ESTABLISHED 1890 ir, Cb b 1111 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX. No. 67. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1928 EIGHT PAGES [r niUm NI1O H;Thieme Points Out Errors In Contentions Of Writer Of Nation's Article On Teaching While admitting the truth of the sor failed to state that these facts cited in the recent article in theses are merely a test of a rather The Nation written by a professor long period of apprenticeship. A in a mid-western university con- thesis is merely the first real ap- cerning the opportunities of the plication of the methods and prim- teaching profession, Prof. Hugo P. ciples involved in the process of Thieme, of the romance languages the period of study through which BODY IS IMPELLED TO MEET department, doubts the importance every man who ultimately gains; TO CONSIDER MENACE of the general purport of the arti- success has to pass. TO PEACE cle, it was revealed in an interview "The subject which is chosen II "]HO " T [KTS! Zellner, Characterization .artist, Presents "[AIBO SIND 2" Fifteen Portraits From Life And Literature U A Presenting a programndistinctly taken from the works of Wallace 11 [MAIN UNSOLD FO~ldifferent from the ordinary coursec Bruce Amnbrey. wrso alc NTA ~ F R A~ of Oratorical Association lecture The latter half of the program programs, J. W. Zellner, spoken of was devoted to a more serious as the "Protean Characterist," last group of impersonations in which night offered fifteen ciiracteriza- Zellner laid greater stress on the tions of prominent figures of con- dramatization of the parts than on COMMITTEE TO SELL TICKETS, edy, drama, literature, history, and the mere dialect and originality of BRILLIANT PREMIERES USHERS WITHOUT AWAITING romance in his "Flashes from Life costuming. Beginning with Bene- IN LOCAL SHOWING ACCEPTANCE and Literature." Zellner's pro- diet Arnold, a figure of the Revolu- THIS WEEK - --gram marked the third number of tionary period, he then presented yesterday. need not be one which is not of COOLIDGE URGES PEACE "In the main," said IProf Thieme, "I agree with everyt Conference Resolves To Create the professor said. The facts Special Committee Of true, but there are always Investigation sides to every question. ___g_ "I do not know why the err (By Asociate dPrss) I ous idea has sprad so gene WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.-Faced that the theses for the docto with a serious threat to the peace are so deadly, so worthless, so of the western hemisphere in the less, and so difficult. The pr Bolivian-Paraguay boundary dis- pute, the Pan-American conference on arbitration and conciliation tookf steps upon convenine: todav to MIHD settle the controversy. Action in this direction was IMf started immediately after Presi- IIUlINf UNI dent Coolidge had delivered the opening address in which he Alexander, Mitchell, Ross, urged the delegates to enhance and Menefee To Broadcast render even more secure the policy Short Talks of settling all international dis- putes by peaceful means. He said G0LDEN'S BAND TO P it was the special boast of the 11LeicN'SuBAND TO P1 American republics to have first Poedn ih ter urged and practiced this policy in s Proceeding with the reg international relations. schedule of broadcasting, the t Taking this admonition to heart, Michigan Night radio progra the conference without loss of time the current series will be pu adopted unanimously a resolution the air between 7 and 8 o'c creating a special committee which Thursday night over WJR, Det it "charged with the duty of advis- 1omatenew Mrrts al-Jstu ing the conference with respect to ocated at State and Jeffe the conciliatory action which, if strt. necessary, it might render. co-op- will be given by members of erating with the instrumentalities faculty while a musical progra now employed in the friendly solu- popular sort will be provide tion of .the problem" between Bo- aBudpGldrs wl eries livia and Paraguay. Bud Goldern's "Wolverines," regilar orchestra at Gran Argentina Not Represented Dancing academy, which has 1 All American republics but Ar- a campus institution in Ann gentina were represented at the bor since 1883. Although the s conference. They gathered under phony orchestra, of the Schoo the authority of a resolution adopt- Music was originally schedule ed at the last Pan-American con- appear on this program, a l gress to agree upon reducing as majority of the musicians are p much as possible their objections ing in the orchestra of the Mi to having all international disputes gan Union opera appearing at settled by arbitration. Whitney theater this week and The resolution itself specified consequently unable to play on that in any case these objections program. should not go beyond excepting Dr. John Alexander, profre from arbitration disputes involving of surgery and specialist in tu purely domestic matters, affecting cular diseases in the Unive third parties, or touching upon the I hospital will talk on "Tubercu sovereignty and territorial integ- of the Lungs," Prof. Ferdinan rity of the signatory nations. Menefee, of the engineering sc] A further aim of the conference will tell of the thrill that exist is to conclude a treaty whereby all research into constructive ma international disputes, with no ex- ials, being a member o the Bu ceptions, should be reviewed by an of Engineering Research andh impartial international commission ing done- a great deal of rese for recommendations as to their work on, various engineering settlement, pending which action jects; Elmer D. Mitchell, direct warlike activities would be prohi- intramural athletics, who bited scheduled to appear on last w Coolidge Is Applauded program, will give his discus Greeted by much applause from which is entitled "Keeping hedeltesbymucnpfrom the large Student Body Physically Fit"; the delegates and Prof. Francis E. Ross, of the Sc gathering of guests in the huge Bs hall of the Americas at the Pan- al of Business Administration American Union building, President talk on the opportunities off Coolidge referred to the large num- teti s nt o busine s ber of boundary disputes which tration and the work that is the American republics had inheri- tdone in that school at the re ted after their wars of indepen- time. dence from Spain and Portugal. "The fact that all of these have Alpha Nu To Debat been settled by direct nogitation, B' conciliation and arbitration," he Business Men's Ch declared, "will forever be one of the ' glories of the Americas as well as Three members of Prof. Ga a constant reminder that the na- Densmore's class in practicalI tions of this continent have dedi- lic speaking for businessr cated themselves to the ideals of which meets in Detroit under peace and are willing to exercise auspices of the University e the self-control and make the sion division, will debate her sacrifices which the maintenance night in behalf of a capital pu of these ideals imposes." j ment act for the state of M After Secretary Kellogg was se- gan. lected permanent chairman of the IeThe ee wl e held a conference the delegates approved chief event oathei egular Alph the resolution introduced jointly by pr o'clock in the society's room o Dr. Orestes Ferrara, Cuban ambas- olci the ocie' room sador to Washington, and by Dr. fourth uteamor omposedll hall. Victor Maurtua, Peruvian delegate, Alpha Kem, cp rd oe which in addition to calling _or 2 and John Langen, '30 wil tsorappomitee n the spaalua- fend the present state code. an-Bolivian controversy, also con- The extension class is com veyed to the two countries the con- of 35 doctors, lawyers, busines ference's earnest hope that the ecutives, and salesmen who matter be settled amicably. j once a week for practice in p Ispeaking. The team which essar general interest. Any student wh A the 1928-1929 Oratorical lecture three characters taken from th - ATUKDAY S,0W AD1.JU hing has originality enough to choose a 't LLIAOR AE iHOENI series. days 'of the Civil war. John Brown, are subject in which he is interested s The characterizations were di- who led the memorable raid at Twenty-Third Annual Productio ts' wildlghrheroesrinc~ Orchestras Are Not Yet Booked; IIS a ruedGetDmn two will hdelight the professorinmchag Lighting And Decorations vided into two groups, the first Harper's Ferry, General Ulysses S. , as Aroused Great Demand o"The professor again Are Planned seven being taken from life and'Grant, and General Robert E. Lee. For Tickets one- that a scholar with a Ph.D. portraying the more or less hu- These popular heroes of the days ra ss. moroes and popular ps g of '61 were in turn followed by Unfolding a galaxy of brilliantly ral has all the avenues open to him' Wirth Joparfatvel few ticke moroug popla personaes. "Socrates" and three figures from attired members of cast and rat for the J-Hop of the class of 1930 Starting with a splendid impersona- I life- nothing can be in his way in the remaining unsold, what will prob- tion of Mark Twain, Zellner pre- the Scriptures, Moses, the law- choruses accompanied by the tunes ofes- a future except himself and the ob- ably be the final sale of tickets sented such comedy classics as giver, Judas, and the Apostle, Si- of the orchestra, the curtain was stacles which meni ah P h.D. will be held from 2 until 5 o'clock Huckelberry Finn, the inimitable mon Peter. raised last night on the premiere these avenues are likely to be Friday afternoon at the side desk Mrs. Finkelstein, and the country- performance of "Ra bows End," chsed;andoenusae lkowyunle of the Union. At this time the store philosopher Abe Martin. TheI 1928 Mimes opera. closed; and no one knows, ulstickets will be on sale to all mem- remaining three characters in this The current presentation marks the scholar has given evidence ofg Esthe twenty-third annual showing of marked ability in different lines, ersof the University who wish to group were Sergeant McTosh, as the Michigan, opera. Much enthu- hD. yhth s ot rw'th 5 attend the affair to be held on Fri- taken from~~ the works of the Cana- nirn what he is worth or what he is day night, Feb. 8, in the new In- dian poet, Robert Zerwis; a popu- siasm has been shown by students, trmua building. wrth BILL N T I IEW samha enshw ystdns "Unflikely to be worth. dyunghtramuralbuiding lar character entitled "The Dere- faculty, and townspeople for "Rain- Members of the committee who lit,"' a character of a veteran of f Bow's End," as evidenced by the And i often laid on the Ph.D. A Mebrftecmitewolc,'agetdmn o ikt.I a 'doctorate is neither a .cure-all or will be stationed at the desk dur- the World War, of which there are great demand for tickets. It has d o tisnehr o Pge-wo) ing the afternoon on Friday will many in the world today' and a Fruits Of Private Negotiations On consequently been arranged to give (otneonPgTw)-Dam Question Are Not etapromneStra (Cntinued__n PageTw _) receive applications and sell the French character ,M'sieu Robin, asi Qet are an extra performance Saturday tickets at that time without hav- - Yet Matured night, in addition to the regular A ingta spendtheappftheicmmi tere inightly performances and the Sat- a special meeting of the committee CONSIDER SUPPLY BLLS urday matinee. Tickets may be ob ulrfor acceptance. Definite plans for t~lU1tamned at the Whitney theater box- enth the arrangement of booths will not (By Associated Press) office every day beginning at 10 n of 1111N11\t be completed until the last of the IlL flILU\ Will MLLII WASHINGTON, Dec. 10-Con- i o'clock. t on LItickets are gone. It is expected by L L gress began another week of its The entire show has been pro-. lock ----- members of the committee headed Iithree month's session today with duced under the personal super- roit, Will Hold Preliminaries In First by. George Bradley, '30, that most' , the Boulder dam bill fight still on vision of E. Mortimer Shuter, gen- dio, Te Exte Competition of the remaining tickets will be Paris Peace Pact Acceptance Is and with the end not yet in sight. eral director. Shuter has spent rson exte Thursay sold at this time and another Subject Of First Debate There were private negotiations many months in the task of evolv- public sale will - probably not be Of New Schedule in progress in an effort to settle the ing the finished production from )pies held. Committeemen urge mem- --;long controversy which involved the book, music and lyrics, cast the OFFER SUBJECT CHOICE bers of the general student body TO BE CHAIRMAN the Senate in a filibuster at the end try-outs, and many embryonic m of -i-- not included in the junior class to! , of the last session. There was an chorus men and girls who tried out d by Plans for the holding of the pre- secure their tickets early Friday For the first time in the history approach to a solution as to how 0 the liminary contest in the first seme- as most of the junior applications of the two universities, a men's the power plants for the project 1 A review of last night's per- ger's ster extemporaneous speech com- have been filled. team representing the University should be built, but so far as any ormance of "Rabow's End, been petition are complete, according to Favors Are Selected of Michigan will debate a trio rep- definite agreement was concerned 23rd annual Mimes opera, will Ar- John E. Webster, '30P, chairman of ! Final choice in the matter of resenting the University of Indi- the day was not down as a fruit- I be found in the Music and the local contests committee of favors was made at a special meet- ana, when they meet tomorrow less one. I Drama column, on page four. 1 of the Oratorical boarn. ing of the J-Hop committee held night at 8:00 o'clock in Hill audi- While the Senate struggled overf th h d The preliminary contest wl tak st night at which time the con- trium. its own perplexing problems,the the muc souht parts the ctoplace beginning at 3:33 o'clock ls iha hc ietecn ru- os nte . Ioea ewsasse ndvlp arge Thursd Jt i teAp tract was let to a local concern. The proposition which will be House started anotherappropria-operaHwas assted in deveo lay- Nu room in ngell hail, and the Favors for the men will be in the considered is: Resolved, that the tion bill on its way-the $283,000,- rRontH on dance, bRoy l- ehi- final contest will be held in the form of combination' wallets and Senate of the United States should 000 measure carrying funds for the veral weeks here last spring the same room the following Tuesdy letter cases made of imitation trout ratify the Paris Pact without res- interior department which super-s working with thechoruses. the night as the feature of the pro- skin. The cases, which are not of ervations. Ormond J. Drake, '30Ed., vises such governmenta actiies Heyman Wrote Music gthe ram of the annual joint meeting the folding type, but a solid leather Howard Simon, '30, and Paul Fran- as care of the Indians, reclama- HeCany 'ro, Music of the four campus literary so- pocket about five by eight inch s seth, '29, compose the affirmative tind adirigation wod mbi Hempstead, '31 are the authors of ssor ciIties. in size, will be decorated with a team representing Michigan. In- lands administration and many "pad 's e." authoys o, ber- A choice of two SibjqCts is be- Michigan seal. They contain a diana', who will oppose the ratifica- other functions relating especially "Rainbow's End." Edward leyman, rsity ing offered to contestants in the large pocket large enough for two ition of the Pact, will be represented the western part hof the nation, grad, wrote the music and lyrics, losis present contest. T1he two ques- rows of bills and two smaller pock- by John B. Newlin, Emmanuel H. It was the second of the reg- were written by William M. Lewis, d N. tions are: Resolved that the dor- ets meant primarily for letters. Baugh, and Joseph V. Hefferman. ular annual supply bills to be in- Jr '29. The play is in two acts hool' mitory system, including men and For the ladies there will be a Prof. James K. Pollock of the po- trouced and it followed the pass- and six scenes. Settings for the s in women, should be adopted by the black leather purse trimmed in litical science department will act age last week of the treasury show were executed by Frederick iter- University, and lies lved that the white and carrying a Michigan seal. as chairman of the contest, while billcarryg a billion Rebman, master carpenter. reaui achievements of tle League of Na- i The purses have compartments for Prof. E. W. Miller of Wooster col- dollars. Speaker Longworth has WilliamaBre n d hav- tions have justified the entrance of a compact, handkerchief, and lege of Ohio will be judge. prmised to getthree of these William Browne, 31 and Daniel arch I the United States into the league. change, and are equipped with a The Michigan negative team, measures ot of th e he iel" '0 re the Beadng pro- Speeches in the preliminary con- mirror and comb. composed of Lawrence hCartwig, '31, hristmas holidays, and ose "ladiesgof the producti, lead" and Sof test are to be not more than five Orchestras Not Booked Paul J. Kern, '29, and Stanley rthe prediction goodd Buell the comic lead. Sidney was minutes in length. Men and women The contracts for the orchestras Dimond, Grad., will leave Wednes- tiStraight, spec., is the leading man. eek's who are scholastically eligible for have not as yet been signed, but day for Columbus, Ohio where they Before the reporting of the in- Others prominent in the cast o siori public activities and who have not members of the committee expect will meet the affirmative trio of tenor bill the House devoted its 'Rainbow's End," include Richard the participated in intercollegiate con- to complete arrangements within1 Ohio State on Thursday night. Carl time to the Greek debt settlement'iC nk'29s David BHemstead, and tests as representatives of the Uni- th next two or three days, so that G. Brandt of the speech depart- which was approved finally by a KJr i''31Geore Tremble '30pHuh hool versity are eligible to participate.' the final choice of orchestras will ment will accompany the men. vote of 170 to 155. Jr., '3 Hg rle, '30, 'ug will Five members of Delta Sigma Rho probably be known at the time of Both of these contests are spon- The Senate managed to squeeze I Claney, '30, Harlan Cristy, 29, ered will act as judges. the ticket sale Friday. sored by the newly organized Big through eight or ten uncontested George Johso m '30,, Edward Hey- inis- Gold, silver, and bronze medals Plans for the decorations and Ten debating league. Chicago is measures before it got going again Jmn Dand James C. O'Nell, '30, eing are to be awarded to the students lighting 'effects have been com- the only conference school which on Boulder dam, the principle one Benjamin Madero'31EPhilp sent! finishing first, second, and third in plete for some time, lighted model is not a member of this league.beg a resolution authoriz ean the final contest. Paul J. Kern, in color having been on display in I;Michigan previously has been a investigation of the Columbia river oand Artur H Smith '31. '29, was the winner of the contest the window of Graham's book store. member of two debate leagues, the project in the Pacific northwest. Music has been feature thro31.- held two years ago and Ormand Special equipment is already un- Central Debating League andthe tiSon wafterntroducedi the ou t the gadvance notices o :e j J.Drake, '3OEd, took first place last; der proparation for the indirect Northwest Dbtn g Eachtroucd n te o souh.edcleffortics ohavee ass year. The extemporaneous speak- lighting system which has been school in the new organization will T Shwmade .to provide good singing ing contests have been held but planned by the decoration com- have two contests every semester1 Play Class jToShow voices to sing the songs. To this il E. once a year previously. A contest mittee. meetinghfour different universities Two aend, Theodore Harrison, director of pu-has been arranged for each seine- ; during the year.Tw Presentations teVriyge lb a a pub- ster of the current year, however. ;rig eYe- the Varsity glee club, has had men, __r _ Hoover Receives Great' One of the great changes which y ,n. -- charge of training the singers in the R-ece-ptio__nSania the new league has caused is in vate presentations of aboratory their numbers. The chorus of 25 ten- Wales Is On Last Lap pgo the matter of eligibility. All stu- Iv pretions of laboratory in addition to the usual choruses e toi i, s~:aere5 dents enrolled in the respective! productions will be continued next' eish- Of Journey To England a a-e "' sents mnowac t in th e week with the playing of "The Cas- was added to augment the singing nisillisEngagempnt"ipye.t. Jehn and provide additional quality and ichi- M SANTIAGO, Chile Dec. 10.-Her-debates, whereas in the past onlyEge n b S. o Hsli Nakin nd TDi knaeetacbyTaS.J Th Cikt volume. (ly Associaed Pr -s:) Bert Hoover, president-elect of the negautssuet aebe axnaa.ices.n rce the LONDON, Dec. 10.-Edward Al- United States, was received with allowed to take part in the con- on the Hearth," adapted by Albert, a Nu bert, Prince of Wales, tonight was highest official honors and a pic- tests. i Smith. 7:301 journeying through the Alps on the turesque, popular outpouring in -'The former production will 'play n the last lap of a 6,000-mile journey this city and Valpariso today. The. . Monday, Tuesday and Thursday An from equatorial Africa. To speed Chileans, who have been called Recess At University nights, Dec. 17, 18, and 20 at Uni- Rich- the heir to the British throne on "the Yankees of South America," CBversity auditorium while "Cricket bber, his way to the bedside of King turned out by scores of thousands Caused By Influenza on the Hearth" is to be given for l de- George, the railway authorities of in both cities. Government offi- . (By yAsoaeX d r the children of the faculty and Iay Swteln an Frne!cials said that the reception sur-,I their friends on Tuesday night and Italy, Switzerland and France stthte rhd been COLUMBIA, Mo., Dec. 10.-The Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 18 and posed have cleared their lines so that passed any a fee aUniversity of Missouri was closed 19. The curtain will rise at 4:15 s ex- nothing might delay his arrival at given here to a foreigner. s tcday until January 3, because of o'clock for the matinee perform- meet Boulogne, a brief one-hour voyage Regret, however, was expressed a large increase in the number of anoecoc ndfar t :e5ma'ineekpfrroth- blicfro th clffsof officials and also by newspapers influenza cases. About 150 stu- i ances, and at 8:15 o'clock for the ublic from the cliffs of England. that it was necessary for Mr. Hoov- s. A night performances. has The Prince was quartered in a e m h i n uI dents are estimated by university 1 Admission is by invitation only s its private car belonging to the heir er to limit his visit in the beauti- authorities to be suffering now Iand any desiring such invitations s: Dr. to the Italian throne, Prince Um- Chean cpital tt day from the disease. Influenza also I who have not yet received them Harry berto of Piedmont. The finest lo- Aside from friendly criticism on I is prevalent among permanent are asked to write to Play Produc- Lean, corrotives and crack traincrs O this oint, the newspe 'unan- residents of the city, but no tion, enclosing with their request teaneco ot esd rckbtring crewssofmously praised Mr. Hoover's good- Ideaths have been reported. 1asapd efadesdevlp.I three countries were being pressed ill mission and predicted that it a stamped, self-addressed envelope. o into service to give him a right ofI wil mii man pret tThe closing order and tentative- S Iway across Europe such as few wvdates for reopening were set forthrB people have had in history. .binna bulletin by Dr. Stratton D. the 11The whole journey of 1,322 miles ExhibitionS Of Skating Brooks, president. The order was For Food In Schools Scene Laid In West The scenes for "Rainbow's End" are laid in the West. The plot concerns itself with a young college man, owner of a "dude" ranch, who finds a group of traveling players, one of whom he had known in the East, stranded near his ranch due to transportation difficultibs. He and the leading lady of that com- pany fall in love, but jealousies and plots by neighbors of the ranch, persons in the players' troupe, and nearby Indians, serve to create an atmosphere of intense excitment. The action finally works out to the complete satisfac- tion of the audience and the suc- cessful culmination of several ro- mances. Costumes are by "Peter March" of Detroit, exclusive costumer and designer. Representatives of that firm have been in Ann Arbor for Bit Of Dickens Script Bought AtHigh Price (13y Associated Press) PHILADELPHIA, Dec. "10.-One and a half pages of the original manuscript of Charles Dickens' Fn-ni -Din'r n d,.A -,1, n r,c~" bVrn 'h t beefi selected by the class a representative has as members Frank McCormick, Attorney I Cohen, and Frederick R. Mc: an oil salesman. o- 'ENSIAN SUBSCRIPTION: E nhswrintinn nrices for