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December 07, 1928 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-12-07

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-74. E, MI C fII ICA N'D A ILY


~~~AaW~A "even in Catholic countries like Schwimmer asserted that she said, "but I like to keep mv fcet ~


I, I . wamm




Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)

Vol. 39


No. 64.

Committee On Student Affairs:
There will be a meeting of the Committee on Student Affairs
Room 2 University Hall, at 4 p. m., Friday, December 7.
J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students

WOR D RG NIA IO I B S W Y "even in Ca'holi countries .like Schwinimer asserted that she said "but I1like to keep my fet on
WOungary, birth control is gaining had often been called an idealist. the ground and get my head as
TO PREVENT WAR, SAYS SCHWIMMER gcund. It is absolutely necessary "I am an idealist of a sort" she far into the clouds as possible."
Jo the abolition of war.
"The best way to prevent was is by the people must spread beyond In commenting on her struggle
world organization." said Mme. Ro- their own boundaries. "Birth con- for citizenship, Mine. Schwimmer
sika Schwimmer, famousHungarian trol is the only remedy," she said. said that she thought that the
peace worker, in an interview be-; She admitted that she had en- United States had a perfect right
fore her address here yesterday. countered considerable opposition to keep out any aliens that they
"The League of Nations and the from her views on that matter, didn't desire. She is carrying on
World court are steps in the right "mostly from the Catholic church." her own fight, she said, because of
direction, though the present "However," she went on to say, the urging of friends who want a
League is very unsatisfactory. But test case made of the matter. Mme.
the feeling against war is rapidly Foresters To Test
growing and conditions are much . A neW roupQfScarfs
better in that respect than they Tropical Hardwoods MAJESTIC
were before the last war," she con- atTr2.50
tinued. O upply Cosmopolitan Others $2.00-$7.00
Mine. Schwimmer said that one-er .0- .
of the great causes of war is over- "Our School of Forestry and Opening Saturday
population. When a country has Conservation has already arranged teamr Rugs $17.50
more people than it can support, to conduct tests on the physical
and mechanical properties of some Bath Robes,
i ' of the morei mportant tropical D
j ,'M ltipe ' C 10D 2riAmerican hardwoods, declared E re51ri - Gons_


University Lecture:
Professor E. R. Hedrick of the Southern Branch of the University
of California will lecture on "The Foundations of Mathematics," Friday
afternoon at 4:15 in Room 1025, A. H. The public is cordially invited.
J. W. Glover
Physics Lectures:
Professor Herman Weyl of Zurich will give two lectures on "The
Grdup of Rotations in Quantum Mechanic.s." The first lecture will be
given December 6 at 4:15 p. m., the second, December 7, at 2:15
p. m., both in Room 1041 East Physics Building. All. interested in this
field are invited to attend.
11. M. Randall
Gymnasium Classes for Women:°
Gymnasium classes scheduled for Barbour Gymnasium will not meet
Friday, December 7, on account of the Bazaar. Classes scheduled for the
Women's Athletic Building will meet as usual.
Margaret Bell
Men's Education Club:
The Men's Education Club will meet Monday, Dec. 10, at 7:00 p. m.,
in room 302 of the Union. Prof. C. L. Vibbert will'speak on "The Uni-
versity of Paris." All men interested are invited.
Arthur B. Elliott
Alpha Kappa Delta:
All members who have not yet made their reservations for the
initiation banquet, Wed., Dec. 12, are asked to call 22332 before Monday.
Dr.'Little is to speak at this banquet.
R. D. MacNitt, President
Phi Delta Kappa:
Active and associate members of Phi Delta Kappa will meet at the'
Michigan Union, Saturday, Dec. 8, at 1 p. in., for luncheon. Dr. Trow
will be the speaker for this occasion.
R. D. MacNitt, President
Polonia Literary Circle:
There will be a very important meeting of the society Friday, Dec.
7, at Lane Hall. All members are requested to be there promptly at 7:30.
Jos. Kurcz, President
Phi Eta.Sigma:
The last group of initiates may now claim their keys and certificates
at the Dean's ofce, Room 4, University Hall, by presenting the slip
signed by the secretary.
Douglas L. Edwards, Secretary
Men's Physical Education Club:
The next meeting of the Men's Physical Education Club will be held.
second week after the Christmas holidays. The speaker for the occasion
gill be announced later.
R. G. Nebelung, President

> Of News Anticipated
' With Teletypesetter
Another great advancement in
the field of newspaper production
seems probable as reports of the
i successful trial of the new Tele-{
j typesetter, an invention by which{
typesetting machines can be op-
erated by a telegraph wire, were
received from the plant of thef
Rochester, N. Y., Times-Union yes-
By means of the new apparatus,
one man sitting at a typewriter
can set type in a hundred different
newspaper offices in as many cities,
greatly shortening the time need-
ed to transfer news from the place;
where it occurs to the printed page.
A distance equivalent o 140'
miles was made possible in yester-
day's experiment by resistance
coils, and two typesetting machines'
simultaneously received the wire
'dispatches, which were recordedI
t,into standard lines of metal type
;with human touch eliminated.
An operator at the master send-
ing keyboard punches dots repre-
senting characters on a tape. This
perforated tape passes through a
transmitting distributor which
transmits the characters either
over wires or radio by means of!
electrical impulses. At the other
end, the perforated tape runs'
through the receiving machine that
operates the typesetting keyboard.

Dean S. T. Dana, regarding a re-
cent editorial in the Daily sug-
gesting such a program to the
"Through cooperation with the
Tropical Plant Research Founda-
tion. of Washington, D. C., definite
plans have been worked out for
obtaining authentic specimens for
such tests." He continued to state
that during a trip to the tropics
last winter the forester for the
Foundation arranged to have logs
of some fourteen of the more
abundant hardwoods shipped to
Ann Arbor for tests, and that he
anticipated that these would be re-
ceived in the very near future.
In this connection it has already
been stated by Prof. D. M. Mat-
thews of the Forestry school, that
the hardwoods supply of the United
States is being used at a rate of
four and one-half times the rate
at which they are being grown. He
also stated that it will take fifteen
or twenty years to realize any re-
sults at all on the program now
being launched by the School of
"While a start has thus been
made it must be born in mind that
accurate determination of the vari-
ous properties of the large number
of important tropical woods of
South America is an enormous
task, the completion of which will
require years of work on the part
of more than one institution,"
Dean Dana added.

Story by

Time is Flying-Order Now
Several lines to select from and prices right.
State Street Main Street

(Edna Gustin); Beethoven: Minuet in G sharp No. 2; Mathilde Bilbro:
The Christmas Gobbler (Barbara Ann Alt); Merkel: Butterfly; Tschai-
kowsky: The Lark's Song (Roberta Washington); Willis: It Came Upon
The Midnight Clear; Gruber: Silent Night, Holy Night ('Gwendolyn
. _ __ _ _. ... . .. T .. __ " :<...a ! T r no" 'G lni nr R~Y7 '.


-dt-t:Zoller); Heller: Sailor's Song; (Kendall Wood) G. Lange: Fower onig
otudent Recital: (Marion Holmo6); Engelmann: Russian Dance (Jean Van Cleaf);
Pupils of Lucile Graham, pianist, will give the following program1Heller: Warrior's Song (Arthur Wood); W. E. Miles: Sparklcts (Emma
at the University School of Music Recital Hall, on Maynard street, on !Schmid); *Pupil of Miss Thelma Lewis.
Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock sharp. The public is invited. No Charles A. Sink
admission charge. Gurlitt: Lullaby; Williams-Wright: Pussy Cat, Pussy --
Cat; Williams-Wright; Hickory, Dickory Dock; (Billy Gram); A. Schultz: University Club:
Dragon Fly; Mrs. Crosby Adams: Circling the Christmas Tree; (Frances Club Night Friday evening, December 7. Program: Gilbert Barnes,
Bonisteel); Williams-Wright: Little Jack Horner; Williams-Wright: 'and Professor H. F. Adams. Discussion will follow Professor Adams'
Mary Had a Little Lamb; Caryl Florio: The Broken Doll (Barbara Nan (talk on "Ratings." Refreshments.
Berry); Spindler: Polonaise; Couperin: Jingle Bells (Bessie Field); . Program Committee
Schumann: The Wild Horseman; F. Gruber: Silent Night, Holy Night;
(Richard Shroth); Heller: A Curious Story; Gurlitt: Cheerily, Oh! 1

I I''_______ ________________





We have received four shades of the
that we have ever been able to obtain.
Better look them over. It's worth while.




So. State St. at William St.


Dot)'t forget t1his is the time to be thinking of Holiday Gifts.
tic home for Dad. You know Kid Brother would like a
Buckle and there are many other suggestions we are offering

Take a [Res
Michigan S
for the holid

® m t


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