WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I'A(.',)P, FIVE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1928 PACIJ3 FIVE - - .OMPNMMOWA..A-- -- k.,+,. ,.., r .rwr+ +. ++. ..-J I 5LAVi T1 U FA'vA r 3 WOMEN- ARE ELIGIBLE TO SPEECH CONTESTS OF ORATORICAL 0ARD EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING WILL BE FEATURED EACH SEMESTER MEDALS TO BE AWARDED Decision To Admit Women Is Made In Order To Arouse Interest. Of Student Body Women students interested in public speaking and debating are elgible for the first time this year t participate in contests sponsored within the University by the local contests committee of the Oratori- cal Board, according to John E. Webster, '30P, chairman. The decision to admit women as competitors in these contests which include an extemporaneous speaking contest each semester and an interpretative reading con- test in the spring was made by the Oratorical Board with a view to promoting interest in speech and speech activities throughout the entire student body. Medals Will Be Awarded As incentive - to further interest in this direction gold, silver, and bronze medals are to be awarded to students placing first, second, and third in each contest. It is also possible that an oratorical contest for freshmen men and wo- men will be sponsored during the spring semester, according to Webster. The first of these contests and the only one to be held this se- mester will be an extemporaneous speech contest. Preliminary try- outs for the contest will take place at 3:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the Alpha Nu room in Angell hall. Speeches are to be not more than five minutes in length and I are to be on any phase of one of two subjects. The two subjects are1 Resolved that the dormitory sys- tem,, including both men and wo- men, should be adopted by the University; and Resolved that the success of the League of Nations has justified the' entrance of the United States. To Hold Final Contest The final contest will be held next Tuesday evening as the fea- ture of the annual program of the joint meeting of the four literary societies, Alpha Nu, Portia, Athena, and Adelphi. Judges in both con- tests will be members of Delta INDIANS IN OPERA ARE DISAPPOINTING |1|1|I[lQ BUT OTHER THINGS AREN'T SO BAD JUllUlO Says Cora sioned about them. Oh, yes, and My dear, I saw the Union opera there are some cute songs in it, too.T UTS Monday night and I was positively I You really should see the show be- +2..7.. 4-- - T - fn!rtl hn O RESyUMEBuesio Daily Bulletino TOMOROW RTS of~ Sportswomcn i!1 !' t i E j r *S t l t t t c 1 A A 1 c E C 1 V C C r r t c I a a u thried to tears, I .mean i. actually ""OL-cll a u' ludL'-" !Inrmua 1ean + +j -W T was. I think it was great, I really "Pow Wow Papa" is too good and Appointments May Be Made Today s do, and my dear, if you miss see- censors it. For Limited Number Will m ete Toda ADDED FEATURES ing it, you'll be sorry, because The costumes were great, too, Of Women C melo y everyone is going to tell you how even though the Senora Mercedes !-Opened with many improve- good it is. did wander around in a lace and FRIDAY TO E LAST SA Sororities, dormitories, and other ments this season, the Coliseum You know, tnough, I'm disillu- gold dress at sunrise. It was a 'women's organizations will start skating rink, which is owned by sioned forever in regard the ro- wow of a dress though, and set off Ancompetition in the intramural the University and is located on sin d inyureadthboiher charms to perfection. I do After a lull in Junior Girls' Play basketball tournament today when 5th avenue, is now ready for its fiction-that is if those Indians are think, though that the leading tryouts today the women who have the first games will be played at 4 annual host of skaters. Among the true specimens. They did have lady's costume. should. have been not yet tried out will have -an o'clock at Barbour gym. At 4 o'clock new features this year is an arti- good voices, but I hope the dumb more securely anchored in at least opportunity to do so tomorrow and the following teams will meet: ficial ice plant which it is expect- and open mouthed expressions on one instance. Imagine her em- Friday. Extra appointments are Sigma Kappa vs. Alpha Epsilon ed will greatly facilitate matters in their faces was due to the make- barrasment when it started to part being given on those days in order Phi, Alpha Phi vs. Kappa Kappa keeping the rink in condition for up and not to nature. The In- company at a crucial moment. to accommodate the hundred or Gamma. At 5 o'clock, Hillel foun- the guests. dians were the singing chorus and The plot was exciting, too, I more women who were left after dation will play Theta Phi Alpha, All University women are urged they sang on the stage along with mean it really was. Sometimes the 36 appointments had been made and Alpha Omicron Pi will meet to practice skating as much as pos- the other more handsome and plots in these operas aren't, you for each day. Kappa Delta. sible in preparation for skating beautiful but less musically gifted know, but this was. There was There will be no tryouts after The tournament will consist of parties that will be given under ones. They did form such a suit- much dashing around of theatrical, Friday, Dorothy McKee, assistant two parts, the first games to be the auspices of W. A. A. after the able background for those touching people, including a second Louise chairman of the play, announces. played with other members of the Christmas holidays. Following a love scenes between Bob and Fazenda. There was an abduction Appcintments may still be made group. Those teams winning three series of these preliminary affairs, Sylvia. But then maybe they were of the leading lady by the Indians, today from 1 to 3 o'clock at the out of four games will meet other the organization will sponsor the supposed to be as dumb as they there was intrigue, there was a candy booth, and Miss McKee teams of other groups in a regular big women's sporting event of the looked and maybe they didn't un- short but vital duel between the urges that all women who have elimination tournamen such as winter season, the skating carni- derstand English very well either. blond Viking person-meaning the not yet arranged a time to try out was played in hockey. It is neces- val. Anyway, they really did add to the leading man-and the villainous make an oppointment at once, as' sary that the tournament be run singing. Mexican, and last but of course not the schedule for tomorrow and in this way on account of the un- W. A. A. SPONSORS And girls, the cowboys in thecleast, there was the short but pO- Friday is practically filled already, usually large number of teams ' show really' did come up to my tent love affair between Bob and even with extra tryouts allowed which have entered. There are 23 BACON BA T PART Y expectations, I mean they actual Sylvia. All in all, it is a good show, for. The time of tryouts is from teams competing in the tourna-' IIente atay~mean it actually is. ta3 tmptiginth'1kra did. If it weren't for such press- 3 to oclock ment. ______________ occ.Imet All University women arc invited ing duties here I'd take the first The committee has expressed it-' to go up the river for a bacon bat train for the West if I had to ride 0 111Al self as being very well satisfied Women which is being sponsored by W. A. the rods-maybe I would. Any- ILL with the tryouts so far. Surpris- P c eA. Sunday morning. The party way, you really should see those ingly good material has been dem- For Tournaments'will leave Barbour gymnasium at cowboys, and the leading man- onstrated, and if the remaining 8:30 for the fireplace, where the oh-h-h, my dear! 'Nuff said, you'll tryouts yield as good results thei Women who are interested in feed will be held. A small fee will hiave to see him for yourself to , . T HT E committee feels confident that the archery and fencing and who wish be charged of each person in really appreciate him. ' personnel of the play will more to keep in practice in these sports order to defray the food expenses. And I liked the stage settings, Women students who have not yet than equal the excellence of the during the winter, season for the Anyone who wishes to go on the too. I even liked the opening done so may purchase se manuscript chosen. tournaments that will be held in outing is asked to sign her name Thorus even If it was too long. The the 1928 Michigan opera, "Rain- Second tryouts will occur after the spring, may do so by entering on a slip posted on the bulletin Indians looked really romantic up bow's End" any da hi k at Christmas vacation. At that time the classes which are being offered board in Barbour gymnasium. The against that blue sky effect. It I's may signayuphin groups: or mstthe Whitney theate box-office be all women called back from their at the Woman's field house. Both women may sign up in groups or was when they turned the lights inning at ten o'clock each morn- first tryout will appear again be- elective and restricted classes are individually. in.- r-fore the play committee, being held in this sport. This is the second of smiliar out- Two performances have already Restrictive archery is held at 10 door parties that W. A. A. has Coeducation Praised been given and performances are A A B dEo'clock on Mondays and Fridays. sponsored this season. About 20 Coutiede ad erfmances aeigh V. A. A. Board Elects I The elective class meets at 4 attended the affair held three By Famous Humorist of this week as well as a Saturday Publd tte mMa- o'clock on Mondays and Wednes- 'weeks ago, and it is expected that matinee. aCwel sa atrdydays. the number will increase at the MexicanatmosphereIndian Diatne.NePbit Pna r I Atpresent about fifteen women feed Sunday morning. Broun Declares Association With color, and tuneful music are com- . New 4t are enrolled in the elective fencing.II Iiiiiiii iiilIlI College Women Is Best j bined in the class which is being held at 4 For Students opera. After the Ann Arbor run, At the regular bi-weekly meet- o'clock on Monday afternoons. The . members of the company will pre- ing of the executive board of the restrictive classes are at 11 and 2 ( ' NEW YORK, Oct. 31.-In an n- pare for the' tour around the coun- I Woman's Athletic association, held o'clock on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I = A terview with the New York univer- y which will be made during at the field house last night, the sity Daily Student, Heywood Christmas vacation. The itinerary supper meeting took the form of a Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, Broun, nationally known humorist' begins with a performance at To- 'Christmas party. The fire was $4.00 and columnist, announced himself ledo and ends with the Kalamazoo lighted in the fireplace and din- in favor of co-education. showing Jan. 5. ner was served in front of it with "I'm strong for the co-ed and Extensive preparations have been the Yule log lending a holiday at- heartily believe in co-education,' underway for some time for the j mosphere. The supper was pre- Broun stated. I think it's the best road-trip. More than 125 men pared as. is usual by the members thing for colleges. It's preferable will make the trip in various ca- 'of the board under the direction of for the college man to have asso- pacities, some as cast members, Ethel Klanderman who is in I eiation with women in the college some as chorus girls or men, and charge of the arrangements. rather than outside it. When there I some as members of the executive Regular board business including is no oppotrunity within the col- department of the company. Two reports from the officers and man- assotemwi o ontai1eand baggage cars will be required to ac- agers of sports and the discussion ssociatewith ononalower I commodate the extensive and elab- I bf the coming basketball and bowl- intellectual and social standing,ortscnyotueadthr andthe otensho apreereceorate scenery, costumes, and otherI ing tournaments, was conducted by and they often show a preference equipment necssary to th presen- tupresident, was cmuted by for waitreses. Thethenpresident,, Betty Smither, 29. t (or waitresses. The monastic idea, tation of the opera. !Helen Domine, '31, was installed as of purelyamen's colleges is all Entertainment has been ar- publicity manager of W. A. A., She Headqu wrong. I can't see it at all." ranged in the various cities to fete was elected by the board to fill Some sixteen dollars each is the the members of the company. So- the place made vacant by the res- .ossip-price for these ciety leaders and alumni are plan- igaation of Marjorie Follmer '30. chromatic ning many parties and special af- REALISTIC expostions of Operatic splendor on fairs to keep the "Michigan males" Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, The Last Word in Permanent view in local shop windows. This amused throughout their trip. ( $4.00 a Year. Wa Positivel no finger or would seem to be the heigh of u1w1uUlIIImIilliti11Illllltlillii 1 nater waving necessary. Come something or other. w in, let us prove this "to you. B E S J (R The meeting was the first one in MICHIGANt he history of Adelphi in which BEAUTE SH PPE 15 Niche mnen and women joined in the de- Dia. 3 8 a, Dial 3083 ^ ; ii111111111111111111111-11111I1I1II1IIII11111lIIIIIilIII1lIIIIIIIIIII ILL HOLD TRY OUTS FOR11DRAMA TONIGHT Tryouts for the Little Princess, the dance drama, which members of Orchesis have chosen to work on for presentation before the academic classes in natural danc- ing soon after Christmas vacation, I will be held at the regular meet- ing of the society at 7:15 o'clock tonight in the Women's Athletic building. This drama includes many prob- lems which the members of the society have been working on dur- ing its Wednesday meetings such as pantomine, and lyric problems. All members of Orchesis are eligi- ble for these try-outs, and while the dance drama will be given pri- marily for the students in natural dancing and will not atempt to be a finished product, it will be as per- feet as the members can make it, in the limited amount of time they will have to spend on it. Elective natural dancing classes, for any women interested, have now begun and are held from 10 to 12 o'clock every Saturday morning in thecorrective room, downstairs in Barbour gymnasium. Both be- ginners and advanced students at- tend these classes, but no pre-re- quisite training is required. The mere fact that the women who at- tend are interested in learning, problems in natural dancing, is enough to allow them to become a member of the class. Individual attention will be given on any problems the student is particularly concerned with, and there will be no standard course, or required amount of work to be covered, as there is in the academic classes. No student is required to stay the entire two hours either, but she may come for just as long as she cares to. W. A. A. points will be given for these classes on the same basis as for other activities. LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR YOUR Christmas Candy We pack, wrap and mail everywhere arters for RM Is SCandy' DSS SHOP Is Arcade r I t A 3 i 1 t i a Sigma Rho. Subjects in the final contests will be selected by drawa during the afternoon before thea final contest. . Any student is eligible to partici-f pate in the contest who is scholas- tically eligible for public activitiesv and has not participated in any intercollegiate speech contest. This proviso does not include studentsg who are first semester freshmene although they will be eligible for v competition in the spring contests. m 1 JUNIOR WOMEN Appointments for J u n io r It Girls' Play tryouts may be made I( between 1 and 3 o'clock today I t at t.hecandy booth in Univer- sity hall. These appointments H E L S I N G F O R S; Finland's are for tomorrow and Friday I student corps passed a resolution afternoons. No tryouts will be that English should be the lan- I held after Friday.!1 guage used for all foreign student o correspondence. Before You Buy HIM That Gift, May We Suggest That You Visit Our Store? ane Showing 'sit Thof H ats1 We are justly proud of our dis- tinctive showing of USEFUL GIFTS Let it be snug as a glove on your head. Let it be for LAD and DAD, and as the many, of soleid, felt or velvet. And let it have a bit of many customers exclaim:-"It is coy trimming. Beyond that, you may choose the truly the store with the Christmas -eea pri,,elephant ear toque, the felt with the wide fluted spirit." brim, the velvet beret that scoops way off the fore- IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME head, and today's poke. A wide choice indeed. DOWNTOWN And here-a noteworthy collection in black and TO the newer winter shades. Y I ;nelonvrbmii.AnfPal n SUEDES VELVETS! YOUR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE including our 9. 6 a M 0S°t in brown, black and The season's smartest fit with the broader effcct, $5.65. blue. style strap Browns Blacks Burgundy Blue s A beautiful black velvet tic with a piping of silver kid- built also in a pump, $5.65. An ever-popular low heel featuring an alligator vamp and suede quarter - both black and brown, $5:65. Pumps-all vamps and heels in all the new colors-more beautiful still with our new buckle, $5.65. A GREATER SHOE EVENT ANN ARBOR HAS NEVER KNOWN II El I 1 11