4"tA ,°TH17 MT:rPTr.-A: NT TM A TT'V P VVYktV1 A't7 f4V'.%Yff n# A'-" v I l nt ., t IN U H 1 ~ L Y ISUNDAY, SEJPT Ti -1 3DEFEATED BY BLUES IN THIRD SCRIMMAGE. 26- RED ELEVEN FLASHES, STRONIG PASS,,ATTACUK Wheeler, Gembis, and Rich Score, Touchidowns For Blues, Aid Geistert For.Reds SIMERALL SHOWS PROMISE. Lineups. Blnes. Truskowski LE Carte Pommerening LT Bergman Poe LG Morgan Brown CG Sulo Steinke R.Sherwoo Squier RT Williams Cornwell RE Smith Wheeler Q Whitth Rich RH Geister1 Bator R H Hughes Gembis F McBride Scoring at least once in each of, three of the four quarters of yes- terday afternoon's scrimmages on the Ferry field gridiron, the big Blue team downed the Reds in the third practice tilt of the season by a count of 26 to 7. The final score, however, i3 not indicative of the oppsition en- countered by the Blue eleven. In contrast to Wednesday's tilt when the Red team offered little or no threat offensively, they flashed a, passing attack that netted one touchdown and put the ball within scoring distance. on several other: occasions. Instead of using two separate teams, as he did Wednesday, Coach Yost made frequent substitutions throughout the game, permitting. every man, except Parker and Draveling who are temporarily, in- capicated by, injuries to get into play. The majority of the B- squad also saw service before the contest was completed. Blue Team Scores Early Shortly after the opening kick- off, Captain Rich tossed a long pass to Jack Wheeler, who sprinted the remaining 25 yards for a touch- down. Gembis kicked goal with Wheeler holding the ball. Undaunted by this, the Red team' came back strong to gain posses- sion of the ball in Blue territory and. Hughes threw a 35 yard pass to Geistert for a touchdown, but his attempted goal was blocked, Gembis kicked off to Geistert,; ant an exchange' of punts left the, Reds in possession of the ball near their own goal line, Truskowski downing Bator's 50 yard kick. Hughes' purit was short, and Bator circled his own left end for a first. down. With "Cannon Ball" Gembisl S r1 Ls" CROSS COUNTRY MEN 'FRESHMEN GkADUALLY GE T TING IN E the Northwc BEGIN TRIAL RUNS TO SHAPE, COACHES HUNT FOR KICKERS sOPHOMORE FOOTBALL season ticke PREPARE FOR SEASONto boost the PREPAR FOR EASON All sophomores and upper-{ over 30,000. Working with the largest fresh- will be devoted to the learning of lsphmrwish nd uppe r uer n Coach Steve Farrell put his cross men football.squad to report -in re- plays and to signal drills. the sh or otBtl over 1,000 rn country men through their first cent years, Coach Ray Fisher and In contrast to last year's team, e repoa e o'okto- to see the his assistants Flora Miller and. the 1928 group appears to include;tmro tatnooktos-t aainsthCoa trial. runt of the season yesterday Traynor are gr1al hpii h ren o morrow afternoon at Y.ost a gast o Trary'Fil na efr oyno r gradually whippingI a large number of promising line- hos.Uiom;ilb The Indians at Furry Field i an effort to getthe yearlings into shape for under- [men, although the end candidates 'ield house. Uniforms will be tin fondc his proteges in form for their fall: taking the schedule. with teams have yet to show much promise issued at that time.tng events. Coach Farrell sent the representing the Physical Ed Outsid -of this department the fr Clifford Keen, Coach. a win over t twenty men. who have reported to squad and the sophomore squad ward wall, should be a formidable sand acoo ~which will be organized tomorrow.) one. ~~~1~ Several 1. him over a two. and a half mile. At present there are about 140 While there are a number of BUTLER RED Y fvr C course with the instructions to dol men reporting nearly every day, promising backs on the squad, the tomnCi the distance in fourteen minutes. I and the large number of candi- greatest task of the coaches at the TO MEET PURPLE "Wpn will a This time. was considered good dates has somewhat hindered the present time appears to be that of enng en~ugh. fr a star, ndy sve haf coaches in their work, As soon as.developing capable kickers. Nonetniversity of the candidates were. able- to, ac-i they become thoroughly familiar of. the mnen have yet given indica- Over Thirty Thousand. Are. Ex- tler iw coplihi.HoeeCptyur with the various men, however, tion of the, ability displayed by Ba- pce oWtesNrhetr Coach Potsy ful, Monroe, and Kennedysucced- teams will be formed, enabling tor, Wheeler, Holmes and Simerall Opener October G'"Red" Fron ed in running the distance in them to give individual instruction of last year's yearling team.H"C 12:47 3-5 , and thus lead the field.iwy gTelags pnngdycod uetCr wilw ush the first1 here it is most needed. Although a few candidates have The largest opening day crowd the hardest Wisconsinwil furnish the first To Hold Signal Drills already dropped off the squad, in the history of football at North- Butler hist real opposition for. the Wolverine Durngthe k, hBtlrhit harriersiwhen thehe olverne Durin he dpast week the Coach Fisher announced that no western university is expected to the Purple h~iries wenthey journey here coaches have confined their efforts cut would be made during the en-ated heBlr-upegm JonCvs October 27. Ten Michigan men will almost entirely to conditioning the tire season. attend the Butler-Purple game John CoreI run in this race of 3.7 miles. These candidates and drilling them in here Oct. 6, according to the sophomoreh tnwl echsnb tilrnI to be unusu2 ten will be chosen by a trial run blocking, tackling and the other ANN ARBOR ANNEXES present brisk demands for ducats. j in ansu of the same, standard distance fundamentals of the game. Dur- g Over 15,000. season books have carrynd kic October 20. ing the coming week, however, as OPENING Rii GAME aledy be os seve rryg a h Coach Farrell expressed himself soon as the men are grouped into already been sold which is several riers are Fr as .being well pleased with the teams part of each daily practice FROM DURAND, 37-0 thousand in excess of last year's showing that.his men made yester- -mark. Loyola university which, left handed day. even: though they did not ex- Battling grimly but vainly, Dur- I len, member tend themselves in an effort to set ± FRESHMAN FOOTBALL and high school was downed by as steps the 10 a record, but he expects the time heavier Ann Arbor high eleven yes- will bring several thousandstu- The line a to improve in these trial runs I Candidates for the Fresh- I terday in the opening game of the dents and alumni which added to irsuch hefty which will be held every Saturday man team report at 3 o'clock jIfootball season, 37 to 0. 'The heavy- until the Wisconsin meet. Monday afternoon on south forward wall of the victors opened carr the ball th p Ferry fields big holes in the lighter line of the carring hRayllFisherlas Coach. assC school during the first ted the second Blue touchdown, y s C . quarter whenAnnurbor phedfrs but Bergman broke through and __a lead but failed to make as im- blocked his attempted kick for the prmessv a showing during the re- extra point. PUR UE t'J VJ mainder of the fray. Reds Threaten To Score BRILLIAT BACK Ann Arbor kicked off to Durand Neither team succeeded in scor- o ILLI- ANT AIat the start and recovered a fumble ing in the second ueriod, althoug- - on the Durand 30-yard mark. In estern student body andI et holders is expected! e total attendance well iversity is also sending ooters in a special train e Bulldogs in action ach Hanley's proteges. apolis school is enter- d hopes to slipping over heir Big Ten opponents ing to the dope they d chance of succeeding thousand Boy Scouts ago and surrounding also be in attendance at game as guests of the especially well fortified vith a strong backfield. Clark has the veteran muth at quarterback. rley" Hinchman, one of t hitting fullbacks in ry is expected to give plenty of trouble. In e, the Bulldogs have a halfback who is reputed. ally adept at the pass- cking game as well as e ball. Other ball car- ancis Royce, 175-pound Oral Hutchins, good passser and Edwin Al- of the track team who 0 in 10 seconds flat. lso stacks up well with veterans as George R Fredenberger, William Bugg and Jim Necely at the jobs. Williarmn McCarthy,. 190-pound sophomore guard candidate is expected to be in the starting lineup. Tackles are Willard Warth, Robert Schopf and George Haftzger, all lettermen. FRESHMEN SWIMMjNQ All freshmen desirous. of, trying out for freshmen swim- Iing report at 4:30 o'clock Monday afternoon, October 1, at the Union pool. Matt Mann,. I Varsity swimming coach. J - - , - , - - q- - ' 1 'y " a : )E1 l1w, WE .CLEANERS" _ - as - r a 1 - I A _ a'r . ~Garment Cleaningt Copay -~SVI7 2Q$. South 4t Ae. - Phone 411 a . H. SHROEW, M. - the R1eds opened a passing attack that threatened the Blue goal on several occasions,. Whittle did most of the- passing with McBride, Hughes and Geistert receiving his throws. The Blues scored again late in the third quarter when Squier scooped up, Whittle's fumble and ran 15 yards for a touchdown. With Straub holding the ball he proceeded to add the extra point. The final scoring came late in the game, when the Blues with the starting backfield combination back in the lineup worked the ball deep into Red territory, Rich going off tackle for the touchdown. Gembis failed to kick goal. Simmerall, playing his first game with the Blue team, handled him- self well, turning in several nice runs after receiving punts besides showing considerable promise as a, punter. Gembis, Bator, Rich and Dansby all displayed promise in carrying the ball. ' F 1 F 1 1he ly, the. Purple and Whitg Brown, Once Cut From Freshmen, three plays, Squad, Promises To Become Star I carried the oval across but Pega: In Sophomore Year failed at the extra point. Tw .---i.other touchdowns followed in or Brown of Harvard seems due to der in the first quarter. have his counterpart in Brown of With the opening of the secon Purdue, providing stories regarding period of play, Durand fough the gridiron prowess of a sopho- more evenly with the Ann Arbo. more "find" on the Boilermaker eleven. While its offensive coul football staff can be believed. For not get under way defensively th J.otball sta.f Brwnbebliee. Yor team battled on a more even basic J' M. Brown, of Buffalo, N. Y., an wt h upeadWiem unknown who unexpectedly re- chine whichufound itself unable t4 ported for practice with the Purdue push over more than a touchdowr varsity this fall, has sprung a a quarter. pleasant surprise on the Old Gold The game did not reveal the cus and Black coaches through his tomary raggedness usually foun performance at halfback- in opening games. Penalties in A year ago this fall, Brown en- flicted : were for off-side play and tered the Purdue school. of me- Ann Arbor was the only recepiten1 chanical engineering, and when of the five-yard setbacks. Several the first call for freshman football injuries were received althougl prospects was made among the none were serious save that re- first to respond. However, he fail- ceived by Edson, Durand right end, ed to impress the coaches with his In one of the early pileups, Edsor football ability and was cut off was injured back of the ear anc the freshman varsity squad and re- was taken to St. Joseph's hospital, legated to the freshman class team. Concussion of the brain was feared. 10i tI rr di e: f1s 0 n" di 1! .l' C. z f, 47 LALA v; Aa For Freshmen, complete equipment of all Athletic Supples. rr M !3 TWO 711 N. University Ave. Next to Arcade Theater STORES Packard and S. State Sts. * s .. ......Eu x E Evening oth es -I I Individually Tailored by K A HN TAILORING CO'MPANY of Indianapolis, Ind. r:.1l11l~~i11lIt1flI 111 11 l1 11111 111111 1 t111 t1 ii fil l III I ilu 1 WAGIIIEI&COMPAHY cor flen oSlce gzg 1= Pay for the name and you get what r has made the name The most expert of all woolen buyers go abroad twice a year to selectthe newest and finst foreign fabrics (as well as domestics) ®$a for Hickey-Freeman Clothes. The most choice of all clothing fabrics help make the name "Hcikey-Freeman." r52 up F ' , r11111i111ttlltlt11C111 1 The wonderful reputation of Kahn Tailored Tuxedo's is based on the firm foundation of superb quality and noticeable elegance of Style and per- sonal fit. The prices are a reasonable return for the individual attention which each order receives from expert craftsmen. In wearing one you have that feeling of perfect confidence of being correctly dressed. $45.00 to $85.00 4.. i M Exclusively with us TINKER & COMPANY So. State St. at William St. Serving University Men for Over Thirty Years f