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December 13, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-12-13

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Ormand Drake, Howard Simon,
And Paul Franseth, Compose
Winning Michigan Team
Marking an inconsistency in the
argument of the opposing case and
pointing out that weakness through
three rebuttal speeches, Michigan's
affirmative defeated the Indiana
negative in an intercollegiate de-
bate last night in Hill auditorium.
Prof. E. W. Miller of Wooster col-
lege, Wooster, Ohio, was the single
expert judge and gave the decision.
The Paris Pact, now under con-
sideration by the Senate committee
on foreign relations, furnished the
subject for discussion. A second
debate upon the same topic will be
held tonight at Columbus between
the Varsity negative and the Ohio
State affirmative.
Was Close Contest
Last night's contest was one o
the closest and best debated heard
in Ann Arbor in recent years, the
advantage seeming to shift from
side to side with each speech. Ex-
cellent speaking combined with
continued clashes upon the issues
featured the argument.
Ormand J. Drake, '3Ed, Howard
Simon, '30, and Paul Franseth, '29,
were the members of the winning
Michigan team. John B. Newlin,
Emmanuel H. Baugh, and Joseph
V. Hefferman were the Indiana de-
In opening the affirmative case,
Drake characterized the Paris Pact,
though not a perfect instrument,
as the first and a very important
step toward world ;peace. "The
pact is nothing more than an ex-
pression of a universal will toward
peace," he declared.
Newlin Opens Negative
Newlin was the first Indiana
speaker. He argued that the na-
tions of the world had participated
in nothing more than a hypocri-
tical act in signing the treaty, be-
cause they had every reason to de-
sire the entanglement of the Uni-
ted States in Europe n affairs, and
because Europe, economically de-
pendent upon the United States,
would hardly desire to oppose any
American proposal.
Simon in continuing the discus-
sion for the affirmative pointed out
that the treaty has been received
with approval by world wide public
opinion. It was his belief that "the
pact will create international good-
will, clarifying the position of each
signatory power toward every
Baugh Discusses Defense
"The pact constitutes a solemn
sanction of all wars of exception
and reservation under which any
nation miay wage a war of self-
defense, reserving to itself the defi-
nition of self-defense," Baugh said
in delivering the second negative
"The nations of the World in de-
manding the right to wage wars of
self-defense must justify them-
selves before the World in waging
such wars," Franseth argued in re-
ply to Baugh's speech. While de-
claring that "public opinion will
determine the destinies of nations,"
he also cited the promotion of

friendly economic relations as an
addition benefit to be gained from
the Kellogg-Briand treaty.
Hefferman Closes Arguments
In concluding the constructive
arguments, Hefferman, the thirdr
Indiana speaker, declared, "The
whole thesis of this pact is the
preservation of the status quo,
which if maintained must result
in grave injustices to vast portions
of the human race."
Contending that the treaty is
contrary to traditional American
policy, he then advocated the addi-
tion of a Monroe Doctrine reserva-
,ion. It was the inconsistency be-
tween his speech accepting the
treaty with reservations and the
two preceeding negative speeches
condemning the treaty that was
recognized and repeated by the
affirmative throughout all of the
rehttal sneeches.

A number of good seats for the
remaining performances of"Rain-
bow's End," current Mimes opera,
remains on sale at the box-office
of the Whitney theater. Perfor-
mances will be given tonight, to-
morrow night, and Saturday mati-
nee and night.
In addition, applications for out-
side performances may be obtained
A review of last nights per
formance of "Rainbow's End"
will be found in the Music
and Drama columns on page
o -
at the main desk of the Union. A
number of cities have had an un-
usually brisk advance sale and any
students desiring tickets in their
respective cities are advised by
Paul Buckley, treasurer of the
opera, to apply at once for them.
Ladies' Purses In Michigan Colors
Will Be Distributed At
Side Desk In Union
Favors for the Sophomore Prom
are being distributed this after-
noon and tomorrow afternoon at
the side desk in the lobby of the
Union, according to an announce-
ment of the committee, made yes-
terday. The Prom, the annual
class formal of the second year
class will be held Friday night in
the ballroom of the Union.
Presentation of the ticket is re-
quired for the holder to obtain his
favor. The regular favor coupon is
not being used for this purpose, thea
ticket being punched to denote the 1
holder's securing the favors.'
For this year's Prom the favors,
are small ladies' purses. The1
Michigan colors-maize and blue--
are used as a color scheme for the
purses. They will be of a dark blue
leather, and will have a gold seal
of the University superimposed on
the side. The purses will have two
compartments, one for bills and
coins, and the other for compact
and handkerchief. The program
for the dance will be placed in the
For the occasion of the Soph-
omore Prom which is the first big'
social event' on the campus calen-
dar for the year, the ballroom of1
the Union will be especially deco-
rated' with .Christmas trees, red'
and green wreathes, and mistletoe.1
The corridor leading to the dance
hall will be decorated in a similar
manner. Refreshments for the1
party will be punch.
Tickets for the sopnomore's for-1
mal are on sale today and tomor-
row at a booth in the main corri-
dor of the Angell hall, and also in
the afternoons at the side desk in
the lobby of the Uilon. As the
number of tickets is limited, the1
committee is advising that early'
purchases be made.
As the outstanding feature of
the party, the music for the occa-
sion will be furnished by Jimmie
Green's night club orchestra of
Chicago. This orchestra is reput-
ed in Chicago to be a remarkable
dance organization.
Galens' Benefit Drive
Will Conclude Today
Today is the final day of the

Galen's annual drive for a fund for'
the benefit of the crippled kiddies
at the University hospital.
The drive which was launched
yesterday is sponsored by the Ga-
lens, honorary medical society. In-
dividual contributions are being
collected by the society's members
who are stationed at different
about the campus.
The fund is to be used to put on
a Christmas party for the young-
children's ward at the hospital.
sters who are in confinement at the
Entertainment is to be provided for
them and candy, fruit, and toys areC
1 to be distributed. The larger por-
tion of the contribution is used!
each year to maintain a manual
training room on the top floor of
the hospital through which these
unfortunates are given a chance to
enjoy themselves for a few hours
each day.

Hopes For Royal Patient's Recovery
Rise As Both Operations
Prove Successful
(fly Associated Press)
LONDON, Dec. 12-With the
heir to the throne once more at
home, the famous surgeons of
the kingdom today made two
desperate efforts to save the
life of King George. They per-
formed two successful opera-
tions, one this morning, and
another more serious, tonight.
The condition of His Majes-
ty, was considered satisfactory
and the hopes of his people for
his recovery are rapidly rising
from the despondency of the
last two critical days.
This morning a puncture was
made to remove some of the
pleural fluid around the base
of the right lung. It was in-
dicated that further drainage 7
would be required. The bulle-
tin which was issued hours aft-
er the operation said: "The
slight improvement in the
King's condition noted this 1
morning is maintained. Some
purulent fluid around the base
of the right lung has been re-
moved by puncture this morn- '
ing, and further drainage will 1
be necessary.
LONDON, Dec. 12.-Fever from
which the King is suffering wasa
not nitne. 'o ative this beinv ,P

No Matinee Will Be j
Played Wednesday
Several applications for invita-
tions for Play Production's privatel
presentation of Albert Smith's
translation of Dickens', "The Cric-
ket on the Hearth" for children of
the faculty and their friends, have
incorrectly asked for matinee seats
for Wednesday, Dec. 19. On that
day, however, the performance
will be given only at night, but a
matinee showing will take place onI
Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 18, at 2:15
o'clock in University auditorium.
Any members of the faculty
wishing to bring their children to
either performance may obtain the
number of tickets they desire by
enclosing a request and a stamped,
self-addressed envelope in a com-
munication addressed to Play Pro-
Granger Dance Orchestra Will Play
Popular Pieces For Tenth
Michigan Program
Broadcasting from the new JMor-
ris hall studio located at the corner
of State and Jefferson street, the'
tenth Michigan Night radio pro-
gram of the current series will be
put on the air between 7 and 8
o'clock tonight through WJR, De-
Due to the fact that the School
of Music Symphony orchestra,
which was originally scheduled to
provide the musical portion of to-
night's program, will not appear
on this program because a large
majority of the members are playing
in the Union Opera orchestra this
week. Bud Golden's eleven W(-)ver-

Editorial Work For 1929 Yearbook
Is Progressing Rapidly,
Thomas Reports
With early sales giving promises
of the largest total subscription
sale in the history of the publica-
tion, the December drive for sub-
scriptions to the Michiganensian
will enter on its second day this
morning with booths being estab-
lished on the diagonal, in Angell
hall and University hall, J. Frank-
lin Miller,gbusiness manager,
stated last night.
The drive will carry over through
tomorrow before closing. With' the
close of the campaign the sub-
scription price of the yearbook will
advance from $4 to $5. The latter
price, which will go into effect
Dec. 15, will continue until Feb.
115. After that date the subscrip-
tion price will be $6.
Pledge Cards Redeemable
'Ensian pledge cards which were
sold at the beginning of the year
for 50 cents and are redeemable as
equivalent to $1 upon the purchase
price of the annual are being ac-
cepted by the staff members who
are participating in the drive.
Campus booths will be open from
8 to 5 o'clock.
Art work in the 1929 yearbook
is rapidly nearing completion and
much of it has already been sent
out for engraving. All of the art-
work is being done by students,
according to Thomas Thomas,
managing editor of the publica-

11u g .. qlw ." "u1111"' Studreents Do Art Work
flected in a lowered temperature ines will present a popular program Students Do Art Work
which was considered a good sign. of dance selections. This orches- The employment of students in
A remarkable rally which the tra plays at Granger's Dancing the preparation of the art ark
King made just before he saw the academy a campus institution marks a new phase i annual de-
Prince of Wales, who made a stir- since it was founded in Ann Arbor velopment at Michigan as last year
ring dash from Equatorial Africa in 1883. This orchekra will broad- it was piepared by engravers. Di-
to his father's bedside, seemed to cast on the National Broadcasting ly complete while all of the sub-
have been maintained. This gave circuit during the Christmas vaca- division pages are already in the
an indication of the strength with ion. hands of engravers.
which the King was fighting his Four members of the faculty of The division pages are to be in
battle. the University will give talks on six colors rather than four as pre-
Prince Calls At Palace well diversified subjects. Dr. John viously. It is through this medium
The Prince of Wales drove Alexander, professor of surgery that the theme of the book, "Michi-
from his home to Buckingham and specialist in tubercular dis- gan industries" is being carried into
palace at noon today after having eases in the University hospital effect. Each .division page is rep-
spent the morning resting.aThn will talk on "Tuberculosis of the resentative of some Michigan in-
welcome news that the slight im- Luns, in the opening number of dustry. The color tone of these
provement in King George's condi- the program. pages is marked by the use of
tion had been maintained was Prof. Ferdinand N. Menefee, of black for a base and the employ-
conveyed to the Prince immedia- the engineering school, will explain ment of scarlet, blue, gold, buff,
tely after the doctors left the the thrill that exists in research and green in the color scheme.
King. work into constructive materials. Plan Special Sketch
The Duke of York, who had visi- Professor Menefee is a member of Sub-division pages are to be
ted the palace earlier in the day the staff of the Bureau of Engi- sketches drawn by students who
for a few minutes, returned with neering research, and on a pre- are members of the art staff of the
thef Prince. The, heir to thethronevious radio series spoke on the sub- publication. Each is in the na-
left Paout 1:30 an retunedho ject of building houses from dirt. ture of a satirical drawing and all
York ho"Keeping the Student Body will prove of unusual campus in-
The bulletin which is the first Physically Fit" is the title of the terest according to members of the
t talk to be given by Elmer D. Mit- staff.
ning report, was signed by five-of chell, director of intramural ath- The 1929 'Ensian, according to
themsi reph ias whgd byve be letics. Mitchell was scheduled to Thomas, is to be larger and more
the six physicians who have been appear last week but his absence elaborate than any previous sen-
attending His Majesty. They were at that time was necessitated by a for annual and will involve great-
Sir Stanley Hewett, Dr. L. E. II. meeting of the Intercollegiate As- er expense. Improvement in the
Whitby, Sir E. Farquhar Buzzard, sociation of Intramural directors 1 composition of several sections and
Sir E. Humphrey Rolleston and which was held in Chicago. the extension of the activities'
Lord Dawson of Penn. . In the concluding talk tonight, pages is also planned.
Prof. Francis E. Ross, of the School
Sculptor Whose Work of Business Administration, will Pollock To Address
F ld ExpertsStalk on the opportunities offered
oo e 'Xperts uples to the student in this field, I id tu Frum Today
of the work done in the school.
(Py Asociated Pe Prof. James K. Pollock, of the Po-
ROME, Dec. 12-Alceo Dosscna, eilitical Science department, will
a sculptor whose skill in repro- Preliminary Speech "

Fritz Kreisler, often hailed as
"the king of violinists" will appear
in a concert tonight at 8:15 o'clockTO I O fN IL
in Hill auditorium. He returns to
Ann Arbor by popular request of
his many admirers.
Kreisler has achieved immense
popularity in the United States
through his many tours around the CHARACTER OF INITIATIONS
entire country. He has visited not IS REASON FOR EXTINCTION
only the great musical centers, but OF HONOR SCIETY
has played numerous times in the --
smaller cities. in- ENDS WEEK OF TURMOIL
A number of tickets for thein
dividual concert remain and can be Regulation Of Future Intiations
obtained at the office of the School Is Supported By Student
of Music on Maynard street. Affairs Committee
Following a week of turmoil in
the camps of the honor societies
which began last Wednesday after-
0Inoon with the accidental scalding
of new members during the an-
FA nual initiation of Sphinx, junior
honor society in the literary col-
Patriotic Citizens Rally To Support lege; the latter organization was
President Siles' Policy indefinitely suspended late yester-
Of Foreign Affairs day afternoon by the action of the
Senate committee on student af-
STUDENTS GIVE SPEECHES fairs. The reason given by the
sommittee was the character of
(By Associated Press) the recent initiations held by
LA PAZ, Bolivia, Dec. 12.-Patri- Sphinx. The announcement was
otic manifestations continued to- made public, by J. A. Bursley, dean
day throughout Bolivia, as citizens of students, following the meeting
rallied to the support of the fore- of the committee.
ign policy of President Siles. Offers Severe Action Taken
of all kinds constantly poured into Further action against the cam-
the Presidential palace, ranging pus honor societies in general was
from automobiles to medical sup- ialso taken by the committee in the
e and m.form of the following resolution:
plesl andman power. "From and after this date none of
A local concern dealing in motor the various campus honorary so-
cars and motorcycles offered its cieties shall be permitted to con-
complete stock for military use if duct a public initiation, unless the
required, while the League of In- organization shall have secured
dustrial Employees addressed a the written permission of the Dean
communication to the General I of Students, which permission shall
Commander of the Army, request- be granted only upon the showing
ing that its members be first en- of facts which will justify the be-
rolled "to march in the great crd- liefs that the initiation will not
sade of conquest and civilization bring discredit to the University."
against Paraguay." It is understood that this action
In Sucie, the alternate capital of was taken because of the many
the Republic, enthusiasm was evi- complaints that have been regist-
denced by the "book of the soldier"ecedlintregatd have belegdst-
wher allmenwho ishe ~'ered in regard to the alleged bru-
where all men who wished to tality and sensationalism of the
march on the Boreal Chaco may initiations. In the future it will
write their names. The municipal Ibe necessary for a representative
council voted to suspend all the-' of each society concerned to sub-
atrical amusements in Sucie until mit the general plan of the pro-
th iternational situation became posed initiation, to the dean, and
Here in La PazuniversitystuI to receive written permission from
dents held meetings in which ar him to go ahead with the plans.
dent patriotic speeches were made It is thought by the committee that
while crowds gathered in front o this will prevent accidents such as
the bulletin boards of the news. the scalding of last Wednesday. It
ther bulletnoadsy of the news-~ Iwas definitely brought out at the
papers, anxiously scanning the lat- investigations preceding the ac-
est reports bearing on the situ- tion that there was no connection
ationi between the scalding and the
Bolivia's ' representatives with- charges of intoxication in connec-
drew from the conference early ian with the initiation which
Tuesday, it being one of a number i
of events that were considered as were preferred by several metro-
ominous for e Pe i politan papers.
Bp n eace. reviously, Little's Letter Read
Bolivia, in a note to the state d- h olwn ete rmPei
partment had said she did not The following letter from Presi-
consider that negotiations toward dent Clarence Cook Little was read
considerihatin eotiatbeint yesterday afternoon, o ff i c i a 11y
monciliation shouladbein ul at the meeting of the committee
l r h m clearing up the reports published
for what she considered an insult. in the Chicago Tribune that he
Iwould personally conduct an in-
Wright Gets Tribute i quiry into the charges of intoxica-
Frm GeAtion against the member of Sphinx
and would take disciplinary action
(By Associated Press) thereon:
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12.-The "It would give me a great deal
tribute of Germany to the aviation of pleasure if you would present
pioneering explos of havie this letter to the committee on stu-
nWight was paid tonight byOrvhe dent affairs at their meeting Wed-
delegates of that country to the nesday , afernoon and would sug-
International Aeronautic confer-fguest to them that, if they see fit,
ence by a dinner given by the Ger- it would be made public by them
man ambassador Von Prittwitz after the meeting. I regret cx-
Gaffon. tremely the unauthorized and ill-
Gheimrat R. Fisch, assistant advised publicity which recently
secreta for avatio r appeared in the Chicago Tribune
i secretay for avation, i the e_;", h t s a ~n er was sent to

man department of Communica- ana Vy LaV JJavY JjJol-u-u
! tions, and ranking member of the the Detroit Free Press. In it was
I delegation, presented Wright with insinuated that because of the fact
a testimonial of the German Ex- that I lacked confidenc'e in the
perimental' Institute for Aeronau-' judgement and efficiency of the
tics "acknowledging the debt and committee on student affairs
would appear before that commits
deep gratitude of German aviation would arpeg bortacommit-
to the Wright brothers, who wereI tee to bring about action which
the first to introduce the power; otherwise, it was'suggested, would
drive, heavier han air craft to Gr-nottaepc.Iiodromket
the irs to mtr duc th pG er no take place. In order to make it
many." perfectly clear that such is not my
many._feeling, I should like it made public
that I'did not attend the meeting
Band To Give Concert and that I am entirely confident
With Gis' Gl Club that whatever the committee de-
______ tcides to do will be wise and reason-
Pable. I have no intention what-
Permission" was granted to the'ever of doing anything except ap-
girls' glee club by the Senate Com-' proving the stand which I am
mittee on Student Affairs yester- sure they will take in the present
day to join the Varsity bnnd in the usituation."
annual Christmas concert to be Was Founded In 1905
held next Wednesday night in Hill The action of the committee in
auditoriual cte Iregard to Sphinx means that the
The 'usual' custom has been for organization is from this date-ex-
the men's glee club to function tinct upon the campus, and wilI
with the band but due to the par- y remain so until some future
ticipation of numerous members time when the remaining members
of the organization in the annualiin residence shall submit a peti-


ducing classic masterpieces defied
art experts of half a dozen coun-
tries, today filed suit against the
antique dealer, Fasoli Pallesi, who
hired him to make the facsimilies'
over a period of ten years. He
asked 1,260,000 lire, (approximately
$65,870) which he claims to be due
him for his work.

Contest To Be Held1
Preliminary tryouts in the firstl
semester all-campus extemporan-
eous speaking contest will be held
1 beginning at 3:30 o'clock this aft-
I ernoon in the Alpha Nu room in
Angell hall.

speak on "Ethics in Politics" at thej
next student conference sponsored
by the Student Christian associa-
tion. The meeting will be held at
4:10 o'cloc ktoday in Lane hall. The
discussion will be informal and is
open to both men and women stu-
dents on the campus.

School Will Not Close Today; Officials Deny Wild Rumors
That Influenza Epidemic Will Necessitate Early Vacation
Rumors on the campus that an to close the University wa being Cases of pneumonia, Forsythe
immediate closing of the Univer- contemplated. said, have been few, and do not
sity was about to be forced by the Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director represent an abnormal fall condi-
influenza epidemic were denied in of the Health Service, stated yes- tion. None of the influenza cases
all official quarters yesterday. terday afternoon that the epidemic were running into pneumonia, so
More than 350 telephone calls in- was one of mild influenza with no far as he knew.
quiring about such -action were re- serious consequences, and did not The form of influenza, which is
ceived by the Daily office last night. warrant closing the University. now present on the campus in epi-
President Clarence Cook Little ! "Unless the situation becomes demic proportions, in practically
told reporters that he had not been much more severe in the next few all cases seems to be running a
informed that the situation was days to the extent of disrupting quick course with temperatures as
serious and 'that no recommenda-1 classes," he said, "the Health Serv- high as 102 but no complications.
tion had reachei his office from ice will not recommend that the Patients for the most nart have!

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