'TUESDAY, DECEMB3ER 11, 1928 TI-1I mICIGAN DAILY ' //^-- ;; l f l' A . ............... . 4! " 11 "O"O"!m 0 M " O 1, 0, 1 ml I w " IS m SWIM CARD OR ,VARSITY CAGER FiMiti AES SCOND YA NONEDHL OKU At Chicago Is Over competition to 8ahigheI~o.itc(h,.aIdl ;would tendt to stabiii,,Ae the peiv syst CIais to a greate r ctxcn (- VEARLINO CAGE CUT Vitty -0ht Of Original 140 rtemtin O~n 1932 Basketball Squad Af te~r Vinal Cut WOIRK 'ON IUNDAMENTIALA ! t Twenty-one players survived the, second yearling basketball cut an- nou iced yesterday by Coach Fish- er, less than one-seventh of the 150 who reported at the start of the :season -being ;retained on the squad after this final paring. The players who remain on the squad are as follows: Black, Burn- ham, Anderson, Cronick. Miller, Connors, Daidas, Falls, Jones, Gar- ner, Hudson, Heston, Holland, Jen- nett, Weiss, Kroczyk, Ricketts, Me- Dornald, McNeil, O'Neil, and Pieck- arski. The squad of 21 may be augmen- ter b~y a few freshman football players who have not yet reported,a according to Coach Fisher, but in the main selection made after two1 weeks of scrimmage will remain the same. The increase in size over last year's freshman :team evident first in the squad of 120, and then in the -bunch of 40 retained after the' first cut, is even more apparent now, the yearlings averaging about 5 foot i1 Inches in, height, almost on~ A par with the Varsity. Several! of the football linemen are in- cluded in' the squad. With the scrimmage necessary to' select a first squad finished, Coach Fisher put the freshmen through! their first drill on fundamentals in theĀ° Field house yesterday after- nooni, assisted by Coach Cappon and Bill Orwig. The' yearlings engaged in an of- fensivec'and defensive drill on drib-, bling and shooting, with the for- wards taking the ball toward the_ basket from the sidelines while the guards attempted to break up ther dribbling. This drill was followed by a pass- ing workout, with impromptu teams tossing the ball around, special emphasis being placed on : short sharp passes. P~ractice closed with short scrim- n& between four teams, drill on o~iftsive formations from the tip- off' and offside plays being stressed with efforts to develop a passing!= attack which would get a forwardIz free for a tip in shot underneath the basket. 1 XANSAS CITY.-Bix "Six athletic diW-tors have approved a New Year's game between an all-Big Six senior team and an All-South- ,wes't senior eleven. -Continued'From Page Six)Michigan's vn c w I it rainur I the ntduameetFrsch edue.Not-xn)ncforzt evl---sor-g-_iimc Sports building also foarmzed a ccn- the ualmee scedul. Nrth Inan ffor todevlopa scrin (CntiuedFrom Page Six) ter of interest in the various dis- western and Illinois shared the punch which will most certainlycoiptta ewe hmizlhpcsin. Assat Drco polo title last season. Ibe needed when the accurate teovip frtomiffewent chmoshipould : Asisant D r keto amsfo ifrn col ol ahc gave a detailed dcserip - Non-Conference meets have al-. shooting Pennsylvania quintet, last be idle n h dasest ino h e ulig uiiii read ben shedledwithTo-yea~s a t er nIntrcolegatesuggest the enlargening of Intra- the cost of construction, the equip- ronto Y. M. C. A. at Toronto on champions, invades Yost fieldmu'1atvietoscanxetmntad.fohrfeue. Dec. 15, and Cleveland Athletic ;house Saturday night to provide' th aivoldie osmilan Vrty etado te eMrs club at Cleveland, Dec. 22. .The the second Opoiio;fth ercomipetition. Toronto Y' team will probably: for the Wolverines, Coach Veenker 4Lcn wrso nfr come to Ann Arbor for a return devoted last night's practice ses-' lcn wrso nfr eti aur.lo otyn u eea ifrn scale, was also considered, with; meetin anuay. ion o tyingoutseveal iffeentmost of the representatives present Effots f CachMannto obe- ;floor combinations. EffortsriofyCoachlManndtoosched-!in favor of doing so. This would ule meets with Illinois and Iowa LatFia'tnloe o e stimulate interest in intramural4 feat by a veteran Michigan State _______________ were unsuccessful. The Hawkeyes five can be blamed on anynme were on the Wolverine schedule 'aynme las saonmeeingdefat y aof causes, chief among them the 17~%~ las saonmeein deeatby , facts that McCoy and Orwig had -7 s yEr top heavy score. Illinois claimedtrnfre thi acvtes ro the~~~~ Bi e ulmetttels the gridiron to the basketball floor season with Michigan, but the Il-toltl tIeoeaclmtdt lini failed to meet the teams that the cage game and that Kanitz, finished one-two-three in the Con- h hdbenxold ihCati iti sRe~ -f ference championships at Minne- r McCoy, OrwigChapman, and Rose'ch s e G f :": apolis. as regular forward, was out with a;7 Coach Mann put his swimmers asrie nladcno eEvanston, Ill"" a sprinedankl and anno be e. 1, 1927 through a strenuous workout yes- taei niaieo ot o h ~r: ~o o terday afternoon. The free stylers,! team, according to Coach Veenker. ; Ric lmniond, Va. breast strokers, and back strokers Wok!go hedvlomnto. I-L' 1' all saw plenty of action, while the a short passing game desig-ned to 1 llal)('nr to 1)'. 11 z.With ia rc I o divers also exhibited their wares. woirk the ball unider thie bask~et fo t 'v r e7 fricnals, rno: (ly '' K blo O\\ tip in shots on fast breaks, Coaceh ' apof (''ors, ms tWige i, hly.show B rEAM PLAYS TON~IUT 1Veenker experimented with Cap- rCW0I11lar~i1an'(nt y years. Pr'om 13 service. . EXIpcrilicd p- NOTICE er::ati-".. Moticrate rates v -- -- NEW YORK.---Benny Friedman's BOSTON.- Wolverines defeated the New York pitcher, will Yankees. waukee. FURS AND Studc, FUR COATS S Made Up, Remodeled, l 10 sheets a ( the school Relined and Repaired monogramix - on the shf -Exclusine_ Your choic ripple finis - Workmanship =i neat box, fc SE. L. Greenbaum - Sipe Axon Arbor's Best and Lowest I el~ - Priced Furrier -448 Spring St. F LE - I~al 625Phone 4078 -Virgil Barnes, Brave1 lbe released to M! ~ntsail- Read! ,y on stationery. Get and 50 envelopes with insignia and your red initiai~ printed sets and envelopes. ec of either linen or [h paper, packed in a for $1.50. Sent on Request. e R. Austin ! Agent ;TCIIER HALLI S Ann Arbor, Mich amonI~ i~-g ue!i~iti- )LAS' or 'utl botcoh of 'e;tha Egewort h is the sty, the ofOP'' 1, c Icp r ra gift. S: rncer lY yours, I'. A. Fitzpatrick in design. All its mach airtight steel casing. S ESCHLENKER HAROARE S:d.v 4.1 Sitiokent- Tobacco t) Phone 6314 213 W. Liberty :.X111111111111111111111Illllllilllflllliflll111#1111111lIIU111111111111111i11.11111111Illllllilll'1111111N1i111llllllltl111 1111lills rl11111111111! The ManiShop If yoi need a suggest that new suit, we you drop " into the Mans Shop and look over the worsteds, in either finished or unfin- fishedn aterials. These r ... NOTICE--1I. W. Clark Shoe Fac-- tory, corner of South University Iand Forest. Let us save you 0 percent on your repair work. Only one shoe factory in tovn-. RIDING BOOTS from $10 up; golf {shoes from $8 uip; miocasins fit ten different leather styles, $6 All kinds of shoes made to your measure.--Hi. W. Clark. C LOST-WhI iite g old niecklace ch ain between Michigan and Lane Hall Saturday night. Dial 2-1055. ' 67,68 LOST - Diamond ring. Reward. LOSpt- Tel. 3936. 66,67,68 LOT- -PAIR OF PIG SKIN GLOVES, ABOUT SIZE 81/2. FINDER PLEASE CALL 22117- fSubscribe to The Michigan Daily, ~$4.00 a year. LOST--A small-size left hand buckskin glove somewhere be- tween Waterman Gym and cor ISouth University, on Thursday afternoon. Phone 6617. I. - -- --- ___- __ - WANTED WANTED- By stuadent, room and board job, or work mornings or evenings. Can drive cars. Box 10. 67,68 I WANTFD-.Cook, German woman, Iwith city references, wishies posi- tion in. fraternity or sorority Safter Christmas vacation. Tele- p~hone 6374. 64,65,66,67,68,60 HIUDSON COACH TRUNK-Wll pay cold cash for one in good shape. Dial 9853 after 12:15 at once. I FOR SALE I F 'OR SALE --Peach satin evening gown, size 16, worn once. Dial 4666 afte r six o'clock. 67,68 FOR SALE --Antique laces, cm- broclrisknit goods, toys; opena. af11ternroonas and evenings. 72 jT aPJoaitAve. .67,68,69 FOR RIENT FOR I RENT- -Nice, single room for rent at 1001 Forecst. Call 3204. 67 FOR RENT-Furnished apiartmjent throughout; a rooms and bath' for two :girls. Available Dec. 22. $50.' 621 Forest. Phone 5607. _______66,67,68 FOR RENT-Two single rooms or brne single and one double room. Studeits, nurses or business peo- Sple. Also garage. Dial 8544. 422 - last Washington. 66,67,68 SUBSCRIBE TO THEm MICHIGAN 'DILY aits are correctly desigrn- cd and carefully cut- moderately priced from $45. I' U -----_ .. .. -r-. ,5 ,/ if / , , f ,, ,, ,.,, r ,, , , . r; ;ail ' ii' l r,..,, ,;, :, New sltllltS featuringr newer colors and designs;, also a fine selection in the solid col- of pj~iimS iIT~n 4 A The TEAM,, The CLLEGTeCU ALneed it-I AND SO DOES ANY PROJECT Any inan wl o bv played on a team1, taken part in ,glee' club, newspaiper or college activity knows that success is often attained only by co-ordinating the experience of many persons in one organization. Stone & Webster is prepared to help plan and organize a new developmntt in any field of enterprise. Within its organization arc engincers to inake investigations, reports or appraisals preliminary to financing. More than that, Stone & Webster can provide financial plans and assist in financing. It can parry out work of any type or magnitude, providing complete designs and construction personnel. You will find Stone & Webster on the job in almost every state in the Union and in many foreign countries. When you leave colleg, you'll find these men ready to help you, ready to give you the benefit of 39 years' experience in financing, operating, and build. ing. You'll find the Stone & Webster organization is worth knowing and worth doing business with. Plain lnd falcy liosicry alkjd-io ors. Jlii ribbed aoir w1 11 CO rl trasiin clocki iigs-aiid reasonably prjccd. - - a f 4)' 1. ."if your iueckwear nleds now while- the:, stocks are, large,, new shipments are arriving da-,,ily. Many newX colors haIVC be rc- dcived in (fheplain colored and sinall figured designs. The popularity of r tgad to show them to yOIJ. $3.50 THE YEAR I'll