IC qan
Hol IneriesWih[rehanStdet And Abbot Urge IRe-establishment Of
SANDBURG ILL Q [ Many High School Principals To Meet To TSSYost And abn U get Ae-stAnlratio n
+ H GG 1G IL GVEHold Interviews With Freshm an Students i ( 1CT 01O T IE;Freshman Banquet As Annual Traditioni R
Teol Aff1 PROCR4M Beginning with a series of con- of the University students and to 1Urging the .pembers of this tion, more idealism, and more de-[0
ferences under the direction of Ira understand how to advise prospec- year's freshman class to take the termination to get something from
BM. Smith, registrar of the Univer- tive university students while they lead in the re-estblishment of the the University than do the mem-I
AI(flItflDI1 sity, a new step in humanizing are completing their preparatory M"YA[Freshman Bantut" 'as a campus bers of any other class.
education will get under way at 9 courses in high school. tradition, and strossing the impor- "When you graduate from col-
o'clock this morning when more Points on which the University tance of college spirlt, Coach Field- lege," he continued, "be yourself.
WILL ALSO GIVE SHORT TALK than 40 high school principals will administration is at fault will be SEATS FOR LOCAL SHOWINGS ing H. Yost, direc or of athletics, Remember the faculty is not here COO
ON VARIOUS PHASES OF 1be assigned desks in the registrar's brought to light through the con- ARE STILL OBTAINABLE and Prof. Waldo Abbot, of the to teach you, but to teach you to
MODERN POETRY office for the purpose of conduct- ferences, so that mistakes caused AT UNION rhetoric departmeat, gave the prin- learn for yourself. Retain your
ing interviews with former stu- by misunderstanding may'be recti- ---- -cipal speeches at the first fresh- individualism, your optimism, and
HAS LED VARIED CAREER dents who are now freshmen in fied. University officials hope to INAL REHEARSALS HELD man banquet held in recent years your personality. If you can do 1BO
the University. . discover means of improvement for / last night in the Union assembly that you will really be an excep-
This step is related to President the program of freshman week ,- hall. tional class." At
InadrAdWmn eeain Clarence Cook Little 's Alumni uni- through these conferences.ShwWlBeee nFa Fr Coach, Yost refs ed to by oast- Kenneth Schaefer, 29, president K
Instrumental in Bringing versity plan, and prpvides a me- A luncheon will be tendered to: On Sunday Night, With Chourses,. master Abbot. as 'the old man," of the senioy literary class and
NtenlAd IoeTi tp okrltdto lmnHrsietrn- prga o rehaIwe So Cilas e n OenstFial omh ahYs(ef IobyTat Knnt hefr'9!reie
IP___ dium by which contact between those principals in attendance at Cast, And Orchestra told the 150 mem rs of the class recording secretary of the Union,
high school alumni and their for- the conferences by the University, pplicationspresent, that the university has gave a short talk urging every
Appearing under the joint us mer principals may be established, to be held at 12:15 o'clock today at show in f tin kews Enr 1h2 today by far thee finest athletic member of the freshnim class to W
Aica o h n l der a n of ni ersity f "R i b w' n ,"12 pe
AmicanFeherioner anversithy In addition to..this contact, it pro- the Union.hwn f'amo n,12 plant and equip me-it of any in theI get the most out of the universitypla
WAmen CartSanburg the U troy vides a method for high school Those high schools whose prin- opera, in the various cities on the world, and urged hem to remem- but emphasizing the importance pa
Women, Carl Sandburg, the tro- principals to ac uire first hand in- cipals have accepted the invitation tour scheduled for Christmas va- ber that it will onsy be of value to of study in college life. Don toda
am o hi poe a il p formation relative to the problems to participate in these conferences cation, can be obtaied at the mam them to the exte t that they use Priest, '32, captain of the success- bud
gram of his poems and will probare as follows. Ann Arbor, Battle desk of the Union beginning today. it ful freshmen in the fall games was 000
ably sing several of his choice se- Creek, Bay Ci Css Technical, The Opera will play Toledo Fri- He went on to explain the op- introduced by the toastmaster andyear
lections of American folkc songs, ac -IIUESIda, ec02; incnntiassuda, ea
guitar, omrrw ig ik HlORngL[CTIOsN Central, Eastern, Northeastern day, Dec. 2;Cincinnati, Saturday, portunities offere in sports at expressed his thanks to the class with
comnpanied by himself on his Northern, Northwestern, South-I Dec. 22; Philadelphia Monday, Mcia n oepeshsble for its spoti h
De.2;NwYokMusa, iha exercisexpress his belieffoit support in the games. latc
guitar, tomorrow night in Hill eastern, Southwestern and Western,I Dec. 24; New York, Tuesday, Dec.I that exercise should be taken' m r.
auditorium. In addition to this . flit Iall of Detroit, Flint, Fordson, 25; Buffalo, Wednesday, Dec. 26; through the mediium of competi- mo
recitation he will also deliver a short I l I!LGrand Rapids South, Union, Cen Cleveland, Thursday, Dec. 27; De- tion. Above all else "the old man" hu na amc
lecture n the subject of modern C U tral and Ottawa Hills, Hamtramck, troit, Friday, Saturday and Mon- stressed "spirW' tlling the mem- TO 780,
poetry. Highland Park, Jackson, Monroe, day, Dec. 28, 29, and ; ginaw, bers of the class ,of '32 that "no not'
Sandburg was born in Gales- Prohibition Of Handbil1s And Vote Mt. Clemens, Muskegon, Pontiac, Tuesday, Jan. 1; Lansing, Wednes~ freshman group h s a finer tradi- MADIlingh eD was
burg, Illinois, in 1878, where he left Byproxy Barred In Set Of PortHuron, Redford, Royal Oak, day, Jan. 2; Grand Rapids, Thurs- ion than the recrd of your uni ONtABO IION U the
school at the age of thirteen to Suggested Changes Saginaw Arthur Hill, Saginaw, day, Jan. 3; Chicago, Friday, Jan. versityU'iie
drive a milk wagon. He also served Wyndotte, and University High of 4, and Kalamazoo, Saturday, Jan. 51Professor Abbot was toastmas- lTre:
his apprenticeship in a barber shop ARAnn Arbor. Tickets On Sale ter of the affair and gave the Noted Peace Worker To Talk Under bill
shining shoes. He then grew rest- MAY ADOPT NEXT YEAR _Tickets for the local perform- opening talk, de dring, "Fresh-l Auspices Of Cosmopolitan doll
less and rode the "rods" of railway . --- ances Monday night through Fri- men come here wih more inspira- Club Tonight and
cars on a trip west that had a great I Unanimous approval of a set of T A OmndaycomrghteeandipSaturday-matineet
deal to do with his subsequent rules designed to satisfactorily nNINTH ext week may be purchased to- WIISSSesti
Writings. regulate all future class electionsI day and tomorrow from 2 to 5 inU PA to i
A War Veteran constituted the business of the Stu- o'clock at the Union. Saturday, the II--U000,
eblackenedsdent Council at its weekly meet- T O Ni AIR IIIR IIIUI1remaining seats will be placed on SMme. Rosika Schwimmer, noted
tc ti ari ckn woe ing held last night. The rules will sale from 10 to 6 o'clock at the [Hungarian peace worker and lec- A
Strucked in a brick kiln, worked in be submitted to the 1929-30 Stu- box-office of the Whitney theater.tturer, will speak on "The Abolition vot
pottery mill, and shifted sceneryd Cu s sg t fT pe n r $ t$ of War" at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill of
atetr Wihteom of dent Council as a suggestion forMebrIThprcsrnefo $151t$3;adoiu. m. hw mrTi at
in a theater. With the opening definite use next year. Only Three Speeches By Members Advance rane fom $1 to $3
teSaihAeiawahiadeOfnFcultysillnBexeardOnr. Advance sales for the local show-i-- adtru.Mn.chimrr-bi
thventurousspiritcanwar him intoad Handbills and advertising of any FaOf Tonight's Pg Heard On gs have exceeded all past sales Fre 4 )nl ( a s 1 Contest May rived in Ann Arbor yesterday zon
ventusort as well as electioneering with- T gr by a considerable margin. Yes- Con d This Year morning and during the day, she nav
the confwit. e in the election room would be pro-iterday's sale for women resultedIIi Board addressed two classes in the jour- larg
After the war he returned to hibited by the rules suggested. MITCHELL WILL NOT TALK in a large number of tickets bein- nalism department. In her talk to- I
school and graId from Lo h Moreover, voting by proxy would -idisposed of, due to their usual en- night, she will discuss the effect of ond
beancoll a.jrnalitic careebe out of 'order and no one who is Broadcasting from the new Mor- thusiasm over the annual showino WINNERS T MEDALS the Kellogg peace pacts and dis-
not a legitimate member of the I ris hall studio located at State and of the production. . armament. the
was no more settled than his pre- class voting would be allowed to Jefferson streets, the ninth Uni- Final rehearsals at the Mime Decision to & ;sor four Univer- Mme. Schwimmer gained a great the
vious life. He served on many have a ballot. The plan also pro- versity Michigan Night radio pro- theater will be held tonight prior speech comr 'ts Instead of the I deal of fame through her work Re
metropolitan papers, including one Igt on %icinporan Maus speaking on-1 for
in Chicago where he gathered ma- vides that any persons violating gram of the current year will be to the moving down to the Whit- tntlu ed , t years to- I during the war, when her efforts!for
eiaan d ivgerinhegatmophered these rules would be liable to dis- put on the air between 7 and 8 ney theater tomorrow night. The u .d 1 yearhato- for peace made her name known gat
which he later inchpoated intoeciplinary action. o'clock tonight through WJR, the dress rehearsal will take place Su g , . oadmitthroughout Europe. Since the war
hih s poers H was ai Eligibilityslips for. nominees to "Good Will Station" of the Rich, day night when the show will be on and she has been actve as a ecturer,
his first poems.e was awhyibe presented at the time of the ards Oakland Company, Detroit. I1seen in its final form, complete awad idents plac- having appeared in most of the Se
whn the worted aes corespde election or the declaration on the Due to the unexpected absence of with all choruses, the cast, the or- i t rd i each countries of Europe. She has also the
when h orked as a correspondenthl floor by a nominee that he is Elme D. Mitchell director of In- chestra, and feature numbers com- contest narka. e prncipal wokmIthe
eligible for office are additional tramural athletics, who is' attend- bining in the presentation of the of estray wa anmed field, having been the first woman y6
On Lecture Tour provisions- ing a meeting of the National In-{ opera as a finished unit. -qy RobertdJ ssmer, 29opeSd-mme y h nenainlP ea:
With his withdrawal from news- All decisions regarding the ques- tramural Sports Association in Has Exceptional Music ert Immediately after the war, Mme, re
papers, -Sandburg has been tour- tions of procedure or other mat- Chicago, only three talks by mem-' Exceptional music has been said -dent. Schwimmer was appointed ambas- me
ing the country on the "cushions" ters at the meeting would b left I bers of the University faculty are to be the keynote to the new pro- Two exte aneos speaking sador from Hungary to Switzer- me
this time, reading his poems, Icc- to the discretion of the member of scheduled for tonight's program, duction. Every effort has been contests, one h semester, an in-: lad, making her the first woman in
turing on poetry, and singing folk the council in charge of the meet- Dr. James D. Bruce,. director of made to give this year's audiences terpretative ing contest, and diplomat. She resigned her posi-
sons. He is noted at the present ing with any appeals from the de- the department of post graduate the best music ever heard in Michi- possibly a fresh n oratorical con- tion a year later when the govern- C
tim e for his research work into cision to be left to the Student m edicine at the University hospital ganIoperas. Some of the outstand- test will be condutted by the Ora- ment f llinnherbneO a-fe t enderndea d, n
American folk songs. Council. - and medical advisor of. the health ing melodies in "Rainbow's End" torical board durni the year, ac- then came to the United States. upc
In a criticism of his works Re- The proposals were drawn up by service, will talk on "Post Graduate are said to be "The Song of the cording to the annto ncement. The Citizenship was denied to her be- nou
becca West has characterized him Frederick Asbeck '29, and John Medicine"; Prof. Edward H. Kraus Cowboys," "Rainbow's End," the interpretative readig contest is cause she refused to swear that she nat
as the poet of the middle west, the Gilmartin '29, who were appointed of the minerology department, will theme song, "Pow-Wow Papa," and being revived after lapse of sev- would take up arms in behalf of sid
life and atnbsphere of which he by Paul J. Kern '29, president of lspeak on "Diamonds"; and Prof.I"hymn to the Dawn"eral years. the country if attacked. The mat- Sec
has succeeded in embodying to the council, to consider possible Henry F. Adams of the phychology j New and novel dancing steps ar- In the place of bronze wall ter was made a test case and was late
poetry. Others hail him as-the changes._department, will talk on some ranged by Roy Hoyer, who is now plaque and of the ook of poems brought into the Supreme court, dice
founder of. a new poetry. Still phase of advertising. starring with the Schuberts' show given as awards in the past, the where the case is still pending. ses
others have credited him with in- HONORARY GROUP The University School of .M "To the Queen's Taste," are addi- Board announces tha it will pres- Mime. Schwimmer is speaking or
stituting a new national literature. Little Symphony orchestra, which tional features of the show. More- sent gold, silver, and ronze medals under the auspices of the Cosmo- der
He is the Walt Whitman of modern HOLDS INITIATION is composed of students in the pub- ;over, elaborate costumes of daz- suitable for use et er as watch politan club. She will be introduc- app
free verse, whose works are newlic school music department and zling materials, designed and exe- charms or as pins b women win- ed by Raja F. Howrani, Grad., the tio
Following the informal initiation which is directed by Joseph E. cuted by "Peter. March" of Detroit ners. The medals a being offer- president of the club. Tickets are O
ccompanied by the usual shooting Maddy of the School of Music, will will draw attention from the num- ed, Gessner stated, ith a view to priced at thirty-five cents and are Por
I A( (11 I(ti acompnie by he sua shotin opra udince stimulating insters among the on sale in Wahr's book store, or at we
"RACErPREJUDICES IS1of guns and the ride around the present four selections. In addi- erous opera audiences.
IlIcampus yesterday afternoon, the tion to these selections the or- - Iundergraduate stu ent body in the door.-ope
initiates of Sphinx, Junior Liter- chestra will play accompaniment to pubi speaking a d debate ac- da
SUBJETJO SA MU Ery Honorary Society, were enterE two cello solos by Hanns Pick: i .T AEH LDLIGIBILITi
Utained at a banquet at 6:30 o'clock Serenade by Hans Sitt, and ChantTth
_ist night at the Union. Triste by Areiisky. take the form ofj University of FALL I N I TI A TION ric
The program of five talks was: The public is again invited to MUI SI Michigan crests, unrounded by Bec
"Race Prejudices," last night in closed by the presentation of the attend the -broadcasting of the leaves. Beath crest wreresented to ten re- Bo
Natural Science auditorium, de- badges to the initiates. All are program tonight in Morris hall. A C 1be a silver base ith the words, cently elected members of Tri- wa
members of the punior literary receiving set will be placed in the s "Oratorical Assoation Award." las
ared that local and even naturaauditorium enabling them to hear Eligibility of School of Music The name of the inner, the con- angles, Honorary- Junior Engineer- Ai
differences have been obliterated Iclass. They re: adtru ealn he oha sueAnhoaecnidtsfrh
ifncehGreata r."ben mabitnr-d Fred Bouchard, Phil Brown, ithe words and music of the speak- students who are candidates for test, and the date ill be engraved ing society, at an initiation ban- the
tame th at arpe mting Richard Chapuan, Bradford Fo- ers and musicians. i the Varsity band, Glee club, or the upon the back. quet held at 6:30 o'clock last night pas
tained that all Europe is tending rt Wilfred Orwig Alex Scher- o o Union opera has been finally set- Robert Lloyd, 29, speaker of at the Union. ate
er alSteketee, George Tilley, I NOTICE TO STUDENTS tI db uigofteUiest Adelphi, and Willam Lowry, '30,j
language, clothes, and political er, Pul Senate, it was announced yester- I have been selected to fil vacancies Those to receive the badges of
sytmbthtter nyJoe Truskowski, and HarryWal-,butthattheseareonlyAs a manv sidents as possible day by R. A. Campbell, treasurer in the board due td the ineligibility the society were: Joseph T. Elliott,
fH F
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to R
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ht o
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ane r
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surface features and the local, lc. !of the University and facuty a-M'
bTwo of the new members, Fred 1of those who have not already I delphiHarry H. Coll, Albet G. Nygord,
"My dimpressionststhtthe next Bouchard and Harry Wallace, were I I redeemed their Michiganensian viser to the band and Glee club. representative, :1 Earl Gremxel,
wrill not only be as calamatous slightly injured during the initia- subscription pledge cards are !dents my part ic a e in Univer stu 29, representt at -large, Ges- Robert S. McCoy, Donald W. Rich-
as the last war, but worse-because tion due to an accident. Burns re requested to complete their musical activities on the same Isner s-.ardson, Dwight Lewis, Robert Be
it will cause a complete breakdown sulting from the use of hot water subscriptions and turn in these is soUJi
Ibasis as University students, ac- STUDENT DRIES erly Herbert, and James F. Smith,,
of the guard against uniformity were not considered serious by Ijpledge cards before Dec. 15. all of the engineering class of 1930.
caused by the standardization of phiysicians in attendance. The The price of the 'Ensian will be cording to the announcement. That.......alotheniergcasof131
the snnwrd, zotin Mr water was drawn from what was I advanced from 4 to begin is, they must be scholastically A few cop U. ne 1928-29 The banquet was preceeded by L
Samuel. Ittbeincolddrfaucettrningd nthatd.ligible and must have spent at: Student Dir er 1 still ob- , an informal initiation held on the bul
- tathought to a water on day. e a semester on the campus. tamable in es of the Campus yesterday afternoon, at cia
The speaker- concluded with a at the West Engineering building. o o The ruling is expected to encour-esi t t s ofche Campu yeste ateroo n
plato "rather be ourselves than ncou- business staff af the "Michigan- which time the initiates were given
ea other ers FUTURE OF ENGLISH TEACHING age cooperation between music stu- ensian in the Pree building. I an opportunity to scrub the side- da
selves, than each other-then we- U PROMISING,D E A dents and Univesity activities and The price is $1. walk through the engineeringja
swill have less race prejudice and LEL ARES FRIES to stimulate interest in music on o -o arch. ti
.. phae.s" a prthe campus..rec
morepec. 'teo iihmi yfIo~-Irc
morepe___." "Wherever the author of the to six thousand; 1,068 get from The band and gee clubC rtplan HARRI PLAYERS TO GIVE TWO MORE stn
article in yesterday's Daily is three to four thousand; and only nig to give a student ChristmasI I tat
Haas WillAr iry a st ,hsdy533 get below three thousand. concert in Hill auditorium on the PERFO MANCESmggdAyis sdmELAY
Has ilA desteaching, it must be an instiution Still more significant are the fig-' Wednesday night before vacation, OFLOD N' L
Student Conference j where salar-e are much below the ures showing the average increase it was also announced. This is the1 "Mistress of the Inn" which wast staged under the direction of of
standard," dec.ared Prof. Charles in salaries between 1913 and 1925. second concert of its kind, and it produced last w ek by the Harris Robert Finney of the romance vee
Dr. Cyril H. Haas, '04M will speak C. Fries of the English department, Between these dates the average is intended to make it an annual Players will b presented again at language department, and Prof. the
ae ef average 3dn-tradition. According to Campbell, I Players llb5fnresendtooagain algge epartend Prof.-tha
.-- ~ ~1__ ~ .-.~1-.-~ ~ ,-1,4I r',lockr I-rnigrht and tomorrow1 Raleigh Nelson of the Engiish de- Ith
Il ur
ns tc
y, hi
ie la
11 act
y ref
t hi
fn Paris Pact Put Off Until
g Can Speak To Foreign
elations Committee
(ley Associated Press)
INGTON, Dec. 5.-With a
frugality in spending the
funds, President Coolidge
laced before Congress a
calling for around $4,000,-
o run the government next
id the Senate and House
delay began work on legis-
designed to account for
han one-fourth of this
the budget, calling for $3,-
47 from the Treasury, and
unting for postoffice funds,
ig submitted by messenger,
se had laid before it the
y postoffice appropriation
ying more than a billion
for the two departments,
Senate at the same time
the Boulder dam bill, now
-d by an engineer's survey
ve an expenditure of $165,-
To Repair Ships
e while later the House
authorize the paying out
00,000 for repairs on the
ips Pennsylvania and Ari-
nd $10,000,000 for work in
nd marine corps stations,
construction projects.
the first real business day
,ession for both the Senate
ise. Besides the budget and
ropriation bills, it brought
gnation of Senator Depont,
can, Del., who has been ill
ng time; saw two investi-
proposals offered, and
ommittees more active.
ntally the .nual report o
y Mellon, Which showed a
ublic debt at the close of
fiscal year of $17,504,290,-
rly a billion less than the
fore was submitted. The
y again urged Congress to
the surtax from govern-
curities to put the govern-
an equality with the state
ng in such securities.
mrnmittee Delays Action
man Borah and his foreign
s committee did not act
he Kellogg- treaty to re-
war' as an instrument of
l policy, but postponed con-
on of that document until
ry Kellogg could be heard
the week. It was not, in-
whether any other witnes-
ld be heard even in favor
nst the treaty which Presi-
olidge has urged should be
d during his administra-
he floor of the Senate the
ican and Florida hurricanes
ken as the subject of the
debate, although Boulder
the legislation holding the
f way. Floridans wanted
ate protected in any hur-
elief loan. When this sub-
s put . aside finally, the
dam bill got the place it
cupying at the end of the
ssion, Senator Ashurst, of
, an opponent, agreeing to
stitution of the bill already
by the House for the Sen-
(By Associated Press)
DON, Dec. 5.-The-8:15 p. m.
z from King George's physi-
onight said:
ough the 'King had a quiet
s temperature has risen to
higher than at the same
st night, showing that the
scence of the infection is
tive. The strength is main-
DON, Dec. 5.-The condition
g George tonight was not
assuring. His physicians in
sual evening bulletin said
s temperature had risen in
st 24 hours, indicating in-
activity of the. lung infec-
on "Sex and Christianity at the
third of a series of weekly student
conferences to be held at 4:10 this
in an interview yesterday. aa s o4 yeas i- .---. -
rries are not so low in the aver- creased. from $1,500 to $3,000; that its purpose is to furnish an oppor-
age institution as he states, and of teachers 50 years old from $2,500 tunity for the students to meet to-
_._ - - *a;.+~ 4 ,, L. ,hf f. -. 4-l-,,, . o- i 4,, nether and express the spirit of
night in their little theater at the
corner of Huron and State streets.
Tink+ct f ni th nrnution are
The Harris Players are a group
of nersons who onen their mem-
the las
j creased