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December 14, 1928 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-12-14

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Cosmopolitan Club:
The Annual Cosmopolitan Club
Christmas Party will be given De-
cember 15 at 8:30 o'clock p. m., in
the Women's Athletic House. The
committee has planned a special
program. Guest tickets may be se-:
cured from Mr. Karl A. Anderson.
Helen L. Clarke, Sec'y

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)

No. 7D.

Highway Engineering Lecture: I Oriental Exhibit:
Mr. J. E. Griffin, field engineer of the National Paving Brick # ie Syrian (Arabian) students of the University invite with pleas-
Manufacturers' Association, will give an illustrated lecture on the Ikure all of the University community to their Oriental Exhibit to be
manufacture of paving brick and the construction and maintenance held in Lane Hall, Saturday, December 15, from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.
mafatropvn brick Arabian coffee and Turkish Delight will be served.
of brick pavements in Room 1213, East Engineering Building at 7:30 A
P. M., Friday, December 14. All students taking highway courses are Raja F. Howrani, Director
especially urged to attend and others interested are welcome. : Economics Club:
R. L. Morrison, Mr. Howard Ellis will address the Club on "The Nature of Money
and Its Value" on Monday, December 17, at 8 p. in., in Room 302 of the
Students In Engineering Mechanics 1: Union. Members of the staff and graduate students in Economics and
Friday at 4:30, Room 101 West Engineering Bldg., there will be a Business Administration are invited.
discussion of methods of solutions of problems in Engineering Mechan- Carter Goodrich
ics I by a member of the Mechanics Faculty. All students interested
are invited to attend. Contemporary Drama Class:
F. N. Menefee Play Production cordially invites a limited number of members
of the class to their private laboratory presentation of St. John Han-
Rhetoric: kin's THE CASSILIS ENGAGEMENT next Monday evening. Tickets
I shall not be able to meet my ,classes today. will be available on Friday afternoon from 3 to 5 at the Play Production
R. W. Cowden I Office.

All existing student driving permits expire on Monday, December
31, 1928. Those who intend to reapply for the privilege of driving for
the balance of the school year 1928-1929 are requested to file applica-
tions and register their 1929 license numbers as soon as possible. A
prompt observance of this request will enable the automobile depart-
ment to provide the new permit tags before the opening of school
on Monday, January 7, 1929.
J. A. Bursley, Dean
Faculty, School of Education:
Because of the graduate luncheon on Saturday, and the dinner
in honor of guests from Ypsilanti on Tuesday, the regular bi-monthly
luncheon of i the School of Education will not be held next Monday,
December 17.
C. 0. Davis, Secretary
To Students Having Library Books:
1. Students having in their possession books drawn from the Uni-.
versity Library are notified that such books are due Monday, December
17, before the impending Christmas vacation, in pursuance of the
Regents' regulation:
"Students who leave Ann Arbor for an absence of more
than a week must first return all borrowed books."
2. Failure to return books before the vacation will render the
student liable to an extra fine.
3. Students who have special need for certain books between
December 17 and the beginning of the vacation may retain such books
by applying to the Superintendent of Circulation on or before Decem-
ber 17.
4. Students who have special need for certain books during the
vacation, will be given permission to draw these books, provided they
are not in general demand, on application to the Superintendent of
Circulation after December 17.
William W. Bishop, Librarian
To the Graduate Students and Faculty in School of Education:
The second meeting of the Graduate Students in Education will
be held in the Ladies Dining Room of the Michigan Union at 1 p. m.,
December 15, 1928.
The members of the Faculty and all students specializing in Educa-
tion are invited to be present.
Clifford Woody,
Chairman of Committee on Graduate Work,
School of Education
Mayo Lecture:
Doctor Alfred Washington Adson of the Mayo Clinic will give the
Annual Mayo Lecture in Natural Science Auditorium December 17, at
4:15 p. m. His title will be "The First Conception of Surgery on the
Sympathetic Nervous System."
Hugh Cabot, Dean
Psvchalov 109:

Ann Arbor Art Association:
The Exhibition of Paintings by
Artists of Southern California
opens Wednesday afternoon, De-
cember 12, and closes Sunday aft-
ernoon, December 23.
B. M. Donaldson, President
Michigan Dames:j
The Michigan Dames club will
entertain their husbands at a box
lunch Christmas party Friday, De-
cember 14, at 8 o'clock, at the Fac-
ulty Women's Clubhouse, 226 South
Ingalls Street. Cards and games
will be in play. For further infor-
mation, dial 5339 or 22332.
Mrs. C. W. Ferris, President.
Beta Kappa Rho:
The next meeting of Beta Kap-
pa Rho will be held at 1319 Forest
Avenue Saturday, December 15, at
Louise J. Lingel, President
To All Reformed Church Students:
All students of Reformed per-
suasion are invited to meet in Lane,
Hall Auditorium for divine wor-
ship, Sunday morning, Dec. 16, at
Rev. Wm. Stuart, teacher of Bi-
ble at the Grand Rapids Christian
High School, will address the meet-
ing. At 4:00 p. m. there will be
another meeting led also by Mr.
The Committee
Masonic Students:
On account of the Michigan-
Pennsylvania basketball game at
7:30 Sat. night the regular meet-
ing hour of the Craftsmen Club
will be moved to 9:00, Dec. 15. All
Master Masons are urged to be
R. W. Webster, President
Negro-Caucasian Club:
Meeting at 8:30 this evening in
Lane Hall. Prof. L. J. Carr will ad-
dress the Club. Mr. Richard Sears
will tell about the strike at Hamp-
ton Institute. All men and women
interested are cordially invited.
John C. Wells, President


V. B. Windt

Oriental Women:
The dormitories do not remain open for the Christmas Vacation.
I shall be happy to assist all foreign women find congenial accommo-
dations for the holidays if they will confer with me anytime during
cTrce hours before December 19.
Beatrice W. Johnson, Adviser

I1 Circolo Italiano:
The Circolo's picture for the Ensian will be taken this afternoon at
3:15 at Randall studio, 121 E. Washington. All members are urged to
be there promptly.
Helen Latting, President



Holiday Gift Suggestions
for Men


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