TTT- DA V DEC ET-C fl 11192 i
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)
DECEMBER 11, 1928
No. 67.
Mulford Company, who will speak on ANTIVENIN (North American SOPH PROM IS PREMIER FUNCTION Alpha Nu:
anti-snake-bite serum). The lecture will be illustrated by three reels TeOFgla eein wllb
of motion pictures. All nurses, medical students, and others interested ON SOCIAL CALENDAR OF UNIVERSITY The. regular meeting will be
are cordially invited. held this Tuesday December 11,
Fred Weinmann, President Opening the all-campus social dance to the music of Jimmnle at 7:30 in the Alpha Nu room, 4th
season of the ear the class of Green's night club band from Chi- floor of Angell Hall.
Cercle Francais: cago, Friday night at the Union, Three business men from De-
There will be a meeting of the Cercle Francais Wednesday evening, 1931 will hold the annual Soph- according to the arrangements of troit, members of Professor Dens-
December 12, at seven thirty o'clock; room 408 Romance Language omore Prom, next Friday night the Prom committee. more's class in speech, will debate
Building. An interesting program will be r..esented, including a talk , in the ballroom of the Union The Tickets for the party have been three members of Alpha Nu. The
by Mr. Hootkins. Prom is the first class formal of limited to 250 and as a large share subject will be criminal code re-
Max Fruhauf, Jr., President the school year, and it is indicated of these have already been sold, it form. Visitors are cordially invit-
by the arrangements of the com- is expected that there will be a ed to hear this discussion.
Adelphi House of Representatives: mittee that it will warrant the scarcity of tickets before the day of John Webster, President
the house will be the guest of Alpha Nu to attend auspicious place it holds on the the party. Sale of tickets is being:
tesay vnn campus social calendar, held from 1 to 5 o'clock each after-
the special progam in the Alpha Nu room. Please be prompt. In a ballroom clothed in Christ- noon at the side desk in the Union
Directly afterward the house will convene for a short business nas decorations 250 couples will lobbyMhiganensian Tryouts:
meeting. Messrs. Brown and Riggs will be initiated. Discussion as to ,250__ __There will be sufficient work
party, picture and elections necessitates a good turn out. Terewleuiet r
Moving Pictures Of Industry:
The fourth of the School of Business Administration's programs
will be held in Natural Science Auditorium at 4:05 p. in. Wednesday,
Decmber 12. Please note that the program will begin 10 minutes earlier
than usual. The following films will be shown:
Laundering Fine Fabrics (the art of washing fine
fabrics) ............................. .....................2 reels)
All in the Day's Work (the normal activities of a business day in
a great manufacturing company's most important distribution
house).................... ...... ...............2 reels
Making Lenox Pottery ................................ ..1 reel
Carl N. Schmalz
Opera is regarded as a University affairt
Freshmen should register their plans for
(House Rules
the Whitney
Robert H. Lloyd, Speaker
Michiganensian Lower Staffs:
There will be a meeting of the lower staffs of the Michiganensian
at the Press Building, this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Especially all thosej
who took part in the last sales campaign should be present.#
J. Franklin Miller, Bus. Manager
American Chemical Society:
Professor G. G. Brown of the Department of Chemical Engineering
will speak on "Chemical Equilibrium from the Energy Standpoint," on
Wednesday, December 12, at 4:00 p. in., in Room 303 Chemistry Build-
ing. As this will be the annual business meeting, members are urged
to attend. All others interested are cordially invited.
Byron A. Soule
Iota Alpha:
There will be a meeting of Iota Alpha in room 3201
ing Building, on Thursday, December 13, at 7:45 p. m.
Brown will talk on "Past, Present, and Future of Motor1
ate students in engineering are cordially invited.
. G. Brown
N o u sn wee co require The heap
of all members of the lower staff.
East Engineer- ; The office will be open from 3 to
Professor G. G. 5, and you are urged to make your
Fuels." Gradu- appearance there each afternoon
as long as the work lasts.
Grace Richards
Tuesday-Thursday Experimental Sections, Psych. 31:1
The nine and ten o'clock Tuesday-Thursday Experimental sections
substituting work for a thesis in P.sychology 31 will not meet today,
ec. 11, but will meet Thursday, December 13.
H. Y. McClusky
Tom Thomas, Managing
for all makes of
University Women:
I will not be in my office at the Health Service Tuesday afternoon.
Margaret Bell
Freshman Hygiene Lecture:
The third freshman lecture in hygiene for men will be given in
Waterman Gymnasium, Thursday and Friday, December 13th and 14th,
at 3:00, 4:00, and 5:15 p. m. This requirement includes all freshmen in
the regular physical training groups and others that have been excused
from thege groups.
G. A. May
Graduate Students and Staff, Department of Romance Languages: f
The Romance Club will meet on Wednesday, December 12, in 408
R. L., at 4:10 p. m. Eugene Rovillain will speak on the "Sources of
Voltaire's L'Ingenu" and Michael Pargment will discuss "A Reading
Knowledge of Modern Languages. What Is It and How Is It To Be
Warner F. Patterson }
Twilight Organ Recital:
Palmer Christian, University organist, will give the following pro-
gram in Hill Auditorium, Wednesday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock. The
general puble, with the exception of small children is invited to attend.
No admission charge. Saint-Saens: Rhapsody in D; Rubinstein: Kam-
menoi-Ostrow (Reve Angehique); Rogers: Sonata in E minor; Karg-
Elert; Landscape in Mist; Grieg: In the Morning (Peer Gynt Suite,
No. 1); Tschaikowsky: Marche Slave.
Charles A. Sink
Portia Literary Society:
There will be a regular meeting of Portia -Tuesday, Dec. 11,
7:30 p. m. Book reviews will be given.
Graduate Luncheon For Chemical Engineers: Rapid turnover, fresh stock, insures
The regular graduate luncheon will be held on Tuesday, Decem- best quality at a moderate price.
ber 11, at 12 o'clock, in room 3201 East Engineering Building. 0. D. MORRILL
Alfred H. White 117 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615
Nellie C. Becker, President
Matinee Musicale:
Matinee Musicale regrets to announce that on account of circum-
stances over which it has no control, the concert scheduled for Wed-
nesday, Dec. 12, is postponed until January 23.
Mrs. Rene Talamon, President
Reserve Band:
Rehearsal tonight at Morris Hall, at 7:00 p. m.
Nicholas Falcone
Pi Lambda Theta:
Pi Lambda Theta will meet tonight at 7:30 in the library at Martha
Cook Building.
Bernice McHale, President
There will be a. meeting of the Quarterdeck at 7:30 p. in., Tuesday,
December 11, in Room 306 of the Michigan Union.
Joseph Fellows, Jr. Commodore
Sophomore Prom CommittCe:
The last meeting will be Tuesday, at 7:00 p. in., in room 302 of the
Michigan Union. Everyone must be there.
Walter Yeagley, Chairman
at 7:30 p. m., Wednesday, Decem-
It is important for all members
R. C. Adams, Jr.
A. S. C. E.:
Regular monthly business meeting of the Student Branch of the
American Society of Civil Engineers at the Michigan Union at 7:45
Wednesday, Dec. 12, 1928. All members are urged to attend.
L. D. Kirshner
A. S. M. E.:
The annual Faculty-Student Dinner will be held on Wednesday,
December 12, at Joe Parkers, at 6:15. A very interesting program has
been arranged and every member should plan on attending.
J. Gray
Physics Colloquium:
Dr. S. A. Goudsmit will speak on "X-Ray Spectra" at 4:15, Tuesday,
December 11, in room 1041, East Physics Building. All interested are
cordially invited.
W. F. Colby
Chi ;Upsilon:
There will be an open meeting Tuesday, Dec. 11, at 7:30 p. in., in
room 4054 N. S. Dr. Hall of the Geography Department will address
the group.
Catherine Dawson, Secretary
A. 1. E. E.:
-Mr.. A. D. McLay of the Detroit Edison Company will talk on Sales
Engineering at 4:15 this afternoon in Room 348, West Engineering
W. R. Hough
Michigan Dames:
The Michigan Dames Club will entertain their husbands at a box
.unch Christmas party Friday, Decmber 14, at 8 o'clock, at the Faculty
Women's Clubhouse, 226 South Ingalls Street. Cards and games will
be in play. For further information, dial 5339 or 22332. The next regu-
lar meeting of the club will be held Tuesday, January 8, 1929.
Mrs. C. W. Ferris, President
Mathematical Group:
The December meeting will be held Tuesday at 8 p. in. in 3201
Angell Hall. Program: Professor Peter Field, "Alexander Ziwet, his
life and work;" Mr. R. V. Churchill, "The geometry of the Riemann
tensor." Everyone interested is cordially invited to attend.j
N. C. Fisk, Secretary !
Faculty Women's Club-Music Section:
The Music Section of the Faculty Women's Club will hold the
regular. December meeting Tuesday evening, December 11, at 8 o'clock,
at the home of Mrs. U. B. Phillips, 1954 Cambridge Road.
E. K. Taylor, Secretary
Prescott Club:
The next meeting of the Prescott Club will be held on December
12 at 7:30 o'clock in the Natural Science Auditorium. The speaker will
be Dr. C. E. Ragsdale, Manager of the Chicago Branch of the H. K.
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For Your
At the last minute you may decide
that you need more pictures to com-
plete your Xmas list. We can fill these
orders for duplicates before you leave
for. vacation.
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patronage of our many customers we announce the opening of
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ed to inspect our new home.