Coach Veenker's Reserves
Start Against Central.
State Quintet
With two different Wolverine Re-
serve teams each slated to play one
half of tonight's encounter, the
Mount Pleasant 'quintet appears to
be in for a busy time when it in-
vades Yost feld housein the open-
Ing game of the 'Junior Varsity
Two "B" teams will represent
Michigan, a five made up of re-
serves from Coach Veeniker's "'A"
Squad being slated to start the tilt
at 7:30 and finish out the first half,
while an entirely different quintet
chosen from Coach Courtwright's
degular "B" squad will take the
floor against the Mt. Pleasant team
after the intermission.
Four of last year's Junior Var-
sity will again be in the lineup
which will ring up the curtain on
the 1928-29 "B". season. Slagle,
Balsamo, Myron, and Cushing all
earned their AMA's on last year's
ieserves, while the fifth member of
the squad, Montague, is a spho-
Juniors Lack Height
Balsamo, who saw action against
ichigan State last Friday, will
start at one forward with Slagle
at the other. Montague will hold
down the center occupied by Ny-
land last season, while Cushing will
be at one guard with Myron as his
running mate. Several other of
the Varsity substitutes may be in-
serted into the lineup during the,
first half.
Coach Courtwright's five will
average muchi less in height than
the Varsity Reserve aggregation,.
but will try to make up the handi-
cap by better teamwork.
With Weinstein pnd Downing at
the forwards, Dougal at center, and
Lytle and Engleman at guards,
Coach Courtwright seems to have
found the fast breaking, smooth
running combination needed to
carry out the passing type of game
the "B" team is being coached in.
Boast Good Pass Attack
The two diminutive forwards,
Weinstein and Dbugal, won theirl
numerals on the 1927-28 yearling
squad, as did Lytle and Dougal,
while Engleman has had experi-
ence on class teams.
In practice the Junior Varsity
quintet has shown a passing at-
tack that has overcome the handi-
cap of size to give both Weinstein
and Downing many short shots onj
fast breaks from the sides. The
value of long tosses has been dis-
counted, and a short passing of-
'fense with Lytle taking the ball
down the floor has been stressed.
Bauer, Den Bleyker, Murphy,
Doliusky, and McAfee are all likely
to be given an opportunity in the
(Continued on Page Seven)
Although Georgia Tech by do-;the respective powers of Georgia CINCLVDT IWhen the final whistle had
feating Georgia, 20 to 6, cinched Tech and Detroit and the fitness jloscd the-first game of the 1928--
its claim on the southern confer- of one or the other of them to 29 basketball season for seven Big
ence title and gained the acknowl- meet the strong California eleven University Of Chicago Director Is Ten schools, the scoreboards
edgement of the whole country as in the football classic of the year Chosen As President showed the defeat of four of them
a fighting contender against Cali- during the Tournament of Roses Of Assrcniatioii to supposedly inferior opponents,
forma in what promises to be a et Pasadena, on New Year's day, l -.and although the remaining three
brillant climax to an. interesting even the Detroit backers will admit DISCUSS SEVERAL PLANS won their games, they failed toF
and stormy football season at Pas- that the sonthern team is well -I show the power expected againstj
dena.on New Year's, both Tennes-1 qualified for this inter-sectional ! Representatives from twenty or: teams which were not rated in the
see and Florida, whose bitter battle which often decides the more universities and colleges, same class as Conference outfits.1
struggle last week ended in victory football supremacy of the East and convening for the' annual meeting In view of the avalanche of upsets
by one point for the Vols, have West. of the National Intramural Sports which marked, the past football
played a valuable role in the re- The Georgia Tech gridders have Association, held last week in Chi- season, the more recent surprises
cent but undisputable rise of the showed considerabi6 power during cago, have again returned to their f do not cause as great a shock as
South in: the ealm of football. i their rise this season and are as respective schools with a more when the big schools were all-pow-
Tho Gators who fell before a de- well qualified as any of the other vivid idea of intramural sports erful in the realm of sport.
termined eleven from Tennessee11 undefeated elevens to claim the problem, anid the forming of defi-! However, when four Big Ten
have earned the distinction of be- mythical national title, depending, nite campaigns with which to meet teams, one of the the co-holder of
ing the highest scoring machine in of course, on the outcome of the this problem. the championship last year, lose
the nation as a result of their game on Jii. 1. If Tech defeats The electionl of oificers was the their opening tilts of the season,
ability to amass a total of 3, California in a decisive manner,' first business to be taken up in the the fact cannot go unnoticed. In-I
points in nine games. This achieve- the powess of southern football first session. The group chose diana, Ohio State, Michigan, and
'ment alone was enough to bolster teams will be above any rational Doctor C. O. Molander of the tUni- Minnesota were the teams to lose,
the status of Dixie football elevens contradiction this season. versity of Chicago to step into the while Northwestern, Iowa, and Chi-
in respect to those of the rest of ___ vacancy left by the .retiring presi- 1 cago pulled their initial games out
the country. Having fought their dent, Elmer D. Mitchell, Director of the fire for victories.v
way through the year up to t of Intramural sports here at Mich- ;Hoosiers Lose
final game without a defeat and igan The defeat of Indiana, last year's
hoping to share honors with Harold Woods the assistant di- champions, 31-30, by Washington
Georgia Tech in the southern con- r rector at. Ohio State was then se- university of St. Louis, was the out-
ference, 'Florida was unable to lected as Vice-President of the As- standing upset of the week-end.
overcome the one point lead of the -ll llLHIIIL sociation, 'while Smith, who directs Washington, coached by Don White,
Valunteers; although a heavy bar- --__- f.the intramural department at the former Purdue star, swept the!
rage of forward passes late in the Feels That Fraternity Question Is I'University of Vlinnecota was the Hoosiers off their feet with their
game threatened to result in an- Serious 1andicap To choice of the convention for Sec-1 bewildering attck, and held their
other victory to add to the renown Gridiroii Squad rotary. . margin in the last minutes of play
of 'the.Gato0 scoring machine. _After considerable discussion it when the Indiana men made a,
As it ended, however, Florida' m , i, e was decided to petition the nation- ?desperate attempt to snatch vic-
failed to tie Georgia Tech for the j MONTCLAIR, N. J., Dc . al officers ,of Delta Sigma Psi, hon- Nc ory from defeat. This game open-t
southern title and Tennessee fin- Mal Stevens, Yale's football coach, oray athletic fratermnity, to allow ed Indiana's new d$300,000 field
ished three years of football with thinks that the increase in frater- Intramural champions in certamnhousc, and was witnessed by more
only one defeat at the hand of nity activities was one important sports to substitute their achieve- than 4,000 spectators.
Vanderbilt in 1926 and two tie factor in the Flis' unsuccessful ent for one, of the requirements.' Ohio Wesleyan, whom the Wol-
scores to fmar a perfect slate. One gridiron season. . Under this plan then aman could verines remember for their grid-'
of. these ties, with Kentucky, is all wral in the intramural tennis chain- iron victory last season, turned the1
that prevents the Volunteers from Syingat te' an al ran- pionship, and then apply it asa same trick on Ohio State, this -time
sharing honors with Georgia Tec~h ly ain Nick Robert's barn at Mont- s substitute for some one of the sm rc i hoSae hstm
hismseason.G g T clair Stevens said he wanted to ensuruie d of th e on the indoor court. The Buck-
h offer no, alibis but he did feel that ing to make the fraternity,mp eyes went down to defeat by a
This record of Tennessee which corehnyquestion was one Ofismpr en uhy scr of 36-20 before the smaller
no other school in any section of the most serious andicaas to the f This plan seems logical enough olege, after trailing 17-6 at the
the country can even closely ap- e football squad h and fair also, takg to view the end of the half. Ohio never head-
proch adds considerably to the, Jaksqa fact that in the east, men winning ' etl the Wesleyan team, who showed
prestige of the southland as a fac- ae Players Time their Varsity letter, have been per- the same power as they displayedj
tor to be reckoned with in the ; Fraternity activities cut heavily initted to use their award as sub- on the football field.
football world. Whenever any col- ito our work during three weeks stitute for one of the required ac- In a game marked by its slow-
lege hangs up such a record of the season which were devoted tivities. ness and close guarding, North
against the competition faced by to frat rushing," he said. "For Another interesting proposal that Dakota furnished the third sur-
the Volunteers, that school has years members of the faculty have would revolutionize the present
ceased to be a negligible quantity been complaining of the enforce- system endorsed by the different OT
i and takes on a national impor-: ments of fraternity activities on intramural staffs, was discussed at X GNT-
tance. college work but it seems to have some length and though no action Ao
The games Saturday left the taken a demonstration of their was taken ,it seems likely that in A ersrport at 3 o'clok
South the only section of the con harmful effects on foot ball to the near future the plans may be s ar t Waterman
Y asause'S'le t a ealiatio tht adoted y soe o theschols t iymniasiumn. There will be no 4 j
try with more than one undefeat- , aeto'eliainta dptdb oeo teshosa clock class because of a meet
ed major football eleven. While they must be curtailed. Next lt,i Droit. All 4 o'clock men
Tech and Tennessee uphold the season, I am assured, they will be I bwas proposed that rsystenmi be w Detot A o'clock
laurals of the South, California so that is one less worry on our established whereby extramural wls o'clk.
represents the Pacific coast, Utah shudr. Continlued on Page Seven) Lea lbn o
the West, the University of Detroit
the Midwest, and Boston college ______vow..o.......-......._________________-______________
the East. I
While it cannot be denied that
there is much verbal dispute over
S 11li ttll tli tttti tl ti ttttitiii i
prise of the week by letting down;
Minnesota by the tight score of
Coach Veenker's Wolverine cage
squad went down in defeat before
a veteran outfit from Michigan
State by a score of 31-24. The i
Spartan squad presented pyactical- !
ly the same lineup as the one with }
which the defeated the strong I
Notre Dame team last season.
Northwestern failed to impress
in their 35-20 defeat of the "Little
Giants" of Wabash. The game was
slow and did not give any impres-
sion of power in the Purple cage
squad. Iowa staged a 20-point vic-
tory over South Dakota by a score
of 37-17, but this game was slow
Monmouth furnished the open-,
inj4 opposition for Chicago, and
were defeated by a score of 28-16,
but the boys from the Midway, as
did the other Conference teams,
failed to show much class in their I
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Dec. 10.-Allan Hol-
man, Ohio State's star quarterback,
as well as Mayes McLain, Iowa's
Cherokee Indian fullback ace, is
apparently through with Big Ten,
While McLain was the only one i
!to be officially declared ineligible
for further competition by the
l faculty committee because of the'
three-year Player rule, it was re-
garded as a foregone conclusion
by the committee and coaches that
Holman, too, would be banished.
The three-year rule, reaffirmed
by the committee during the an-
nual Big Ten sports conclave here
Saturday, limits any one to three
years of college athletic competi-
tion. Holman played a season on
the Parsons college football team,
another with Iowa State and one
at Ohio State. McLain played two
seasons with the Haskell Indians
and one with Iowa.
j L. W. St. John, director of ath-
letics at Ohio State said that in
his opinion Holman would be bn
ned. The Ohio State athletic board
will make the decision, bust if it
should decide in favor of Holman,
but protests are certain.
Indiana To Open New Intramrural
Pool On Feb. 2; Chicago
Is Possible Opponent
Four Conference teams will com-
prise Michigan's dual meet swim-
ming schedule for 1929 as drawn
up by Coach Matt Mann at the
Big Ten coaches' parley in Chi-
cago last week-end, with the pos-
sibility of Chicago as a fifth op-
ponent. Indiana, Minnesota, Wis-
consin, and Northwestern will pro-
vide the opposition for the Maize
and Blue natators this season.
Indiana will come to Ann Arbor
Feb. 2 for the initial Big Ten dual
meet. This will mark the dedica-
tion of the new pool in the Intra-
mural building. Heretofore the
Wolverines have competed in the
Union pool..
Purple Comes HIere
The Wolverines will go to 'Min-
neapolis on Feb. 9 for a meet with
the Gophers. This will continue
the annual rivalry between the
two schools. A meet with Chicdgo
is tentatively scheduled for Feb. 11
on the return trip.
Northwestern will invade the
new pool on March 11 to engage
the Michigan tankmen. This
should provide a spectacular meet,
as the Wildcats possess some o,
the best collegiate swimmers in the
Title Meet At Chicago
The Wolverines will be defend-.
ing their title as'Big Ten cham-
pions in the Conference meet at
Chicago on March 15 and 16. ,For
the second successive year this
meet will be held in a 60-foot pool,
as it is being sponsored by the
University of Chicago.
Two weeks later the national col-
legiate championships will be held
at St. Louis under the auspices o:
Washington university. Michigan
will also be defending its title,
gained last season at Philadelphia,
in this meet.
Water polo games will be played
with all the teams appearing on
(Continued on Page Seven)
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