ESTABLISHED 1890 .4o I a t MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol XXXIX. No. 65. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1928 EIGHT PAGES PACIFIST WILL 0 1FALSEHOODS! JANTIflUV TM OPERA TICKETS HOUSE SETTLES _COMMISSION DESIR&JH IOHSO LEE ADDRESS FORUM IFoElowing a poliy that theyUI ARE AVAILAB have pursued at various times lMme. Rosika Schwimmer, faEXTENSION D DOA9U in the past, the Detroit FreeCLERGYMAN A limited number of good seats mous Hungarian pacifist, will be Press and the Detroit Times yes- H for "Rainbow's End", 1928 Mimes the principal speaker at the next CONTRterday printed stories which (j flFAK Opera, will be placed- on sale at of a series of international forums IiI0were unfounded on truth, which U the Whitney theater box-office to- to be held at 4:15 tomorrow after- UUII _ U ADI made libelous statements re- day. The box-office will be open noon in Lane hall. The form is -(garding Sphinx, junior literary ___from 10 o'clock until 6 o'clock. an extra one in the series, and is EXISTENCE OF FEDERAL BODY honor society, and incidentally "FACING PRESENT CONDITIONS" The tickets are priced from $1.50 being held to enable those who did WOULD CLOSE MARCh 16 cast the same slurs in the direc- IS TOPIC OF PROMINENT to $3.00. SENATE CONTINUES ARGUMENT not hear Mme. Schwimmer speak UNDER PRESENT LAW tion of all honor societies on the PRESBYTERIAN The show opens at the WhitneyS OVER BUILDING OF DAM Thursday night to hear her this --- Michigan campus. The attack -.-- Monday night and will play ONCLRD IE ~ ~was cowardly and can be put FRNZT LY OGAEhogDrdy ih n ai The forums, which are being held OPINION APPEARS S P L IT I down as little else butatherank- RANTZ TO PLAY ORGAN through Fiday.ight and ca ati- WETS' ATTACK IS FUTILE uer the auspices of the Student s Senator Will Seek st kind of sensationalj ursl-ae Student Convoction Of isaid to show that the newest WES*Christian association ,are for the WashingtonSeao Wil ek ism. The Ann Arbor represen- iScn edition of the annual productionsi purpose of allowing foreign stu- Legislation To Extend Board tatives of the two papers filed Fall Series Will Be Held Inn p Senator Johnson Of California dents to come into contact with Over Another Period stories which contained state-. Hill Auditorium music andgeneralcharacter from t Argues For Construction Americans and to facillitate an ex- ments that are not true, and prominen musica goegalS carctfom change of ideas on important in- (Tey Asaodr ad awres which therefore cannot be prov- John Timothy Ston any peious eeproductil be (By Associated Press) ternational problems. The discus- WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-Intro-, ed. Acting on the strength of pastor of the Fourth Presby held tomorrow night when any WASHNGTON,Dec. 7.-A prohi- sion is informal and the meetings duction of legislation to prolong this unproved assertion-that church of Chicago will address the minor adjustments in costumes or AH T ,D . p -are open to all interested.the life of the Federal Radio Coin-! the initiatory ritual of Sphinx Presen tstudent onvocato ofnhanyeotheretals iemdebyt bition debate which filled the rarerd openrcas toliallE. interested. drecor record with words but brought the mission was considered at a meet- by the neophytes-the stories fall eseries Condtomorrowone Fscng- a wets no results furnished the di- ILlB l 1111 DESERTIing of Senate and House members inferred that the members of cation will be held at 11 o'clock in version for those who looked down .~l~l111! ir r I aldb himnWto fte teognzto eetomc iladtru. frmtegleistdyuo o~Senate interstate commerce coin- under the influence of intoxi- The Reverend Stone is well- . n~rr fllr from the galleries today upon Con- LUUSenii LL LI ae yinrma a ts o nrc o-the rthe rganizationowere toxPAE P O ( gs.M - C P SDET mte.Iwadcidtoeer cnstivadtoheomuh Hillnaudtoriu.ationalJcenterst gress. PAl O E~lITmittee. It was decided to deter- cants to give aid to the neophy- known to educational centers ILU I While the Senate continued the mine the sentiment of Congress tes who were accidentally burn- throughout the East and MiddleT long debate over the building of a on the subject before affecting a: ed during the initiation. Such a West for his addresses before I huge dam on the Colorado river move in this direction. Under the use of campus hearsay for the chapel services, convocations, and and the House engaged in the an- Federation Of Labor Withdraws present law, the body would go out purpose of writing sensational student conferences. Two years t nual fight over the item in the Members Holding Posts'of office next March 16. ago he appeared i Ann Arbor as Tru of Ifie news matter regarding the Uni aoh perd nAnAbra Billions Of Dollars In Securities Treasury postoffice appropriation In Government Senator Dill Democrat Wash- versity and putting it in an un- a speaker on the Wesley Founda- Have Been Wiped Out bill for prohibition enforcement. inigton, a member of today's con- favorable light throughout the tion series, and five years age he In Two Days The wets made futile thrusts' rgo ebr!adesda vnn ovcto nToDy against it but when the talking GIL PLANS LABOR LAWS ference expressed a desire to inits state can' be excused on no ddressed an evenig concation had~~~~ eneteie-o 1,0, t eilto xedn h on rud.Bcueo h os in Lane hall at the invitation of had ended, the item-for $13,500,- amissio for another period. organization of most of the the Student Christian association.' DROP IS UNPRECEDENTED e 000-and the bill itself, calling for o yhssociaeaampustionor o tonshe Stone Well Recognized more than a billion dollars, was MEXICO CITY, Dec. 7.-A wide It was pointed out at the meet- :campus honor organizations, Presbyterian circles Stone is (By Associated Press) isimroabe ha ay egl c-f InPrsyeincrlsSoes(BAscatdrs) passed It was the first major cleavage between C. R. 0. M., the ing, however, that any serious op- i i e tt y recognized as one of domination's NEW YORKDec.7.-Forthe accomplishment of the session, but Mexican Federation of Labor, and position to such a bill probaly tiongwilbed istitutedb thide freonit eads. ne of do ati'second successive dayF thestck the e a e e ght m or of the e t e g ver m en wa se n t day in w ould be successful in view of th e w ronged parties , u h s d e forem ost leaders. In 1909 he left se o d su c si eay ths o k there are eight more of these the government was seen today inwudbeucssuinvw ftd not alter the result; it offers a large Baltimore paish to accept makftdywnttruhte supply measures to be enacted be- orders issued by the labor organiza- limited term of this session and noet ler t nesuslt it of-rs a l al timo, and socet markem today went through the fore adjournment before March 4. tion to its members to retire from the crowded calendar. evends hesfatesme teoter of- a call to the Fristh roeseonjo any posts they occupied in either Many Attend Session fenders. These same reporters hadelndacltoteFrstresfamjrratiwih It Partes egi Fiht ny ost thy ocupid i eiherMan AtendSesionhave made use of The Daily to Presbyterian church of New York. carried scores of issues down $5 to Parties Begin FightIhaemdusofTeDiytg The first political skirmish, of the federal or state governments. Others attending the meeting at facilitate the covering of the He is a past moderator of the Pres- $28 a share. with Democratic and Republican This action was immediately f the capital included Representa- local field, and have received in- byterian National assembly, and in In two days pape profits of, senators sniping at One another, lowed by special sessions of the tives White, Republican, Maine, numerable favors from this pa- 1924 opposed William Jennings thousands of large and small spec- in the course of which Senator Hef- senate and chamber of deputies and Davis, Democrat, Tennessee, per and from the University. For Bryan in debate over the candi- ulators have been wiped out, andC lin of Alabama took a fling at his and both bodies passed votes of the ranking members on the House this season an apolgy is due the dacies of two prominent Presby- the aggregate quoted values of I old enemy, Tammany, is over. Both confidence in President Portes Gil. merchant marine committee which campus from the two news- terians for the moderatorship. General Motors common stock 1 houses are involved in legislation The members of C. R. 0. M. at a handles radio legislation.I papers. The Daily challenges A graduate of Amherst and AU- alone has dropped more than $300,- that promises plenty of action, vo -convention also passed resolutions At the commission headquarters either paper to produce written burn Theological seminary, Stone 000,000 in two days, while United g cal and otherwise-the senate with withdrawing their delegates from there was a division of opinion as proof that can justify the state- has been the recipient of numerous States Steel common, and Anacon-I its long-standing acquaintance. participation in the congress of to the advisability of continuing ments made yesterday morning honorary degrees. Nine colleges da Copper, Radio Corporation, g Boulder dam, and, the house with representatives of workers and em- the body over a new period. Some I in their coumns . When such and universities have honored him Montgomery Ward and many other' the bilion-dollar treasury postof- ployers which is considering labor members believed its worth could I proof is submitted the Daily will as a doctor of divinity, doctor of popular industrials and rails havet fice appropriation bill. legislation, fostered by the Mexican be disposed of by the March 16, apologize, but until then the I learned laws, and doctor of litera- depreciated $25,000,000 to a $100,- The senate was wondering today president. deadline, otherss were doubtful. essential facts of the deplorable ture. He is the author of several 000,000 in value. F whether. the Boulder dam pioblem The action of C. R. 0. M. was Regardless of the outcome of the news stories must stand as false- books on religious and educational Measured by the Associated Press was any nearer solution because of taken alter President Portes Gil proposal for extension, the mem- hoods. themes. current reaction is the resumption of the quarrel be- had sent a message to the conven- bers of the ; commission will con- __________________' Sphinx To Usheravrs the otdatcurrntherketo's tween Ariona and California over tion denying charges made during tinue to serve as an appellate body, Sphinxjunior honorary society, thn ost drastie in e maret's 1 the distribution of water in the its sessions that, members of the hearing appeals from rulings of the will again usher at the convocation, leading industrials dropped $9.45 lower Colorado basin in the event iorganization were being persecuted depar ment f co merce whP S The m usical program , arranged by f h r et r a a d$ .6 a s a e that the dam isbuilt. in various parts of Mexico. The would ten of hcommerce whichU L Lois Tilley, 29, will include Caesart thttedmi ul.Iwould be charged with the control' oawpn u w-hrso LaGuardia Issues Statement president also denied that he had of radios thereaftr. Frank sChoralm A Minor as the gains recorded in the series of Representative LaGuardia, Re- been active against the organiza- Whit-nDrafts Rsolutionthe predlude, two hymns, an offer wild "bull" markets since electiont publican, New York, a wet, said tion while governor of the state of WhtI4slsILntory aria by Tenlia, and a soo, day. The average of 20 leading rails V that there was no desire to en- Tamaulipas, where most of Mexico Chairman Wallace H1. White, of "How Beautiful Upon the Moun- dropped only $1.13 a share today as force rohibition He declared oil industry is centered. the House Merchant Marine Com- I-tains" by Harker. Dalies Frantz atgy that if the drys really wanted to The president also denied the re- mittee, co-author of the Radio Act, (By Associated Pres) the new Frieze Memorial organ will Tit $.8estedayw tht $5,4,0In Total sales today were 6,177,500 continue the "noble experiment" quest of the organization that heI is drafting a resolution asking that LONDON, Dec. 7.-King George's render the program with the aidst that $250,000,000 and 150,000 interfere with the production of a the life of the commission be ex- powers of resistance today were of soloist George Alder. shares, as against 5,422,200 yester-f agents would be required to guard play in a Mexico City theater tended. serving him well in his battle with The third and last convocation breaking session of November d American shores and borders. which the labor unions claimed was He said that he is opposed to + the severe and persistent illness of the fall series will be held Sun- 23. Representative Celler, Democrat, critical of them. Portes Gil said making the commission a fixture, which attacked him more than a day, Dec. 16, with Henry Pitt Van Heavy liquidation of impaired New York, also a wet, interrupted that he stood by the statefnent ! but he believes in view of its ex- fortnight ago. His condition, how- Dusen of the Union Theological marginal accounts, necessitated by I LaGuardia to assert the adminis- made in his inaugural address that perience it should be kept in power ever, was still causing anxiety to seminary delivering the principal yesterday's drastic break, produced tration "wants to give the drys the the right to criticize would always long enough to complete important his subjects. address. Van Dusen has spent declines of $3 to $15 a share at the law and the wets the liquor." The be fully respected and protected by j tasks confronting it. Today's bulletin said: much of the past few years visiting opening of today's market. With, only other speaker, Representative his administration. Chairman White said that this: "The King had some restful sleep colleges and universities, and this selling out of the way, the ozie , Democrat, Missouri, a dry, This declaration was praised by should not be taken to mean that and his general strength is main- speaking to students. Several un- full" forces threw i large sup- said the dry law was unpopular be- speakers in the Chamber and Sen- he altogether approved of the com- i tained. Further investigation " of successful attempts have previously porting orders and brought about cause the government had not ate in discussing the situation. A mission's work, adding that he be- the right side of the chest will be been made by convocations com- issues $1 to $10 a share above yes made a sincere effort to enforce it. majority of the speakers severely lieved it made a mistake when it j undertaken during the day." f mittees to secure him as a speaker. terdIa' final quotations.The Johnson Defends Bill censured the Labor organization relicensed all outstanding stations. It appeared from the bulletin' 'advance, however and then the The position was taken by Sen- and its president, Luis N. Morones. He expressed himself as opposed that the physicians were much Zelner To Present "bears" stuck' in and started to atoJhsn eubiaClfr granting the limited number of ;concerned with the question of howIZenrT Pes t"ba"sucin nd tred o i ar oauhoofhe ulderCamrshort wave channels to be disposed the infective process around the New Character Acts hammer at the general list with nia, co-author of the Boulder dam No Rider To Be Added of to business houses for private lung region on the King's right side the result that buying support was dam bill, that those who opposed wihrw nIrce eli ai federal construction of the power To Kellogg War Pact' commercial purposes. He said that was developing. This has been the As the third feature of the 1928- ihdrawnaandnprfectfeanimefashion. eplat areinstrfcton s tanding pi r t e _____ athese should be given to persons or chief subject treated in the last, 1929 Oratorical lecture series, J. _ashion._ way of the administration's wishes. (By Associated Press) groups which are in the fullest few reports of the doctors. W. Zellner, spoken of as the "Pro- Much of thedhird sday's debateO WASHIN , D. 7-The pos- sense public utilities and are sub-, There was considerable delay in tean Characterist," will present University Of Texas 'the measure also centered on the isibility of a move being made to ject to state and Federal control (issuing this morning's bulletin. sixteen characterizations of im- dispute over the distribution of the attach to the Kellogg anti-war regulation. This led to an unusually large portant figures from history, lit-; Abandons Honor Plan Colorad ver's wh e s tbi n te ata rite reirmig Anr-r crowd collecting before the palace erature and fiction Monday night, j Colorado river's waters to be im- treaty a rider reaffirming Amer- aln.Dc1,i iladtru nhs(yAscae rs)- pounded by tne proposed damn. ica's Monroe Doctrine was not in-' railing. Dec. 10, in Hill auditorium, in his (By Associated Press)'j Nine Story Building There were many comings and program entitled "Flashes from AUSTIN, Texas, Dec. 7.-The stu- Senator Johnson said that the' dicated toda~y while the state de-1 section in the measure giving the partden head washbeing tues- I( To Be Erected Here goings at the royal residence dur- I Life and Literature." dent honor system that has been iti nm1 a r, ing qu- ._n n-- ing the forenoon. Lord Davidson,! Zellner is one of the most in- followed at the University of Texas government an opao w u'I ItU J y i'a ioreigu ieia power plant was inserted at the1 tions committee about the pact. Negotiations have been con- former Archbishop of Canterbury, teresting characters of the present since the school was founded in power lant ws mseted atthe tons comitteeaboutthe pat. Neotiatins hav beencday,'s hisarcyaracterizationsed in hifullracer1883,nshasfubeen83absandonneddned, b ususe request of former Secretary Work The dramatic material presented pleted for the construction of a was an early caller. Heremained ytume being presented with an the plan, "as it has been enforced of the interior department and I is for the most part original or nine-story apartment building to Yout a for h Duke of i which he "distinctly demanded." carefully dramatized from original be erected on the lot at 715 Forest York came for lunch with the average changing time of 30 sec- during the last few years, has Construction of the power plant i" sources. Among his repertoire for avenue. The structure will be fi- I Queen, while Princess Mary took onds. For elaborateness of set- proven ineffective." by the government is being opposed this year are characterizations of nanced by William A. Kent and I her morning outing. h and distinction of characters, I The students' assembly last night, by Senator Hayden, Democrat, such figures as "Socrates," "Mep- John E. Moore of Kent and Moore, It was stated on good authorityIswiftness of movement and unique-rdiscarded the rule which placed Arizona, who has said such con- histo," "Benedict Arnold," "Moses," I Inc., Detroit, and will cost, with that X-ray photographs again wereness of presentation, this number students upon their honor not to struction and ownership would put "John Brown," and "Faust." the land, about $400,000. sdtaken this afternoon of the right is like no other entertainment on cheat at examinations, by a vote the government in the electrical____________________________________ side of the chest wehere the in- the stage today. of nine to two. ield in opposition to the wishes ofC fection has become localized and President Coolidge. h hanuburg Amuses Audience With Recital defied Unusual Combination Of Athlete-Musican Senator Johnson took the pos-O Pe s ogsI TobaoIo tion that whensformer Secretary1 Of Poems And Songs In Troubador Style TlE WEATHER Found In Member of Jimmie Green's Band Work advocated giving the govern- ment an optional right to build a Combining a recital on his latest nothing can be gotten byone from (By Assciaae P's .) power plant it made that phase of per ihasnig ftebte certain masterpieces there are, Partly cloudy, not quite so cold in Student-athletes are the excep- band. Through its nightly perfor- the legislation an administration poetry a singing fthe Ithers more suitable for the ini- I(north portions Saturday. Sunday tion, it is generally conceded in mance at the Garden of Allah night desireC selections from his Americangt vidual, either in that field or one unsettled and warmer, probably scholastic sport circles. Even more club in Chicago this orchestra is Hayden Is Chided Song Bag,"' Carl Sandburg, the of the other seven fields of art. some snow or rain. unusual is the athlete-musician. A gaining considerable popularity. "When the opponents of federal singing bard, entertained an audi- i Sandburg then read some of the o o 'most peculiar example of this com- Its success as a dance band is in- construction assailed us they are ence of more than 500 people inj definitions of poetry which he had SKATING RINK NOTICE I bination is found in Harry Kaskey, dicated in that it has given four assailing the present adiinistra- Hill auditorium last night. p incorporated in his last volume of banjo-specalist of Jimmie Green's repeat performances at the Chicago s h presnt d saH u as n t.i n rpined of his mt charn 'The Tee Rink, located at Fifth jnight club band, of Chicago, which night club. Green's orchestra can ICHIGAN BOWS 10 DETERMINED SPARTANS 31 =24 STATE BREAKS EIGHT-YEAR- OLD JINX TO TAKE VICTORY SMA LL NUMBER PRES ENT Win Has Great Significance For State, Marking First S'uccess Since 1920 By Morris Quinn A determined Michigan State basketball team 'came from behind to score 21 points in the second half of its traditional encounter with the Wolverines last night in the field house to break the jinx that Michigan fives have exercised over Spartan aggregations for the past eight, years by jolting the Veenker-coached quintet, 31-24, in the opening tilt of the season. Approximately 2,000 people witnes- sed the contest. Throughout the first half and for a part of the second the game was 'unusually slow and uninter- esting, both teams prefering to play a cautious defense game, speed up their play. Chapman Scores First Michigan drew first blood when Bob Chapman dropped in a close shot soon after the game started, but Russo cut the margin to a sin- gle point by registering a rfree throw shortly afterwards. Then the Wolverines went on a scoring ram- page, Chapman and Orwig each counting twice from the floor and McCoy once to pile up a lead of 21-1. Led by their brilliant sophomore guard, Haga, the Spartan cagers began to locate the basket and gradually pared down Michigan's ead and at the same time holding the Wolverine offense in check. Haga looped the ball twice and Den Herder once, while Grove and Den Herder added three points from the foul line. Orwig increased the Maize and Blue lead to three points by a successful free. throw. The half ended with the score 13-10 in favor of the Wolverines. State. Takes Lead Chapman started the scoring ac- tivities in the second period with a free throw, but State evened the count when Van 'Zylen dribbled through 'the Michigan defense to sink a short shot and Russo made good on both of his tries from the free throw line. Van Zylen fooled the Wolverine defense again and slipped through to register another goal from close range, sending State into the lead, 16-14. The Wolverine knotted the count a minute or two later when little Joie Balsamo scored from the side line, but the Green and White again forged into the lead, Haga, Scott and Van Zylen each collect- ing a basket and Den Herder and Grove sinking a free throw apiece. Two baskets and a free throw cut down the invaders' margin momentarily, Orwig getting a bas- ket on a close in attempt, Chap- man a free throw, and Balsamo a spectacular over-hand shot. State offset this effort, however when Scott bagged a short one and Van Zyilen dribbled half the length of the floor to register again. Michigan Rallies A last Michigan rally netted three points, Orwig scoring all of them, but Grove broke away 'to add two more points to the Green and White total as the game ended with State leading, 31-24. Bill Orwig was the offensive threat of the Wolverine team and the high scorer of the game with 10 points, while Bob Chapman was responsible for eight of the remain- ing counters. Chapman also aided the Wolverine cause greatly by out-jumping Den-Herder to get the tip off regularly. The Lineups Michigan C__wFl* FTP TP. McDonald...... Orwig........... Chapman. Hose ............. McCoy ............. Balsamo..... Lovell ............. Barley........ .. Slagel........... Myron ............. 0 0 2 0 4 2 2 10 3 2 1 8 x 0 3 2 U 0 2 0 2 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 --