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December 04, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-12-04

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a a a ar AWL

i i %- 1 A 1 A.1 X-1 1 'f 1.0 C-1 1 L4 i

Published every morning eccept Monday
lurng the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
stled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it nr not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
ished herein.
Entered at the poistoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
wraster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
''ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May.
Gard Street.
Phones: editorial, 4925; ucmeq, 2121.,.
Telephone 4925
Editor.......................Paul J. Kern
City Editor............... Nelson J. Smith
News editor..............Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor.................Morris Quinn
Women's Editor.............Sylvia S.S tone
Editor Michigan Weekly.. ..3J. Stewart Hooker
Music and Drama..............R. L.' Askren
Assistant City editor....Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors
Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
boseph E. Rowell Pierce Romberg
Donald J. Klen George E. Simons
George C. Tilley
Paul I,. Adams C. A. Lewis
Morris Alexander Marian MacDonald
Esther Anderson Henry Merry
C. A. Askren N. S. Pickard
Bertram Askwith Victor Rabinowitz
.,ouise Behymer Anne Schell
' Arthur Bernstein Rachel Shearer
Seton C. Bovee Robert Silbar
Isabel Charles Howard Simon
L. R. Chubb Robert L. Sloss
Crank E. Cooper Arthur R. Strubel
Helen Domine Edith Thomas
Douglas Edwards Beth. Valentine
Valborg Egeland Gurney Williams
Robert J. Feldman Walter Wilds
Marjorie Follmer George E. Wohlgemuth
William Gentry Robert Woodroofe
Lawrence Hartwig Toseph A. Russell
Richard Jung Cadwell Swanson
Charles R. Kaufman A. Stewart
Ruth, Kelsey Edward L. Warner Jr.
Donald E. Layman Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Assstant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising ................Alex K. Scherer
Advertising................ A. James Jordan
Advertising..............Carl W. -Hammer
Service................ Herbert E. Varnum
Circulation................George S. Bradley
Accounts..............Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications..............Ray M. Hofelich

Irving Binzer
Oonald Blackstone
Mary Chase
Jeanette Dale
Vernor Davis
Bessie Egeland
Helen Geer
Ann Goldberg
Kasper Halverson
GeorWe Hamilton
8 Agnes Herwig
* Walter

Jack Horwich
D~ix Humphrey
Marion Kerr
Lillian Kovinsky
Bernard Larson
Leonard Littlejohn
Hollister Mabley
Jack Rose
Carl F. Schemm
Sherwood Upton
Marie Wellstead

Now that classes have again re-
sumed their normal routine, it;
might be well to take cognizance,
of the bolt-ridden audiences which
unwillingly remain to hear equally
unwilling instructors half-hearted-
ly instruct on the Friday and Sat-
urday following Thanksgiving. !
There honestly seems to be little
reason why classes should not be
s u s p e n d e d over Thanksgiving
weekend. From every standpoint
it would be advantageous both to
the student body and the faculty.
In the first place, so little of con-
sequence is accomplished in the,
classes that do meet that all con-
cerned might just as well have!
slept off the after-effects of turkey
over-indulgence in bed instead of
on a wooden bench. Instructors
realize the low ebb of study over
these two days by making assign-
ments of practically no impor-
Secondly, the psychological ad-
vantage of a vacation at such a
time is clearly evident. Thanks-
giving follows a gruelling period of
mid-semester examinations for
most students, and a study let-I
down is bound; to, and always does
result. The concentration of this
state of mind during the vacation
and the subsequent fresh start the
following week would be the obvi-
ous benefits of a weekend vacation.
Moreover, it hardly seems pos-
sible that so many of the Big Ten
universities and neighboring col-
leges would continue year after
year to have a Thanksgiving week-'
end vacation were it not of proven'
advantage to both the students
and faculty. Among the many
schools with no classes from Wed-
nesday noon before Thanksgiving
to the Monday following are Indi-
ana, Northwestern, Illinois, Ohio,
State, Purdue, Michigan State, and
even Detroit City College.
The one really pertinent objec-j
tion which has stood in the way1
of the Thanksgiving holidays has
been a tendency on the part of
many students to leave one, two,
and three days ahead of the sched-t
tiled date and to return sometimest
as long after the resumption of
That such a system cannot be
enforced can hardly be urged witht

Consideration of the entire sub-
ject shows numerous reasons ir
favor of the proposal and but one
opposed and that one which can
be remedied. Favorable action in
the matter seems most deserved.
A practice not unknown to col-
legians and college life but rela-
tively unsanctioned in American
universities is vagabonding. Vaga-
bonding may be spoken of as the
visiting of classes by students who
are not regularly enrolled as mem-
Within the confines of even the
smallest college, there are profes-
sors and courses which are al-
ways stimulating. At the larger
universities, the extent of the pos-
sibilities in this field is even
greater, offering a wide variety of
subject matter and many highly
interesting and worthwhile pro-
The inauguration and encour-
agement of such an institution as
vagabonding on the Michigan
campus might well prove an
achievement. It is true the exist-
ence of a university at which the
true purposes of liberal education
were thus furthered would be a
most decided novelty. Still the
idea has much to commend it and
there is every reason for its con-
Vagabonding in practice is rep-
resentative of an educational proc-
ess which recognizes that there is
much to education beside the prep-
aration and recitation of certain
stipulated assignments. In its .exe-
cution it is a move which has as
its purpose and result the inspira-
tion of college students to do some
work upon their own initiative in
courses in which they are not en-
The advantages of any practice
which can by its inception induce
any considerable portion of a stu-
dent body to conduct studies and
work upon problems which will
have no influence upon the arbi-
trary grades in certain specified
courses or the hours credit in
others can hardly be measured. As
such, the practice of vagabonding
may well be sugested to a student
body as an educational device of
no small value.
"Murder, manslaughter, bomb-
ing, and highway robbery and
other crimes of violence generally
are cheaper in Michigan than
having liquor in one's possession,"
says a feature article carried by
the Chieago Tribune recently.
This, the article contends, is
true because of Michigan's bone
;ry law, which makes posession of
liquor a felony, and the habitual
criminal law of the state, which
makes it mandatory for a judge
to assess a life sentence upon the
fourth conviction of a felony.
As a matter of fact, the situation
is not so nearly to be deplored as
the writer of the Tribune story
would make it seem, nor is the
code of penalties nearly so unjust
as it might appear.
Punishment for the continued
repetition of crimes of violence is
in no degree less than that for re-
peated violation of the liquor laws.
It is only that the punishment for
violation of the state prohibition
acts has been made comparable to
that for any other crime.
Experience in other states, parti-

cularly *ew York, has shown thatC
habitual criminal acts have exerted
an easily distinguishable influence
in lessening crime. That there are
those who still oppose and openly
violate the dry laws of Michigan!
as well as of other states cannot
be doubted. It must be recognized,
moreover, that these same violators
have no respect for law nor gov-
ernmental organization.
Their opposition of itself is no
justification for sympathy nor evi-
dencethat there is weakness or
fallacy in the present law. On the
other hand only by such laws ade-
quately and firmly enforced can it
ever be hoped to secure confidence
in and respect for the government
and its representatives.
Michigan has taken an excellent
step in making liquor violation a
felony in the eyes of the law, and
in the firm enforcement of its
habitual criminal act. This is no
Lime to deviate from the path. If
further changes must be contem-
plated, let them be additional
steps in the same direction, not
steps in retrogression. Deliberate
violation of the laws should never
be excusable, nor deliberate viola-
tors benefited by sympathetic pun-
It appears from press dispatches
that a King nowadays has to be at

An Open Letter!
(By Cablegram to The Daily)

Music And Drama
TONIGHT: The H a b in a Ii
Players in Dance and Song
Recital in Sarah Caswell An-
gell Hlall, at 8:15 o'clock.
Reviewed by I. Leslie cskr;e P
For the final bill of a SpleOiid

It was only today that I learned of series of repertory, The New Yor,
this vile, salacious, and surreptiti- Theatre Guild's oilering of Sti
ous attempt to defame my name by John Ervine's "JohnI Ferguson"
created a dramatic sensat, 1that.f
not only directed hint but also by maed a fitting ento thafi
c a c p ca made a fitting end to the fort-
altothefel ctrthauamin, 1 night's run. Containing more
all . to th effect tht Ieamilft sincere drama than the teeter-
ated to iertia with the wiles of totter "Ned McCobb's Daughter,"
some dizzy blonde from Washing it was a play that moved on the
shoulders of its marvelous char-
Now I have been to Washington acterd to as stirring a conclusion as
'frequently enough to linow the the local boards have offered in a
calibre of their women, let alone long while.
their blondes, and I have come to , The play needs no defense from
the conclusion that the only the charge of over-writing. Cer-
worthwhile things in Washington tainly the first act was lengthy
are way down at one end of D and undramatic, and forhthe con-
street; when they padlock that,! tinuation of the play there were
there will be nothing remaining to long moments which a theatrical-!
the town that will off-set the 1 y minded producer would have
double scourge of the capitol andcl
Wahntnwmn cut unhesitatngly, but Ervine s i
Washigton women, keen sense of the actual drama in
And just in passmny I might his characters-as contrasted with:
justify my removal to Tristan De the sense of theatre demanded by
Chuna, which, as you probably his audience-made these long,
know, is the most remote place inmI thin moments, slices of undramatic
the world, being some two thou- but essentially real life as they
sand miles from the nearest land. were, inevitable in his development
I am not using the island as a re- of his story of cowardice. The obvi-
cluse. I am here on an expedition ous minded perhaps saw only the
to get some bigger and better mice cowardice, pitiably comical, of
for President Little's collection. It Jimmy Caesar, the craven grocer,
is due to my enforced absence in but Ervine's story had its over-
the pursuit of labors done for the tones of this note, in the more
sheer love of my president that I ironic cowardice of Andrew Fergu-
am here. It is due, also, to my son, the brother of the injured girl
enforced absence that the dastard- and it is as this weakness finali
ly attacks upon me were made pos- works itself out in the face of the
sible. bitter irony of the delayed letter-I
.* * a letter which might have prevent-
It is a well-known fact among ed everything-that the play
my friends, in that group I can- mounts to its final, immensely
not include Kernel, Eskimoe, and gripping climax of the justice de-
Indigent Nell, that I have a pet manded by the old Mosaic law of,
aversion to blondes. Chance has "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a
enabled me at one time or an- toh.An tisem aizdb
other to meet this alleged prize the momentary faltering of old
beauty from the capitol. I must John Ferguson, who all his life had
admit that she is no Roses of believed in and lived the command
Picardy for me. She is just like "
l y to "Love thy neighbor as thyself"
twenty or thirty other blondes I The treatment which the Guild
know a great deal better. company gave the play was truly
Today I was informed that she marvelous. Working under a num-
has addressed a message to me, a ber of handicaps, notably Eliza-!
replica of whichmIsattach below, beth Risdon's touch of a cold, they
the substance of which implies that gave it a sincerity of performance
she is sorry, but even though it which drew it entirely out of the
rend her heart asunder, she can somewhat artificial technique of
no longer love me. "Ned McCobb's Daughter" into the
Sister, you never had a chance! genuine, sometimes undramatic
And so, little girl, you made a but always real, tissue of life
gallant bid, but I was fooled by <,u which the author created.
blonde once before; and she was Honors in a Guild cast are in-
a bigger blonde than you are, variably misleading. Edwin Max-
Gunga Din. well, once the sentimental "B. B."
The policy of Rolls is and al- of the Shaw piece, gave an accu-
ways shall be one of staunch I rate and effective interpretation of
misogyny. And that blonde from the unflinching, whole-souled man
Wasign oeAntaffct usn romof God, John Ferguson. Opposite
Washington doesn't' affect us. Not him Miss Risdon gave an almost
even the best looking blondes on racking performance of the love-
the campus can. torn mother who cannot reconcile
You know, Washington blonde,I, herself to her son's sacrifice. And
couldn't blame you at all at first, !e~Etite ihtesml
for I thought that you too were Peg Entwistle, with the simple
merely a victim of the ignoble ef- austerity of her delineation of the
forts of the pseudo-executive com- injured girl, made the sacrifice
mittee of Rolls, but with your re- Robert Keith, as the son, gain-
cent three communications to the ed tremendous effect through sim--
column, your thitherto inviolable pi noccsiog ws it
plicity. Only occasionally was itj
innocence was destroyed, and now b
n marred by the flippancy that made
I claim that it was all a scheme, his Dubedat so charming. In con-
a trap, to win me, the unattainable.
A srop, tonmethepublicI mwish trast Warburton Gamble perform-
dAnd sto my publicIsh t ed an almost incredible volte-face
cla ysefoftequestionablel
charges that have been made in from the assured manner of Colen-
the name of Rolls. I hate all wo- so Ridgeon to the cringing whine
men, especially blondes. No blonde of cowardly James Caesar. He re-
ever had a ghost of a show with yelled in his baseness, and his
me, particularly the blonde from drawing of the character was mar-
Washington. velous.
Co-eds should have sense enough P. J. Kelley again gave a highly
not to listen to the big bad boys stylized, but consequently more ef-
from The Daily. They are all fective, interpretation of a char-
jealous of the women I could get acter part. His "Clutie" carried a
if I wanted them, weird mystery on the fae nf mm1
But at any rate, it is a nasty that made him ring thoroughly
way to treat a guy and his columnt.

when he is away in the service ofI MIMES AT IT AGAIN 1
his president. I might say that Mimes, by the Grace of God and
the rats here aren't a bit better the funds of the Michigan Union,
than those at Michigan. ithe all-male dramatic organization
* * * of this Campus is again in the
throes of production. As countless
Darling Lark, inches of front-page space have1
I am sorely afraid that this let- indicated to an otherwise not over-i
ter will have to be my last farewell ly stupid public, the occasion of all
to you. I have tried to conceal the the travail is "Rainbow's End," the
true state of my feelings, but annual operatic attempt. Locr
knowing your senstive nature as I wits profess to find some intrigu-
do, I will give you up forever, ing symbolism in the title. Obvi-
rather than submit you to the ously it suggests more than a pot E
pitiless glare of publicity which you of gold. It must mean that artis-
have been undergoing the past few tic ideals at last find fulfillment.
days. If I could only have loved Certainly it is true that the ex-
a man of lesser fame! traordinarily advanced stage of
But things being as they are, production-"last year the unmen-
and the public and especially The tionable thing wasn't put together'
Daily staff as inquisitive as it is until two days before performance"
(or should I say "they are?") I -forecasts a highly polished crea-
hereby publicly renounce all claims tion.
to your affections-much as it Occasionally refered to as the!



is no idle boast,

prepared food
but means the

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very best materials combined
for your delight.
Private Parties given special
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Formal Wear
The "Nonchalant" Tuxedo . . $38 - $45
Vests, single and double breasted, $6 up
Shirts, Studs, Ties . . reasonably priced
Oxfords in Patent and Dull Leathers.
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Is War In1evitable?-
will speak on
"The Abolitionl of War"
Thursday, lk.6 -80PM
Auspices of the Cosmopolitan Club
Tickets-50c, 35c at Wahr's

To-day, you can see big build-
ings erected noiselessly-by
electric welding.
The structural steel worker is
dropping his clattering ham-
mner for the electric arc. Silently,
swiftly, rigidly, economically,
buildings are being fabricated
by electric welding, which knits . t
steel with joints as strong as
the metal itself. ~
Building silently! Nothing
seems impossible in this elec-
trical age.
Not only in building construc-
tion, but in every human activity,
we instinctively turn to electric-I
ity to -add to the comforts of
life and to eliminate the wastes but electriduerigei
of production-another evi- lamps, and little m
to the comfortsc
dence that the electrical industry manufactured by

al equipment,
Tators, MAZDA
otors that add
of home, are
the General

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