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December 08, 1928 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-12-08

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Publication in the Bulletin i:s constructive notice to all
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to t
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)
Vol. 39 SATURDAY, DECEMRE" 8, 1928


cSATUtDAY, DECEMBrat o, 1928

he Presi- "
n i mormal campus forum for

No i. .

University Women:
The Union Opera is .regared as a University affair (House Rules
C, Section 3). Freshmen should register their plans for the Whitney
Grace Richards
International Forum:
There will be an extra meeting of the International Forum at Lane
Hall Sunday at 4:15. Madame Rosika Schwimmer has consented to
remain, in Ann Arbor for the purpose of addressing this meeting. She
will discuss "Modern International Problems." All foreign and American
students and faculty members are invited.
Johin M. Brumm,
William B. Palmer,
For the International Committee of S. C. A.

the exchange and crystallization
of student ideas where live ques-
tions can be freely discussed by
the student body is being organized
by the Department of Journalism,
according to a announcement
made yesterday by 'Prof. J. L.
Brumm, head of the department.
A preliminary meeting will be held
next Tuesday afternoon.
The forum, which will be strictly
of an informal nature will be con-
ducted under the Department of
Journalism, though faculty men
from other departments will be in-
vited to take part in the discus-
sions. Outside speakers twill 'be
procured to address the meetings
and to discuss problems with the
students. Questions will not be re-
stricted to those of the university
life but will be extended to include
all live issucs of the dav


'I ti4y 0

Dean Herbert C. Sadler of the[
College of Engineering and several
ether members of the facultyof
that school have been in New
York City during the current week Preliminary tryouts in the first
attending the annual meeting of semester extemponaneous speaking
the American Society of Mechani- contest will be held at 3:30 o'clock
cal Engineers. At the session held next Thursday afternoon in the
on Tuesday, December 4, Prof. A. E x
White, director of the Department Alpha Nu room on the fourth floor
of Engineering Research, delivered of Angell hall, according to John
a paper on "The Effect of Alloying E. Webster, '30P, chairman of the
Elements Upon the Stability of local contests committee of the Or-
Steel at Elevated Temperatures." atorical association.
Prof. H. H. Higbie, of the Depart- Tryouts will consist of five min-
ment of Electrical Engineering ute speeches on any phase of either
spoke on "Designing Buildings for of the following subjects:
Daylight," at the session of De- Resolved that the dormitory sys-
cember 5. tem, including both men and wom-
Professor Higbie's paper was one en, should be adopted by the Uni-
of foui dealing with this subject versity or Resolved that the
which has been of great interest achievements of the League of Na-
to University scientists recently tions have justified the entry of the
owing to the investigation con- United States into the league.
ducted in the laboratories of the Members of Delta Sigma Rho
University. The other three papers honorary forensic fraternity, will
were "Natural Lighting," a joint act as judges. Those surviving the
paper by Professor Higbie and W. first elimination will compete in
C. Randall, chief engineer of the the final contest to be held Tues-
Detroit Steel Products company, day night, Dec. 18, in the Alpha' Nu
one on "Artificial Lighting Provi- room. Gold, silver, and bronze
sions in Building Design and Pro- medals will be awarded to the stu-
cess Layout," by Ward Harrison, dents finishing first, second and
illuminating engineer of the Na- third in the final contest.
tional. Lamp Works, Cleveland, This final contest will be a feature
Ohio, and one on "Light as a Fac- of the joint meeting between the
screen version of George tor in Production," by Messrs. four campus literary societies,
a." This is the first movie Munroe and Cook of the Detroit Alpha Nu, Athena, Portia, and
who, after scorning large Edison company. Adelphi, which is held each fall.
cinema productions, has at
ers here sought particuraily
been featured by the New
1 YD nWRT.I.T rtn A T _fClTT'


Drama Section-Faculty Woman's Club: '
A meeting of the Monday Evening Drama Section of the Faculty
Women's Club will be held Monday evening, December 10, at 7:30 at
the Club rooms, 226 S. Ingalls.
Mrs. Eckstein I



Faculty Woman's Club: "At the present time there is no
T y Bo a and Stage Section of the Faculty Woman's Club organized outlet for student opin-
will meet with Mrs. O. S. Duffendack, 2107 Devonshire Road, Tuesday, ion. It is hoped that the proposed:
December 11, at 2:45 p. in. forum will furnish the outlet for'
Chairman student expression and facilitate
1the exchange of his ideas? with
Mlasonic Students: Iothers," says Professor Brumm.
The regular meeting of the Craftsmen Club Will be held this week The first meeting will be held in
on Saturday night, December 8th, at 7:30 in the Large Lodge Room the Editorial room of the Journal- Pola Negri is to be Cleopatra in the
of the Masonic Temple All Master Masons are urged to come and ism department on the fourth floor Bernard Shaw's play, "Caesar and Cleopatra
bring a brother with you. of the West Medic building at 4 play written by England's leading dramatist
R. W. Webster, President o'clock Tuesday afternoon. All in- offers to permit his plays to be turned intot
terested are invited to attend. last surrendered to the movies. Movie produc
Upper Room Bible Class: to produce certain of his plays which have
Faculty men and students are cordially invited to the "Upper tpeVeazy Claims Supllya iYork Theater Guild.
Room" this evening in Lane Hall at 7 p. in. e
(eorge O. Alder Of Oil Is Too Great SCHOLASTIC DIFFICULTI
,-Hop Committee: IN LAW AND MEDI
There will be a meeting of the J-Hop Committee at 4 p. m. Sunday, "An overproduction of oil in the
in Room 302 of the Union. United States is leading to waste ( Proof of the fact that colleges of over 100
Robert Heaney, Asst. Chairman which must be checIed," Judge ' law, medicine, and dentistry, are as graduat
James A. Veazy said yesterday. extremely difficult as they are uni- cent. T
Oratorical Association--Ushers: Judge Veazy of the Carter Oil com- Ithat of
Ushers are requested to be present at 7:30 Monday evening, Decem- pany, a branch of the Standard nrsally supposed to be i ev en school o
ber 10. Please enter at east door of Hill auditorium. All ushers must Oil company of New Jersey, Judge Staenversiy
be present in order to maintain place assignments. James W. Finley of the Empire Oil State university. PP
(signed) L. E. Walkley, company, a branch of the Cities One hundred and thirty-six as-
Vice President Oratorical Association Service corporation, and Paul piring law students entered! the
-Gregg of the Union Oil company of college of law there the fall of by Bar
JACK SAYS TEACHING PROFESSION California are here to confer with 1925; 69 graduated last spring. I:State to
IDean Henry M. Bates of the Law 127 only 78 of the 137 embryonic jStateuto
DESERVES CAREFUL CONSIDERATION sclhool as members of a sub-co- lawyers who entered confidently in n Sup
mittee of the American Bar associ- the law school were given sheep- the aus
"Much of what the college pro- a history professor to fight Water- ation appointed to study the ques- skins. Less than 50 per cent of thet
fessor says, in his letter to the Na-~ 100" tion of oil conservation. .'lasses are alllowed tc± complete Copiesdo
tion, on the selection-of teaching as In conclusion, Professor Jack Nothing definite has as yet been the law work, these figures reveal copieso
a profession," said Prof. Peter M. stated that it is sufficient for a done by the committee but a bill In the school of dentistry last giss#i
Jack, head of the Rhetoric depart- Ph.D. that it shows literary knowl- originated by Judge Veazy is under spring 46 of the some hundred odd grstis
ment, in an interview yesterday, edge, appreciation and critical in- advisement. This bill, when com- who wished to become dentists in of the L
"is true, and quite unimportant. teiligence, without asking that it pleted, will be submitted to the 1925 at Ohio State were successful.,
"Teachers have always known shall always be a piece of historical larger committee on oil conserva- Popular opinion has it that
that the teaching profession is research in the style that English tion which will in turn probably medical schools ate the stiffest
overworked, underpaid, and insuf- teaching has taken over from clas- submit it to the legislatures of the and most hazardous of all the
ficiently respected," Professor Jack sical tradition. three principal oil states-Califor- schools on the American campus. B
continued. "That does not, how- --- -- ,nia, Oklahoma, and Texas. The medical school here last year
ever, prevent teachers from doing Judge Finley paid a great coin- tightened its already severe en-
what they are determined to do, or Aa On I pliment to Henry L. Daugherty of trance requirements. But at Ohio
from overworking in the kind of] To Visit England the Cities Service corporation when State last spring 78 of the slightly
work they like." he said that "he has had more to
In considering the problem of Visits to the British Isles and do than any other man in bring- -
salary, Professor Jack said, "The possibly Scandinavia and central ing about action to conserve the
College Professor's assumption is :Europe are being planned by Harry oil and gas resources of this coun-
that teachers want as much money A. Franck, '03, well known vaga- try." He concluded by saying that
as they can get for the least effort bond traveler and author, who in- "Dean Bates is one of the most
expended. He had better turn tends to use the material gathered important cogs in this study for
sausage-maker rather than teach." from this trip for some more writ- the measure involves a close ques-
ing At present he is traveling tion of constitutional law."

0 who entered in 1925 were
ed, about a figure of 75 per
his ratio is higher than
any other professional
n the Ohio State campus.
meetings are being held
associations throughout the
study the proposed change
)reme court proceedure,
up by a commission under
pices of the Lawyer's Club
ion fund. Four hundred
f the report of this com-
have been sent to various
n the State, and much in-
being aroused by members
aw profession.
urr, Patterson
&Auld o.
Church at South U

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since it was established. The secret-
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When the professor grumbles11. .-------------
against the necessity of the Ph.D about the country on the lecture
agmtteneest f h hDplatform.
Professor" Jack believes that thle spltom
teacher does not wish to get richt by During the recentpresidential
degrees, but desires not a Ph.Dby campaign, he turned politician
butganS De(Ashsiis anPh.D.' enough to do some very influential
but an L.S.D. (As this is an Eng- isoaywr o.ebr ov
lish joke, it should be explained missionary work for Herbert Hoov- !
that L.S.D means pounds, shilings, ;i Ifintup-state New York. Besides
and Ien eorre ni ositing forty-eight counties in the
and pence, corresponding to dl- state, Mr. Franck interviewed three1
lars, dimes, and cents.) hundred and eight-six newspaper
"A teacher who is interested only editors and, as Will Rogers would
in raises and promotions," contin- say, took the state away from "Al."
ued Professor Jack, "will certainly If Mr. Franok goes to England as
make a bad teacher. As for the expected, his family will probably
Ph.D., I admit that there is much! follow him there and remain dur-
truth in the professor's indictment. ing the 1929-1930 school year. Mr.
Too many have been unimportant Franck is known to Michigan and
hack work. But the Ph.Dis not the entire country especially for
excessively difficult and represents his books on vagabond travels
in America the average scholarship around the world, and was in Ann
of the teacher. But the college Arbor last year on the Oratorical
which says: "Get a Ph.D. or get series lecture program.1
out," does not know its business."
Since many excellent teachers ADOPTS EXTENSION PLAN
will .not take a Ph.D., not needing
it, Professor Jack considers that Adopting as its slogan, "The
every college should have the cour- State is Our Campus," the division
age of its own judgment and pro- of university extension at the Uni-
mote a man on his ability. The versity of Georgia is organizing ex-
specialist who cannot teach is tension classes in town and cities
worthless than the well nformed throughout the state. ExplainingM
teacher who has done research, that the division aims to carry
"I cannot agree, with Professor some of the benefit and satisfac-
Slosson, to give a Doctor of Phil- tion of higher education to the
osophy to a man who writes a large number of people who 'are
novel, though I do not object to unable to attend the regular cour-
giving him a Diploma in Novel ses at the university, Prof. J. C.
Writing, if he by any chance wants Wardlaw, director, reports that
it. To assess a professor of the during the 1927-28 season 1,064 in-
history or literature on his ability dividuals were enrolled in exten-
to write novels is much like asking sion classes in 48 Georgia towns.

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