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December 12, 1928 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-12-12

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Rebuilt Coliseum Ice Rink Is Oficially Opened Aionday C





McDonald, yearling center, was
the center of the freshman at-
tack. The second first year quintet
to take the floor disclosed a flashy
man in Weiss.

(Continued From Page Six) (Continued From Page Six) watch on the men during he foul1
WFARESCOPININ CROSpartancontest, Coach Keen re- distinguishing himself with his shooting workout and offered each
;_marked that at least three of these w'ork under the basket in follow- valuable -suggestions.
Mildred BarberAl Whittingham, teams would bring veteran aggre-1ing up shots as well as turning in The starting =resnman ; eam de-
Michigan Is Only Big Ten School and Shields, all of wiom gave short gations against the Wolverines, some very neat push shots. While serves considerable mention for
To Have Own Indoor Skating exhibitions. The Wildcats who will play host Orwig was. at running guard, the their effective work during the
Rink for Hockey Practice 'to the Michigan matmen on Febr- attack seemed strangely famiarfrst period. Flashing a good pass-
Most prominent among the to th Mihigan a e onFph to that of last year's five when ing attack and exhibiting a very
Michigan's new artificial ice ska- twenty speed skaters of the uary Nl will again have i 192 Harrigan was the main cog in strong defense, the yearlings lit-
Michigans new atificia ice akt-iganIwasonthetimain cogpiinins1r2n
ing rink in the Coliseum was a association were Jean Boillotat and as a nucleus for their team while working the ball down the floor. erally played the Varsity off its
kaleidoscope of brilliant colors as Charles Dephier, both national Mille te le Some profit seemed to be realized feet and for most of the quarter
d figures. Jean Boillotat was last , a sophomori t Naion- from the drill on foul shooting in kept possession of the ball. Some
ice between the exhibitions of speed year's state champion and is the l A which the regulars indulged be- rather wild passing on the part of
holder; of the woman's 200-yard Purdue Should Be Easy fore the game started. Out of 7 the Varsity also gave the first year
and grace of champion racers and dash record. The other women The Wolverines are slated to free tosses, the Varsity dropped in quintet a chance to gain possession
figuret skaters who featured thee speed skaters, Anne McKercher and etPurdue at Lafayette on Febr- 6 from the foul line. Coach Veen- k aof the leather with more or less
program of the formal opening of MagrtFreoas optduary 16 in what promises to be the ker and Coach Cappon kept a close ease.
the new Coliseum Monday evening. in the opening night races. easiest Big Ten battle on the
The ice of the new rink is of the. Charles Dephieris the present tchedule, the Boilermakers being
best possible quality and places ! Detroiteand state speed cha hard hit by gaduation and
the Coliseum without a peer in Last year at the N ampson. will be forced to present a prac-
Michigan and on a par with nearly Norea gthe Northwestern tically green team against the
all of the large rinks of the coun- meet in Chicago he won the silver Keenmen.
try. Mr Melvin Crawford, chairman iThe Ohio State contingent,
Tribune. Other speed skaters werewih ilinaeteldoue Y our Breakfasts
of the Great Lakes Skating associ- erb Bel h es which will invade the Field house
ation of Michigan, in commentmging John Hawthorn, Ray Vess, Harry seven men who faced the Wove-
stated that in Michigan itwas sur- ines last year against the Maize
passed slightly in size only by the I and Blue matmen unless some
Olympia in Detroit and is superior MADISON, Wis., Dec. 11-Wis- members of their strong 1928
to any in the firmness of the ice. consin's five man defense covered Freshman team displace the vet-
the Franklin College five effective- Brans on the Buckeye
It hsbe ogl estimated i y here last night, holding themeaso h uky Varsity ta
that an eleven lap track may be m squad.at
laid out on t e Coliseum ice. I to 19 points while the Badgers were The Wolverines will close their
lidgn ou t on the CBisTeum copiling si37. Bud Foster wasthe regular schedule with the Indiana
Michigan is the only Big Ten schoolf high scorer for the Big Ten squad,I (meet here on March 2. The oosi-ILl CO f
who at present has its own indoor scoring 14 points. ers are reputed to have the strong-
skating rink. Wisconsin has an rsarrpuderg
outdoor rink while Minnesota, the HOCKEY SCIWDLEJi est team in their mat history, with E. Huron State & Liberty Packard & State
other Conference school who boasts Scott, who wrestled in the 175
a hockey team, uses a large city! Decemr 20 -Ontario Agricul- pound weight division on the
rink for its practice sessions and tu c e United States Olympic team, and
gamles. Je eg lireIIanother Scott, football ' halfback
garrgJanuary 7-Western Ontario,ho 4
jandforer tat hig scool3 4


Perhaps the leading feature of
the opening program was the exhi-
bition of barrel jumping and skat-
ing of Art Staff, the world's pro-
fessional speed champion in bothl
frontward and backward skating
and the present holder of 28 world
records.. Sharing honors with Art
Staff, the team of Helen Barrett
and James Lowden, state doubles
champions in figure skating, gave a
whirlwind demonstration of their'
skill. Helen Barrett is also wom-
an's singles champion.-
Other prominent fancy skaters
who were brought here for the oc-
casion by the Great Lakes Skating
association were Katherine Nether-
cott, ex-champion figure skater.

here. pu champ in the lineup
January 11-Marquette, here. I, h
j January 12-Marquette, here.
I January 14-Michigan State,
here. AO REGj4.PA- Qrr
I January 18-Minnesota, here.
j January 119--Minnesota, here.
j February 8-Michigan State,
February 11----St. Thomas, here.
I February 12--St. Thomas, here.
I February 16--Marquette, there.
j February 18-Wisconsin, there. I
j February 19-Wisconsin, there.t}$ 0
February 21-Minnesota, there. !.
j February 23--Minnesota, there. I
j March 1-Wisconsin, here.
March 2--Wisconsin, here.
° It 's You I Imported/
Tan or Black
.... irnr - van _cr'tch G



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Bath Robes . $7 and $8

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Sigtseers returning from the Alps never
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echoes wherever cigarettes are smoked:
"Satisfacen... ils satisfont...THEY SATISFY!"
And rightly enough, for Chesterfields are mild
-and they DO satisfy ... and what more can
any cigarette offer?

I mmwl - t.A A


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