PAGE FOUR Published every morning except Monday Suring the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- ttled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- waster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.o; by mail, 8ffces:Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 2121.. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK ditor .....................PaulJ . Kern City Editor .............. .Nelson J. Smith News Editor ..............Richard C. Kurvink Sports Editor................Morris Quinn Women's Editor ............. Sylvia S. S tone Editor Michigan Weekly.... J. Stewart Hooker Music and Drama.............R. L. Askren Assistant City Editor......Lawrence R. Klein Night Editors Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe J oseph E. Howell Pierce Roemsberg onald J. Klinc George B. Simons George C. Tilley Reporters THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1928 - - ------ -- - . ...._....... Paul L. Adams Morris Alexander Esther Anderson C. A. Askren Bertram Askwith Louise Behymer Arthur Bernstein Seton C. Bovee Isabel Charles L. R.Chubb Frank E. Cooper Helen Domine Douglas Edwards Valborg Egeland Robert J. Feldman Marjorie Follmer William Gentry Lawrence Hartwig Rjchard Jung Charles R. Kaufman Ruth Kelsey Donald E. Layman C. A. Lewis Marian MacDonald Henry ,Merry N. S. Pickard Victor Rabinowitz Anne Schell Rachel Shearer Robert Silbar Howard Simon Robert L. Sloss Arthur R. Strubel Edith Thomas Beth Valentine Gurney Williams Walter Wilds George E. Wohlgemuth Robert Woodroo fe Toseph A. Russell Cad well Swanson A. Stewart Edward L. Warner Jr. Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Asistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER Department Managers Aderiin ..............Alex . Scherer Advertising............... A. James Jordan Advertising ............. Carl W. Hammer Service... *..............Herbert E. Varnuim Circulation.................George S. Bradley Accounts.............Lawrence E. Walkley Publications.............RayM . Hofelich Assistants Irving Binzer Jack Horwich Donald Blackatone Dix Humphrey Mary Chase Marion Kerr (eanette Dale Lillia Kvinsky ernor Davis Bernard Larson Bessie Egeland Leonard Littlejohn Helen Geer Hollister Mabley Ann Goldberg Jack Rose Kasper Halverson Carl F. Sbemm George Hamilton Sherwood Upton Agnes Herwig Marie Wellstead Walter Yeagley WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1928 Night Editor-Clarence Edelson NAME-CALLING If the editor of the Washtenaw Tribune, rebuking The Daily for its. "Callow venom" in attacking a scheme to continue gouging stu- dent pocket books for inferior liv- ing quarters, wishes to challenge The Daily to a game of small-town name-calling, we will be glad to uphold this end of that edifying spectacle. If, however, The Daily felt that its giddy prestige were being im- paired by having the Washtenaw Tribune call its editor "youthful, erratic, and wholly irresponsible," as in yesterday's edition, it would publish herewith some epithets for the editor whose paper raises an eleventh-hour cry against an in- justice to one party in a dispute made necessary by years of injus- tice to the other party. Some of Ann Arbor's property owners will suffer an economic loss, the sudden imminence of which has thrown them into a panic, but it is also true that Uni- versity students for years have not been getting value received for their unreasonably high expendi- tures. This statement must not be construed as a sweeping indict- ment of all landladies, for unques- tionably a majority of them take pride in the accomodations they offer, but the marginal owners, of- fering inferior accomodations at prices which they can keep unrea- sonably high because of the large student demand, have long been plying their trade, keeping all prices up,,and finally bringing ruin upon their heads in the form of the proposed dormitory. These persons deserve little con- sideration. They are the ones who will be forced to take a loss on their investments when the pro- posed dormitory goes into opera- tion. The others ate safe for several years. for no definite plans have been made by the Regents for buiding further units on the dormitory program. It is certain, however, that such units are in store for the future, for the pro- gressive president at the helm of this University has recognized the superiority of dormitories over rooming houses for accomodating ef it.7~l . THE "B" TEAM IDEA Speaking before the Detroit Ath- letic club last Saturday night, President Little expressed a virtual challenge to Western Conference athletic directors to deny that pre- sent day football was made for the public and the press in the inter- est of bigger and better gate re- ceipts. As an alteration and im- provement on the present system, he explained the original two- team plan which provided for elevens of practically equal weight and imposed other restrictions. In this way, he explained, it was hoped to establish rivalry almost as keen as that developed by the major Varsity squads with each game counting toward a separate championship. Athletic directors, however, he declared, are so im- bued with the idea of commercial- ized football that they made the "B" team a purely second string eleven with weight restrictions practically the samg as for Varsity competition and providing no com- petitive reward. President Little on the other hand wishes to. establish two teams, to be distinguished by weight primarily, each of which will play for a championship thus allowing twice as many students to gain the opportunities of intercol- legiate competition regardless of the resultant effect upon gate re- ceipts. The idea is a good one and should not pass without the con- sideration. Although distinct in composition and purpose, the "B" team idea as employed this year was enough of a success to indi- cate the very evident possibilities of a furtherance of the plan. That college football has become over emphasized and often over com- mercialized cannot be -doubted. As such the emphasis for all too much of college life has been to- ward the holding of great athletic spectacles and the resultant loss of time from studies which after all must occupy the center of col- lege life. 0 CONFERENCE DEBATING Within the week, the two first semester men's debating teams will engage Ohio State and Indiana in what will be the first debates of the newly formed Conference de- bating league. The Conference debating league includes every Big Ten school except Chicago and provides for each university meet- ing four others during a given year, and the remaining four the following year. Two debates are to be held in December and two in March. , Replacing the triangular debates known as the Central and Mid- West debating leagues in which Michigan has participated during recent years, the new organization offers the first opportunity for the actual determination of a confer- ence debate champion once every two years. This last feature of the organ- ization is directly analagous to the five year rotation schedule of Western conference football teams. The plan in its entirety has come about largely through the influ- ence of Porf. James M. O'Neill, chairman of the department of speech. To Professor O'Neill then and to the other speech departments of the conference, as they have joined in the project, a great deal of credit may readily be given. The organization seems a sound and a logical one, and there is every reason to expect it to be a great benefit in stimulating interest in public speaking and debate con- tests. -0 FOR A SCOREBOARD Despite the fact that every week thousands of the spectators at home football games have com- mented on the irregularity and in- consistency of the two scoreboards in the new Stadium, nothing has been done'as yet to alter the sit- uation. Michigan is not a poor University and the Athletic association makes money on football, although a good deal of that money has been spent lately for the Yost Field house, the Intramural Sports building, and the Stadium itself. Most other stadiums are equip- ped with electric scoreboards, an- nouncing the yards gained, downs, time played, and even scores of other games of interest. At times, the situation may have seemed humorous but there is nc I excuse for having the two boards disagree or as in the Iowa game, have a 6 registered for Iowa when the kick-after-touchdown was credited by the referee who threw, I . 0 0 Music And Drama U -01 "RAINBOW'S END" A Review By J. Raleigh Nelson When one of the older members of the English faculty is asked toc review the Union Opera, it is as-7 sumed, I suppose, that he is past8 the time when dancing feet and alluring tunes will joggle his criti- cal standards out of line: he is ex- pected to comment quite seriouslys on dramatic values and dramatict effects. But having experienced the enthusiasm of that first night of Rainbow's End, the present reviewer finds it difficult not to give himself the pleasure of com- menting rather on the things he thoroughly enjoyed. Rainbow's End seems to me quite the most satisfactory opera in years. In fact I can hardly recall any opera in which there was so perfect a balance and correlation of all the elements that go to' make up the total effect. The sit- uation chosen for the unfolding of the plot of the opera was, to be-' gin with, full of opportunities,- opportunities which have been quite fully realized. It recalls a delightful performance I witness- ed three or four years ago of the opera of the University of Pen- nsylvania where, in a somewhat similar setting-a western rodeo, the "heroine", a sort of youthful Anne Oakley, turned handsprings' and cartwheels and the cowboys sang their full throated songs. The big open spaces, the vigorous life of the plains, the picturesque roughness of primitive men seem somehow more fitting as a back- ground for a student opera than the studio or the fashion shop. Boys are so much more satisfac- tory as cowboys and Indians than as mannikins or coryphees. The book of the opera this year is unusually interesting and ooher- ent. Even the sunrise song of the Navajos was made an integral part of the plot. And the choruses by one device or another, were less obviously dragged in than in most operas in the past. The beautiful red fire chorus slipping into their places as the first rays of the sun fell on the pueblo, the antelope priests and other grotesque Indian dancers gliding . across the back- ground P of -adobe walls, all con- tribute what seemed their appro- priate part. Even the other choruses were somehow accounted for by the simple device of the train wreck which had left the theatrical troupe marooned at Rainbow's End ranch. There was less dancing than in previou operas but it was more thoroughly I and essentially correlated with the action. The musical side of the opera I has this year been developed in a new way. Following the lead of the notable musical shows of the past three or four years, an at- tempt has been made to secure massed choral effects. The great singing choruses of The Student Prince, The Song of the Flame, The Vagabond King, and a half dozen others have demonstrated how popular the appeal of broad choral effects is. Emulating these models, the present opera has in- troduced a very substantial group of sonorous, well trained men's voices. Here is a thing achieved which apparently never before was really tried. One wonders why; surely nothing harks back better to the older college tradition than such student singing. The Song of the Cowboys, even though mildly reminiscent of something heard before, made a really splen- did climax for the first act. The treatment of the Navajos' tribal melody in the Hymn to the Dawn was very beautiful. Mr. Wat- kins has. used it with a respect that is almost reverence for its religi- ous feeling and with a genuine ar- tist's appreciation of its musical possibilities. The overture in which this melody is developed. and the hymn in which it is presented almost in its stark simplicity ap- pealed to me as having real musi- cal value. From the point of view of the musical comedy it was, to be sure, a hazardous thing to be- gin and end with a theme so som- ber and mystical, they will not soon forget either the music or the picture of the first scene with the Indian figlures so statuesque against the sunrise on the grim summit of the mesa, but it cer- tainly made a dangerously slow be- ginning for a student opera. Even. 11 I ATED ZCLL WANTp PINK -EYE i A large western university has dismissed its classes until January, 7, when classes will be resumed' after what was intended to be merely the Christmas recess, whichI ordinarily begins December . 21.' This is due to a severe epidemic of influenza. While the influenza. situation at Michigan is in control, the pink-eye hazard is still preva-' lent. * * * We feel it is the duty of the administration to curb the epi- demic of pink eye by dismiss- ing classes until January 7. Students are weaving about the campus with vermillion eyes and many are in a critical state. The Health Service, of course, is quite unable to curb it. From the looks of the campus you would think that it was a uni- versity of albinos. * *, *' The situation has reached a crisis. The hospitals are swarming with students, and the student body indeed is looking at the world through rose colored glasses.j * * * Should this deplorable condition endure, we shudder to think of the consequence in the future. For ex- ample, what will happen to the "Don't shoot until you see the whites, of their eyes" command? * * * We think President- Little should "feel himself compelled to intervene" and once again save the reputation of the Uni- versity. Pianos, Radios, Victrolas and Everything Musical ; Make Your House a Home This Christmas Pay next year. Schaeberle & Son Music House 110 S. Main St. YPSILANTI NORMAL CHOIR FREDERICK ALEXANDER, Conductor 200 Mixed Voices 150 Children's Voices '! Noels from Provence, Medieval Germany 'tnd Old England; Nativity Music from Italy, Austria, Russia, France; early English Choral Dances; Madrigals; Ballets. Want Ads Pay I Pease Auditorium, Ypsilanti, Tonight 8 p. m. sharp 50 cents to any seat. No reserved seats. 0 Subscribe to The Michigan Daily I Are You Saving 15 on your Laundry By Taking Advantage of our "Cash and Carry" System? WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY CO. Across from the Majestic ,_ . :.. 1 Christmas \ SOUTH TAE STET Music I * * * If we are "servants of the state" we must be physically fit! We de- mand a release from the perils of pink-eye! * * * I Well, what YOU would do in the case of Mary Gold would I make very little difference,I F anyway. *-* * Special Noon Luncheons for those who really wish to enjoy their lunch hour. Special Dance Music Afternoons and Evenings i l,, i a It Will- Be No Ordinary Review Dear Lark: Noticing that you intend to cast your critical eye upon Michigan's super-super-super (ad infinitum) production, I thought that a lit- tle "Advice to the Young Review- er," 1928 edition, might be helpful in your approaching dilemma. (I have heard it whispered that you DIDN'T buy a ticket.) 1. Look over your audience carefully. See if there are any celebrities present, and notice the cut of their evening clothes. Make some witty remarks concerning them, their love affairs, their ex- peditions, (if any), and anything else kbout them that might bej pertinent in a critical review. 2. Watch the ushers, note theirI sex, (if possible.) Under no cir- cumstances make a date with them, because, you know, "Our most beautiful women are men. 3. Examine the seats carefully, as to color, degree of comfort (if - any), position to the aisle, etc. 4. Having gotten the important data, settle back and enjoy the opera, (if possible.) Pay no atten- tion to particulars, merely 'examine the following list when you are ready to write your review, (a) Most gorgeolm costumes ever seen in an opera, (b) most versatile principals, (c) largest and mosts beautiful choruses, both male and: male, (d) most tuneful music, and most accomplished orchestra. . If there are any points regarding the performance that I have miss- ed, merely attach a "best" or "most" before it, and add as above. If you have followed the above advice you can feel, I am sure, that (you have not only earned your ticket, but preserved the inte- grity of Rolls. Everybody will know about your next door neighbor. 4 * 4 Rolls takes grcaL ple=, suir(e to 111- nounce to its readers that it, will print any letters to Santa Claus that its little readers may write. Send them in. * 4 * . t . We Cordially Invite You to Come in to CRIPPEN'S USV W A Y ANDWICH SH.OPPE Just Below Our Regular Campus Drug Store 723 North University Ave. And Enjoy Our Fine Meals and Refreshments A Varied Menu of Light Lunches and Regular Breakfasts, Luncheons, and Dinners :i : T c r w: A I' f ,r ., i a r QUALITY SERVICE SATISFACTION WOM You can't afford to postpone your Christmas Shopping any longer. Today is only'Decembcr 12th, but do you realize that there are only nine more shopping lays until Christmas vacation? Solve your Christmas Shopping problem by Reading The Michigan Daily A few minutes with The Michigan Daily will save hours of walking and asking. Make up , your, list from Daily advertisements. Two hours of your time spent in shopping now will be worth the entire time spent after Friday, December 21 st. 0 Again we promise the 1olls Review of the Opera will be the only one that is unbiased and unrestricted by obliga- tion. It will be a revelation to modern criticism! .- 'I a. 1n fl U ------------------ .-- - - - -- 0