PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, -I)ECEMBEW-1."If "S THE MIChIGAN DAILY 'WEDNESDAY. 'flECgMR~R"~5~W~R ,.A . , -- '11- - IV) 'A V OULP -- Published every morning except Monday Suring the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- itled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- ished herein. Entered at the prstoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- waster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.oo; by mail, 4.5. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May. hard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Businesq, s2. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor..................... .Paul J. Kern City Editor...............Nelson J. Smith News Editor...........Richard C. Kurvink Sports Editor..................Morris Quinn Women's Editor.............Sylvia S. Stone Editor Michigan Weekly..... Stewart Hooker Music and Drama .............R. L. Askren Assistant City Editor......Lawrence R. Klein Night Editors Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe Joseph E. Howell Pierce Rosenberg onald J. Kinc George E. Simons George C. Tilley Reporters Paul 14. Adams C. A. Lewis Morris Alexander Marian MacDonald Esther Anderson Henry Merry C. A. Askren' N. S. Pickard Bertram Askwith Victor Rabinowitz Louise Behymer Anne Schell Arthur Bernstein Rachel Shearer Seton C. Bovee Robert Silbar Isabel Charles Howard Simon L. R. Chubb Robert L. Sloss Prank E. Cooper Arthur R. Strubel Helen Domine Edith Thomas Douglas Edwards Beth Valentine- Valborg Egeland Gurney Williams Robert J. Feldman Walter Wilds Marjorie Follmer George E. Wohlgemuth William Gentry Robert Woodroofe Lawrence Hartwig Toseph A. Russell Richard Jung Cadwell Swanson Charles . Kaufman A. Stewart Ruth Kelseyu Edward L. Warner Jr. Donald E. Layman Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Assistant Minager-RAYMOND WACHTER Department Manager Advertising ................ Alex K. Scherer Edvertising..............,A. James Jordan Advertising....... .... .Carl W. Hammer Service .................Herbert E. Varnum Circulation.................George S. Bradley Accounts.............Lawrence E. Walkey Publications............ Ray M. Ho elich Assistants I'ving Binzer Jack Horwich Oonald Blackstone Dix Humphrey Mary Chase Marion Kerr Jeanette Dale Lillian Kovinsky Vernor Davis Bernard Larson Bessie Egeland Leonard Littlejohn Helen Geer Holliter Mabley Ann Goldberg Jack Rose Kaspr Halverson Carl F. Schemm George Hamilton Sherwood Upton Agnes Herwig t Marie Wellstead Walter Yeagley WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1928 Night Editor-GEORGE E. SIMONS THE CARILLON DRIVE Bob Brown, '26, of the Michigan coaching staff and -captain of the great 1925 Varsity football squad, has been named as general chair- man for the Burton carillon drive being sponsored by all the classes which were at Michigan during the presidency of the late Marion LeRoy Burton. Alfred F. Connable, '25, president of the Student council at the time of Dr. Burton's death, has been named as vice chairman of the drive. It was Connable's council which gave the original impetus to the building of a Burton me- morial. Selections such as these which result in the choice of men wh most prominent men in their as undergraduates were among the classes would seem to be most wise. In every case they should result in the placing of men pos- sessed of wide acquaintanceship among the recently graduated alumni, and of men who have the best interests of Michigan at heart, in positions of importance during the campaign for funds. A few bells for the carillon have already been paid for in the drive which is planned to secure $86,- 000. In the year which will elapse before the campaign is definitely underway, it is very likely that other contributions will be made and the task perceptibly lessened. Continuation of the organization of the drive is being watched with interest not only by the student body in Ann Arbor but by Michi- gan men and women in every part of the world. The project, they feel, is a worthy one and one most worthy of completion. In such a cause the value of the personnel employed cannot be underesti- mated. 0 COMMON SENSE Diplomatic circles in Washing- ton are suffering from an acute at- tack of common sense. Represen- tative Britten of Illinois, chairman of the House committee on naval affairs, has cast a bombshell into the State department by proposing to Prime Minister Baldwin an in- terparliamentary conference for a frank exchange of views on naval armaments. Not caring to realize, perhaps, the benefits of such a dis- proposal is manifest. Just for the sheer pride of possession no nation wants to burden its taxpayers with 150,000 tons of floating fighting power. Obviously Coolidge's 15 new cruisers are for national de- fense - defense against superior naval power, meaning Great Britain. Great Britain, in turn, has shown that she means to remain the world's premier naval power. Her blocking of constructive results in the Coolidge naval arms parley and the much-mooted Anglo-French compact to secure France's support in all disarmament haggles with the United States have clearly in- dicated her determination to re- tain the naval supremacy she wrested from Spain in 1588. The time has passed when we can bluff Great Britain into accord with our views by merely threaten- ing to build more ships. There is no reason why the United States and Great Britain should engage one another in ar expensive and disastrous race for naval hegemony. The ties of blood and language and trade that bind the two nations should not be threatened for the sake of preserv- ing diplomatic regularity. Representative Britten's proposal has been most favorably received by Premier Baldwin and Parlia- ment. It most certainly deserves America's support, for it will pave the way to new and more represen- tative understanding, probably eliminating the necessity for the new Coolidge cruisers. THE SHORT SESSION Congress . assembled Monday, passed through an uneventful routine of beginnings, and should, if it is not asking too much, begin within a few days the consideration of a vast bulk cf national legisla- tien. A quiet opening and quiet antici- pation of President's Coolidge's message, were, however, but scant foreboding of the work which lies ahead of the Seventieth Congress before March 4. With the perplex- ing problems of tariff revision and farm relief born during Mr. Hoov- er's campaign threatening addi- tional cause for a special session all was not as serene as might have seemed at the opening ses- sions. In the Senate, Johnson's Boulder dam bill was to have perferred pos- ition upon the docket but indica- tions were that it was in for a stormy seige. Ratification of the Kellogg-Briand pact also lies ahead of the upper house of the national legislature, and should come up for consideration within the week. As a "lame duck" session, the meetings of the coming months promise to be of peculiar agility. ,There were no casualities in the ranks of the Republican majority while the Democrats were losing six senators and 35 representatives. In addition there is enough of public interest and public policy to come before the retiring Con- gress to give little reason for the "lame duck" session proving a non- productive one. 0 EXPERIENCE SPEAKS Arthur F. Falk; a salesman in Chicago, who, in a drunken rage, shot his own son, gave out a Thanksgiving message .which is worthy of consideration by every human. The same statements would have been given out and have been given 'out by every ha- hitual drunkard returned to so- briety, yet the warning is disre- garded every day. He admits that in his rage of drunkenness he did not realize what he did, which is insanity in itself. The conclusion is that a, thinking man should keep sober. He did not drink as a laborer; he started as a salesman with time on his hands; in other words, one; should keep busy. He realized that a bad habit grew on him and rec- ommends cultivation of better ones. He admonishes young men not to drink because it won't doI them any good and because they dont's want it anyway; it is a needless and useless habit. He continues that men who make moonshine are committing a crime, that drink takes needed money, and that a man who drinks loses the public respect due him. The advice is old, classicly old. Falk heard it, as every one has. What a sorrow and a crime could have been averted had he heeded the warning he now gives. --0o Although 13,000 Chicago schools! teachers may be somewhat dis- heartened at the thought of going without their pay, there are prob- ably about 700,000 students who take a rather optimistic attitude i I I" ' (' I I I' .. -.". "-"..- - ".-- ---- "--" "-"- --------..-..--.-..--..." + + :Music~ad rm "RAINBOW'S END" of Peter March in Detroit at hisj As the year swings into its last transcendent best, and the scenery lap Mimes' operatic :season also is a lot of money well spent. takes a breathless sprint in final The question remains whether En," the operetta sort of thing, with its preparation of "Rainbow's End,' conventional story form and mu-' which is the title of the present sical embellishment, is the maxi- opus. mum of artistic achievement pos-I When school opened this Fall, sible on this campus. This is not much to the dismay of sober sen- in any sense an indictment of this iors, the powers that be who govern year's efforts. The question, how- Mimes' destinies, much to their ever, is insistent, and demands surprise, discovered that they more serious consideration than itj actually had a book in hand on received from last year's novelty-, which to work. By some extraor- attempt, "Front Page Stuff." Thati dinary method of hocus-pocus this show, for all its disorganization book was conceived last Spring' and occasional sophomoric ele- some time contemporary with a ments, was by way of being a de- contest of that general nature, it parture into the field of frivolous was accepted because it presenter wit. It is conceivable that some a number of novel ideas, and be- further advance, perhaps in the hold, this Fall, after a long sum- Revue direction, in spite of its dif-E mer of preliminary preparation, i ficulties, would be possible. At all was ready to hand for the pro- events, 'Rainbow's End" promises ducers to go to work on. This fact to be the ultimate of something or is so astounding that the whoi other this year at least.' student body should turn out e, R.TL. A. masse, if for no other reason tha to see "The book that was in early.' THE HABIMAH PLAYERS It represents the extraordinary The Habimah Players seemed novelty of a freak of nature, per- very satisfying to a Jewish audi- haps similar to a beautiful co-ed, ence. They were certainly inter- and she "in" early. esting 1o a Gentile critic. The Out of respect for this boo- general impression created by their M/imn ha sn+ h 1(h +ti - .a a. DANCING at the Armory Every Wednesday and Saturday Nite Park Plan Everybody Welcome The Acme of FOOD and SERVICE THE ANN ARBOR RESTAURANT 215 S. Main Near Liberty Want Ads Pay __;'k kill 1S . '_ d " _ U ° : T _- ' . , , .,,. r tr r-, , , I w . __ I . _.. ___ .__ dl I t i V 3 Fine Jewelry The Lovely Gift! You show good taste ... a knowledge of what your lady's heart longs for ... when you choose Jewelry for her Christmas Gift. Elgin Watches, gorgeous Rings and many other exquisite ideas now on view at Arcade jewelry Shop CARL F. BAY 16 Nickels Arcade . ti , 4 .J 4 1 b I imesn ave noti thought it wise t break up their attention to it by producing any plays. They have practically monopolized their thea- tre, letting it only briefly to Come- dy Club and Matinee Musicale, and have devoted their whole ef- forts toward doing right by their book. The settings and dances which they have devised to embellish the story also present a really fine idea Somebody said "The West." Some- one else shouted it. Another; thought, "The Pueblo Indians."r And that is the biography of the decorative idea behind this year's show. A Missionary was sent from Mimes to the Indians to bring a message of good-cheer and return with all the swag of local I color he could. This was during the summer, and in spite of the heat this man did good work. So good in fact, that Mimes have felt justified in spending money like water to build scenery which would project his ideas. Costumes are authentic in spirit; dances are strongly in the tradition; and the whole ensemble is distinctly Indian. Inr this respect Mimes may quite honestly be said to leading the field of collegiate operatics. Another thing they have done isf enlist the services of a number of rather good voices. The whispering tenors of last year's show created such a mystery about the lyrics of their songs, except perhaps among the front three rows, that this year's collection of song -birds is calculated to make the further- most rafters of even "the old Met" in New York ring with their ex- halations of such song hits as "Pow-Wow Papa," which literally stud the show. Previews of the show reveal the fact that right now, and this, odd- ly enough, is no exaggeration-; "Rainbow's End" is the most pol- ished, technically, the most close- ly knit, dramatically, the mostl thoroughly articulated, from the point of view of dancing and sing- ing, of any of the shows which have had their premiere at the Whitney in years. It is a thor- oughly business like piece of work varied program of songs, dances, and piano selections, was of an in- tensely emotional quality express.- ed sensitively, some.J mes with sa- tire, sometimes with sadness, oc- casionally with bitterness. th rongh the medium of intonpretive songs and dances which were invariably guided by an exceedingly strong rhythmic sense. Chaiele Grober in her repertoire of songs sometimes sang from within herself, as in the charming "Lullaby," sometimes from without, as in the satiric "Chant in the Women's Synagogue.' Her inter- pretation of moods was extraordi- narily delicate and sure. It was not through the broader elements of pantomime, as might be expect- ed; rather, through her intensity of "being," which showed in every line of her figure and every flicker in her face. Zemach, interpreting his themes through the dance, used the broad- er means more readily, though even the completeness of his immersion in the idea was apparent. is dancing skill perhaps lacked the absolutt sensitivity required of "art" interpretations, but th i - Choose a career that fits you- c~t~unicfuz '&eal &tatu . Gr~t49n, .Yit iiL Q 4 -ni then fit yourself for that ca reer OU wouldn't join the first frater- nity that gave you a bid unless you liked it. It should be the same with the business you enter-don't drift into it, just because it "turned up." First, know whether you are interested in a certain line of work, then fit yourself for it by proper selection of courses, and by reading and observa- tion. Having made your selection, do not let chance propositions deter you. Apply this test offitness to the bond business, if you are considering it. Because it requires a high degree of training and ability, the compensation and opportunities for the man adapted to it are unusually good. It may be just the field for you. Assuming that you have made a studied decision to enter the bond business, the best start you can make is to choose a conservative, reliable bond house that will provide a sub- stantial background for your own ef- forts. Ally yourself with a firm that will takepains to train you for effec- tive work. In the Halsey,Stuart & Co. training schools, each new man is given three months' intensive, prac- tical training, with pay, before being assigned to active duty. Most of the questions you may have in mind about the bond business are answered in our booklet, "What is the Bond Business?" whole was a marvelous tion in mimicry. combina- R. L. A. PLAY CONTEST JUDGES Announcement by the Division of English of the Judges for the One- Act Play Contest brings into its 'final form this effort on the part of the Faculty to initiate a move- ment in the direction of encour- aging amateur dramatics on this campus. Professor 0.. J. Campbell of the English department, who has long conducted a course in contempo- rary dramatic literature and has always been an enthusiastic sup- porter of the drama, professional and amateur; Professor Rowe of the Rhetoric department, into whose hands the play-writing courses have been given; and. Di- rector Windt of the Speech depart.. ment, who has complete charge of, the play production activities in that department, have been an- nounced as the men who will con- For a copy ofte above booklet, apply to Students' Employment Bureau H A LS EY, STUADRT & CO. C"ICAGO 1 "0t Seutb Ls 5611 St. NEW YORK 35 Wall St. riItt.ARIgi ITIA lISouth Fifteenth St. DETROIT 6oI Griswold St. CLEvELAND 915 Eurlid Ave. ST. LOUIS 319 North Fourth St. EOSTON 85 Devonsh re St: MILWAUKEE 415 East Watsr S. PITTSBURGH 307 Fifth Ave. MINNEAPOLIS 6o8 Second Av,., South ,Gduct the contest and juge inc based on some novel ideas, and plays submitted. Experts in each developed in the operetta fashion field, and sincere dram-addicts, which is the vogue today, andIthey should b7e able to bring fair- : should return most amusement on ness and keen judgment to their the student-invested dollar. decision. R. L. A. It remains now ]or the play;; themselves to demonstrate the cali- THIS OPERA IDEA bre of effort and ability to be found With this year's opera rounding on the campus. In some ways it, into final shape Ifor its student would be folly to expect dramatic viewing before it goes on the road ability to rise, Phoenix-like, from Ito amuse and concentrate the vari- .the stirings of this contest. Thel ous alumni bodies, local critical lack of any tangible dramatic sentiment begins whetting its wit tradition which might have en. on the idea behind the whole thing. couraged talent over a long period No one, in all fairness, could pos- of time obviates any such expecta- sibly criticise the opera either as tions. Any plays which may ap- a legitimate and highly desireable pear, offering genuine dramatic outlet for the student "activities" possiblities, would be in the nature urge, or as an organizing agent of isolated phenomena growing out for the alumni. It has a definite of individual development. In- function to fulfill in both these di- evitably it will present crudities, 'rections. The question that oc- not only of immaturity in develop- cupies most critical attention is ment but of technique.-Maturity the manner in which the opera is a personal factor, uncontroll- idea is developed. able; but technique is an acquired In regard to this year's show, skill which facilities and a tradi- further more, it must be admitted tion of production would stimulate. that from the production point of The judges of the contest are view the operetta style of thing, planning to provide as much en- with its opportunity for gorgeous couragement for candidates as is scenes, costumes, elaborate dance possible for men who have a full You can't afford to postpone your Christmas Shopping any longer. Today is only December 5th, but do you realize that there are only 16 more shopping days until Christmas vacation? Solve your Christmas Shoping pro bl by Reading The Michigan Daily A few minutes with The Michigan Daily will save hours of walking and asking. Make up your list from Daily advertisements. Two hours of your time spent in shopping now will be worth the entire time spent after Friday, December 21 st. ,-- .,, . , ' .. " f f .