THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACT FIVR I. - THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAO~E PIVD * ,5 St S ILVAVA /2U RA irm'A I US i a Arguments On Question Of Deferred MadameSchwimmer Criticizes Pages Pledging Are Discussed By Adviser, IILJIIUIUL. LJUFor Women In American Newspapers TODAY WtILL INITIATI I VORI( ONCLASS PLMI TIME AND PLACE OF TRYOUTS TO BE ANNOUNCED BY CHAIRMAN WILL PRESENT DIRECTOR Manuscript For Play Has Been Chosen, But Author Will Not Be Announced Junior women will assemble en . masse at 4 o'clock today in Sarah V Caswell Angell hall to make prep- arations for the first step in the elaborate organization required for the presentation of the annual . Junior Girls' Play. The time and i place of the first tryouts, which are to be held next week, will be announced at this meeting. Louise Cody, general chairman, will explain to the women present at the meeting the eligibility re- quirements for participation in the play. She will also introduce to the class Phyllis Loughton, '28, who . is to direct the 25th annual Jun- ior Girls' Play. Miss Loughton was active in campus dramatics before her graduation last June, and two years ago she directed the junior play for her own class. She was a member of Comedy Club, Masques, and Sigma Delta Phi, honoary forensic society for women. Since her graduation she has been assoc- iated with Miss Jessie Bonstelle at the Detroit Civic theater. Miss Loughton will speak on what is ex- pected of those juniors who try out. Dorothy McKee, assistant chair- man, is to give specific information about tryouts, and the play com- mittee is strongly urging that all junior women be present at the meeting to hear the announce- ments and suggestions that will be made. From the eight manuscripts which were submitted by juniors this ,fall the memers of theplay committee and Miss Loughton have selected one around which this year's play will be built. The author and title of the book are not to be announced until later, however. The driveto collect a $1 fee from each juaior woman is still being carried on under the leadership of Margaret Sibley, business manager of the play. No woman will be per- mitted to take part in the play until she has paid this fee. Members of the committee which has been occupied this fall with the selection of a play director and of a suitable manuscript are: Louise Cody, general chairman; Dorothy McKee, assistant chair- man;' 1argaret Sibley, business manager; Dorothy Bloom, pro- grams; Doris Renkenberger, prop- erties; Marjorie Folmer, publicity; Lorinda McAndrew, music; Louis Soukup,costumes; Camilla Hubel, dances; and Margaret Bush, make- up. Of these, the general and assistant chairmen, business man- ager, and chairmen of programs and properties were elected at a -mass meeting of sophomore women last May, while the other chair- men have since been appointed by Miss Cody. Ohio Women Judge Men's Photographs The women are tired of having a monopoly on beauty contests, it appears 'from an article in the "Ohio State Lantern." Recently in the fall of a sorority house the photographs of men prominent about the campus appeared. These pictures Were collected from mem- bers. The women judged the pictures and those they did not like were taken down. The last one left was proclaimed the winner. His name is not known. The daily paper wonders= if it will be possible to hold a public beauty contest for men. Get Acquainted With f Schaeberle & Son MUSIC HOUSE For Everything in Musical Instruments and Supplies Radiola and Atwater-Kent Radios{ 11O S%. 'ain St. With reference to the question of and always in ne deferred rushing which has recent- tion and developm ly been discussed by the Senate "Inter-Sorority a Committee on Student Affairs and on the question of by the Inter-Sorority association, ing before the mat Miss Alice Lloyd, adviser of women, up for final consid has just issued the following state-! Student Affairs c ment: voted by a large m "The question of deferred pledg- 1. ing recurs at intervals on this cam- two strong pus. That the present rushing and so voting were (1) pledging is not ideal for sororities pledging would incr or for the University as a whole between sororities a is evident to anyone who is close possible for them to to the situation. Yet the Senate, as a friendly group Committee on Student Affairs re- part of the schoo cently decided to leave the decision now do, and (2) ti of altering the present system in tween sorority an the hands of the girls themselves. women would be m "Such a decision came because if the whole matt the committee felt that the'soror- affiliation were held ities have in the past sincerely and second semester. N honestly tried to handle the prob- ceases and the soro lem for the good of all concerned. settled within two It is not in any sense an acknow- beginning of schoo ledgement that the present sys- "The argumentha tem is the only solution, and it sent system is that constitutes a very real challenge to weeks ofschool are the Inter-Sorority association to everyone involved face the issue not as a closed one gets a late start in but as one which is ever present that in the fall "r ers and rushees ma their choices. } ~"With such strong both sides, it remain Sorority association the plan which offer promise and which for all University u decision to leave t Among the 67 contributors to the the girls, the Stude exhibition of Ann Arbor artists mittee has placed i which closed recently in Alumni lenic a real obligati Memorial hall, 27 were women. In act with wisdom an sculpture as well, five of the ten Miss Lloyd is the contributors to the exhibition were committee of Advis women. who acts as adviser The display, which appeared in gan Inter-Sorority a Alumni Memorial hall during No- question of deferre vember, was sponsored by the Ann held over from th Arbor Art association, whose pro- the association last gram includes an exhibit for every month in the year. The aim of this Athena And group is dual: to encourage crea- tive art among the people of Ann I..n Arbor and to foster an interest in Give Jo exhibits of art productions. Its membership includes more than " l 400 people. . Equal Rights for Among the work of the women the topic of discuss artists at the exhibit- was included meeting of Athena a wide variety Batiks were nre- House of Represei ed of modifica- ANNVAL LYAPages containing 'only fashion' fashions should be as interesting ent. news, household hints, or. menus to men as to women, for the men ssociation voted which are set apart in newspapers are the ones who concern them- deferred pledg- Men's Gloves Will Be Sold This under the h-ading, "Wman's selves most about them," Madame ter was brought I Year For First Time; Many Page," are notl only an abomina- Schwimmer continued, "and there- deration by the Styles Offered tion but posti' =ly incredible, ac- fore, I believe that instead of hav- ommittee, and cording to Mada ne Rosika Schwim- ing such news located all under najority against EARLY ORDERS ARE ASKED mer, noted h ngarian pacifist, such a name as 'Woman's Page,' diplomat, journalist, and orator; rather it should be placed under a est reasons for s. wmn who will speak in Hill auditorium term such as 'fashions,' which Sthat deferred ortarboar, senior womenstoght. would include not only women's ease the rivalry honorary sorority, is holding its an- "It was almost impossible for-me styles but men's as well. nd make it im- nual sale of gloves at University: to believe that such a policy could "Furthermore," Madame Sch- o work together hall this week. ' Orders will be be followed in America, where wimmer said, "under the presentj during a large taken at the table there today andI women are supposed to have as system it would be quite as fair andj 1year as they rmuch equality a: men," Madame j just to have space set off for the lat the line be- tomorrow from 10 to 4 o'clock, Sal- Schwimmer said. "For instance, I: men and titled appropriately, id non-sorority urday morning, and Saturday aft- see that The Mchigan Daily de- 'men's corner,' or 'men's news' as, ore conspicuous ernoon from 1 to 3 o'clock. votes cnly one small page to the to segregate the so-called women's ter of sorority There will also be a table where activities of women, and I under- I interests the way it is done at d over until the orders will be taken at the Wom- stand that this space is the only present." Now the rivalry obone for which women can write, pInsek rity question is en's League and Interchurch ba- yet women arid men attend the1 dn speaking of newspapers, Ma- weeks of the zaar, Friday afternoon and eve- same classes and zre judged on the dame Schwimmer is well qualified l in the fall. ning and Saturday from 9 to 9 same basis as the men. to pass judgment on current prob- gast he pre- Orders taken at either of the "To me, it seems; that menus and e r sh hs he distinctiurn li t the first two tables before Dec. 10 will be de- . ' 'to hold a staff position in Hungary. to he tha livered to the purchasers by the flIn addition, she has written politi- inhe syrke 21st, in order that they may be ical articles and stories concerning ush" both rush- taken home to be used as Christ- other phases of interest for many ake mistakes in mas gifts. a Tother leading newspapers such as An unusually large and attrac- the New York World and the Lon- g arguments on tive line of gloves for women is L110 I L\don Times. L for the Inter- being offered this year at reason- ----- "You wish to know of the femin- n to work out able prices. For the first time, According to Margaret Sibley, ist movement which I organized s the best com- men's gloves will also be sold. There chairman of the financial commit-- in Hungary," Madame Schwimmer h is healthiest are a large variety of styles and tee of the Junior Girls' play, the went on. "At first is was quite women. By its shades, making this an unusually drive to collect slues of $1 from generally successful but with the his problem to good opportunity to secure useful, every junior woma n will be brought coming of the new regime, we have nt Affairs com- and attractive Christmas gifts. to a close this week with a per- suffered several reverses. How- upon Pan-Hel- A canvass of the individual sor- sonal appeal to all who have not as ever, the major objectives have n to think and ority houses will be made soon by yet paid. been attained." d foresight." Mortarboard members. This cus- The delay in collecting these member of the tom has been followed in the past funds, which are an assessment W r ISn sers of Women and has netted large returns, as made annually pryliminary to the to the Michi- well as affording the women an' play, is due, it is believed, to a ' R cr pssociation. The opportunity to select the gloves at misunderstanding on the part of Mae High Record d rushing has their leisure. Mary Alice Moore, '29, the juniors. Whether or noti a e discussion by is in charge of the Mortarboard woman plans to try out for a partSays .nvestigator fall. glove sale this year. Any informa-'in the play, she is obliged to con- - tion which may be desired in re- tribute toward te production of Thr h gard to the gloves may be obtained! her class play. Moreover, the Ms laroug Hcarefl observation, Adelphi from her by calling 7117. money will be collected at a later ioess Eleanor Hester, who has de date, and before .graduation if it is dent employmethr'tprblem At But- t Pro ram Subscribe for the Michiganensian not paid now. -lentle e nclusvelaBu now. It costs only $4.00. With this last appeal, Miss Sib- er colege, has conclusively an- 10_______________________ ley and her committee plan to nounced, that the student who Women" was olcomplete this first phase of their wors his way through college is sion at a joint I NOTICE TO BOWLERS work and turn their attention to almost invariably agood student. nd the Adelphi matters which have to do with the In the list of working students: ntatives held I Entrants in the intramural jIplay itself. the men represent almost every )th houses took' jbowling tournament are urged A similar message will come from line of work, among which are he debate, and get in their practice as soon Louise Cody, general chairman of qualified ushers, gardeners, fur- was put to a as possible. At least two strings the play committee, at the mass nace men, 'soda fountain opera- f equal rights must be bowled twice in order meeting to be held this afternoon; tors, musicians, tutors, mechanics, vote. This was ! to qualify, and as the alleys are when she will remind the junior tailors, and interior decorators, a lat. there were not as crowded now as they will I women that tie cooperation of cartoonist and -one certified ref- than women, be the last of next week, it is everyone is neeced if the 1929 Jun eree. The women qualify as sten- ted practically I advisable to practice immedi- 1 ior Girls' Play is to uphold the agraphers, bookkeepers, clerks, and for one or two: I ately. [ high standard set by classes in three are listed as drivers. sides. 0o 'the past. I I liiillilllllllll11111 HillitllIfIIIII itii l i111 111111111111 11.6 11111 11111 1111111111111111l ' has forbid!den to ride in an i pecial prrmis-1 re" . - FAIRS OF FORMER DAYS REVIVED IN COLORFUL BAZAAR Fairs have been popular with the general public since time immem- orial. In the good old days, almost any holiday served as an excuse to hold a fair. Even the hanging of criminal offenders afforded an opportunity to have one. These fairs were always attended by all those who could possibly get there, for they made a break in the dead- ly monotony of the life of the times, and provided about the only excitement. Fairs are still popular in cer- tain types of communities, even in this age of the movie and radio. One has only to attend a county or state fair to see this. Everyone gets all excited over nothing in particular and has a wonderful time doing it. Not only that, but they spend money doing it. And all this leads up to the an- nouncement that the Women's League and Interchurch bazaar will of course afford all the excite- ment of a real oldfashioned county fair with a lot of extra thrills thrown in. Not that the bazaar really imitates a county fair in all' details-it doesn't, at least this one 'doesn't. The decoration motif of this year's bazaar is international. The colors of the flags of various countries, as well as the flags themselves, are being used in the scheme of decoration. Each booth at the bazaar is to represent a dif- ferent country. The features of the bazaar are almost too numerous to be men- tioned in one short article. The most important, however, are the tea room, known this year as the good ship "Shiny Knife," the fash- ion show presented by Crowley- Mileer's of Detroit, the fortune-tel- lers, the fish pond, and last but not least, the many articles, offered for sale. Home-made fudge, dear to the college student whether masculine or feminine, is to be especially featured by .the candy booth. Since this booth is to represent Iceland, ice cream cones and pop-corn balls are to be sold. Peanuts from Rush- mer's are to be offered also. And the League booth, which represents the United States, will feature some special Christmas cards this year, ,On one of the de- signs offered, is a sketch of the doors of the new League building, done especially for the cards. Mich- igan maps, playing cards, and. 3el- low cat door steps will also be sold at the booth,' , : 'r ;I / r a %GVa1 y. p WC ji dominant; their ipopularity is traceable a general interest in ba- tiks which has become aroused in the last several months. Oils and, water colors were both represented. However, there was a noticeable absence of etchings in the work of' women, this field being monopoliz- ed almost entirely by men. The large majority of the wo- men exhibitors in Ann Arbor are not professional artists. In general, their interest in art centers in three, chief groups: the Faculty Women's club, a teachers' group, made upj both of teachers in the University and in the city schools, and a few students. - Chocolai Tuesday evening. Bo an active part in tI when the question vote, the project o was defeated by one due to the fact th more men present since both sexes vo in a block, except f dissenters on both s Wellesley college any of its students airplane without p sion. The prevalent the reason for this chaperonage is not air. at the booth..WW A " . . +. .. r. i. r w w. r w ~~, T~, i 7 t opinion as to is that proper possible in ;he -10-1 r r7r mr rJr"r'9r-% rlM r9 -M MM te Cam 7 Flavors of Chocolate O'ne for Every Purpose The Most Popular Hot Fudge Sundae! Hot Chocolate! You Never Tasted the Equal 516 William ... one block from State. i J P. r~ 1re-Holid1ay Apps eiSale 1'-- -aa e Offering: Featuring: F c Ro 0 A C T at at = $16.50 $45.0 COATS - - genuinely FROCKS - - daytime furred models in the finest f a b r i c s and smartest colors of the flat crepe, heavy satin, season. velvet, taffeta and cloth. Sizes 16 to 20; Wo ' d 1= 36 to 44. Women's and Misses'3Sizes. w= - All Silky Chiffon Hosiery _ w Sheer, all-silk, full fash " roned hose of 'high quality and standard. Choose from all the new winter colors. c J 0 J Distinctive Gift for Christmas Shoppers- Lingerie, Hosiery, Costume Jewelry, Leather Bags, Handkerchiefs, Scarfs and Novelties. Sport Wear for Gift Giving 1 The holiday season has brought to our store a most attractive 4 assortment of apparel for the outdoor miss or woman, and presents worthy suggestions to those who would give gifts showing thoughtful and-pleasing selections. Sports coats, sport sweaters, sport jackets, sport scarfs, sport hose and sport dresses., All are here in an assortment of smart, new and desirable merchandise.. "Give Practical Gifts from the Woman's Shop" For the convenience of men shoppers this shop will be open S exclusively December 11 and 18 from 7 to 9 p. m. i 11 It's not the Hole but th U WP rhuwrl Do Your Christmas, During Joy Shopping Month Early III It -