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Sell-Outs For Every Performance
Indicated By Heavy Advance
Demand For Seats
Selection of thirty-two members
of the men's and girls' choruses for
the 1928 Michigan Union opera,
"Rainbow's End," has been com-
pleted by E. Mortimer Shuter, gen-
eral director, after a series of cuts
from the large number of avilable
try-outs who have been rehearsing
regularly in the competition for the
coveted places in the choruses of
the show, it was announced yester-
'Tickets for this' year's produc-
tion have been in greater demand
than in past years and sell-outs are
expected for every performance, as
indicated by the advance sale. A
number of good seats are still avail-
able for th~e various performances.
Tickets may be procured from two
to five o'clock today at the Union,
while tomorrow's sale will be the
usual women's sale and will be
held from two to five o'clock at the
Hill auditorium box-office.
Continue Ticket Sale
In addition Friday seats may be
obtained from two to five o'clock
at the Union after which all seats
remaining "ll be on sale at the
Whitney S turday from ten o'clock
to six o'clock.
Costumes more elaborate than
ever before, a book which promises
a real plot with genuine entertain-i
ment value, music said to have un-
usual merit, and all in all a show
which is a distinct departure from
anything yet produced by Mimes
is the claim of Shuter who believes
that this year's opera will outrank
"Cotton Stockings" as a national
In addition to the regular chor-
uses a special singing chorus of;
twenty-four trained voices will be
carried in this year's company as
an added feature. All the singing
is under Theodore Harrison, direc-;
tor of the Varsity Glee club, who
has a national reputation as a,
chorus director of exceptional
ability. Definite announcement of
the persdns included in the singing
chorus will be made within the'
next few days, Shuter stated yes-
Portrays Western Life
"Rainbow's End" concerns itself
with the west and the colorful life
of cowboys and Indians coupled
with visitors from the "foreign"
east. A representative of "Peter
March," the Detroit firm which de-
signed the scenes and designed and'
executed the costumes, spent sever-
al weeks last summer in close
proximity to a tribe of Pueblo In-
dians in an effort to obtain local
color for the show. Many scenes
of an entirely different character
from those ever presented before
on the stage are the result of his
experiences a n d achievements
there in determining the exact na-
ture of many of the ritualistic'
tribal dances and musical num-
The opera will open here next
Monday night with nightly perfor-
mances through Friday night and
a matinee on Saturday. The tour
around the country includes many
of the leading cities, among them
(Continued On.ePage Eight)he
King's Heart Still
Is Causing Anxiety !
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Dec. 3.-Four of theI
five doctors who at different times
have been called into consultation
on the illness of King George, to-
night signed a bulletin stating
that the condition of his majesty's
heart still was causing anxiety.
Although this was the disquiet-j
ing feature of an otherwise favor-
able report, the every growing
crowds that gathered outside the}
palace to await the evening bullet-
in, found little in it to lessen their
Opening with a striking blood
and thunder cover by "Lichty," and
taking off in grandiose style the
wild west manner of "Rainbow's
End," a forerunner of the 1928
Opera will appear on the campus
today in the Opera number of the
Gargoyle, a satirical pre-produc-
tion of the well-known Mimes pro-
Following this are some shappy
humorous sketches which take theI
readers behind the scenes and dis-
play the inner workings of Michi-
gan's opera in clever fashion.
Jerry Ellison, '30, and Lee Blazer,
'31, depict chorus girls, chorus boys,
prima donnas, and stage hands in
various and revealing poses- placed
promiscuously through the pages,
it was announced yesterday by the
editors. Other contributions to the
art work have been made by
Margaret Gentz, '29, and Robert
Newton, '29.
Among the editorial high lights
of the month are "The Diary of an
Opera Girl," revealing the ups and
downs of a Shuter chorine and,
"Geometric Proof of Chorus Girls,"
throwing some interesting lights
upon the way a mathematician
figures out chorus girls.
"Two Song Writers Talk It Over,"
is another of the month's features.
Sprinkled throughout the book are
many other short sketches, jokes,
and poems concerning' the Opera,
and some other things.
The Gargoyle is continuing its
policy of local humor and has
added a new feature, "Little ram-
bles with serious thinkers." It is
called and gives first hand infor-
mation on the thoughts of intel-
lectuals and other luminaries is
being carried again in the "Opera"
edition with additional slants upon
subjects in general about the Uni-
versity grounds.
Holders of Gargoyle subscription
cards will be able to secure their
copies of the month's issue be-
tween 8 and 5 o'clock today at the
Gargoyle booth' in University hall.
Bob Brown, '26, To Head Campaign;
A. F. Connable To Assist
As Vice-Chairman
Kraus To Give Talk On Diamonds;I
Psychologist Will Discuss
Advertising Methods
Resuming the regular schedule of
broadcasting, the ninth University
Michigan Night radio program of
the current series will be put on
the air between 7 and 8 o'clock
Thursday night, Dec. 6, from the
new Morris hall studio, located at
State and Jefferson streets,!
through WJR-WCX, the "Good-
Will station" of the Richards Oak-
land company, Detroit.
At this time, the public will again
be welcomed to witness the broad-
cast in the auditorium of the stu-
dio. A large attendance has been
realized at each of the programs
which have been opened since the
new studio has been used.
Prof. Edward H. Kraus of the
mineralogy department and dean of
the College of Pharmacy and of the
Summer Session, will give a talk on
the program, speaking on Dia-
Of Victory In
May BesAttended
All Freshmen
Fielding H. Yost, director of in-
tercollegiate athletics and prom-
inently known for the remarkable
record of his Michigan football
teams, will deliver the principal
speech at the Freshman banquet
to be held at 6:15 o'clock tomorrow,
night in the Union ballroom.
Tickets for the banquet, it is re-I
ported, are selling comparatively
slowly indicating an uncertainty
upon the part of many freshmenj
as to the purpose and extent of the
affair. All freshmen are eligible to
Bob Brown, '26, captain and cen-
ter on the 1925 Michigan football
team, will serve as general chair-
man for the Burton carillon drive,
sponsored by all the classes which
were here during the presidency
of the late Marion LeRoy Burton,
it was announced yesterday after-
noon by ' the organization com-
mittee appointed by the represen-
tatives of the classes which are
sponsoring the project.I
Eighty-six thousand dollars has!
been set as the goal in the drive
for funds to install a carillon of
bells in the proposed Burton Me-
morial Campanile. Brown will be
assisted in the campaign by Alfred
B. Connable, '25, who will serve as!
vice-chairman. Members of the
other sub-committees which are toG
aid in securing the necessary funds
have not yet been announced.
Brown, when a member of thej
Maize and Blue eleven was given
recognition as all-Conference cen-!
ter. At present he is a member of
the University coaching staff,
working mostly on line coaching.
Connable was president of the
Student Council at the time that
President Burton died. It was this!
council which gave the original
impetus to the building of a Bur-}
ton Memorial which is finally to
become a reality. It is believed that
this council in addition to recom-
mending that such a memorial
should be erected also gave a fundr
to start the drive.
The banquet
first of its kind
is being staged
the freshman.
sophomores in
games. These'
class of 1932 a
which will be the
within recent years
as a celebration of
victory over the
the annual Fall
contests gave the
decided victory by
To Discuss Diamonds;
He will tell where they are found, -
how they are formed, and will tell
something about the best known
specimens. Dean Kraus has made,
an extensive collection of gems and
his talk on "Gems and Gem Ma-
terials" on one of the previous pro-1
grams on the series was well re-
Dr. James D. Bruce who has re-]
cently been made director of the
department of Post-graduate medi-
cine at the University hospital,1
will tell of his work in this bureau
which aims to create a closer har-
mony between the University and
its graduate physicians.
Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell, director1
of intramural sports at the Uni-
versity, will speak on "Exercising
the Student Body." Professor
Mitchell is the author of a num-
ber of articles and books on com-
petitive sports aimed to make en-+
joyable exercise.
In the concluding talk of the;
evening, Prof. Henry F. Adams, of
the psychology department, will
speak on some phase of advertis-
ing. His book on the Psychology
of Advertising is widely used in the
universities and all students who
intend to follow advertising, are
students in his courses.
Ensemble To Play
The musical portion of the pro-I
gram will be given by the Univer-
sity School of Music String En-
semble under the direction of i
Joseph E. Maddy.
The program Thursday night will
be the last one which will be open
to the public prior to the Christ-
mas holidays, it wac announced
yesterday by Prof. Waldo M. Abbot
of the rhetoric department, an-
nouncer and director of radio at
the University. The program on'
December 20 will practically "all be
devoted to the broadcast of the
Michigan Union opera, "Rainbow's;
End." Because of the size of the
orchestra and chorus no one will
be admitted to the studio for that
program; and on December 13 the
symphony orchestra of the School i
of Music will use the auditorium
making it impossible to take care
of any audience on that night.
Directors Name New
Athletic Manaers 1
Straight from a triumphant per-
formance before a packed house at
the Majestic theater in Detroit
Sunday night, Benjamin Zemach,
dancer, and Chaiele Grober, singer, j:N
of the Moscow Habimah players,'
will play tonight in the Sarah Cas- -S
well Angell hall in Barbour gym-
nasium under the auspices of the
Hillel foundation.
Their program will include folk OPENING DAY CEREMONIES
songs by Miss Grober, and a beggar yIN BOTH HOUSES
dance, dance eccentric, and a pan- . ARE BRIEF
tomimic interpretation of "Three
Generations" by Zemach. SESSION ADJOURNS EARLY
There are yet a number of ticketsA O S'
for the unique performance avail-C d
able it as ben anounedPresident Coolidge Will Forward
able, it has been announced. Hi<Ls'AnalMesgeT
His Last Annual Message To
Congress Tomorrow
(By Associated Press)
INTRAMURAL BILDING1 atesardb h lcin h
f , } WASHINGTON, Dec. 3.-Slightly
battle scarred by the election, the
70th Congress reassembled today
to write the final chapter, of the
. Sen. Hiram Johnson Coolidge administration.
Elaborate Decorations Are Planned Of California whose Boulder Opening ceremonies in both the
By Committeemen In Charge dam bill has preferred status be- Senate and House were mere brief
Of Annual Ball fore the Senate. The bill is faced routine, serving only to dispose of
with a stormy passage but has be- the formalities of such occasions,
WILL BEGIN TICKET SALE hind it a determined group of sen- and to bring together again the
ators. warriors of the recent campaign.
At the stroke of noon, Vice-Presi-
Permission to hold the 1930 Jun- dent Dawes in the Senate and
ior Hop in the new Intramural T I iSpeaker Longworth in the House
building has been definitely grant- quieted the reunions of old friends
ed, it was announced yesterday by "'"on the floors with the raps for
members of the Hop committee. order and the concluding session
This announcemean that Waterman of this Congress, which must end
gymnasium, scene of J-Hops for . by March had started. Within
years past, has been definitely re- I . an hour the House had adjourned
nfor the largest Participants In Extemporaneous for the day.
placed as a scenef en t ih Competition Will Be Given Coolidge To Send Message
and most magnificent event of the Choice Of Subjects Tomorrow President Coolidge will
University social year.
Announcements concerning dec- -- forward his last annual message
orations for the affair were also THREE PRIZES OFFERED to Congress, detailing his legisla-
made yesterday. A window display -tive wishes; but even before work
outlining the plan to be followed is I Plans for the annual University is undertaken on the unfinished
to be placed in the window of extemporaneous speaking contest, business of his administration, the
Graham's Book Store. Republican majorities were look-
The decorative sneme calls for finals of which will be held Tues- ng ahead today to the problems of
lighting through sliver draped col- day'night, Dec. 18, in the Alpha Nu the approaching regime of Her-
umns along the sides of the great I room on the fourth floor of Angell bert Hoover and the promises of
gymnasium floor in the Intramural hall, were announced today by farm relief and tariff revision born
building. The orchestra will be John E. Webster, '30P, chairman in his campaign.
situated on each side of the hall at of the local contests committee for I Hardly had the House finished
its center. the Oratorical association. its hour's meeting before the Re-
Ticket applications have been Two subjects h'ave been- chosen publican members of its Ways Ind
mailed out by the committee and for the contests this- year, one of Means committee conferred on -the
tickets will go on sale today at the local interest and one of national question of tariff revision and set
side desk in the Union lobby. Rep- political significance. The local. January 7 as the date - to start
resentatives of the committee will question is: Resolved, that the hearings.
be in the Union each afternoon dormitory system, including both At the Senate end of thecapital
through Friday from 2 to 5:30 men and women, should be adopted leaders were scratching their heads
o'clock. by the University. about the farm relief problem,
Any junior, the committee an- wndering whether to attempt to
nounces, who has not received his As an alternative subject which get it started now under President
application may arrange for his may be selected at the speaker's Coolidge or await the extra session
application and secure his tickets option, the committee selected the promised by Mr. Hoover after he
at the same time. This situation question: R e s ol1v e d, that the takes office in March with a rein-
will be handled by the committee. achievements of the League of Na- forced Republican Congress. Mean-
tions have justified the entry of while a farm bill declared accep,
the United States into the league. table to Mr. Coolidge was ready for
Ln TO NDir O Preliminary tryouts for the final introduction tomorrow by Chair-
F LScontest will be held Thursday aft- man McNary of the Senate agricul-
ernoon, Dec. 13, the committee an- ture committee.
nounced. Speakers will be al- To Consider Bill
lowed to select any phase of either W
question and to elaborate upon it The Senate will get down to work
although no speech is to be of more Wednesday on the Swing-Johnson
(By Associated Press) than five minutes' duration bill to construct an irrigation-flood
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Dec. 3 h vdcontrol-power dam on the Colorado
Lieut. Leonard S. Flo, of Ann Arbor .inThe final contest will take place river-a job that gives promise of
Mich., who was forced down at Key Ithe Alpha Nu room on the ght requiring weeks to complete. The
Mich., owast forcedkdown atey of the jo meeting of the four House will open fire before the end
West, Fla., last week because of IcepujitaysctiAlhNupnfreboeteed
illness, while attempting a non- campus literary societies, Alpha Nu, of the week on the first of the bills
stop flight from Canada to Cuba, Athena, Portia, and Adelphi. Those appropriating the billions neces-
announced late today he would surviving the elimination will par- sary to run, the government during
make another attempt next month ticipate m this final contest which the approaching fiscal year.
after participating in the Detroit will be judged by members of the The week will see the Kellogg-
to Miami air derby. speech faculty. I Briand treaty started on its course
Flo left tonight by rail for Chi- As an incentive to interest in the through the Senate. Ratification
cago to attend the international air contest, cash prizes and medals are by this body is necessary to bind
show, after abandoning his Spar- to be awarded. Medals will be pre- the United States to the pact sign-
tan biplane at Daytona Beach, sented to the students placing first, ed by most of the nations of the
where it was forced down yesterday I second, and third. Paul J. Kern, world, pledging them to renounce
by bad weather while en route tol '29, was winner of the contest held war as an instrument of national
Key West from Jacksonville. in 1926 and Ormand J. Drake, '3Ed, policy. Chairman Borah, of the
Flo said he expected to return was the victor last year. Senate foreign relations committee,
to Daytona Beach early next week --called a committee meeting for
and fly his plane to Tulsa, Okla., THE WEATHER Wednesday to consider the treaty
where it will be conditioned for I which is expected to be received to-
the Detroit to Miami race, to be (By Associated Press) morrow from the president.
held early in January. His next Mostly *cl-oudy Tuesday and ' Galleries Are .Crowded
Canada to Cuba flight, he said, will Wednesday, probably occasional Galleries at both Senate -and
be attempted soon after that event. snow; slightly colder. House were crowded well before the
noon opening hour with relatives
CARL SANDBURG TO GIVE VARIED and ftiends of members taking
most of the reserved spaces. Two
N FRIDAY AFTERNOON members of the cabinet, Secretary
Kellogg and Attorney General Sar-
-gent, were mixing with the reunit-
Appearing under the combined Rico. Opportunity then presented ed hosts on the Senate floor.
auspices of the Inlander and the itself for Sandburg to return to It was a happy crowd for the
ischool and he completed his educa- most part which returned again to
American Federation of University Lion at Lombard college in Illinois. the Senate and House chambers.
Women, Carl Sandburg will present I The channels of interest which Congratulations far outnumbered
a varied and colorful program next Sandburg had found so interesting regrets because the majority of
Friday night in Hill auditorium, were supplanted by new and more those up for reelection in the last
Due to the versatile nature of the novel ones as he became affiliated campaign survived. Republican
poet it is possible to offer an eve-with a business magazine and at ranks came back intact to the Sen-
a score of 4-1.
Members of the class who desire
to secure tickets may get them
either at the main desk in the
lobby of the Union or from Union
committeemen about the campus.
The price per plate is $1.25.
Speaking with Coach Yost upon Tickets for the 1931 Sophomore
the program will be Kenneth Prom, to be held Dec. 14, in the
Schaefer, '29, president of the sen- Union, ' will be placed on sale
ior literary class and recording , Wednesday afternoon at the
secretary of the Union. Prof. Union, it was announced late yes-
Waldo Abbott of the rhetoric de- terday by the Prom committee
partment is to act as toastmaster through Bruce Palmer, '31, who has
for the affair. charge of the tickets.
Professor Abbot is also known, Sale will be conducted from 1 to
upon the campus for his connec- 5 o'clock that afternoon and each
tion with the University radio succeeding afternoon until the day
broadcasting. He is the University of the formal party, at the side
radio manager and announcer. j desk in the lobby of the Union, ac-
'Professor Abbot has also acted as cording to the ticket chairman. The
"Roastmaster" at the Gridiron price is $5.
Razzfest for the past two years. Jimmie Green's band from Chi-
Yells and songs for the class of cago has been secured by the com-
'32 will be given during the eve- mittee to furnish the music at the
ning, with the Union orchestra Prom, after several orchestras had
playing for the dinner. been considered.
Approximately 100 citizens of this
town, most of whom were rooming
house-owners, gathered last nightj
in the city hall to bear witness toI
any statements which E. M. Brown,
their spokesman chose to make re-:
garding the University dormitory
The matter regarding the erec-
tion of a new $800,000 women's dor-
mitory, which is to be built on
Observatory street in connection
with President Clarence Cook
Little's projected University col-
lege, was discussed by the alder-
men at an adjourned meeting last
week, although no formal action
was taken. E. N. Brown, on the
he felt that they merited the at-
tention of the council. After briefly
outlining the facts of the matter,l
he read a suggestion to the council
asking that one of the rfiembers
propose a motion that a committeeI
be chosen to look into the matter'
and secure definite evidence as to!
the effects of erecting tio dormi-
The motion was made that a
committee of five citizens of the
city be chosen to consider the eco-3
nomic effects on the city of the
University's plan regarding the
proposed dormitories, on which
committee there were to be at least
one business man and one banker.
The council passed the motion
Four new athletic managers and
one manager to fill a . vacancy
caused by the failure of the hockey
manager to return to Ann Arbor7
this fall were named yesterday aft-
ernoon by the board of directors of
the Athletic association.
The new managers are: tennis,
Benny Boutell, '29; golf. Harold
Andreae, '29; Wrestling, George
Martin, '29, and fencing, Webster!
Sterling, '29. Glen C. Tague, '29,.
was named by the board to fill thel
vacancy as hockey manager.I
o - 0
I -I
Students will be given their I
last opportunity to buy the 19291
ning which will be comprised of a'
short lecture on modern poetry fol-
lowed by a reading of the poet's'
own work and concluded by vocal-I
ization of many Sandburg balladsl
which have been set to music.
the same time did much in the
commercial field by writing articles
for inventions and safety devices.
This interest was the first which
led him to the possibility of pub-
lishing his poems and it was the
ate but there were about 35 casual-
ties in the Democratic ranks of the
House and a half dozen in the Sen-