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December 07, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-12-07

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Life Of Troubador Includes Variety
Of Experiences Which Indicate
his Restless Spirit
Carl Sandburg, Chicago's jour-
nalist-poet and "the poet of the
midwest," will give a reading of his
own poems and a short lecture on
poetry when he appears at 8
o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium
under the' combined auspices of the'
Inlander and the American Feder-
ation of American Women. Sand-
burg is also termed "the singing
bard," because on many of his pro-
grams he sings American folk sons
and accompanies himself on his
guitar. The program he will pre-
sent tonight has not been definitely
announced by Sandburg.
For his "American Song Bag"
Sandburgh is recognized as the
most important figure among those
collecting the folk lore of Ameri-
ca. Considered from the stand-
point of prosperity this collection
of folk songs is his most important
work, and it is expected that he
will include some of these on his
program tonight.
Poetic Works Famous -
But fundamentally %'zaburg is
a poet. He is credited with pub-
lishing five volumes of poetry, and
in addition two books of children's
fantastic stories, "Rotabaga Pig-
cons," and "Rotabaga Stories." His
fame began with the appearnce o f
his prize-winning poem, "Chicago,"
and since that time he has been as
the leading exponent of free verse
in America. His poems have been
translated into French, Spanish,
Yiddish, Russian, Danish, and
In addition to his reputation as
a poet and collector of folk songs
Sandburg has most recently
achieved prominence as a biog-
rapher. His biography of Lincoln is
noted for its reproduction of the
human aspect of the martyred
president, many of the character-
istic ancedotes of Lincoln begin
presented. .
Restlessness Personified
Born in Galesburg, Illinois, Sand-
burg's restless spirit impelled him
early to play the part of truant
from school. At thirteen he left
school to drive a milk wagon. He
continued his career thus begun by
setting out from Galesburg on the
"rods" of railway coaches in an
adventurous trip west. He then en-
rolled for service in the Spanish-
American war and at the end of
the conflict finished his education
at Lombard college, Illinois.
His writing career was inspired
to greater ends when he won an
cratorical prize in Lombard col-
lege in his senior year. After grad
uation he served his literary ap-
prenticeship on many metropolitan
newspapers, including one in Chi-
cago where he was imbued with
the atmosphere which he later in-
corporated in his poems; For a
time he was stationed in Stock-
holm as a foreign representative of
4n American newspaper.
With his withdrawal from active
participation in newspaper work
Sandburg began touring the coun-
try on the "cushions," this time
reading his own poetry, lecturing,

and singing selections from his
collection of American folk ballads.
He is still connected with news-
papers as a special writer.
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Dec. 6.-Dr. W. T.
Bovie, head of the department of
byophysics of Northwestern Uni-
versity, was awarded the John
Scott medal and a premium of
$1,000 by the city of Philadelphia
at a, dinner of the Radiological As-
sociation of North America tonight.
The medal and the cash were
awarded for Dr. Bovie's work in
Dr. Bovie's development of ap-
paratus for electrical surgery has
made possible bloodless and pain-
less operations. His instruments
make incisions with an electric

Journalistic PoetI
Will Speak Tonight,


Carl Sandburg

Coon-Sanders, Lyman And John-
son Orchestras Loom As
Chief Ones Considered
Tickets for the J-Hop of the
class of 1930 will be on sale in the
side desk in the Union today for
the last time. The booth has been
kept open for the last few days and
the daily quota determinedaby the1
committee has been promptly dis-
posed of. George Bradley, '30,
chairman of the ticket committee,
announced last night that there
had been an unusually large sale
yesterday, after which there were
only a few tickets available.. All
indications point to a complete
sellout for the annual formal dance
of the junior class dance.
Yesterday was the last day of the
exclusive junior sale, the tickets
being available to the general stu-
dent body today. Committeemen
geali junior& who plan to..atten4
the J-Hop to secure their tickets
as early, as , possible today as a
large general sale is expected.
Orchestra Still Not Chosen
Although a final choice has not
been made for the first orchestra
to play at the affair, negotiations
are under way with four bands
which are at the present time
under consideration, according to
Robert C. Heaney, '30L, acting gen-
eral chairman of the affair due to
the absence of Harry W. Wallace,
'30, who will be inactive during the
next few days. Tentative arrange-
ments are being made with Coon-
Sanders orchestra, which is ap-
pearing now at the Blackhawk res-
taurant in Chicago, Guy Lombardo,
who plays at the Granada Cafe in
the same city, Abe Lyman, who re-
cently completed his engagement
with the "Good News" musical
comedy company, and Johnny
Johnson and his Statler Pennsyl-
vanians of New York.
I it is expected that the final
choice will be made in the -near fu-
ture and that final arangements
will be made at that time.
Favors Contract Let
The contract for the favors for
the junior party has been let, and
although the comittee is not
ready to announce the exact na-
I ture of the favors, as yet, they be-
lieve them to be of a much higher
quality than in previous years.
They are said to be entirely origi-
nal in their design.
An illuminated plot of the deco-
ration scheme for the "Hop"
showing some of the color and
lighting effects is on. display in the
window of Graham's book store.
The pillars which will suround the
entire main room of the new Intra-
mural building are to be made of
a silver cloth through which the
lighting effects will be reflected.
The changeable coloredrlights
glowing through the pillars will be
the only source of lightin the hall,
thereby giving a colorful indirect
lighting effect to the setting.
More Censure Heaped
On Vestris Commander
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Dec. 6.-The cause
of the hidden leaks that sank the
liner Vestris remained a mystery
of the sea today, but in official
reports of the British and Ameri-


Previous Visits To Ann Arbort
Are Recalled By Announcement
Of Name On Program
John Timothy Stone, pastor of
the Fourth Presbyterian church of
Chicago and well-known speakert
at universities through the East'
and Middle West, will address the1
second convocation of the fall
series at 11 o'clock next Sunday in
Hill auditorium.
In addition to being pastor of
one of Chicago's largest churches.1
the Reverend Stone is president of
McCormick Theological Seminary
and one of the past moderators ofl
the Presbyterian National assem-
bly. When he went to Chicago in
1909, he left a large Presbyterian
parish in Baltimore, and since that
time he has declined a call to the
First Presbyterian church of New#
York. At present he holds direc-
torships in the Chicago Bible so-
ciety, the Presbyterian ministers'
fund, and the Presbyterian hos-
pital, and he is a trustee of the
Chicago Half-Orphan asylum. !
Graduated From Amherst {
The Reverend Stone took his
A.B. degree from Amherst in 1891
where he was a member of the
football team and class orator, and
he graduated from Auburn the-
ological seminary in 1894. Since
then he has been honored by the
University of Maryland and by'
Amherst with degrees of doctor of
divinity; honorary degrees of LL.D.
have been conferred upon him by
Emporia college, Occidental college,
Coe college, Lafayette college, and
Northwestern University; Colum-
bia has conferred an honorary de-
gree of S.T.D. upon him, and the
YnCSiRy- of- Vermont. an -honor-
ary degree of Litt.D.
Ina1924 at the Presbyterian Na-
tional assembly in Grand Rapids,
as one of the sponsors of Charles
R. Erdman for the moderatorship,
the Reverend Stone opposed his
oratory to that of William Jennings
Bryan who was sponsoring the
candidacy of Clarence E. Macart-
Acclaimed As Orator
By those who have known him
Stone is acclaimed as an orator of
rare ability and a man of tre-
mendous appeal to students. Two
years ago he appeared tit Ann
Arbor as a speaker on the series
sponsored by the local Wesley
Foundation, and five years ago he
addressed an evening convocation
in Lane hall at the invitation of
the Student Christian association.
The Reverend Stone's congrega-
tion is one of the most exclusive in
Chicago, the vast majority of its
members being residents of the
"Gold Coast," the southern section
of Lake Shore- Drive, where hs
church is located.
On Dec. 16, Henry Pitt VanDusen
will address the final convocation
of the fall series. A graduate of
Union Theological Seminary, Van-
I Dusen has spent considerable time
making the rounds of American
universities addressing chapel serv-
ices, convocations, and student
conferences. Attempts were made
by local convocations committees
to secure Van Dusen both last year
and the year before. He is known
to Ann Arbor residents through his

sermons as a visiting preacher at
St. Andrew's Episcopal church.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6-A lengthy
list of both major and minor
changes in the federal law relating
to railroad regulation is asked of
congress by the interstate com-
merce commission in submitting
1 today its annual report.
Broader and more specific pow-
ers to control and direct the con-
solidation of existing systems of
railroad into larger units for the,
commission itself was among the
I points touched upon. In addition,
citing the continual growth in the

Conference Coaches
To Conlude Plans
Of TeamSchedules
Coaches of Michigan's varsity
sport teams will attend a sched-
ule conference of the Big Ten uni-
versities, today and tomorrow, at
the Hotel Sherman, in Chicago. In-
cluded in the party to represent
the University are: Fielding H.'
Yost, director of intercollegiate
athletics, Coach E. E. Wieman, of
the football squad, Coach Ray
Fisher of the baseball team, Coach
Matt Mann of the wrestling squad,
wnd Harry A. Tillotson, manager of
the athletic association.
Meeting with the coaches of the
other Conference schools, the
Michigan mentors will consider the
schedules for the coming year in
the various competitive sports. The
schedule for basketball, however,
has already been completed, the
coaches of this sport having met
two weeks ago at Chicago. They
had an early meeting so that court
practice would not be interrupted.
Coach George Veenker, of the
Maize and Blue basketball squad,
General relations between the
Big Ten schools will be considered
in addition to the formal arrange-
ment of the schedules.
Pacifist Declares Nationalism,
When Carried Too Far,
Is War Motive
"World peace is a matter of or-
ganization," said Mme. Rosika
Schwimmer, famous Hungarian
pacifist and social worker in a
speech on the "Abolition of War"
last night at Hill auditorium. "We
must follow the evolution of state-
craft and establish a federation of
states, like the United States, with-
out frontiers or economic barriers.
The necessities of life must be in-
ternationally controlled, or else war
cannot be avoided," 'secon in6e.
Mme. Schwimmer went on Xto
say that' nationalism, whenacar-
ried too far, is a principal cause of
war. "The belief that 'We are the
chosen people of the earth' en-
courages warfare," she said. "We
should keep our individualism, but
we must not work against the in-
terests of others." The famous
peace worker decried the existence
of militarism, which, she said, "is
more prevalent now than before
the Great War. I can respect an
honest militarist, but the nations
of today sign a peace treaty with
one hand and build more war
machines with the other."
Mme. Schwimmer mentioned the
Ford Peace expedition in her talk.
"I have been accused of robbing
Mr. Ford of millions," she remarked
in reference to the Peace ship of
o o

Prof. Kraus Recounts Formation, =
Properties, And Uses
Of Diamonds M
Resuming the regular weekly
schedule of broadcasting, the Ninth
University Michigan Night radio
program of the current series,
which was put on the air between ti
7 and 8 o'clock last night from the t
Morris hall studio through WJR- Capt. Ernest McCoy I b
WCX, Detroit, was featured by-r
three talks by members of the Uni- i
versity faculty and a musical CON R
program given by members of the C
School of Music.
Dr. James D. Bruce who has re- IT
cently been made director of the
department of Post-graduate medi- h
cine at the University hospital, t
told in the opening talk the, Boulder Dam, Vestris Questions t
purposes and work of this bureau Mark Solons' Action During e
in aiming to create a closer har-' Hectic Day Of Argument o
mony between the University and Iti
its graduate physicians. SMITH AND HOOVER CITED
"The new department was cre- b
ated when the medical profession b
of the state had long felt the need (By Associated ress)M
of the opportunities for continued WASHINGTON, Dec. 6.-Con-
study after graduation under a gress had its post-campaign poli- t
program academically arranged tical skirmish today revolving b
I and supervised and presented the Iaround therelative positions ofl
problems to the Board of Regents, Herbert Hoover and Alfred Smith e
of the University," he stated. "This on immigration, and its mildness .
has been a great advance in the emphasized the let down in the i
problem of the continued educa- firing which blazed away so heavily b
tion of doctors when we realize that from both sides prior to the na- e
neither the science nor the art of tional conventions last June. e
medicine can be fully achieved in It was a debate in the Senate a
the under-graduate school. Sound- over the national origins clause of
ness of judgment is an essential the immigration act which would
to medical practice, and is seldom fix the number of immigrants e
inherent but rather the result of coming into this country on theo
experience." basis of immigrants already ad- a
Will Call Conferences mitted from various countries.V
The plan as formulated calls for Both Smith and Hoover figured in d
the holding of conferences by the the running debate which wentC
department in different centers along for an hour or more, with
throughout the State for graduate various Senators citing their im-V
physicians in order that they may migration stand but without the h
keep abreast of the times in medi- heat exhibited in the sessions of e
cal advancement. six months ago.
"Diamonds" was the topic of the Boulder Dam Ends Debate t
talk given by Prof. Edward H. Finally the discuslons ended
Kraus of the minerology. depart- quietly when the Boulder dam bill
ment. Professor Kraus, who is the was once again placed in its pre- u
director of the minerology museum ferred place as the business at
of the University, has made an hand, and the Senate proceeded
extensive collection of gems and with this much disputed piece ofC
has given several talks on these I legislation.
Michigan Night programs. nh The House went through a fight1
.iProfessor Kraus told of the for- which has become traditional dur-b
mation of diamonds, where they ing consideration of the treasury o
are found, how they are cut, their postoffice supply bill. As soon ass
physical qualities, and their use. consideration of the measure was r
"While formerly the diamond was undertaken some of the wets began r
used principally as a gem, today taking potshots at the $13,500,000
about 40 per cent of the annual prohibition bureau allowance. La-a
output is employed for industrial guardia, of New York, led the at-s
purposes," he said. tack with the assertion that the
Adams Concludes Program item would not be sufficient forv
The final talk of the evening was enforcement i Detroit alone. This
given by Prof. Henry F. Adams of annual debate was also of shorte
th# psychology department, who duration, however, and the Houses
spoke on "What Advertisement proceeded along unruffled by the
Should Be." Professor Adams told brief exchanges.
of. the varied types of advertise- Although the day was a quiet oneI
ments and how they appeal to a for the two houses, President Cool-
person. His book on advertising is idge furnished an issue, should any
widely used in the colleges through- one desire to consider it, by send-
out the country. Ing up the names of Roy O. West,
The musical portion of the pro- of Illinois, and William F. Whiting,E
Sgramwas rendered by the Univer- of Massachusetts, to be secretaries
sity School of Music. Little Sym- of the interior and commerce de-
phony orchestra composed of stu- partments. Indications that there
dents in the public school music might be a fight on West cropped
department under the direction of up immediately. Chairman Nye ofj
Joseph E. Maddy which presented the public lands committee, said he

four selections: J Valse Celebre by would ask the secretary to appear
Moszkowski, Danse Orientale by fbeforethe committee for question-
Lubomirsky, Aubade Mexicaine by, cng as to whether he had been
. Mowrey, and Serenade E~spagnole connected with the Samuel Insull
wby Bizet. utility interests of Chicago. Nye,
called his committee into session
for Saturday at the request of sev-
i DOCTORS DECLARE eral senators who wanted the mat-
CING IS IMPROVED ter thrashed out.
Coolidge Appointment Disputed ;
. (B s Pess)Neither House nor Senate com-
AssciaedPres)mittees evidenced any desire to
LONDON, Dec. 6.-Two official hurry things. The Housedagricul-
bulletins on the illness of King ( ture committee met but took no
George, issued today, were at least I action on any farm relief program,
not discouraging toj the anxious and afterwards Chairman Haugen
watchers at Buckingham palaceI expressed doubt that anything
The physicians reported no in- could be done about it at this ses-
crease in temperature and the gen- sion. Later consideration will be
eral condition of the patient ap- given to the subject, however.
peared to be slowly improving. The On the Senate side, the com-
elocal infective process was appar' merce committee decided it would
ently less troublesome and lay ob- be better to wait for the result of
servers hoped that it was follow- the New York inquiries before con-
- ing its anticipated course. sidering a Congressional, investiga-
The evening bulletin was issued , tion of the Vestris disaster and
y an hour after the physicians had the rosolutions asking for such ac- l
arrived at the bedside of their pa- tion were passed over for the time
tient. It was signed by Sir Stan- being. Other committees were in

eDonald, At Forwar, Will Be
Only Non-Letter Man To Begin
Traditional Game
By Morris Quinn
Michigan State college, tradi-
tonal rival of Wolverine athletic
eams, will send the strongest
asketball combination boasted in
ecent years to inaugurate the
928-29 Maize and Blue schedule at
:30 o'clock tonight in the field
Advance reports from the Spar-
an stronghold indicate that Coach
len Van Alstyne has been pointing
is cohorts for the tilt with a view
o breaking the traditional jinx
hat Wolverine cage teams have
xercised over Green and White
utfits since 1920-21 and handing
he Maize and Blue a jolt.
The Wolverines and the Spartans
egan hostilities on the hardwood
ack in 1909 and since that time
Michigan has won a lion's share of
he 20 games played, emerging vic-
orious in 15 of them and turning
ack- the East Lansing quintet at
east once each year for the past
ight seasons.
A year ago Coach Van Alstyne
naugurated his career as Spartan
asketball coach by bringing an in-
xperienced quintet here for the
eason's opener and went home
gain smarting under a 43-23 de-
eat, the worst beating that a
Michigan team has ever handed a
tate outfit. It was the old story
f a veteran combination against
,n inexperienced one, and the
Nolverines scored almost at will,
lespite the absence of Bennie
)osterbaan, high scoring forward.
Tonight, however, the Green and
White squad will invade the field-
ouse well fortified with both vet-
ran and sophomore material, and
with their hearts set on handing
he Michigan team a beating. they
hould furnish ana- aid test of the
tbility of -Coach corge Veenkei 's
untried Wolverines.
. State Has Veteran Team
With the single exception of
captain-elect Carl Felt, Coach Van
Alstyne has every regular of the
927-28 team on hand this ,year,
but due to the fact that a number
of the members of the football
squad have only recently reported,
he is planning to start a number of
new men. It is believed that he is
also motivated in making this de-
ision by the wealth of capable
sophomores available.
Fred Den-Herder, veteran for-
ward has been shifted to the cen-
ter post, with VanZylen, another
experienced player and Grove, sen-
sational sophomore h a-l f b a c k,
working at the forward posts.
Then the Spartan mentor has
Dickeson,\1927-28 captain and high
scoring forward, available to inject
into the lineup whenever he is
The guards are somewhat in
doubt, with Haga and Scott, two
sophomores slightly favored over
Harry Schau and Cappy Russo, the
veterans of last years squad. It is
possible however that Schau will
be seen at the background position
with Haga performing at running

guard. Fogg, a sophomore recent-
ly reported from the football squad
and will probably break into the
game at center, while Totten is an-
other likely first year man.
Michigan Lacks Offense
Coach George Veenker's biggest
worry has been the development of
offensive power to replace that as-
sured when Bennie Oosterbaan and
Hank Harrigan were in the lineup.
This pair scored nearly half of the
team's total points a year ago.
The problem of the starting line-
up was apparently solved earlier in
the week, until Dutch Kanitz, left
forward,' sprained an ankle in
scrimmage forcing him out of the
picture for at least three weeks.
Recent sessions have been largely
devoted to the discovery of a play-
er to fill the vacancy and Coach
Veenker has decided to start Mac-
Donald, a newcomer, at the post;
although Truskowski and Slagle
are both apt to see service.
Boasting ".a fairly strong defen-
sive combination, tonight's contest
is expected to establish the offen-


Ticket sales for the J-Hop, to
be given on Feb. 8, 1929, will
close this afternoon. Tickets
for the affair may be had at
the side desk of the Union from
2 until 5:30 o'clock this after-
noon at which time tickets will
be available to all students who
wish to procure them, the gen-
eral sale beginning today.

0 -I
1915, "but all I ever got from him
was a small pencil and a thin book
which he gave me as a present."
"The time has come to put our
peace plans and theories into ac-
tion. Another war is coming and is
being prepared in the corners of
the world. We must be prepared
for it," Mme . Schwimmer con-
Mme. Schwimmer will stop in
Ann Arbor for a few more days.
She will speak on "How Can an In-
dividual Prevent War," at 4:15 to-
morrow afternoon in room 231 un-
der the auspices of the War Pre-
ventors League. The meeting is
open to all interested.

M'Clurg Will
On Aerial R


"Fly with Me over Pike's Peak
Crest of the Continent, and Garden
of Gods," will be the subject of a
lecture which will be given at 4:15
today in Natural Science auditor-
ium by Gilbert McClurg, famous air
pilot. The lecture is sponsored by
the Aeronautical society.
The lecture will be illustrated by

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