mss. _C H IC AN LY YY br ig i,-7-= m i +-i't tM T±TE MTCTAJGAN DA Ii. V L iaV L' IYf lY'L'l LV"..s uj LLYIG ,G,, YEARLING CAGEMEN FALL BEFORE VARSITY ATTACK VARSITY PLAYS WE[LALL-STAR SQUAD 'STIFF OPPOSITION IN FRATERNITY MAT ASSEMBLES I SCHEDULE OPENS AF(TR FRST QR TI WES T OA More Than 100 Men Compete .In Firs Bous OfPreliminary EVANSTON, Ill., Dec. 11-TwentyRund For Intramu Til Yearlings Hold Lead Over Regulars#members of the All-Eastern foot- Michigan's wrestling schedule At, endOU First P'eriond, ball team which is to play an All-!I for 1929, which includes meets, But Fail To Score Western team in San Francisco with five Conference and two ou The Intramural wrestling season Dec. 29, will assemble here Satur- side teams, is one of the hardest was formally opened Monday eve. CAPMAN Sows F M day, Dec. 15 preparatory to start- a Wolverine mat aggregation has ning, when more than 100 men, en- ing on the trip to the west coast. ever had to face, according to tered i the iter-fraterity tourn Uncovering a strong scoring at- The team has been selected by Coach Clifford H. Keen. ament, met in the preliminary tack after a rather slow start, the Coaches Dick Hanley of Northwest- I bouts of the first round of com-' CoahesDic Haleyof ortwes- Besides meeting the four teams Varsitybasketball team staged a ern and Andy Kerr of Washington which, with Michigan, make up the petition. sustie scoring spree to upset and Jefferson universities. . eastern division of the Conference I In the 115-pound division, the the freshman five, 58 to 29, yester- Those from the east are: Barra- the Wolverine matmen have semi-finals were completed, and FRES UNIV fl~un T T CAGE SQU AD ID iHME PONT O_'PAOS SUAD-EN VARITY H'OCKEY TEAM HME ru~i ORINVADES BIG TEN ERSITYNAT MEET.TO MEET PURPLE FACES HARDCHEDULE EVANSO Ill Dec 1. -Norh- 1 1 r aay 41 erno inU Y ost neia Liuse. The tilt saw the shifting of Mc- Coy back to his original position at guard with' Orwig once more at forward and revealed a valuable basket tosser in Truskowski. Yearling's Defense Stiff Starting the game with McCoy and Truskowski at forwards, Chap- man at center and Orwig and Lo- vell at guards, the Varsity found 'lots of trouble in a freshman five composed of Burnam, Daniels, Mc- 'Donald, Carouch and O'Neil. So thoroughly was the blanket de- fense put up by the yearlings that the regulars were on the short end of an 8 to 4 verdict after a quarter of, play. The Varsity seemed unable to work the leather through the first year guards for a close up shot and the floor work for the most nnft''. tmvhn t c Trh. bee, end, and Strong, half, New York university; Thompson, guard,j and Guest, fullback, LaFayette university; Fox, guard, Pittsburgh; Aschman, center, Washington and Jefferson; Harpster, quarterback, Carnegie Tech, and Weston, quar- terback, Boston college. The middle western players are Holmer, fullback, and Levison, quarterback.? Northwestern; How- ell, full and McMullen, guard, Ne- braska; Gibson, guard and Hay- craft, end, Minnesota; Wagner, tackle, Wisconsin; Nowack, tackle, Illinois;kBennett, half, ,Indiana, and Raskowski, tackle, Ohio. The American Association, base- ball league, has been intact for 27 years, being the only organization of its kind which has remained in- tact since its founding. scheduled a contest with a mem- ber of the western half, Chicago, as the opening meet of the season on January 11, thus adding a fifth Big Ten encounter to the list. This meet, however, will not count inj determining the champion of the eastern division, which will meet the champion of the western half) for the Conference title in a post season contest. The two non-Conference en- counters will give the Wolverines aj breathing space before a series of1 the final round ready to start, with Seabury, Delta Sigma Phi, slated to mix it with Schwartz from Phi Beta Delta. The men wrestling at 125 pounds, finished the first rounds, and are now ready to begin the semi-finals, with Troutwine, Pi Kappa Delta, matched with Johnson, Theta Chi, and Nimz of Sigma Alpha Mu scheduled to meet N. Eliezer of the Phi Beta Delta house. The 135 pounders reached the quarter finals with the following men taking their preliminary matches: E. Eliezer, Phi Beta Delta; Duncan, Alpha Kappa Lam- da; Koch, Sigma Alpha Mu; Sato- sky, Phi, Beta Delta; Woodburne, Phi Beta Pi; Snarey, Delta Sigma Phi; Mendelso, Phi Beta Delta, andj Beesley, Delta Tau Delta. - four West uary State Field In with and consecutive Big Ten meets, Virginia coming here on Jan- 19th, while the Michigan wrestlers will invade the house on January 25th. commenting on the meets, Northwestern, Purdue, Ohio, Indiana, which follow the With the all-University meet in western university's basketball five Practice Started With Opening Of mind, the freshman wrestling which opened its season last Satur Coliseum RinksMonday; Nine squad is rapidly rounding into! eeasRpr shape. According to Coach Russ day by defeating - Wabash college, Sauer, the yearling aspirants, who 35 to 20, will, receive a severe test lHPE FOR STRONG TEAM number over 40 at the present time, Friday night, Dec. 14, in a gameEA will make things interesting for with the University of Pittsburgh Fortified by one of the best and the Varsity squadmen in the tourn- Panthers, national champions lastfastest rinks of the country and ament which will begin next week ya the assurance of practice session, Tuesday and will be open to all but year.throughutanceonathe Vasity Varsity letter winners. Last season, the Pitt quintet throughout the season, the Varsity Several yearlings of outstanding made an auspicious invasion of the hockey squad began practice at the ability have been uncovered in the Western conference, defeating Coliseum Monday night prior to interfraternity competition staged Michigan, Chicago, Northwestern the admission of the general public. by the intramural department. And and Iowa in five nights. Nine veterans reported for prac- by~~ teice and will form the backbone along with a few additions from Coach Carlson expects to have a 'around which Coach Lowrey hopes the freshman football team who team every bit the equal of last to build one of the strongest hockey show much promise, the yearling year's Golden Panthers who went teasin the hstro hgan. grapplers look promising. Soren- undefeated in 21 starts. Three ams in the history of Michigan. son, wrestling at 175 pounds and members of that championship c all y with soheduof Reichert at 155 pounds look good. team are available this year, in- the strongest hockey teams in the Others who expected to furnish! cluding Charles Hyatt and Paul north, confronts this year's squad. the Varsity matmen many inter- Zehfuss, forwards, and Capt. rWhilethe opening game with qa esting moments are Seabury and Charles Wunderlich, center. WhileAh C iggtmfor iTh o- Mony at 115, Dalrymple and Wachs Hyatt was high scorer last sea- tario A. C. is set for Thursday of at 125, Duncan and Beezlly at 135, son with a total of 292 points. The the slate is due shortly after vaca- Oakland and McIntyre at 145, Bur- Pitt team piled up 992 points dur- tion on Jan. 7, againsty Western On- leson at 155, and Foster and Fuss ing the season, averaging close to tario in Ann Arbor. This team is at 165. 49 points per game. of the calibre which would enable 11111111{1{1111Nfltil il ~lti.1111! 11 u tm i!t 1!till ttm l llll{1tt1'11111111111111111{1111 them to spot any of the Big Ten teams by six or eight points and -=still win. All of the games in January will t be played at the Coliseum and in- m m mH 4tm m m m m m m m mu m m m m m m m m um m m mu lue twoa mesneaechaa inestM sar- quteand Minnesota. There is :a Six of last year's lettermen re- bert Robinson, portly manager of hole in the schedule of about turn to form the nucleus of what the Brooklyn Robins, will pilot the three weeks between the last game is expected to be the strongest Ebbetsman through the perils of against the Gophers on January wrestling team in Purdue mat his- the 1929 baseball season. 19, and a tilt with the Spartans tory. on February 8, which will probably So varied is the competition be filled with several games not Football relations between facing them, that the Univer- included in the present schedule. Butler, Wabash, and DePauw, sity of Iowa basketball team After the Michigan State game which were broken off last year will meet a dozen different the Wolverines will play twice with because (of disagreement re- teams from ten states during St. Thomas. garding contracts, will be re- its seventeen game schedule, a stiumed next year, school of li- summary made at the iHawl- the classroom. Both were ele- vial stae. ILtd to Rhodes scholarships. cials state. eye departmen t o fla thle tics l oRoe coasus Ishlows. (ContHinued njm nPn i Aa"N paru was Nsomewllr loose. e " """"" " V311 nxueovn ~J4~ WO4~ L1~WJ~4U 1'~J~ ±11 - '&~ ~.V~L) -Eight matches were run off in start of the second quarter brought th ma-p hs dvro rbringing renewed life toVeenker's lineup COMPOSITE ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM thhe 1group nto the quarter finals. land a new freshman lineup as CHOS N F O UI ''rBluI egTu ru tt h ure ias well. C OSEN FROM THIR TEEN SOURCE BDumberg, Tau Epsilon Phi; P rouse, Varsity Gains Speed Delta Sigma Phi; Hei, Delta Sig- After Jones had given the year- With the season for selecting all- IRH--Glassgow (Iowa) ..........51 ma Phi; Fauri, Phi Kappa; Gale, lings a 10 to 4 advantage by toss- star gridiron aggreations drawing IFB-Holmer (Noi'thwestern) .. .."531 Theta Xi; Spencer, Delta Kappa ing in a basket, the Varsity ma- to a close, it might be of interest SECOND TEAM Epsilon; Lowmaster, Triangle; and Kchine collected speed rapidly and to, choose an all-Conference team LE-T(Minnesota)38 Fields, Theta Chi, were the w- soon closed the gap. Truskowski (,ased on the selections of many LETanner (.ners in this class. came to the fore and tossed in I sL-Schleusner (Iowa)........37 The 155 pounders are ready to three successive shots which putrsresents a variety of onitons, and C-Brane (Illinois)..........39 go into the semi-final round with his team in the lead. With the I is thus likely to eliminate psnalC (Iowa)...........32 Jackson, Pi Kappa Phi, slated to basket eye sharpened up, the reg- artisanshi e (Michigan)..........19 meet Koffman, Phi Beta Delta, and tilrs rocede tofar futhe patisnshp. R7 -Nagurski (Minnesota)....4 ulars proceeded to forge further T. 24Daly, Phi Sigma Kappa, carded to ahead. Chapman figured in the Iii selection this te ;ani, the all- RE- -Hutton( Purdue).........16 oppose Reichert, a Beta Sigma Psi. spurt along with Truskowski al- Conference elevens of 13 various QB--Cuisiner (Wisconsin).....24 though M~cCoy was quiteeffectual- sports authorities wte taken into? LH-Lusby (Wisconsin).........35 In the next weight the men are ly guarded by the yearlings. The I account. These include Walter RH-Welch (Purdue).41 also entering the semi-fals, Al- half found the Varsity ahead 25 Eckersall, Fred Young, the Associ- B-McLain (Iowa) 27 will oppose Ritt, a to 11, the first year squad failing ated Press, New York Post, Chicago __h Sigma Alpha Mu, while anchard, to score after the first few sec- Daily Journal, Chicago Daily News, Statistics show that the best de- another Phi Chi, will take on Stern, onds of the second quarter. Big Ten coaches, Michigan Daily, fensive teams in the last four years who is a Kappa Nu. The last half saw the shifting of Ohio State Lantern, Daily illini, have been Georgetown, Michigan, The finals were reached in the McCoy and Orwig and' the change Indiana Daily $txdentMinnesota Pittsburgh, Nebraska, Princeton, 175-pound or heavyweight division. added further speed to the attack. Daily, and Daily Iowan. Pennsylvania, and Southern Cali- Goldstein, Phi Beta Delta, winnerl Truskowski cooperated with Orwig Five points. were awarded a play-- fornia. in two bouts will meet Phelps of and Chapman in deluging the er for a place on a first team, three Alpha Kappa Lambda, who also freshman basket and the score points for a see =*a d team, berth, PURDUE UNIVERSITY.-A peti- disposed of his first two opponents. mounted rapidly. McDonald and and one point for selection on a tion is being circulated among stu- The remaining final round bouts ose were injected into the game third team. Two players, Wesley dents here asking that the Christ- will be run off tonight, starting at in the later stages. When 'the Fesler, Ohio State end, and Fred mas vacation last from December 7 o'clock down at the Intramural coaches seemed satisfied forthf doahe Vrsity had n up a H(ovd(e, Minnesota quarterback, re- 22 to January 3. building. day, the Varsity had run up a 58 _evdtemxmmnme f6 ceiveci the mnaximum number of 65 ----- a- _______________ _____ ___ to 29 margin. The last period was points, being chosen on every one marked by the return to the court o e tical eleens. o of the original freshman lineup., Gopher guard, was close behind While not quite as. successful inG stopping the Varsity, the yearling with 61 points. five curbed to some extent the FIt ST TEAM mad scoring spree that had mark- i LE-Fesler (Ohio State)........65 " I ed the play of the Venkernien LT-Pommerening+ (Michigan)..4 after the first period. LG-Gibson (Minnesota) W e .r. .f.e.i.g Offense Powerful C -Randolph (Indiana) .......54 With Truskowski and Orwig RG--Wagner (Wisconsin) ......46.opPortun ty functioning at forward, the offen- RT--Nowack (Illinois).........51 sive of the regulars seemed to be RE-Haycraft (Minnesota) .....4r quite powerful. Chapman was also QB--Hovde (Minnesota) ........6> (Continued on Page Seven) LH-Bennett (Indiana) ........1. s Ernie Bearg, head football coach at the University of Nebraska, for the past four seasons, has declined an offer to renew his contract. No reason was given for the decision. The Mid-West intercollegiate l athletic conference, in its semi-annual meeting rejected the petition of Lake Forest college for membership to its body. All reports to the contrary, it l appears virtually certain that Wil-f Georgetown will clash with De- troit at Detroit again next year on "Pest" Welch and Leon Hutton, the gridiron. This year Detroit's star Purdue gridiron warriors, were great backfield 'combination ran awarded places on the all-state roughshod over a strong Hilltopper team picked by Roberts of the In.- team by the score of 33-13. dianapolis Star and each was presented with a silver football- Athletes at the University of Welch starred at halfback while Iowa have cast aside the num- Hutton played end. ber "13" and will not allow it to be placed on their jerseys. Two Big Ten football players, Superstition has caused the Fred Hlovde of Minnesota and absence of the unlucky num- Bob Hickman of Illinois, again ber from both the grid and have demonstrated that a man basketball squads during the can play football and shine in I present year. 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