SUTNDAY. DECMBER ~9,12 I _ . _~ - nrrW nr PROVISIONAL PRESIDENT OF MEXICO APPOINTS . !I [V or[ ' ( JERH I K LA K D IN SECRETARIES TO PLACEMENTS IN PEVISED CABINET 0OtInLI UI AUmWULO AffFf~nl uni'_ ____- TO fl1 flEOMEMD~D .._ fr~~RflOUN Um rIu o Featuring a well selected group cf poems and stories, Inlanderl ,ampus literary magazine, made its second appearance of the year on the campus Friday with its Decem- Ser issue. The frontispiece of the issuel was a woodcut of Carl Sandburg, who gave a recital of his works in i program at Hill auditorium Fri- day night. Both the woodcut and an accompanying article "After Whitman-Sandburg" were done by Harold M. Silverman, '29, editor of the magazine. This woodcut and one - a Rachel Lindsay, also by Ailverman, were on exhibition re- Inntly in Alumni Memorial hall. Yae Tanaka, grad, a new con- Oributor, wrote the first story of the issue, entitled "Poor Yen." An- ,other new contributor to the issue was Alice C. Stevenson, '30, who is author of the story" Jeleria Pre- I vich." Vivian La Jeunesse, grad, the author of the third story of the issue which is entitled "Down to Montreal," was, a member of the Inlander staff last year. The poets of the issue are Prances Jennings, '31, who had one, Of her~ stories reprinted in College Humor last year; her poems are ".The Cinderella Bug" and "Light- house." Other poems are "Dark Eagle" by Bennett Weaver, grad, and "Swan Death" by ,Auburnia Bialosky. The magazine also con- tains two of the lesser poems of Heine, which were translated by E. Clark Stillman, '29. The issue also earried a special feature section de- voted to the contributors. Husky Dogs Poisoned On Byrd_'xpedition (By Associated Press) VANCOUVER, B. C., Dec. 8-A'| 7,000-mile dash from Dunedine, New Zealand to the Yukon to get' 40 huskies to replace 37 dogs of the Byrd Antarctic expedition which died is being made by ]BillI Riley, dog driver, who arrived here on the liner Aorangi. Contaminated water is believed to have caused the deaths of the dogs shortly after their arrival at Port Chambers, New Zealand, Riley said. Commissioner Byrd commis- sioned him to go to the Yukon to replace them and return as soon as possible after the New Year to New Zealand. There he will con- nect with one of the Byrd ships and proceedto the Antarctic with the dogs to join the rest of the party. Word has just been re 1iv. E v / *from Washington that the Vi>r' Bureau of the Budget i m mending to Congress an appropi tion to finance a nation-wide su- vey of secondary education, it was ' announced yesterday by Prof. J. B Edmonson, chairm ?r of tive board of the S:h aI z . tion. If the money is granted for th, purpose, the survey will be conduo- ted by the United States Bureau of Education and will mark the firsi nation-wide inquiry into the vari- ous problems of the second.ry schools. -_It may also include the probl .ir of articulation of secondary schools Above is the first photo of Portes Gil, new provisional president of, Mexico, and his cabinet. Left to with higher institutions. Professor right, above, Felipe Canales, acting secretary of interior; Dr. Jose Casauranc, secretary of industry, Edmonson was a member of the commerce and labor; Marte Gomez, secretary of agriculture; Luis Montes de Oca, secretary of finances; committee of five selected to pre- President Gil; General Joaquin Amaro, secretary of war and navy; Javier Mejorada, secretary of com- sent the case for the appropriation munications; Edequiel Padilla, secretary of education; Genaro Estrada, under-secretary in charge of for- before General Lord, the director eign relations; standing in rear, the presidential staff. of the budget. This committee was chosen from different sections of Committees For Active Carillon Campaign ARCHITECTS HOLD the United States and met in Washington to bring the matter To Begin In January Are Named By Brown LANDSCAPE MEE T before Lord. President Coolidge, in his recent message to Congress, The entire personnel of the eight1 Harvey Whitney, '23P, Angus Goetz, The Ohio-Michigan chapter of made a reference to this survey. committees and the treasurer t) 22M, Paul Tesserich, '241, Walter the American Society of Landscape assist him in the campaign for th C reiner, '25E, Joseph Iooper, '23L,. Architects convened yesterday in FLNT INVITES ATHLETES carillon to be installed in the pro-- and Paul Wagner, '16E. Each of its annual session which consisted posed Burton Memorial Campanile, tic seven members of this com- of two meetings and a banquet in Br ,g were announced yesterday by Bob mittee, eciuling the chairman, the Michigan Union. The ques- A Bennie Oosterbaan, Michigan's Brown, '26, general chairman. This will probably serve as a member of tions discussed were the Sources iall 'ac, and aes t ' -IoI Building and Construction Ma- Simrall '31, and Alvin Dahlem '30, organization is to have its first one of the other seven sub-coin t be foundon O of this year's warsity backfield, will regular meeting early in January mittees. tc ri l~s t efudinOiIn and at that time the active drive Many prominent menarein-\ichigan" and the "Conservation accompany T. Hawley Tapping as Ssecure the eighty-six thousand eldd in the membershi aof i f Natural Scenery in Relation to guests of honor at a football party, to secessagy-s tcued mthurmhasri f eecreational Uses of State Parks." Saturday, Dec. 15, in Flint, given dollars necessary for the purchase publicity committee of which Stan-Jr by the University of Michigan club of the carillon will be started. ley Phelps, '27, will be chairman. Tr n P. J. Hoffmaster, State super- by the U ity Alfred Connable, '25, will serve ash Othrs on his committee are: ning f t e apet of Manadcewon '22, Al P ar ker, evencui g, following the banquet, on vice-chairman and Charles J.iMaynard Newtoim'22 , To' the "State Park Program" and then ORATO Rash, of the Alumni association, '26L, Benmie Friedman, '27, o has been named treasurer. The Winters, '2, 'rex Gaines, '21E, Phil '"ued the meeting over to a gen- treasurer is one of the most im- Pack, '18, T. Hawley Tappig, '16L , 'ldiscussion. Prof. Aubrey portant officers in this organization and Wilfred B. Shaw, '04. pidnt of thecUnivesity deprt- since he "shall assume the legal The purchasing committee which d nt of Lanscape Design, is presi- Jr.W' ZELLNE control over all money entering will have te i ak r siudying bells e otLpr into this fund and its operation." H IL Lorts and purchasing the The finance committee, th complete carillon ol 53 bells - after headed b pl Y g , ch ,ar m LunchAUDITORIUM one which will do -most of the ac-Ithe $86. 000 is collected, c )1 is o Walter Rea, '22, chairman, who will|Moore, '12, Paul Tesserich, '24D, and NOV, 10 be assisted by Maynard Newton, '22, John Dawson, '24L. Handy to the campus and MONDAY Come D----- ---h - supplies a longstanding need for . Come Down to the - a ANN ARBOR s t a u r a-,- r for a Real , CHRISTMAS GIFTS Burr, Patterson & Auld Co. Church at South U I CHICKEN DINNER The Delicious Food and Good Service wil be worth the walk. I 215 S. Main Near E. Libery 11 1! L mm -. E mill 1 ,1i ''' ___ .._ _ ____ ,..,_ : NIP E OFF JO SHOP EARLY 0 TH. AT THE THEATERS- ENHANCED BY MARVELOUS PRIZES GRAND PRIZE ESSEX COACH NEW MODEL (Out Dec. 15) HUDSON-ESSEX SALES & SERVICE, Huron St. I FRIGIDAIRE V5 Household Model Faust-Kennedy-Potter Co. $100 BLUE WHITE DIAMOND Arcade Jewelry Store Carl Bay, Nickels Arcade AL ELECTRIC RANGE Erist Iros. Ejectric Shop $100 CHEST O!- GORHAM SJLVER I Iakrs.L d S I. IC' CIet s r . I .60 CORONA m 0 II