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December 04, 1928 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-12-04

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Two Michigan Players ChosenO Mythical esgcgation C
(Continued From Page Six) ' a geat defensive playei and the' GRD EN EP a17"A T KEEN FOR MATI
Nagulrski of MinniesotaWisowofoustanding Badgr lineman of the iI ! !AJ4A AL4If I IJ J , .I1
g m oWll n i , a n a ei l w of Gb o n d P e A G a d U [ [ 1 T T E N VLT EMA S F '' L L SA SNwY
Chicago Lubratovich of Wisconsin. ICH L past three seasons.'T A . ~
diana. ati ereGibson of Mn- TDAM I l M FIM ,VWith the c(105 ('1 9?1 93 If{~t- la t scar. Paka, although never
NVagur'ski Is Honored: nesota, the outstanding guard of " tTRAM ALTIUI[I[TLNl I/[I Ci ball season seven men who h d :out here bfore, has had expei- j 310
In the case of Bronko Nagurski,! the year is placed next to Wagner, INwihtteido prshv been devoting their attgentionr to enlce in the sport and is expected
,Minnesota's stellar all around per-,while Howard Poe of Michigan sNo ththendrsptsav the ridiron have r eprtedr to to develop.
former, we have gone beyond the left guard beth. Poe was one of Elmer D. Mitchell, Director of In- come into their own, things are (Coach Cliff Keen for r aitxy wrest- Temtsqu ad Cincud e iten hW
is~Ual limits in picking a first the most consistent performers in{ tramural sports, announced yes- beginning to hum in a smooth ling. These men, Al Steinke, Leo at presenti and CahKe x
eleen nd dde hi nae t th th Bi Te ths yar nd ithterday that, accompanied by three! fashion down at the new Intra-I Draveling, Ray Parker, Harold, pects to further reduce the number
levean a dded hin.AmthogthePthne Bgen hyereda dnd-il tf bes ewudlae o ua prsbuilding, with the in- Hager, Bruce Hulbert, Morgan, and of men he has to work with after 215 E
yas handicapped by injuries sus- iive and offensive combination that Chicago Thursday to attend the terest of the students centered Bill Brown, will funarnsh Coa'ch :the All-Camlpus meet. an d iThYoa tlN gusi{c m ltl vrh d we uh vt'a n a etn o h ainlI -cify ar u d t e h n bl n e n wih m tra o i e v r----__I.__ y I
distinguished himself as a tackle' erans as Parks and Wagner of Wis- tramural Sports Association, held swimming tournaments now in weights, in which he has been woe- ! 1' &rat(ATON
and as a fullback during the final: on Friday and Saturday of this progress. fully weak so far this year. TCES&RSRAIN
contests of the year. o o week at the Hotel Sherman. Tefute adalcut Of the men already out IaPre r - orAn n1 Ocen RUetNO
Aswstecs erao iii EETDFRHNR Director Mitchell as President of which were installed in the new has probably had tIhemst experi - .Irp-dos,t Trave«s L ion~
oshanobenacreaplc 'the Association will preside over buildin re bingworked over- ec sneehatoe;isA ~Ci's'
onsehas nt tabeen a ord atlae !0 0 the meetings, while Paul R. Wash- time by the many enthusiastic n wrestling for the last two years; -- E. G. KelerUn
oth fistem beasoftealthough Al Steinke ShoCw ed eal Ges. Stenmship Agency
fatta h upecahdke assistant director of Intra-1 participants entered in the various 601 E. shurrn r. 6412
factl thattstheiluppliv-coachadktourneys, ,ability on the freshman nmat, team [ANN ARBOR NOT
outfit. With due respect to the centered around the Newa~ Intra- Play-n-th-AllCamps-hadbal
team play of the Indians, as in-'; mural Sot builig an th tournament will start this after-I larj
dividuals they lacked the brilliance ".:: present and future program which noon, with 64 men entered in the-- __
of other Big Ten stars. e° the Intramural staff is trying to,; singles, and 21 teams listed in the )Tye
Holmner Chosen Fullback I carry out here at Michigan.I doubles. Seligson, last year's wi- =ing
At fullback, Captain Walter 1 The National Intramural Sports nr, is slated to meet in ahn'(^ri'
Holmer of Northwestern has been . :: Association as it has been named,j upper bracket with Kurty. Ima
given preference over McLain of >< was originally a group formed en-' In addition to the All-Campus ANDh
":,, tue thrarth ine-rAN,.Iowa because of the fact that he isy.trlfomheBgTnsolsbute
or esaie efrmr TeI .,,.",::;n ; :.,.. :z !in recent years, with the growingI ternity handball championships j=MIL ER COOK17= pri(
Purpe lederis atrile trea interest in intramural sports, the{ being played off at the presentL l
artist and was his team's chief -~:"' '' organization was enlarged in order time. In this contest there are 53=
ground gainer throughout the sea- . *..~*A to include the directors of many four man teams entered on the _ 9!1{NOTI
son. He also averaged 44 yards on°Fn schools outside the Conference' list. \J tor
;his punts, completed nearly half of circle. FINEh ners o h SHOES
the passes he attempted and star-! This year-heIinerestOfEth'
red on defense. ° .~ meeting will be centered around' onnt]h H l
The Ffight for quarterback hon- r the working out of a complete t'ntth oe but A SPECIAL DISPLAY OF RD
ors can be boiled down to three 1_________ sports program for the coming' the cake aroundc 50 UNIVERSITY .STYLES teh
men, Hovde of Minnesota, Cuisinier!_- year to meet the needs of the var- AaI Al
of Wisconsin and Holman of Ohio. ious schools along this line. The: it that makes ! A te l
AThe former is given first choice be- Howard Poe problem of interesting the men of- me
cause he combines excellent gen- Michigan Left Guard the various colleges to the point of' DAWN DONUTS 7ffIID 1 ..(V, BD12SH O
raswihpunt ingcpassin an ackler______________ making the most of the facilities! 1= AJJA.IJ. * LJ
unning ability. Hetig is acting consin, Crane and Nowack of Ill- being offered, will also be discussed. _J ARCADE
putrcieana deadlytake noise, and Westra and Jessen of The two other staff members House Managers- I- ____~-LS
in the safety position. Iowa. who will accompany Directorsw_ La
Many Good Halfbacksi Despite the fact that he was Mitchell and Washke are Earl Ris- DIAL 2-1640 T'OD.AY ing
With an unusually good crop of ! hindered greatly by injuries Ran- 'key, and A. A. James who is field A_
'two outstanding ones was perhaps, ter over Brown of Iowa and Conry ' '~ten
the most difficult assignment en- of Wisconsin, his most formidable
rcountered in picking the first team. opponents. The Hoosier showed
Glassgow of Iowa, Lusby of Wis*-1 marked improvement over his form Mn 'LOS!]
consin, Eby of Ohio State, Peters of 'of a year ago and established him- 11JThe M ans ShIp ple
1 Illinois, Bennett of Indiana, and self as' the scrappiest pivot man in 1 Li
Welch of Purdue are all brilliant the Conference.
-players. This mythical team combines a LS
"Pest Welch, the backbone of the fast and powerful line with a ver- wit
s Purdue team, and a triple threat satile backfield and a pair of cap- C
A man has been given one post and able ends. Holmer, Welch and t ybut
Glassgow, Iowa's flashy right half- H ovde are all triple -threat men, =I1
back the other. Welch combines while Glassgow adds greatly to the -
the speed necessary to run the ends potentialities of the running gameo_
and off tackle with punting and of this quartet.Wl
passing ability, while Glassgow is -.- --
probably the greatest broken field-
runner seen in the Western 'Con-! R ! lJD
aference this season. Students - Rea! pa:
°aThe present season has been 1 Save money on stationery. Get n
;;characterized by a lack of out- 100 sheets and 50 envelopes with .
standing ends. Almost without the school insignia and your
,hesitation Haycraft of Minnesota, a! inoiogaminned initias printed
:veteran of three seasons and Fes-; on thZe sheets and envelopes.
'sler, Ohio's sensational sophomore yu hieo ihrlnno
1were selected to fill the flank posi- Yorcoc1feihrlnno
tions. Both of these men are fast ripple finish paper, packed in a 1F
otdiagnosing enemy plays and cap-' Samples Sent on Request. 1 1
;able pass receivers.
Otto Pomnmerening, Michigan's' j
,;sturdy left tackle and almost uni Gene R. Austin -
~vraly rated the peer of the 1928! Agent
"Big Ten crop, s given his favorte
,position on the mythical team. The, FLET2CHER HALL
:Wolverine played every minute in ; Phone 4078 Ann Arbor, Mih
every game this season. On the .'
opposite side of the line is Cap- Want Ads Pay
tain Rube Wagner of Wisconsin,ty

o. State. Phone 7927
T. T.F. c
. Washington Phone 4310
T. T. S.,c
ENG--T .e' a specalty. Fair
es. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9387.
TICE---We have a large selec-
mof Greeting Cards and Mot-
. Francisco-Boyce, 719 N.
ICE-Dial 3916, Moe Laundy,
EN. Main, for laundry service.
tall enough to do good work,
ge enough to give service. 4c
ona, Royal, Underwood, Rem-
'ton portables, also used large
d portable typewriters of all
tkes bought, sold, rented, ex-
anged, cleaned, repaired. Large
Ek, best service, considerate
es. Phone 6615. . D. Morrill
Nickels Arcaae. c
[CE--H. W. Clark Shoe Fac-
y, corner of South University
d Forest. Let us save you 20
cent on your repair work.
ly one shoe factory in town
:NG BOOTS from $10 up; golf
es from $8 up; moccasins in
idifferent leather styles, $6
kinds of shoes made to your
asure.-H. W. Clark. c
[-On M-16, near Whitmore
ke, Nov. 28, black bag contain-
;men's clothing. Phone 6336,
n Arbor. 61,62,63
r-Laundry bag on Wash-
aw. Reward. Phone 2-1238.
r-A blue overcoat in vicinity
Union taproom Will finder
;ase communicate with owner?
eral reward. Call 3437.
r-A white gold wrist watch
Lh name on back, between
Lurch and the Administration
lding. Call 7037. 60,61,62
l T E D - T w o Pan-H-ellenc
kets. Dial 6665.
y cold cash for one in goo
pe. Dial 9853 after 12:15 at



h T

_ R
Suits O,*4,$O vcoats
e character of the suits and

Want Ads Pay

is never a difficult job when
one visits the Man7s Shaop.
S The darker shades of( blue OVERCOATS
Sand gray are enjoying a grea: t From


1'7 -say
"'Merry Xmas",
With same :Gift
Evanston, 3l1.
Dec. 31,'1927
Larus & Bro. Co.
Richmond, Va.
Dear Sirs:
I happen to bo 'blest with a host of
very fine frrinds, 'mosfly "highb rows"
-professors, scientists, etc. Gener-
ally at Christmas time they show their
remembrance and all that with some
little gift -a box of, cigars, fishing
tackle, a book-all that sort of thing.
Well, 'this Christmas many seemed
to centre (in tobacco. Now, mark you,
these fellows have no comnmunicahou}
with each other. They live in widely
separated parts of the country, ro it
was no "put-up" joke on. me or any-
thing like that. But here came seven-
teen baxes of tobacco, and si xtfern of
them the familiar blue ".Edgeworth!"
The seventeenth was a very flos:5y
walnut, brass-trimmed hox, but if I
know tobacco, the contents were
Edgeworth with a little perique ill it.
Just coincidlence, perhaps, hut a
queer one. Am not an habitual
smoker of Edgeworth, so they weren't
catering to any especial taste of mine.
Looks -like a consensus of opinion
"r nnr hnt° irh~r vr' nr nllfA.' ..





deal of Popularity; we will be
pleased to show them to you.



For those desiring a coat for dress war,
Ithi> r."hp+cifipld cii11 IXT" t-,

we suggest

dl ohv_



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