THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1923 4 -, .s. t s.r- -t T-HiE M I CH IGCAN DAILY PAGE 5 .. .........I....L Y.. .. . - PAO~ ~F1VE1~ a Pdill ___ -i E INTER-FRATERNITY WP1ESTLINC C H AM°Pt0 cHfIIHM~IN[D S FINAL _ROUND NEAR& CL T'A WINS lilA . T TO URA Ey Two One-Act Plays C LASIFIErT ADVERTISING LJ and sm-ia bouts in which these; The Intramural departmentwa1weerqidtolmntenoh 1w) nen participated, Troutwine faced by the difficulty of running; of the entrants to enable the an-u h~ h l emerge the winner wvhen -off~ the matches ill a swift, smooth thorities to re~t1leWni!i thla,vo clash, although N±imz hxa ; fa_ hion .The facilities offered at houlctfitse i< S [ idchKanice of taking the bout.. enabled thenm to keep two bouts ; , TRAGEDY NOTICE ' li ar belle loves - -.-----------Wdburne, Phi Beta Pi, is slated ]Delta Sigma1 Phi Fiat t~ Delt a Sigma 1-hi. wrestling' at 115 t ii: , with Mendolson from the Over Field Tneiidrin, l 1cmo r poutndls, won over Schwar'tz fi'ofl'1 Phi 1Beta Delta house, in the final Tha 10 Etrnt1th Pii 1eta, Delta hous e. InI thb 1-OHrd for 135 pounders. In pre- heavie1r divisions, Koff fl-an,. Phi, viousr bout., Woodburne has looked 1,t'1Wt representative, downecd e'~peeially promising and should ex- SEVERAL IOU I IWMAINi RejehitL who is a Beta Sigfmina P", ;*( i ince little difficulty wihen he -- l 'both men vre , ing at 155 1Id inds. ;Iface:,; IV ndo lso- Collecting the lowest p)o .-ible In the next weight, Blacha' n , hnin the 145 -pounders it is total 'of points, 'the Phi Beta Delfa Alber's, both ThPeta Chi's ixedi tie arit wrestling team swept all opp:oinent-s -with Blanchard carrying off ILL T1,- wrestling in this class has been to tine side' In the final roundsk of honors. Phellps an Alpha Kappa, I uursuzally high class, with Heim, the Inter-frater"nity tour~namtj Lambda beat Golsteip,'Phi Beta uct. Sien i answtDea gaining a decisive vico ver allDetithr match at 175,whih 1an rue Dlta vitfordela, n teir tr igiiaPhi heading the list at. ti-i the competition -and taking the in the unlimited class Schilla of 1o~o h ei-ias ewe trophy awarded annually by tI-ic Delta Sigma Phi clowned1 Edelsont ; tw mn -heias.veyte Intramural department to the win- the Tau Epsilon Phi heavyyweight Itohe~se.o emtheisverysholdl pling combination. Delta Sigma The fina~l round for the remain bcoced eaim oevr yshenl Phi was awarded second place. ing three divisions should produce leto eet , b virtuweno Although matches in the final three closely fought matches. The, his brillianti he iiin ae ntsxmnrmiigi hs egt, nt work in the opening; roun inthre dvisonshav~ nt si me reainng n teseweihtsround. of competition. as yet been completed, Phi Beta were forced to tight their way With over a hundred n-en enter-' Delta were announced the winnersi through stiff competition, ais more ccl at the start of the tournamen-t, under the scoring system used by! men had signed tip to wrestle in __ ______ ___ the Intramural department. With these classes. the low total of 21 points againstj At 126 pounds, TIroutwine from them, their victory was assured IPi ]kappa Phi house will meet yesterday despite the outcome' of Nimz, Sigma Alpha Mu in the the few remaining bouts, championship bout of their di-j In the final 'round, Seabury, vision. Judging from' prelinminary ,o I profgressinv at the same thuie, with Varsity letter irieriactingi in the capacity pf referee. Working in this manner two evenings only stw 1jie'oi' toany rui oT n (1IIodicu yetu~.r'.Tog the entry requ ii'('' i ruts bar' all le ter mren, .. ,e H 19iv of the r'omphetititjiiraj: ..; better than expected. m . . .. k~ y ad Henry evs Clarab elle. Wishing Henry' Would Call for a Here Comes Christmas! This fine art of giving the right gift to the ' S ~ B S S S V * Shop eNow*i Eac y S4ejectionleayou 'to \J,7 They're your pride. You admire them for their "never-say-die" stamina. So with Smnith Smart Shoes. They're college favorites because they, too, stand the ttgaff"--~and stay" smart doing it. -~ .-> ,-'. "a,"fl,4 'x!?tc..i~a1 ' .,1~ Date. He won't, because right person is decidedly simple if PECANS-Oklahoma native pec ans -select grade, 25c per u s Parcel Post charges, C. 0. D, Write W. 0. Winn, Box 1155, Okmulgee, Okla. 69,70) NOTICE-- WE BUY USED CLOTHING I H. BENJAMIN 215 E. Washington Phone 4310 T. T. S.,( MACK TUTORTNG AGENCY 310 So. State. Phone 7927 I T. T. F. NOTICE-We have a large selec- tion of Greeting Cards and Mot- toes. Francisco-Boyce, 719 N. Uni. T. T. e PIANO TUNING--The Concert AMu- ist Piano Tuner, phone 6776. Vic- tor Allmendinger. Not with any Emusic house. Exclusive piano jtuner for "the University School of Music. Office at residtence, 1 608 Morton Ave. I Wed., Thu.. Fri. c NOTICE-We are closing out our full line of Dresses and Wardrobe Trunks at cost. Koch & Henne. c NOTICE-Dial 3916, Moe Laundry, 204 N. Main St., for laundry ser- vice with real personal attention like received at home. e TYPING-'theses a specialty. Fair 'rates. M. V. Harts uff. Dial 9387. e TYPEWRITER S E R V I C Ex-Newi Corona, Royal, Underwood, Rem- intnportables, also used large and portable typewriters of aU makes bought, sold, rented. ex- changed, cleaned, repaired. Large stock, best service, considerate prices. Phone 6615. 0. D. Morrill 17 Nickels Arcaae. c NOTICE--H. W. Clark Shoe Fac- tory, corner of South University and' Forest. Let us save you 20 percent 'on your repair work. Only one shoe factory In town RIDING BOO0TS. from $10 up; golf shoes from $8 up; moccasins in ten different leather styles, $6 All kinds of shoes made to your measure.-H. W. Clark. c He's sore. " i " " " " She gave Smlkmat omes "They Stay Smart With Long Service" Special Sale---$10 Values at $7.79 DIETZEL SHOE STORE 11 7 E. Washington Street Hia Pair of Cuff-links for Christmas. He has nothing to Kick about, tho, for He gave her a book, And she already had Abook. se lected at r 0 Marquardt's Our shelves are filled with Christmas suggestions Come in and see . . . * 0 * Y ROMANCE r... '. S 0 5 ARTHUR F. MARQUARLJT ".Across from the Michigan' i i 1 i '-7e Your Christ-mas Sopn Can be done inGood Fashion--Now at the Mans Shop Recent arrivals include ENGLISH PAJAMASyi SILK SCARFS r PIPES asr HOSIERY STIFF BOSOMED COLORED SHIRTS DERBIES NECK WEAR r The Shop is now full of things - acceptable as gifts---as well as - durhose things you will n cc dc ring x duingvacation Formal clothes --- fully lined with silk, at fifty-two and fifty-eight dollars---vests ten to four- -teen --- the. new two stud shirt---f our dollars--..and the' narrow pointed-end - ties - from Peg and Bill love Each other, too, But love hasn't Dulled their Intellects yet. She gave Bill Something he Wanted, needed, and Lies---and got in Return a present That has the Sisters Hof and Bothered With jealousy. Here's Peg And Bill now, Thanking each other For the Presents. There's a moral To these plays. Peg and Bill bought Their Christmas Presents at the Gift Specialists--- Now don't be dumb: Head for Church and ;South U Before it's too late. LOST--Elgin wrist watch at inter- fraternity wrestling meet Mon- day night. Phone Koffman, 6581. 341 E. Liberty. 69,70,71 LOSTWill the finder of a small brown change purse please call 22398.. 68,69 LOST-Blue Parker pencil on cam- pus. Name A. Juillerat on it. Finder return to .50a E. William or dial 8037. 68,69,70 LOST -A PAIR OF PIG SKIN GLOVES, ABOUT SIZE 81/. FINDER PLEASE CALL 22117-- PLEASE. Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, $4.00 a year. LOST-A small-size left hand buckskin glove somewhere be- tween Waterman Gym and cor. South University, on Thursday afternoon. Phone 6617. WANTED WANTED--Room. to rent by faculty member of School of Music, oc- cupancy by Jan. 7 Must have privilege of bringing small up- right piano. Location near cam- pus preferred. Call Mrs. Bacher, 3495; hours 10-12. - 69,71,72 W A N TED-- Microscope in good condition. 'Call 3683 after 9:30 p. M. 69,70 WANTED3--Cook, German woman:, with city references, wishes posi- tion in fraternity or sorority after Christmas vacation. Tele- phone 6374. 64,65,66,67,68,69 FOR SALE FOR SALE -Two orchestra seats for Ritz Kreisler recital tonight. $3 each. Phone 6363. Richard Koch. 69 FOR SALE-Baby carriage. Call at 912 Forest. 69,70,71 FOR SALE-Antique laces, 'em- broideries, knit goods, toys; open afternoons and evenings. 712 Tappon Ave. 67,68,69 FOR RENT FOR RENT--Room for instructor, student or business man. Only one other roomer in the house. 1603 S. University. Phone 8040. 69,70,7,1 BUST DOBBS HATS The tang of the ocean is in the--, Two New F-loli- day Shapes for the men who enjoy a touch of Bond Street, London, Mi their headwear. Colors Pearl Grey and seal B3,~rn Xx!s~' 'f"I4v-1-l"'t"' r -'J" 'U-Y 4~Y~ i SUBSCRIBE TO THE MICHIGAN i DAILY