SUNDAY, DI!C1VMJ3W. 9,M(-) TH-I fM ICHI4G (-\N DAILY VEENKER SENDS TA 'THROUGH 'LONGDRL ON DIFFERENT LY FAST PLAY IN STATE TILT HIIN DERED WOLVERINE'S STYLE OF PLAY FAILED O N FREE THtROWS: Coach George Veenker sent his Varsity cage team through a long drill yesterday afternoon, trying t~o correct the many faults evident in the game with Michigan State Fri-! day. The players worked on of'- fensive and defensive combinations in an effort to improve the team play. The defeat at the hands of the! Spartans was attributable to nol other, cause than that the States team was a better coordinating unit than the Wolverines. In the scoring spree which marked the; second1 half, the Green and Whitea players showed the results of; weeks of practice. They. had an' uncanny eye for the basket, sin:~- ing 11 field goals in 17 attempts. Only one shot from the floor failed to find the meshes during' the second period. Defense Weakened Michigan's defense sagged dur- ing the latter part of the game, and let' the Spartans break away and dribble under the, basket for easy shots. The Wolverine offense also was unimpressive. Kanitz's absence from the lineup ndoubliitedly lo .w- Pom merening- Chosen LAR FUI'cl l I L LAG IfQ'LSII On Associated Press 111I LUI lI~~ADRTSN .All-.American Eleven Jjl1U~flll~M ii VI t4IlllIVLJ UlIILN0'TJ L I 7 (,Continued From Page Six) }__ Pomnmerening credited with almost (B .c.. 'i' ~ N()TICE ihgn alr single-handed lifting Michigan out LOS ANGELES, Dec. 7.-4l Mas- 1Ladies' coat." alld dre'uses alteredl, of its rut, and Frank Speer, 205- grdae aai tn relinecd, repaired, by our experi- pound bulwark in Georgia Tech es, c enced tailors. Work *uarnaiteed, great line. Pommerening played ford LUniversity football team, at- 6325 -E. Liberty. Upstairs. throughout the entire season with- tending the Pacific coast confer- 66,613,72,74 out once yielding a substitute, anI ence meeting hcre today, announc- N ICW-a_ losngoutou "iron man" stunt that in itself gives ed that the Cardinals would play full line of Dresses and Wa rdrobe him unique honor. In Michigan's Army in Palo Alto, December 28,; Trunks at cost. Koch & Henne. march to the touchdown that 1929.c meant final victory over Iowa, ThgmewtteUnedSas eight of the nine plays nettingt Military Academy will be : return NTC-il31,MeLudy around 60 yards were drivenl affair. Stanford traveled to New; 204 N. Main St.. for laundry ser-- through Pommerening's position. Yorkk last month and won from vice with real personal attentiona Ilike received at home. C Otto Pommerening's sensationalj the Cadets, 26 to 0.____ ___ ____ work at tackle for Michigan made ________________ TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair the Wolverines as the season ad- rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9387. vanced. The team got a bad start c but Pommerening was sensationsl 1II TPERIE'SER--ICE-e even when his fellows were find- FINSCoronaWRoyalRUnErwRV -ewn ig ithrogetsate.Hsgoo ington portables, also used large example was finally followed gay il(Di f and portable typewriters of all the others. Pommerening although T I LORING ?1~J makes bought, sold, rented. cx-l known as "Silent Otto" makes lipI changed, cleaned, repaired. Large in thinking anything he lacks inFi stock, best service, considerate talking. He is an expert diagnos- in x1 t ' ord mI-t prices. Phone 6615. 0. D. Morrill titan f pays I j17 NickelsArcae. c tiino can only be - ----- Frank Speer, the big Georgia ! NOTICE -H. W. Clark Shoe Fac- Tech tackle, is expert at opening l found at tory, corner of South University - holes for his backs and some )f I and Forest. Let us save you 20. the Georgian's best offensives have y - l)prcenlt on your repair work. been built about. plays depending' iIIH41. ' Only one shoe factory in town entirely on, the ability of Speer '.oH RIDING BOOTS from $10 up; golf pave a way for them. Speer has shoes from '$8 up; moccasins in' caught passes with success onj Tailors to Students and j ten dierent leather styles, $6 occasion. Facltyfo 40yea s All 'kinds of shoes made to your 'Much as dad Pommerening of ' CF o,4 1~ar.measure.-Hi. W. Clark. c1 Michigan, Captain Burke of the Navy successfully led his team out; Let us cnic o LOST of early season disaster and dis-f n' vdt~nnw~ ht of our Merits ' 65,66 LOST Kappa Ly. Reward. C011 Margttre t m, 7117. (34,65,6 LOS''- ama11size left hlanid bi cl,,ki a gl!ove ma uuewherec be-! t weed WXatern a iGyin t cor. South Uniw'eisit y, on Thursd.ay of t oi~inooi .Phione 6617. WANTED- Three Senior men want apartment or suite at once. Call Kelly at 64 77 Sunday. 66 WANTED-Tap dancer who applied at the Michigan Theater. when entering school this 'fall, please call Jerry 1Hoag, P. D. Q . 66 WANTED-Cook, German wom an, with city references, wishes posi- tion in fraternity or sorority after Christimas vacation. Tele- phone 6374. 64,65,66,67,68,691 HUDSON COACH TRUNK--Will! pay cold cash for one inl good 1 shape. Dial 9853 after 12:15 at; niWce. FOR SALtE FOR SALE--Size 38, man's raccoona coat, worth $900, for $500) cals; worn one winter, is in first class shape, all, select northern skins, beautifully matched. E. H-. Dubey, 150 WV. Euclid Ave., Detroit, Mich. Empire 6410. 66 FOR SALE---Hudson seal fur coat, cocoa squirrel collars and cuffs. Size 36. Telephone 3169 between 6-7 p. in. 64,65,66 FOIZ RENT FOR RENT--Furnished apartment throughout; 3 rooms and bath'i for two girls. Available Dec.'22 ~$50. 621 Forest. Phone 53607. I 66,67,68 FOR RENT-Two single rooms Or one single and one double room. Students, nurses or business peo-' ple. Also garage. Dial 8544. 422 tast Washington._ 66,67,68 Free Facials ANNA CYER 406E,. iery All (luestions atiswcir d p~ertaining to skin BY SIPECIALI 1' Wprlris~4 t'; ,Y ,y, J". Havel't you. COLUMBIA I'oIrAI3LE PHIONOGRA MIS An 14P41, Christmas Gift for the Student $15 and up Also Supply of Records to go with them. ALLMENINGiR 305 Maynard 'Abot thjs Gift- Lonig enough? Let's get it j Over with Wfers your Disposition gets Anyworse. Snapdown to f + , * I~iAll linporoitt b ake 'anid Occan Linecs Tours, Cruises L/ } Indetendent re Tav 9 E. G. K uebler (( - Geu.JSteOinsbiPjl Agcncy -.-601.I-. Huy'll. 641,2 Pianos, Radios, Victrp1 s and Everything MI.usical Th'is Christmas Pay I4tJi 4 r Schaeberle &Son Music House 110 S. Main St.. ., ed them up,, as the early season1 him a post as All-American guard. attack had included him as an im-- The Midshipman's running mate is portant factor. Seraphim, otherwise known a, Coach Veenker's crew also fell "Dynamite" Post of Stanford's cown on free throws as four fouls' powerful line. There is little tof in 13 attempts testifies. The Wol. choose between Post and his team- verines were also guilty of a largc mates Robeskey or Driscoll, toI number, of personal fouls, an oc-} judge from what they did to the' curance not unusual in an opening Army at the Yankee stadium, but game. Post is the unanimous choice of The transfer from the gridiron Pacific coast critics who have seen to the basketball court had a det- him perform brilliantly all season. rimental effect upon the play of Charles (~Chuck) Howe is Prince- Captain. McCoy and Orwig. These ton's second All-American center two players have only been out for in" four years. The aggressive! cage practice a little more than a Tiger leader outplayed every rival week, and have not yet attained he met and they included the giant their usual form. Barratt of Ohio State as well as Spartans Score hI Second Half the rangy Keen of Cornell and two The crowd did not aid the Michi- or three Yale, opponents. Howe'sI gan cause Friday. night. Their fighting spirit gives him an edge. a3ppeals to the Wolverines to speed up play, were finally heeded by the SATE-h nvriy o players, to their detriment. The SWAhingtonhs dnierthtHy of Michigan team, instructed to playStahindrohe s formedNtrehamerr acatoswatn game, was not quarterback, will be assistant coach ready #or the fast play that mark-1h ere. e&. the second half. /When the__________ Spartans ran up 21 points. UIEST FILNI:Te Yesterday's session was devot~d Suen oucl il. umi n.f to developing some smooth-work- tdn oni wl!umta 1 ing offensive and defensive combi- ficial code' of sportsmanship to the' natins. oachCappn woked students for approval, to become one basket, with Myron, Balsamo, h olg oe antd Slagle endeavoring to pene-- trate the defense composed of Or -; , fM GIT wig, Rose, and Lovell. Chapman.CHIT A eMcDonald, bandkMc oderlled ec Burr, Patterson tion of Coaches Veenker and& Auld Co. Oosterbaan against Whittle, Barley, !(Iiiireli at Soutli U and Cushing.1._j LAJO I - iIJamonct r1ig. Rapaport. Tel. 3936. IrU Wara . 66,67,68 t ! BU CEIELD TAI LORING Frank J. Ryan, Prop. I LOST-Barrel of a Rider fountain pen, marked Cloyd R. Byrd. Finder phone 8861. 66 LOST-A PAIR OF PIG SKIN GLOVES, ABOUT SIZE 8112, FINDER PLEASE CALL 22117- PLEASE. ISubscribe to The Michigan Daily, 1 $4.00 a year. t ! , C k i Fritz Bldg. Main at Second Floor Libcrty Sts. ., i / Don' taeor word for it! Burr, Pattersoni's Anid let them Ani} lyze youir 'Gift problems; They are Rather adept at Jstw4, right .and how's this for lam l .:C OZ//'", OP'"".'. ~1 1t x " 1K ' J 6 1 it+ , 6 I a 5.+ _ Co me in Now and See Our Usual Fine Stock of GIFTS and CARDS Orders for Greeting Cards Taken __ Until Dec. 15 STUDENT SUPPLY STORE I111S. University I d j I 1 SEE; FOR How Superior Miraclean Is NothwgID would ple:I('moreJ'than01i you N oi r\I to say, Goldinan Bros. is Jalakimg soinic awfu.lly strong statem ents, Iofught toc ehcck thlenn up. See for myself."V(We arc cager for you to see our fail1ities, ou)Ir Workmianiship), our service for yourself, for there is no otlier cleanecr YOURSELF .. .i, « ., ", , , "'., « ., . , , 1, "" "1. r °.. ", ".~". "" ".f1. . ..1 f. ,off. . ., . °. ",eRR''/". .e . e' it) town whjo lhas anything like them, Vstour Iplan~t anid 'heck.up) J in the Form of Jewelry y .n ° ' " ona this stateent. it means we can~ give YiOU letter cleaning, better pressing and better service than you can get elsewhere. Send your garments to Goldman WXe arc naturally proud of our sut~raiority because Suggestion? If you atre 'Too. busy Or tooa bashful 1To come to the $tore,2 Phone 8887 an~d a Gift 41er wl AIi, get the Lw 0oW. On your Gift needs, 4 * An4 DO the job 13I-os. See for yourself how oil-less, odorless are e b-Mii-acicaunedand 'Valeteriad garn1ts. tvv it. See 1for°yourself! and per'fectly 1pressed D~on't take our wor-d W1k Lo Jis a welcome gift amIC! is easy to select from a varied: (isplay of ai tacuave aa(! useful articles for 11en'; com-bined with gorgeous rings, Elgin watches, and mnany other exquisite articles at Arcade jewelry ;n L '{ 1 ._..... '4, O- k j I . : G N E a nSrl . 11 11 i-I l!