TUESDAY, DECEMBER ,11, 1928 THE MICAH-IGAN DAILY *-PAGE THUR CAPI TLISM AND WR RELATIONSHIP DENIED Mme. Rosika Schwimmer Addresses; International Forum At Lane Hall 'ASKS CONTROL OF PRESS BOSTON BULL MAKES SANDY BOW; HOBBS' INTERVENTION SAVES HE "Sandy," canine pride of the Hobbs and Snidy a f w iur geology, department, very nearly ments as he bared his lee. lost his pugilistic laurels yesterday rushed to the fray cleterrin morning in front of the Natural eliminate the geology favorit. Science building, and were it not all aspirations to 1,lie caIp for the solicitous intervention of championship which is c-1 his master, Professor Hobbs, would from time to time. have certanly suffered .ignominous However, Sandy's na4ter d defeat at the hands of a much that the military tactics he" smaller but much more determined played should be reserved 1 The relationship between capi- Boston bull. man beings, and urged the s] talism and war was denied by Mme. I Peace loving traits which belied tors to separate the a nimls.I Rosika Schwimmer, famous Hun- his training caused Sandy much the fight was too enjoyarb garian pacifist, at an international discomfiture when the bulldog do- everyone had l h u-ew Irouse forum held Sunday afternoon at termined to entertain a dozen de- but no peace mnaher was lor'il Lane hall. She said that if we are lighted spectators by taking the ing, and it remained for Pro to abolish the evils of industrial- Greenland mascot apart to see Hobbs to wade ito the fray ism, it should be done after abol- what he was made of. The bull, at the peril of life and limb, r ishing war, when we will be able probably never having heard of his dog from what at that sta to devote all our time to develop- Mine. Rosika Schwimmer, or the the fray appeared to be ccr tai ing ecomonic improvements. In Ford peace ship, gave Professor ,feat. refutation to the theory advanced by one of the audience that capi- AVFgIAGE AGE OF COLLEGE ST UDEN talists cause war, MmAe. Schwim- mer pointed to the Scandinavian IS LESS THAN TWENTY, SAYS R4EP countries, where there has been no ! war for over a century, though I"That most university students seniors aged 21 than. aiy there are capitalists in Norway and are less than 20 years old is reveal- age. In the whole university Sweden. j ed in a report compiled by the reg-. are only 88 students older ila Mme. Schwimmer also urged in- istrar of the University of Oregon. 44 men and 44 women. ternational control of the press, to The age of twenty lead the others It was revealed by the repor avoid misrepresentations of other ages with 557 students in this the usual age of entering the nations. "Nations cannot be cx- group. ye rsity is 18, with one-tllird o pected to live in peace if they are It was discovered that there were year's freshmran class being of grossly misrepresented in the news- seven students at Oregon who were age. The next usual age fory papers and books of other nations. only 16 years of age; 126 student; ings is 19; about a sixth of the This is especially true of news- there have not reached their are 20, and only 13 freslmrrrr papers, and exaggeration of facts eighteenth birthday. The "under over 23 years old. often causes a great deal of age" quota is very high, 1,678 stu- The figures showed that trouble," Mme. Schwimmer said. dents being under the age of 21. were 10 seniors only 19 yea: Mme. Schwimmer repeated her The average age for seniors at men who entered the (mivers theory that the only way to pre- Oregon is 22, but there are more the age of 15 or 16. vent war is through world organi- ation. "I cannot hope that 'moral MAJORITY OF COLUMBIA FACULTY purification of mankind' will occur in a short enough time to save ADMITS DISLIKE OF PROFESSI the world from war, and sitting still and waiting for this 'moral "If you had a million dollars and vestigation shows 11. tea purification' will not prevent war," did iot have to work, how wouldwithaloefic she' went on to say. .f oe ealy The international forums are you spend the major part of your work than t Aehe 1Ii a held under the auspices of the Stu- E time?" This extremely hypothe- tern of servic l . Ii " K tr? dents Christian association and } tical question was asked of 409 sirable to ue t'h scale on \Vo IDI [ lflURT -|-l FIRST VOLUME OF SOCIAL SCIENCE sRO L iIIUL UUItLU ABSTRACTS WILL APPEAR IN MARCH y Inn- With the first volume scheduled Sociological soeiety, ih' American h a U't IIL to appear in March, work on a Statistical association, the Ameri-; ied to journal of Social Science Abstracts can Psychological association, the hrnm'~~~- undertaken by the Social Science Amnerisan Anthropologie'al associa- z dclc- Thomas Bronson Establishes $10,000 Research council is progressing tion, a'd the Amriean Historical tcsted For Annual Essays rapidly. asociation. On Literature The journal will cornsist of state- The journal will combine ab- ec ided ments of the content of artie'es stracts in all of the sciences rep- l dis- FIRST AWARD IN 1930 and books on subjects relevent to resented on ih council. In re- jO s in , r hu- the social sciences. The abstracts spect to anthropology and psy- pitha~ Thomas Bertrand Bronson, 'i1 will be written by prominent au- chology, however, the articles will Either o ayyash 'thorities throughout the nation ,1 limited to the strictly social The best in town ac er for many years principal of the who have been asked to contribute ph caSn a of the subjets. rs on. Orchard Lake Academy and later to the work. A number of men on i Laverim Bu hfeid, who hcom- heaid master of languages and at the university faculty hav be a scrtay the political sci- the lowest prices! Lessor present assistant head-master in tended vitations.s at y and the Lawrenceville school, has do- The Research council, of which pise de o nt lr ofayri rI ' ( Professor Robert T. Crane of the Arsetr oganeitia t-piece Sut, 35 ege of natecl the sum of $10,000 to the ( political science department isApieceSui,3C in de University of Michigan-the inter- secretary, is a body of 21 mcmx rep- TYPEWRITERi t e t of which is to be used annually resentIg seven different organ - Ak RING _ S a prize to second-year students tions: The American Econuc" A makes of ma- Cash & Carry T of German for the best essay in association, the American Politi a hiney. Our equp- ~ TS Science association, the Azxreu_. , men t and per~son- - N h that language on some subject in ___enceassat__n -he Amr are considered No shine, either RT German literature, as chosen by POLITICAL SCHEME among the best in the State. The the University department of Ger- iIresult of twenty years' careful other man. This prize is to be known as! FAILS AT AKRON building. there "The Bronson-Thomas GermanH1 -i o D MORRILL ITE SWAN an 11, Prize" and is to be awarded for At the University of Akron thi sics ArcdeLA the first tune in May or 'June of year an entirely new form of or- ___ot M i L that 1930. ganized campus politics was at- Imau1i IImlilItIgI, ilt " Across from the Majestl uni- It is established in memory of tempted but met with decidedly a f this Calvin Thomas, '74, who served as disastrous results, OPTICAL that professor of the German language In the past, caucases have been yeearl- and literature at the University of held over a period of several weeks IyDEPARTMENT class Michigan from 1887 to 1896, and preceding the elections, however Lenses and Frames made n are later was Gcohard professor of these were always held privately To Order Gernins at Columbia university. and resulted in factions being set there Professor Thomas was one of the up between the different groups o1 Optical Prescriptions s old, most loyal and distinguished alum- fraternities. Officials at the ii zFilled ity at ni of the university, and was gen- versity this year allowed the fra triisto openly coinbinieadHALS (rally recognized as among the ip yALLERS most eminent scholars and teach- present publicly their slate of can , ers of German literature in this!dates for the primary class ( 'hc- State St. Jewelersbet D count.ry. He was invited here as; _illilllliI ON . commenment speaker in 1904 and at that time was awarded the i 1che l ;egree o[f Doctor of Laws. :>K::