PACT!; FIOTTRI- THE ITCI-IIC N DAILY D M PAGE~ FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUi~ZDAY, ThF~C~M~Efl Thu1~S Purblised every morn g ecept Monday during the Uiversit year bythe Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively n- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it nr not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- I ished herein. Entered at the plistoffice at Ann Abor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- waster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.0o; by mail, X4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May'. tiard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Busmnesq, 2121,. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Fditor...... ....... . Paul J. Kern City Editor............N... elson 3. Smith News Editor...........Richard C. Krvink Sports JEditor..........Morris Quinn Women's Editor.............Sylvia S. Stone Editor Michigan Weekly.. . J. Stewart Hooker Music and Drama..............R. L.Askren Assistant City Editor......Lawrence R. Klein Night Editors Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe oseph E. Nowell Tierce Ronnberg onald J. Klenc George E. Simons George C. Tilley Reporters Raul T. Adams C. A. Lewis Morris Alxander Marian MacDonald .."._ Esther Anderson Henry Merry C. A. Askren N.S Pickard Bertram Ask with Victor Rabinowitz p~use Bbymer Anne Schell rthur Bernstein Rachel Shearer Seton C. Boee Robert Silbar Isabel Charles Howard Simon I.R. Chubb Robert L. Sloss Frank E. Cooper Arthur R. Strbel Helen Domine Edith Thomas Douglas Edward Beth Valentne Valborg Egeland Gurney Williams Robert J. Feldman Walter Wilds Marjorie Follmer George E. Wohlgemuth William Gentry Robert Woodroofe Lawrence Hartwig Joseph A. Russell Richard Jung Cadwell Swanson Charles : Kauf man A. Stewar' Ruth Keley Edward L. Warner Jr. Donald E. Layman Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Asistarit Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER AderisngDepartment Manaer cee Advertising.. .. .A. ex K. Scherer Advertising .........A. James Jordan _. Advertising......... Carl W. Hammer Service....... .......Herbert E. Varnum Circulation................George S. Bradley Accounts..............Lawrence E.. Walkley Publications..............Ray M. Hofelich Assistants Irving Binzer Jack Horwich onald Blackstone Dix Humphrey Mary Chase Marion Kerr Jeanette Dale Lillian, Kovinsky Vernor Davis Bernard Larson Bessie Egeland Leonard Littlejohn Helen Geer lollister Mabley Ann Goldberg Jack Rose Kasper Halverson Carl F. Schemm George Hamilton Sherwood Upton Agnes Herwig Marie Welstead Walter Yeagley TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1928 Night Editor-GEORGE E. SIMONS AN INNOVATION The appearance of three Detroit business nien here tonight to de- bate three University students upon the subject of capital pun- ishment marks an event in life at the University which should not pass unnoticed. Selected from the membership of a University extension department speech class in Detroit, the visitors have taken an exceptional inter- est in the opportunity of appear- ing before a university student au- dience. Although the discussion will fur- nish the regular program at the meeting of Alpha Nu tonight, it is open to the public and will be at- tended by all members of the ex- tension class. The views of these men, decidedly different from those held by student thinkers, are worthy of careful consideration and should be well received. S E-oP STUDENT OPINION Lamentable to a degree never more keenly realized than during the past few months is the lack of opportunity for the expression and exchange of student and faculty opinion. Student organizations have at- tempted to improve the situation by promoting discussions at their meetings with the result that thought along certain lines and among small.groups has been given considerable stimulation. Discus- sion of an absolutely free and un- restricted sort, however, has neve been encouraged at these meetings because the specialized fields of interest of the organizations havecorrespondingly restricted th( nature of the questions discussed. With the announcement, how- ever, of an informal student forum to be conducted under the auspices of the Department of Journalism a totally new kind of organization may have its birth. Following a policy never before adopted in the recent history of the university the journalism department pro- poses to sponsor a plan whereby student opinion may be exchanged and crystallized in a manner total- ly unrestricted either by nature of the organization or by the manner of eondueting its meetings. sions. Leadership will spring from the students interested and the discussions of questions brought up, whether concerned with fed- eral investigation of student drink- ing or tariff revision under the new administration,, will be threshed out in a thoroughly vigorous fash- ion. Faculty members will be encour- aged to be present, and from time to time members of various depart- ments will be invited to speak at the meetings. In the case of stu- dent disapproval of University policy, the faculty members most intimately concerned will be espe- cially requested to be present to explain their views, and to enter- tain student criticism an oppor- tunity which they will doubtless welcome. Besides faculty speakers, others from outside the campus will be i vited to the meetings to address the group, and will be encouraged to enter into the discussions. The results of such an organiza- tion will depend on the extent tc which students welcome the op- portunities which it offers. Possessed with excellent possibil- ities, it is faced at the outset with the indifference so customary to modern life. If it can overcome this obstacle; and once gain an ac- very nature of its purpose prove an ceptable footing, it should from the institution of essential worth to the study body and occupy a place of no small consequence upon the campus. THE BURTON MEMORIAL { With the selection of the person- nel for the carillon drive, and the adoption of a resolution by the University of Michigan club of Ann Arbor to sponsor the erection of the campanile itself, the proposed Burton' Memorial Campanile, looms up as a reality. The further an- nouncement that the carillon com- mittees will hold a meeting early in January and at that time will I probably open the campaign for funds, gives an added, touch to the proposition, which has been hang- ing fire) ever since it was first sug- gested immediately' after the death of the late Marion Leroy Burton. By the resolution passed at a recent meeting ,the Ann Arbor club assumed the responsibility for erection of the campanile. This building, for which plans have not yet been chosen, will probably be built in the :Mall, just north of Njrth Uhiversity avenue. The members of all the classes which were in attendance at the University 'during the presidency of Dr. Burton, for whom the mem- morial is being erected, have band- ed together and through represen- tatives of their respective classes have decided to sponsor the drive for $86,000 for the purchase .and installation of a carillon of 53 bells. In the meantime, the Ann Arbor club is making plans for the secur- ing of the necessary funds for the construction of the campanile. Capable men are being selected to handle both drives and they will probably start work simultaneously early next year to complete the only remaining step, that of col- lecting the necessary finances. The entire program, which is to be completed by 1937, is a fitting me- morial to one of Michigan's great- est presidents .and with the con- certed effort of tha many interest- r ed alumni and students, nothing but the most successful results can be predicted. FRATERNITY HAZING The practice of subjecting can- didates to rigorous physical ordeals as a part of fraternity initiations was met with disapproval by the national Interfraternity conference at its recent meeting: in New York. "Rough -House" practices are r considered by some students to be expressions of college culture. Traditional pasts of college life s they have been accompanied at times by accidents, sometimes of a serious nature. These accidents are considered by the general pub- lic as being typical of fraternities and even of college itself. It is certain, then, that sooner or later, hazing must be abolished. j The action condemning "rough I tactics" was not taken by a coun- cil of deans, or fraternity advisors, - 1 but by the students themselves, in council alone. Fraternity men are I realizing, either consciously or un- consciously, that the objectional f practice must stop, and it would rbe better for the fraternities tc I make the move. OASTED ROLL TWILIGHT OF ANOTHER DAY Music And Drama "RAINBOW'S END" Reviewed By Kenneth G. Patrick .i I - e....__. t I i ; 1 The 1928 edition of the Annual After several years of precarious Union atrocity held its final dress traveling upon the well-earned rehearsal Sunday evening. At the reputation established by "Cotton Stockings," Mimes came back wi'h end the actors were very tired and forces last night ;mid crased the were anxiously awaiting Director campus season with ashyw tha Shuter's words to end the rehear- had beauty, melody, and fi so. sal. It finally came. "Well, boys, Habitues of the alley theater be- we're through with this day," Mr. hind the Union have said yearly Shuter said drily. "Wait until you see this one!" but y- after the numerous performances * * * the wiseacres shook their heads, It was demonstrated at the and resolved that the Opera as a close of the rehearsal that al- tradition was gone. If the tradi- though the opera is reputed to tion does not return in full bloom be the most brilliant and en- with "Rainbow's End" it can only tertaining of all past perfor- be because an investigation has mances, it would be the driest nipped the opus in the bud just as of all time, it was ready for the road. * * I This first night audiece was When this announcement be- kinder than those in the past have came known to the boys, twenty- ( been, but the characteristic can be three turned in resignations. It traced to good reasons. Before the may be necessary yet to draft curtain went up the Opera was al- some of last year's stars, even if ready limping under the strain of they have to employ a toe-dancer. too much favorable publicity, the } * * loss of a cast member on the eve From the way things have of the opening, and a trashy title. panned out in the Opera, the For a time it looked as though the name should be changed from fears of the pessimists were going Rainbow's End to the End of to be justified, for the opening a Perfect Day. "Hymn to the Dawn" and fireI dance, although staged lavishly * and directed perfectly, dragged ou No matter how dry they make to impossible lengths. It will notI the Opera this year, we hold the be a thing unheard of if steps are rm conviction that it will be all taken before very long to cut it wet, somewhat short. The technicalities involved in both the opening and WACoO I!! _oclosing are greater than aiN, forI WATCH FOR IT!!!! ) some time, but there is hardly a F hitch in the proceedings. Which I On Sunday morning, Decem- all goes to show what rehearsals S..ber 16, Rolls will print in this.. will do for any show-a fact in- column its own review of the delibly and bitterly impressed Upon Opera: It will be twenty last year's audiences. inches of iconoclasm, truth, But once the gun is sounded and and revelations. Here and f the chorus has begun to beat time here only will you read an ac- to Bud Lewis' "Mexican-" the per- count of the opera that is un- I formance is on, and thc tension is biased. We bought our own not lessened until the finale and ticket. the chorus girls and Pueblo In- Is not mere/v a Tea Room We feature the entertainment of Tea Leaf Reading 3011 South State Street Phone 7036 We are closed every Sunday Michigan Tailors A DIES COA P RETTNED3 REASONABLE PRICE WORK GUARANTEED 625 E. Liberty St., Upstairs TICKETS & RESERVATIONS For All Important Lae and Ocean Lines Tours, Cruises Independent .Traveld E. G. Kuebler Gen. Steamship Agency 601 E. Huron Ph.6417 ANN ARBOR o 1kii II e1A11 Christmas Music YPSILANTI NORMAL CHOIR FREDERICK ALEXANDER, Conductor 200 Mixed Voices 150 Children's Voices E mAy eection , twbles ,you Noels from Provence, Medieval Germany and Old England; Nativity Music from Italy, Austria, Russia, France; early English Choral Dances; Madrigals; Ballets. Pease Auditorium, Ypsilanti, Wed., Dec. 12 9 p. m. sharp 50 cents to any seat. No reserved seats. 'H r EBERBACH & SON CO. ESTABLISHED 1843 SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY SUPPLIES 200-202 E. LIBERTY S'I. o- i dians alike shout out the strains * * * of "The Victors" at the tops of A late report disclosed the fact their voices. The book, although that the itinerary of the Opera it is not extraordinary for its trip had been cut down by one day. moments, is a mui'h less flimsy *thing than is usually fhlii before * * *the friends and anmi. A very sad And for the slogan of the fa- tefinsaija~m.Av r a mous 1928 Union Ora we su- type of college boy, burned badly Fmous .1928 Union Opera we sug by the brighthgh s of Broadway. gest "Day by Day, in every way, seeks refuge as a dude rancher. ye ett e nf s sf aaA hetare The"Nonchalant" the most popular of all tuxedos---our own-feature garment. $38 WAGMkCQMANY jor 71en Cm ?s S~nCe 1&4& wc quv uutovc1 allu Ut:;ULOUL. * * * Mary Gold, Mary Gold, j what would YOU do in the F case of the 1928 Michigan I Union Opera? * * "The 1928 Michigan Union Opera," blared forth Fierce Pois- onberg, publicity chairman de luxe of the show, in tones flamboyant,! "will be the biggest event since Ben Hur. In fact.,it's the event of the day.'' The publicity department of the Opera has thanked us pro- fusely for helping them make this year's Opera the best yet. To which we rather pointedly reply and remind, "The Same To You!" ,* * * President Little's plan to have class football 'teams sounds inter- esting. Why not expand the idea and make it a Conference affair? "On Tuesday, November 10, the 9 o'clock section in Math will meet the Purdue Victorian Novel class in football at the Michigan Sta- dium." * * * The debating team, it is claimed in The Daily, has ar- range a rotating schedule. Well, they always have talked all around the subject. Henri de Kerillis, of the Echo de Paris, states that he has found something in Ann Arbor that is quite different from any other city in the world. Yes, Henri, it's the landladies. *-* S Henri also thinks that our co-edsrarea little "rough." Oh, Henri, where and how did you spend your time in Ann Arbor? -* * * At this moment it would be nost appropriate to say somnthing for the music, as written by Eddie Hey- " man, Lewis, and Watkins, as sung, by the choruses and principals, and as rendered by the best or- chestra that has ever graced an Opera pit. The latter is capably organized and directed by Roy Langham, who last year pulled the show out of a bad hole and re- ceived little credit for it. The melodies are Heyman's, and the best of them are the stirring "Song of the Cowboys," "I Can't Believe It," and the hilarious "Pow Wow Papa." Watkins' "Queen of Hearts" is the theme song. "Pow Wow Papa" is put out of the ordinary class by the singing and acting of Danny Buell. The most extraordi- nary thing, however, is the uncom- promising way in which the music of Bud Lewis, relegated to the background in a publicity sense, scores the only real hit of the pro- duction. Granted that "Mexicana" was difficult for the glee club boys to conquer, it effectively set the pace for the whole show neverthe- less. And "Fly Away," opening the second act, serves in the same ca- pacity, at the same time giving the chorus the opportunity of doing its best work of the evening. Individual performers must al- ways be slighted because of space limit, but the work 'of Dick Kur- vink, Harlan Cristy, Dan Buell, and Bill Browne will receive plenty of notice in the future, or this guess i I f t i E i d t GET THIS ONE 9 , - - -", --- -- --mowmalwAo , 1 r, " , 1 M1 h ,"/ .1 d a ,-- I u - . ,. 7 f . ,. -. ;, . , , . . . . . , ., _ . ,, . . . -.. 7? . - o ' y1o j rr y I S " ,o... .o a is missed. All make their personal- ities an undeniable part of the pro- J duction, which is a sure-sign that they will continue to go over. Browne is as becoming a leading lady as has ever had his picture hung in the Whitney lobby, the! reputation of Mike Ames to the contrary. Sidney Straight has; work cut out for him if his acting is to keep the pace set by his voice. And last-George Johnson, pinch-hitting for the hapless Bill Day, deserves Mr. Shuter's thanks 'for the way in which he stepped Ed: "When did you change to Wingfoots, Ted?" Ted: "The first time I heard Goofus clattering around on hard ones." EVEN a heel can have good manners, and carry a quiet, easy dignity wherever it goes. That's why you see rubber heels on more and more good footwear now, because more people walk on Goodyear Wing foot Heels than on any other kind -and preferred for these very reasons of good style and cushioning. They look fine, feel better, and last And once more, Henri; in comparison between French American universities, did mention whether or not they your and you had .......automobiles in France? into the breach. If the cynics of the diagonal desire to feast their And from the staid old Lon- eyes on something really attractiveE don Daily Mail we find this in the way of chorus girls, let priceless bit of art, displaying them ogle Bill Reynolds, who does the manner in which a loyal his stepping at the right end of British newsnaner handIes the line. If Lester gets another and hear less of the clump- 3 longer. thump-bump of the old hard Bob into the community repair heels. shop and see how quickly and Of all rubber heels, Goodyear ov neatly the expert repairman Wingfoot Heels are greatly puts on new Goodyear preferred-we know they are Wi**ยง*' Wingfoot Heels-today!