School of Education-Change of Meeting Places: Alpha; Nu: Frederikson, C.
Course A 25, Philosophy of Education at 11, move from Educational Alpha Nu, national debating society of Kappa Phi Sigma, will open Gilman, Donald
Laboratory, Tappan Hall, to Room 4017 University High School. its programs for the semester with a debate Tuesday, October 1, at Goodnow, W. J.
Course B20, Principles of Teaching, Sec. IV, at 11, move from room 7:30 in the Alpha Nu room. The question is, Resolved: that a highly Sengelaub, C. W.
4017 University High School to 4203 University High School. civilized people has the right to exercise authority over a less highly Weymouth, C. A.
civilized people. All interested in membership in the society are invited Wong, T.
Freshmen Interested in Public Speaking:
Attention is called to the fact that first semester freshmen are
eligible to membership in The Adelphi Literary Society. This is one
of the few activities open to first semester students. Visitors are wel-
come Tuesday evening at 4203 Angell Hall.
R. H. Lloyd, Speaker
d Sociology 155 (Experimental Sociology):
a , Members of this class will meet to arrange hours at 5 p. in., Monday,
in Room 201, Economics Building.
L. J. Carr
E. M. 10:
E. M. 10 will be offered during the present term, 1 or 2 hours, as a
library course in the history of early engineering developments. Meet-
ings Tuesday at 7 p. m. and Thursday at 4 p. in. in the Transportation
Library, East Engineering Building.
R. S. Swinton
Scandinavian 1:
Scandinavian 1 (Beginning Norwegian) will meet henceforth ac-
cording to the following schedule:
Tuesday 9:00, 305UH.
Wednesday 2:00, 305UH.
Thursday 9:00, 305UH.
Norman L. Willey
Students desiring to elect Sanscrit should meet me at 4 o'clock to-
morrow (Monday) in room 2022 Angell Hall to arrange hours of
C. L. Meader
Seniors Taking German 1:
All Seniors who have elected German 1 are requested to see me with
reference to a possible change of their section in German. I shall be in
my office, Room 204 U.H., on Monday, October 1, at 12 o'clock and
Tuesday, October 2, from 10-12.
Max Winkler
Choral Union Concert Tickets:
All series tickets for the Choral Union Concert Series which may
not have been ordered by mail will be offered for sale over the counter
at the University School of Music beginning Monday morning, October
1. There probably will be a limited number of seats left in all divisions.
If any season tickets remain, they will be broken up for individual
concerts and offered for sale over the counter at the University School
of Music Monday morning October 8, at $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00 each.
Charles A. Sink
Organ Recital:
Palmer Christian, University organist and head of the organ depart-
ment of the University School of Music, will give the first recital in this
year's series of twilight recitals in Hill Auditorium Wednesday afternoon,
October 3, at 4:15 o'clock. The public, with the exception of small
children, will be admitted free. Doors will be closed promptly at the
hour of beginning, and latecomers will not be admitted until after
the number has been performed.
Charles A. Sink 3
University Symphony Orchestra:-
Tryouts foil the University Symphony Orchesta will be held at theI
University School of Music, Maynard Street, between 7 and 8 o'clock,(
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, of this week. All University students
are eligible. Applicants should bring some music with which they areI
familiar, as sight-reading is not of first importance. Candidates areI
heard individually and no definite selections are made until all haveI
S. P. Lockwood
Junior Research Club:
The Junior Research Club will meet in Room 1121, Natural Science
Building at 8 p. m. Tuesday, October 2. Dr. G. G. Brown will speak
on "Motor Fuel Research in the Department of Chemical Engineering."
L. O. Case, Secretary
Inlander Staff:
There will be a meeting of the Inlander staff in Room 407 Library
at 7:30 o'clock, Wednesday evening, October 3.
Harold M. Silverman
All students interested in the writing of creative prose and poetry
for publication are asked to be in the Inlander office of the Press
Building sometime between 3 and 6 o'clock Tuesday afternoon.
Harold M. Silverman
Tryouts For University Girls Glee Club:
Troyuts for the University Girls Glee Club will be held at the
School of Music, Studio 216, on Monday, October 1, at 4 p. m., and
Tuesday, October 2, at 4:15 p. m.
Lucille Beresford, Presi.
Portia Literary Society:
There will be a short business meeting of old members Tuesday,
October 2, at 7:00 p. in., in the Portia room. Tryouts for new members
will follow at 7:30 p. m.
to attend. Visitors are also cordially invited. Section II, Tuesday and Thurs-
John Webster, President
Cook, R.
Evans House of Representatives: E4 ns A. B.
Mr. Gerald O. Dykstra, '30L, will address the House Tuesday evening,'
October 2, on the subject "Experiences in Russia." Mr. Dykstra has spent
some time in Russia during the pas t year and visitors are assured of anJ
interesting lecture. This lecture is open to all. The public is invited
and freshmen are welcome.
Robert H. Lloyd, Speaker of the House
Comedy Club:
The first meeting of Comedy Club will be October 1, Monday, 4
p. in., in room 302 U. H. The first production date is Oct. 21 so all mem-
bers must be present at this meeting to choose the play.
Thurston Thieme,
Hlindustan Student Club :
The first meeting of the Hindustan Student Club will be held in
the Club's rooms at Lane Hall on Sunday, Sept. 30, at 3:00 p. m. All
o mldembers and new Indian Students on the campus are cordially
invited to be present.
W. B. Palmer, Secretary
Michigan Dames:
The first meeting of the Michigan Dames Club will be held onC
Tuesday, October 2, at 8 o'clock, at the Faculty Women's Clubhouse,
226 South Ingalls street. An invitation to attend this meeting is ex-
tended to the wives of all students.
Mrs. C. W. Ferris, President-
The Philippine-Michigan Club:
The Philippine-Michigan Club will hold its opening meeting for
the year at 2:30 p. m. in Lane Hall today. Election of officers will be
the important business of the meeting. Old members must bring along
with them friends who have just come.
Donato T. Suyat
Web and Flange:
Meeting will be held Tuesday, October 2, at 7:00 o'clock in the Mich-
igan Union.
Geo. W. Efner, President
Michigar4 Daily Business Staff:
There will be a regular. meeting of the Michigan Daily Business
Staff, Monday at 4:30 p. m. All sophomores and second semester fresh-
men who wish to try out should report at this time.
Edward L. Hulse
Choral Union Ushers:
All men having had past experience at Hill Auditorium may regis-
ter thete between 5:00 and 6:00 p. m. Tnesday, October 2.
All others wishing to register may do so Wednesday between 6:00
and 7:Oq p. m. Please use east entrance.
W. A. Davenport
Fines, L. O.
Hahn, E. M.
Hammond, J. S.
Hannon, R. T.
Hendrick, W. H.
Kepner, L. D.
King, M. B.
Lance, A. F.
Lewis, D. H.
Love, M. E.
Manley, T.
Mitchall, W. G.
Mohr, C. A.
Mugerdichian, M. B.
Nichols, C. H.
Papj liki
de Paredes, R. G.,
Rowe, B. A.
Schmutz, G. A.
Shapiro, S.
Silvers, W. C.
Wiegand, R.
Wolfe, H./" A.
" 4
Section III, will meet Monday at
7 p. .m, Room 317, for further con-
sideration of h ours.
Akram, A. B.
Albin, D.
Bailey, J. R.
Banwell, C. A.
Buszek, S. J,
Carpenter, D. J.
Ciocca, E. C.'
Cooke, R.
Fessenden, B. M.
Goeller, C.
Hathaway, M. E.
Jewell, E. M.
Lambert, J H.
Lampman, H. D.
MacVicar, D. W.
Meeder, Wesley
Ohlheiser, C. E.
Orr, P. L.
Schall, R. C.
Smith, R. W.
Zutoki, T. N.
Mathematics Z (Solid Geometry): N *C.:Fisk
Students classified for Math. Z will meet with their sections as
listed below. First assignment, Betz and Webb, Solid Geometry, pages -
327 to 345. = J CDN E
Section 1, Wednesday and Saturday at 8, Room 317. 50c DINNER
Anderson, P. E. Griffing, M. M. American Management
Bareis, C. W. Haight, E. C. American Cooking
Benner, Theo. A. Mock, P. P. Everything Spotless
Bergcrantz, L. N. Reynolds, G. A. _
Canter, D. Richardson, C. I. CAMPUS
Durrett, R. W. Roemer, J. L. CATERING CO.
Fichman, M. W. Rozenboom, G. 611 E. William St.
Finsterwald, M. Schloss, W. L. 1-2 Block Off State St.
Fitzgibbons, D. W. . Schultz, F. V.
~-~~ rrruru urHrnnnrrrnrrrrHnn unu
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DrAwDng Intrum enIts
'SBOOK Store
Nellie Becker, President
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