STABLISHED 1890 Jr: Lw Mr 4 a13 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX. No. 68. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1928 EIGHT PAGES HOBBS WILL NOT L[AD ANOTHER EXPEDITION NORTH NEXT SUMER HOPES FOR INTERNATIONAL GROUP TO TAKE OVER WEATHER STATION HAS PREDICTED STORMS Geology Head Has-Now Led Three Meteorological Expeditions To Greenland Coast Prof. William H. Hobbs of the geology department will not lead in person a fourth meteorological' expedition to Greenland next sum- mer, he announced yesterday, but will seek to interest some interna- tional organization in carrying on the weather station that he has erected there on the peak of Mount Evans. The present expedition, constitut- ing the third University Greenland expedition, will remain at Mt. Evans and operate the station until next July through finances ar-' ranged by Professor Hobbs, but its continuance after that date de- pend on the initiative of somer other organization. Because the station is on Danish soil, the Unit-, ed States Weather bureau will be unable to take it over due to sov- ereignty complications. Sovereignty Complications I Attempts so far to interest some group in continuing the station have not been successful, accord- Year Book Officials Plan Price Increase' Members of the staff of the Michiganensian will launch their second and largest subscription of the college year today prior to the raising of the price of the senior yearbook from $4 to $5 on Dec., 15. The sales campaign is planned to extend over today, tomorrow, and Friday and from the nature of previous campaigns conducted at this time of the year should prove the most effective of the year. Fol- lowing its closeeon Friday after- noon, the price of the publication will automatically advance. During the period every student who has not already subscribed for a copy of the annual will be given an . opportunity to do so. Pledge cards which had not already been turned in will be accepted by subscription takers as the equival- ant of $1 upon the price of a sub- scription. Work ,upon the publication is being carried rapidly forward with the senior section nearing comple- tion and many of the other por- tions of the book underway. FILU EPIDEMIC GRIPS' 'ET SCHOOLS CLOSE Disease Spreading Through West- Iern States With Several Deaths Being Reported APPEARING IN MILD FORM PRINCE COMPLETES I MAD DASH.THROUGH EUROPETO LONDON BRITISH HEIR REACHES KING'S BEDSIDE AFTER RECORD TRIP FROM AFRICA AIDED BY THREE NATIONS King's Condition Remains About Same; Throngs Collect To Scan Official Bulletinsj VARSITY"B"TA WlNS FOMMON PLEASANT QUINTET SLOW PLAY MARKS OPENING, GAME AS BOTH TEAMS GET UNDER WAY SCORE IS 12-11 AT HALF Downing And Balsamo Tie For High Scoring Honors With Three Baskets Each Franseth. Simon, Drake Constitute University Forensic Team Which Will Oppose Hoosiers AFFIRMATIVE VARSITY DEBATER S WILL MEET INDIANA TRIO TONIGHT PROFESSOR JAMES K. POlXOCIK WILL CONDUCT MEETTNG AS CHAIRMAN fRAKE TO SPEAK FIRST Proposition For Debating: Resolved That United States Should Ratify Paris Pact BULLETIN Although the invading teacher's BY LASSC) t-C(PIC i quintet held the Varsity reserves LONDON, c. g to a one-point lead at the end of Goge N isstruggl ing nif the first half, the regular "B" team George s stugigmagnifi- ra up1pinsnth send cently against his illness, it ran the so was semi-officially said at perd -1to give the Junior Varsity (Left to right) -Paul Franseth, Buckingham Palace tonight. It a 28-18 victory over the Mt. Pleas J. Drake, '30Ed. was known that his exhaustion ant five in the opening game of has not increased, while his pulse remains steady. The Coach Veenker's "A" team re- night bulletin was said to serves, with Whittle and Balsaruo have been evenq more 'satis- at forwards, Barley at center, and factory than had been antici- Cushing and Myron at the guard pated. posts, were unable to get free for The Palace informant said, i short shots, and were held to six CONCERTTOMORbtl t however, that it was not con- baskets by the Mt. Pleasant quin- sidered altogether reassuring tet, Balsamo caging three goals for Returns Here By Popular Request' and that the anxiety persis- six points and high scoring honors To Play In Program Composed ted and must continue. The during the first period. Of Some Of Own Numbers quiet enabled his constitution The visitors who, with Stack-' to continue to fight against house leading the attack with two IS FAMOUS COMPOSER the 'general infection in his baskets and a free throw, had held system which had been weak- the Reserves almost even during ening during the last few days. the first half, neither team ever Returning to Ann Arbor by pop- The King did not see his taking a lead of more than three ular request, Fitz Kreisler will ap- heir tonight when he reached points, wakened perceptibly after pear in the fifth Choral Union '29, Howard Simon, 30, and Ormand BOLIVIA' BOLTS FROM nml AuRnrnfAu vann kI 'I l e 1 iA J i 4 i t t I ing to Professor Hobbs. It is be- ByAssociated Press) the Palace after a record- the insertion of Coach Court- series at 8:15 o'clock tomorrow lieved, however, tata atsfctry( YcaePecrs)1.Tet aremet withat a satisfactory KANSAS CITY Dec. 11.-The breaking journey from his wright's regular "B" team, con- night in H~ill auditorium. arrangement will y made btte widespread epidemic of influenza hunting ground in East Africa. sisting of Weinstein and Downing, Kreisler is known to his large July, fori h oeas the ta- in the various communities of the - .- forwards, Dougal, center, and Ly- and admiring public not only ion the possibility of predicting west lead today to the closing of NDON, Dec. 11.-The Prine tle and Engelman, guards. as a famed violinist but also as a storms over the North Atlantic additional schools, while health of Wales tonight won his dash With the score 12-11 at the half, composer of a number of composi- from Greenland has been clearly authorities considered methods of from furthest Africa and reached Weinstein dropped in a short shot tions. He is the originator and indicated. y checking the disease. the sickroom of his stricken father. to add two points to the Wolverine -___ nProfessor Hobb's theories of the Almost all reports indicated that' He arrived at Buckingham Palace total, but a free throw by Stack- | NELSON REVIEWS I glacial anticyclone and the infu- the disease was not taking a severe at 10:25 p. m. (5:25 p. m. Eastern house and a basket by MClutchy ec ofnthe reenlan d icecapo formandewdss athshave beenStandard time) where King George tied the count at 14-all a moment ( A review of last night's per- C the weather of the North Atlantic, reported. Oregon health authori-.for three weeks has been fighting later. t tformance of Mimes' opera, { scoffed at the beginning by Amer- ties said the disease was prevalent pleuresy and lung ifection which Dougal's basket broke the tie and "Rainbow's End," by Prof. J. ican and European meteorologists, in a light form in that state. Three have caused anxiety throughout Downing caged two goals while i Raleigh Nelson of the rhetoric have received general recognition schools an Canby, Oregon, have his empire. Dougal was adding another and department, may be found on since the -establishment of the been closed. In Portland about 150 Aided by the resources of three Lytle also contributing two points I page 4 of this issue. Mount Evahs station. cases were reported with one death nations in his final dash across wto give the Junior Varsity 10 mark- Lack of space in the Music I! From the aviation standpoint, last week. Europe, the; heir to the throne was ers while the Mt. Pleasant five was ;1 and Drama column prevented( also, the maintenance of a radio- School officials in Denver esti-! met upon his landing on English held to a single tally on a free i Professor Nelson's review from equipped weather station at Mount mated that 10 per cent of the soil at Folkstone by Prime Minister throw by Manson. With the score being printed in anywhere near Evans is desirable, for the Greater teachers aid 15 per cent of the Stanley Baldwin. Again he received 24-15 against them, West made a its entirety. 1 Rockford venture of last summer pupils are ill. The St. Francis De- latest word from his father when basket and McClutchy followed -_o_ led by Hassel and Cramer indi- Sales high school there was closed his younger brother, the Duke of with a free throw which ended the composer of the comic opera, "Apple cated the possibilities of a United due to illness among the teachers.' York, met him at Victoria station. Mt. Pleasant scoring, while Down- Blossoms." In addition, he has States-to-Europe air route via With the closing of the Univer- The brothers rode together to ing and Weinstem each caged an- written a great many violin solos, Greenland. With adequate beacons sity of Missouri at Columbia yes- the Palace, the Duke recounting other basket to bring the Wolver- some of which he regularly inter- and weather reports this would be terday until after the holidays, of- the progress of the illness as he ines' total to 28. prets in his programs. the most logical and the safest ficials'of the University of Kansas had seen it in constant attendance MICHIGAN (28) During his career in the United route, according to Professor at Lawrence today began a hoise at the Palace as the only son of G FT PF TP States, Kreisler has played in all Hobbs. to house canvas among the stu- the King then in England, Barley, f and c.....1 0 3 2jparts of the country, in cities and Started In 1926 1 dents to determine just how many A mighty throng of all classes, Balsamo, f .........3 0 1 6 towns that seldom the privileged In 1926 Professor Hobbs led his I were ill. 75 students were in the which are gathered outside the Slagle, c............ 0 0 0 0 to hear any of the outstanding first Greenland expedition that re- hospital at Lawrence and 2 or 3 Palace daily to await medical bul- Cg.s of the utstan Paaediyt watmdclbl Cushing, g.....00 10 artists of the day, as well as the conoitered for a spot at which to were ill at many of the fraternity 0 0 1 0 geat capitols of music establish a station and accomplish- and sorority houses. Closing of the letins of the King, had waited for Myron, g..........0 0 0 4grea tomof mi c ed considerable balloon work. The University was not planned as the, more than one hour behind strong Whittle, f ....... ().Frtmrow ngtscnet edcond epetionin 192k. hestab-rsityon becos oreseridus hpolice lines at the railroad station Downing, f . ........ .3 0 2 ( the artists has arranged a special second expedition in 1927 estab- situation becomes more serious. W f 2 0 1 4 fh lished the Mount Evans station and Ninety of the students of the Uni- for a glimpse of the young man Weinstein, ........2 ( 1 4 program including some of his own added a great deal of balloon data. vcrsity of Missouri were under who may soon be called upon to Dougal, c ...........2 0 3 4 compositions. The program follows: Those members of the second ex- treatment in the hospital at Co- lead England. Some of the men Engelman, g ; .,e1 0 0 1-08Partita E major .............Bach pedition who remained in Green- lumbia and it was announced that and women in the close-pressed 4 3 (For violin and piano) land last winter also maintained 6 influenza sufferers had contract- ran ks wore fashioniable furs anId ,... .. .... Prelude - Loure-Gavotta - Men- radio communication with the ed pneumonia. others -shivered in tattered suits. MT. PLEASAN1 (18) uetto-Bourree-Gigus United States whereby several An- epidemic in the Yakima All burst ito a spontaneous cheer, G FT PF TP Rondo, B minor........Schubert storms were predicted, and led a Valley in central Washington despite the gravity of the situation, Stackhouse, f ....,..2 3 0 7 Moderato sub-expedition inland over the ice- caused authorities at Yakima to when the Prince appeared. Kelly, f .............0 0 1 0 Adagio dap that set up an observation order the school to close there to- He looked well after his hunting McClutchy, r,....... 1 3 3 51 Agitato assai post and took inland data for a morrow and to ban public gather- trip in East Africa, but his face Manson, g .........I 1 1 3 Prelude and Allegro. .. . Pagnanini- considerable period during the I ings. At Granger, Cle-Elum, and showed the strain of anxiety and Johnson, g ... .."."..". 0 1 1 . .. *inter. This past summer the Casland, and other towns in the the marks of his forced journey by Brotzman, f ....... 0 0 0 0 ............. ..... Kreisler third expedition, in addition to the valley, the schools also were closed. land and sea for nine d ay and Potter, e........ . . 0 0 0 0 La Chasse . . ............ . Cartier routine work, rescued Hassel and More than 1,200 pupils were re- nights. West, g...........1 0 0 2 Indian Lament. ... Dvorak-Kreisler Cramer when they were forced i ported absent from school today At the Palace the Prince met the -- Three Caprices. Pagnanini-Kreisler down on the Greenland coast. I in Yakima. physicians who have been caring I Total............ 8 18 B flat major Professor Hobbs, with Ralph L.; Officials of the Texas Agricul- for His Majesty, and was permit- Referee-Olds, Michigan State B minor Belknap, geology instructor and tural and Mechanical College at ted to see his father for a moment. Normal. A minor second in command of the expedi- I College Station, Texas, said 59 stu- - - --__---- tion, with several assistants retur- dents were ill. edto theUnited Sate st - tsfall__re NEW DISTRIBUTION OF RHODES' SCHOLARSHIPS leira metoroistdan aeroleo- International Aero CONTAINED IN PENDING PARLIAMENTARY BILL gistenc aOrdieopraor-ndEskmos. Conference Opens -ae lD ussingRschlarships who resign their scholarships aord, but will not be used by tho Rhodes sthe end of two years, and would in residence. Available At Union I WASHINGTON, Dec .-An in a Daily intervieW yesterday, result in making more scholarships Ailes believes that Cecil Rhodes' ternational aero conference, com- Edgar H. Ailes, '27L, who has re- available, idea of separating the American Applications for the tour show- memorating the first motor-driven turned to Ann Arbor from Oxford Recently the Rhodes trustees and colonial visitors at Oxford and ings of "Rainbow's End," 1928 airplane flight by the Wright for the Christmas holidays, said have erected at Oxford a club -malgamating them with the En- Michigan Union Mimes opera, may brothers in 1903, will formally open that a bill is pending at present house for Rhodes scholars to be lishmen has proved successful. The be obtained at the main desk of theI tomorrow with; an address by Pres- beoePrimntt1nag h known as "Rhodes House" andE American club, he said, has died Union. Preference is given stu- etooibeforeParliament to enlarge the containing offices for the Bitesfrom lack of interest. At pre Uno.Pefrnei.gvnsu ident -Coolidge. - discretion of the Rhodes trustees!teeaeaot 0 mrcna 'cents and alumni through the dis- Abot 00degas to the' con-Idiceonfth Rhesrues there are about 200 American a' rbtn ofd al ictonsga thdis~ About 5 delegates h n-in distributing the scholarships too colonial Rhodes' scholars distri- tribution of applications at this ference including more than 100 ( various sections of this country. DAILY CORRECTS ERROR 1buted among the various colleges 'representatives of 40 foreign coun- bueatogtevrosclee tmsththymyhaeteepsetieso4 orgncu-Heretofore the trustees haveI1 at Oxford. first opportunity to purchase seats. tries and many leaders of aviation ee re the trste haThomas Bertrand Bronson, I ordk TiktPo telclbhwns in this country will attend the ses- 8 a oae 100t eTcesfrtelclsoies been rather rigidly restricted by Thma( Commenting on the work that Tkrcluding nightly performances in hich will ctie through the terms of the endowment 81, has donated $1,000 to be Americans are doing at Oxford ug t y na e sion which will continue through which provides that each state I used to furnish an annual prize I Ailes said that the four "first a Saturday matinee, may be obtain- shall send two men every three I for a German essay contest On classes" awarded to men working ed daily at the Whitney theater The United States will be rep- years. By this arrangement Ne- I the University campus, it has for B. C. L. degrees were won by beginning at 10 o'clock. resented officially by a delegation vada and Arizona have secured the I been recently announced. It Americans last year. Albert C. Tegiinearyfo thopera of 12, appointed by President Co same number of representatives as I was erroneously stated in yes- 1 Jacobs, '21, who was rewarded for Th nr lidge and headed by Orville New York and Connecticut, work- I terday's Daily that the amount i gins on Dec. 21, with the Toledo Writht who was the first to fly Imniat. iniSti(P t- the was $10,000. It was also erron- his dinguishe nderaduate _ .- ," Wi1t h astefrtt I in Imnfs nesict h areer in law by being made a fe- Paraguay's Failure To Satisfy Other Country's Demands Causes Withdrawal REFUSES TO ARBITRATE (fay AssociatedIPress) WASHINGTON, Dec. 11.-While steps were being taken by the Pan-American congress on arbi- tration and conciliation today to patch up differences between Par- aguay and Bolivia, the government of the latter nation announced its withdrawal from the gathering. The Bolivian government, despite its action, was prompted by a fail- ure to receive from Paraguay any satisfaction for what it regards as the wrong it has received. Be- cause ofthis, it was explained, Bolivia could not permit any efforts' at conciliation. The new Bolivian note followed closely one delivered last night in which that country rejected the general proposal of conciliation in this dispute until it could have received what it regards as some moral satisfaction. Today's com- mittee, however, was in direct re- ply to the action of the arbitration conference yesterday in appointing a special committee to devise a means of bringing the two disput- ing countries together again. The conference itself, meanwhile, only functioned in committee form, both the committees on arbitra- tion and conciliation meeting for organization purposes. Dr. Rafael Mortinez Ortiz, fore- ign minister of Cuba, was elected chairman of the committee on ar- bitration while Dr. Araujo Jorge was elected vice-chairman. The Bolivian minister said that "in the face of the grave insult that Bolivia has suffered from the hands of Paraguay I have present- ed a note to the president of the International Conference on Arbi- tration and Conciliation saying that I will withdraw from taking part in the deliberations of that assem- bly, since, it is impossible for the republic which I represent to dis- cuss formulae of friendly settle- ment between the two nations while Paraguay shall refuse to red pair its wrong. "This decision of my govern- ment will, however, be no obstacle to a later adherence on the part of Bolivia to whatever agreement the mnmernuoni ciirniiu" no mny ,Michigan's varsity affirmative team will meet the negative trio of the University of Indiana in the first intercollegiate debate of the emester tonight at 8:00 o'clock in hill auditorium. The two teams wl debate the proposition: Resolved, that the onate of the United S aie shoud atify the Paris Pact without res- ervations. Michigan will defend Lhe treaty as it stands, while Tn- il.ana will oppos" ratifirat n with- out reservations. Ormond J. Drake, '30, will open the debate as the first speaker of the affirmative. Drake was a mem- ber of the varsity team the first semester of last year. He is a member of Delta Sigma Rho. Drake also was the winner of the extem- poraneous speaking contest last year, and participated in the Black New Testament oratorical contest. Simon Follows Drake The second Michigan speaker will be Howard Simon, '30. Simon was an alternate both semesters last year. He is a member of Kappa Phi Sigma debating society, and took part in the Freshman In- tersociety debate. Paul Franseth '29, will be the concluding speaker for Michigan. Before coming to the University he was a member of Western State college debating team. Last year he made the varsity team both semesters. He is a member of Kappa Delta Rho and Kappa Phi Sigma. The team representing Indiana and opposing the unreserved rati- fication of the Kellogg treaty is composed of John B. Newlin,Em- manuel H. Baugh, and Joseph V. Hefferman. Prof. James K. Pollock of the political science department will preside as chairman, and Prof. E. W. Miller of the speech depart- ment ofrWooster college of Ohio will act as judge of the contest. Pollock To Preside Michigan's negative team will leave this noon for Columbus, Ohio, where they will engage the affir- mative trio of Ohio State in a de- bate tomorrow night. Carl G. Brandt of the speech department will accompany the team, which is composed of Lawrence Hartwig, '31, Paul J. Kern, ;29, and Stanley Dimond, Grad. The teams engaged in a final practice debate before the mem- bers of Speech 81 yesterday after- noon. Prof. James M. O'Neill, head of the speech departmient, Prof.. Gail E. Densmore, Carl Brandt, and Ralph Harlan, all of the speech faculty, were present at the final workout. Both varsity contests have been scheduled under the new Big Ten Debating league, of which Michi- gan is a member. Chicago is the only conference school, which is not a member of this league. Each school in the new organization will - have two debates every semester, meeting four different universities during the year. Congress Requested To Change Ship Law r international conference may reach." Dean Of Men Enjoys 1 i i }} "li , I fG 1 i , i ; j c 7 ;4 Mimes Performance (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 11.-- "Rainbow's End is a most enjoy- Authorization for the Secretary of able show," said J. A. Bursley, dean new cruiser construction with pri- of students at the University, after vate yards instead of navy yards seeing a performance of the 23rd was urged upon Congress in a reso- annual Michigan Union opera lution passed today by the shipping which is now in the midst of a board on the grounds that "the week's run at the Whitney the- present decline of the American shipyards is a serious if not fatal ater. menace to the American merchant "I have seen a large number of marine." the Union operas and the 19281 The resolution asked; that the production is among the best that j Secretary of the Navy be given I have seen," Dean Busley stated. I complete freedom in placing con- As to which opera was the best, tracts for cruisers instead of being the dean would not say, stating required to have half of the ships that it was too difficult to correctly included in the construction pro- judge the operas from year to gram now pending before Congress year. built in the navy yards. It urged "The work of the choruses andithe Senate to strike out the provi- k f r