics of respitatory dis- i -
eases sim ila r to in flu e n z a h av e o c- W A S H I N G T O NoD ec . 14 .--Ths)
curredat fairly regular intervals, WASHINGTON, De. 14.-The
approximating 30 years since 1802,1 Swing-Johnson bill for a huge flood

t ; 1
Students To Build Another Plane
During Vacation; University
Lends Aviation Shop
Gliding by students of the Uni-
versity will get under way soon
after the end of the Christmas


the most severe epidemics being control, irrigation and power pro- vacation, according to an a
those of 1802, 1830, 1847, 1889, and ject on the Colorado River to cost nouncemerit yesterday by Robert B.!
1918, 'Dr. Fishbein said. $165,000,000, was assed by the nra o er
"Between these major outbreaks $1500,0,ws asd yte Evans, '30, chairman of the glider
eenccur rhegulal m norout-k Senate today after a controversy section of the Aeronautical society
breaks such as that of the present that has extended throughout the f that a plane is now in the process,
year. From 20 to 50 per cent of better part of two administrations. of completion by a Detroit firm for
the population are attacked in all The measure, popularly known delivery to the campus on Jan. 7.
these epidemics, and in most of as the Boulder Canyon Dam bill, Another plane, to be constructed
them there are relatively few ;Aohrpae ob osrce.
deaths. The disease shows a re- was approved by a vote of 64 to 11 during the vacation by members of
marhs.ahe lass s relationship-o It now must go to conference to the section, will be ready for use
markable lack of relationship tobyhendfJauyEnssd.
weather conditions sweeping the coipose differences between the by the end of January Evans said.
world from the tropics to the poles bill passed' by the House last ses- purchased, cutting has begun, and
when it occurs in pandemic form.' sion and the one acted upon today experiments are being conducted
I__ _by xprimnteaeSeinncndctd.
on the wing braces.
If a favorable vote is taken by Have Exclusive Blue Prints
IILII~flOMbTtV House and Senate on the con- avExlseBuePit
UIOPOI[ U fliTH jference report, the measure will be The facilities of the aeronautical
sent to President Coolidge who, department's wood-working shop
sponsors of the bill believe, is in have been turned over to the group
sympathy with its general pro- which has organized to build the
O Avisions plane. It will be constructed from
STo Irrigate Seven States exclusive blue-prints in the pos-
Canada Suggests That We Adhere The scope of the measure as it session of the glider section,
To International Standards concerns storage and use of waters smuggled out of Germany this
Of Air-Worthiness I for reclamation and flood control summer by Evans with the con-
works is among the most stupen nivance of a German friend inter-
PLAN VIEWED FAVORABLY dous ever passed upon by Congress. ested in gliding.
PLN E E A A It proposes construction at the Both the plane which will be
(AsiePsBlack Canyon site in the Colorado purchased and the one to be con-
(SyGAssociated Press) River of a dam almost twice as structed here are of the schooling
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.-A pro- large as any in existence. This type used for grounding students
posal by the Canadian delegation structure would provide water for in the elements of gliding and
of the adoption by all nations of irrigation in the seven states of the glider control. While incapable of
a unified standard of air worthi- Colorado river basin. A power soaring flight and record-breaking
'ness. in air craft was presented to-
day at the concluding business ses- plant would be built at thedam to endurance or altitude perform-
sion of the International Civil generate thou ands of horsepower ances, they are characterized by4
Aeronautic Conference. While a of energy for electrical uses in ruggedness and are capable of
number of members viewed the almany localities of the west. flights lasting several minutes de-
suggestion favorably,no action was In addition, the measure would pending on the skill of the pilot.
taken. provide for flood control works for The glider to be purchased from
Before the conference wound up the protectlon of Imperial Valley IGliders, Inc., Detroit, weighsa oly
its business it also received a mes- in Southern California and also for 3 feetund is sufficientprugged
sage from Japan expressing ap- construction of an all-American so that a 60 h.p motor may be in-
preciation over the calling of the canal across southern California stalled if desire . It is of the open
gathering by the United States. from the Colorado River to bring Isle dei d Iis oeopen
The Canadian suggestion came in irrigating waters into the valley. fuselagect a sr t
the form of a statement by G. J. Party Lines Obliterated i
Desbarats, Canadian deputy min- Gliders, Inc., will 'give the glider
ister of national defense. He 'said Party li es were obliterated in section a shock-cord or rubber
the final vote and passage. Thirty! cable for launching the planes,
that after the world war the allies ,
,drew up an international air con- two democrats, m1 RepuJlcans, and has arranged to send a man to
vention which provided for uni- and the lone farmer-labor sena- Ann Arbor to assemble the ship
iform standards by all .signatory tor-Shipstead-iof Minnesota- upon arrival. They will also pro-
ormnstandardsy m ala f rvoted for the measure, whilp seven vide a German-trained gliding
nations in the manufacture of air
craft. Republicans and four Democrats, pilot who will instruct members of
m nn Cn; _including Hayden and A3hurst of the local club for four afternoons.

Mortarboard President Emphasizes "At present," Miss Evans contin E
Social Benefits Derived ued, "I understand that a- gre EASTERNRS
fit particular cases arising in the
dito mote: This is te secon f league houses which makes for I
series of interviews with women students re- confusion and an actual avoidance
"a in " "he posed wo sdd " on rm itorin of the League rules.
"I am very much in favor of the A second great advantage in the PENNSYLVANIA WILL' GIVE
building of the proposed dormitory proposed dormitory idea would be SEVERE COMPETITION
for women," Hilda Mary Evans, '29, that of having a group large IN SECOND TILT
president of Mortar Board, stated enough to enjoy social benefits
in a recent interview, which are not possible for the DEFEATED BY HOOSIERS
"From the standpoint of con- smaller groups living in league
venience, first of 'all," Miss Evans houses, according to Miss Evans. Truskowski To Replace McDonald
said, "the new dormitory would be l "For instance, dormitories are
superior to the present league able to entertain the faculty, and At Forward On Michigan Team
house system in that better hous- I give parties and other social funn-
ing conditions for women could be tions," Miss Evans pointed out, By Morris Quinn
provided at cheaper rates than at "'while those women who live in
present. Also the Women's League league houses are necessarily ex- With - a single change in the
rules could be used to apply to cluded from this privilege. In ad- starting lineup and a week of in-
all women ratherithan just those dition, league houses necessitate ene dr under thir bel, the
living in dormitories, or sororities, l iving. in a limited group that Wolverine cagemen will make their
makes for a small circlerof friends second bid to break into the win
and a consequent difficulty in en- column at 7:30 o'clock tonight
I AflNteringcampus activities, which is when the veteran Pennsylvania
made far more easy if one lives basketball team, Eastern Intercol-
in a dormitory," Miss Evans said. legiate champions last season, in-
"As the new dormitory is plan- vade the field house for the third
NOT SO SATISFACTOR-Y ned, there will be four separate test of their present western tour.
. sections resembling in a degree, The highly touted eastern quin-
four small dormitories," Miss Evans tet is playing a three-game series
Evening Bulletin States Royal explained, "a fact which would of practice tilts with Western con-
Patient Ilad "A Somewhat me it possible for women living ference teams. Thursday night
Disturbed Day" in such groups to become acquaint- they engaged the Scrapping Hoos-
I ed with each other and thus derive iers, co-holders of the Big Ten title,
PULSE, HOWEVER, STEADY every benefit afforded by the pres- in a dedicatory game in the new
Ient dormitories. Indiana field house at Blooming-
(By Associated Press) I- ton and came out on the short end
LONDON, Dec. 14.-The condi- of a 34-26 count.
tion of King George tonight, 48 Wolverines eulsedbefore
hours after an operation had beenFNI A year ago the Wolverines invad-
performed for draining the affect-TTed Philadelphia for a game with
ed area around his right lung, was the Penn five but were repulsed,
less favorable than had been hoped. I''UI IN 36-39 in a nip and tuck battle that
The evening bulletin recorded that was featured by frequent scor-
His Majesty had passed "a some- Townspeople Object To Building ing. The easterners also reg-
what disturbed day." It added that Program Of University; istered a victory over the Buck-
the general condition was less sat- Organize To Protest eyes at Philadelpjhia last year,
isfactory, although the pulse re- Notre Dame being the only
mained steady. MAYOR SIGNS STATEMENT western outfit that was able to turn
official circles at Buckingham'Tthe tables on them, winning 30-28.
palace interpreted this in connec- Coach Edward Nichols is making
tion with the morning bulletin, as A formal approach to the Re- the western training jaunt with
indicating there had been no def- gents by the Ann Arbor landladies practically a veteran combination
inite set back. The steady pulse was made yesterday when copies of this season, Chapman, 1927-1928
was taken as indicating that the a petition signed by 14 citizens of center,'being the only regular mis-
heart action, which in the King's Ann Arbor were sent to the mem- sing from the front that annexed
case is a matter of prime import- bers of the board by Shirley W.the eastern conference crown by
ance, had cantinued satisfactory. Smith secretary of the University. defeating Princeton in the play-o
Supporters of the idea that the The petitions were presented to the tilt.
situation should not be considered University authorities late Thurs- Included among the brilliant
alarming found additional reason y non h a performers on the Penn squad are
for their stand in the fact that ler's sanction and his name, which Ipromr ntePn qa r
borthbueins werd ined oy by appears on the documents. Capt. Joey Schaaf, running guard,
both bulletins were signed only by Simultaneous with the presenta- and Lazar, floor guard, who were
Sir Hugh Rigby, the surge6n, and tion of the petitions came the an- practically unanimous choices for
Sir Stanley Hewett and Lord paw- nouncement by Mayor Staebler of these positions on the mythical all-
son of Penn, the regular physicians. the personnel of a committee sug- eastern combination selected at
They thought the fact that other gested by the city council to study the close of last season.
physicians had not been called into the economic effect on. the city of Captain Holds Scoring Record
further consultation, proved the the erection of a women's dormi- T
symptoms were not unduly dis- tory and in general the continua- The Pennsylvania captain is the
quieting. tion of themain-spring of the invaders' at-
quieing tio oftheUniversity's building tack and is generally recognized as
Both of today's announcements plans. k one ot geaestpyrstgned
were brief. The morning buliatin Named by the mayor to serve on one of the greatest players turned
said: the committtee are: Allan H. Paton, years. Among his remarkableper-
"The slight improvement in the of Paton and company, represent- yerman his em kablenpE
King'scondition noted last eve- ing real estate interests; Emil H. formances is the establishment of
Ar e h. k f Ao yhnkr's hard- a high scoring record for all times,




William E. Borah and Senator Ar- i convet~ionwasnuuuiJc~u Ag is maintaine. ny progrvoted cener, o c
m he said, by the United States, Arizona, voted againsttSister-Ship Has Flown m be Low an diffiUult." , ps of 3
thur H. Vandenberg both were which set up its own standards for Senators Couzins and Va1-A-ssmu first construct- mte sow and difficult." ware, representing business inter- of2329
forced to decline invitations be- Ir sthiss requirements. In denberg voted for the bill.1 ed by the company recently passed Tfull,was- Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, Two
cueothprbbltofa5CIcountries such as Canada, he con- -uccssul ess o-th Srip fuloas
cial session of Congress after tie ha aa n successful tests on the Scripps "The King had a somewhat dis-, representing banking interests, r, Lo
ch 4grsargeinumbers fm the Unt Bolivia-Paraguay arm near Pontiac, and will be used turbed day, and the general con- Charles H. Heminway, of the ably s
Sttej4. large numbers from the United C n i o soon for public demonstrations. I dition is not quite so satisfactory. Washtenaw Tribune, and R. Ray Hartne
States, with its own standard for Conciation Seen ISuitable terrain for gliding has The pulse, however, remains Baker, managing editor of the Ann The c
Hoover Is Conducted air worthiness and some other -- been discovered by officers of the Arbor Daily News. taken
countries which adhere to the pro- Those Working For Conciliation ! glider section north of Ann Arbor steady.Although there was no definite thoug
On Sight-Seeing Tour visions of the International Air Heartened By Argentine just across the Huron river. Per-
misnto, oe ofsion has bene-!rd o s YOUNGEST PRINCE AWAITS statement made whether the Re- comer,
Convention, some confusion has re- Cooperation mission has been seured to use gents would at any time receive the ble sta
Campilo Shows Him Buenos Aires, sulted. several bare knolls just east of the BERENGARIA IN NEW YORK committee for a hearing, it was I
He Attends Social Receptions, "It is very desirable, therefore;" ' ., 5<A p>s intersection of Geddes avenue and understood that Dr. Clarence C. Agai-
AndEmas Conference j he added, "that these imported air
An m _s C craft parts should be built to the WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.--As has the River road, that are admirably (By Associated Press). Little favors this kind of expression Coach
r ameftadars asul te auir t hbeen the case ever since the pres- ! suited in every way to the pur- N E W Y O R K, Dec. 14.-The of public opinion to that of an un- team c
(iy Associate<l Pos Isame standards s the air craft sByoungest son of King George ard restricted public gathering. who f
BUENOS AIRES, Dec l4Presi-i actually 'manufactured in the im- ent dispute between Bolivia and- pose. whoalhur
porting country." Paraguay reached the danger One knoll more than 75 feet high, Queen Mary spent several hoursopene
dent-elect Hoover went sightseeingptn ut stage, late developments can be with a sharp declivity in every di- in New York today awaiting theSnclairCon ctIexcept
through the streets of the capital, I WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.-Two of taken to indicate both peaceful rection and surrounded by a soft sailing time of the liner that is to . has be
tappeared at several receptions the outstanding figures in the settlement of the difficulty, or a turf excellent for landing, will be take him back to England and theh Subject Of New Sat Orwig
here today. There was no recur- world of aviationcan e together in continuation of the crisis. used for school purposes. A bedside of his father.±-- -{McDon
herdtdy.Therewasnrur raionta her- nnnwhole however, those higher knoll lies behind it that can Prince George, arriving at noon Donovan Declares Attempt To Be The
rance of anti-American demon- dramatic ht first man to fly w r ng for conciliation have been be used for more ambitious flight on His Majesty's cruiser Durban Made To Recover Profits By eonti
S ight, i ha b when the wind is in the right di-
strations. a motor driven heavier-than-air heartened by the trend of affairs,'whcd hbsoes ft imh fomi Ber's dp Fraud Proceedingsr-ethrong
Mayor Campilo conducted Mr. rection, and there is a series of whchbruhthiffooBrmd
crfecre hre .Ln-(seilyb h esta re-to connect with tonight's depart- Iefr
orthis morning on a round craft, escorted Charles A. Lind- especially by the news that Argen- four small hills fairly free fromIurecof the Berengaria, was told im- (y Associated Press) workin
Hoover thsd bergh to the rostrum of the Inter- tina had no obpection to efforts by obstructing trees admirably suited mediately that the King's condi- WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.--Inten- same
of visits to such prominent spots I national Civil Aeronautics confer- the Pan-American conference on mdaeyta h ig od-jWSIGODc 4-ne-sm
in the city as the Postoffice build- ence to receive the Harmon trophy conciliation and arbitration mee to endurance attempts. tion was improved. Apparently tion of the government to insti- offens:
ing, Palermo park, where stands in recognition his famous New ing here to bring about a solution There are several barns on the relieved at this good news, the tute fraud proceedings to recover glarin
a monument to George Washing- York-to-Paris flight, of the trouble g property that can be used for stor- young prince decided to pass the profits collected under the Harry ament x
polie an fir heaquarersing the gliders and can be con-,
ton, endtGre as Y -to--r---_ght --h.hd mang afternoon at sight-seeing, and with F. Sinclair contract, for the gov- with t
,and internaionady rkn FESTIVENOTEI Gfield repairs no case of damage to Sir Esme Howard, the British Am- ernment's royalty oil in the Salt Trus
avenues of Callao Mayo and Cos-n EI bassador as his companion, he was Creek, Wyoming, field, was dis- height
tamera. C PROM BY CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS!the machines. ndriven about town to see the points closed to the Senate Lands Com- the W
Mr. HoovercalledattheUndFifty-six students have eof interest in a city he had never mittee today by William J. Dono- tion t
.UIn a ballroom decorated in the '31, the march began at exactly 11 in the glider section and several before visited. van, assistant to the attorney gensupply
States embassy in the afternoon, spirit of Christmas, 200 couples o'clock. The dancers formed a have been placed on the waiting Tonight the Prince and Sir Esme era.ne der th
and went from there amid the ac- lspiriti dhesetei'sfa aitingoigtthaPiceadeirEme(erlderti
claim of crowds which nearly - danced into history the Sophomore double column and after circuiting list until the section's facilities are were dinner guests of Mrs. Wite- The contract was let originally sively,
m Prom of the class of '31, yesterday the Union ballroom took positions sufficiently enlarged to accommo- law Reid, widow of the former by Albert B. Fall, secretary of the is his
equalled those of his arrival day evening at the Union. The affair in the characteristic block "M". date them. I American Ambassador to Great' interior in 1922, and the govern- basket
atccompanied byernMhouse. He was was the perennial culmination of The official flashlight picture of Britian, at her town house. From ment now proposes, Mr. Donovan letter.
BCamplo, social affairs of the second year the Prom was then taken. Prints Four Hundred Phones Mrs. Reid's, the royal youth was to testified, to charge fraud in the
UnitedfStates Ambassador Bliss ,class, and the initial event of its of the photograph were sold laterB F ibe taken to the liner where a suite award of the contract and named Michi
and the chief of police, kind in the social' school year. in the evening. O tre ehdbe rprdfrhm i ohmnadteSnli rd rs
President Yrigoyen was waiting Reveling in the music of Jimmie j More than 50 Christmas trees, ! aide-de-camp and his- servants. Oil Purchasing company, the Sin- Orwig
to shake hands with the President- Green's ten-piece band from the brightened by red candles were Four hundred telephones ontheIAs the Durban was warped into Clair Pipe Lines company, and the Chap
a-- - I-_ -... ._. .,n __ _ i-...... a..by roed 'rai r s were ecP mi.- As l~r .. t h..n« e . ciai-MPipe n n1 «.... L ine cmpny.adhe Chp

points, his total for the 1927-
other experienced perform-
bley and Bradbeck will prob-
tart at the forwards with
tt and Noble held in reserve.
enter post will probably be
care of by Bonniwell, al-
i Peterson, another new-
is also regarded as a possi-
rter at this berth.
"Truck" Out In Front
nst this array of veterans
George Veenker will pit a
omposed of the same players
aced Michigan State in the
a week ago with the single
ion of Joe Truskowski, who
en named to team with Bill
at forward in the place of
Wolverine mentor has been
ually juggling the lineup
hout the past week in his
to uncover the smoothest
ig combination, and at the
time to develop a formidable
ive machine to offset the
g weakness in this depart-
uncovered in the opening tilt
he Spartans.
kowski has the necessary
and accuracy to round out
folverine five and his addi-
o the starting lineup may
the punch needed to ren-
e team a strong one offen-
as well as defensively. This
second season of Varsity
ball as he was awarded a
in this sport in 1926-27.
gan Pennsylvania
owski ... RF........Lobley
......... L F..... BradbeeX
nan .....C .... Bonniwell

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