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December 02, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-12-02

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SUNDI~AY. VElC Tu. 2.? 192' ,

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Ci. .F } 1/1=i\.-i.':l Yl l-71'314 fig 1a71Gi?

Published every morning except Monday
luring the University year by the Borard in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press istexclusively en-
raled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
Ished herein.
Entered at the pnstoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier. $4.00; by mail,
ffies: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
Phone: Editorial, 4925; Busmesq, 32s,.
Telephone 4925
Editor................... . P.Paul J. Kern
Cit Eito.............. .Nelson J. Smith
News Editor.............Richard C. Ki'rvink
Sports ditor..................Morris Quinn
Women's Editor.............. Sylvia S. Stone
Editor Michigan Weekly... J3. Stewart Hooker
Music and Drama............R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor......Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors
Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
boseph E. Howell Pierce Romnberg
onald J. Klinc George E. Simons
George C. Tilley
Paul,. Adams C. A. Lewis
sMorris Alexander Marian MacDonald
Esther Anderson Henry Merry
C. A. Askren N. S. Pickard
Bertram Askwith Victor Rabinowitz
r4ouise Behymer Anne Schell
Arthur Bernstein RachelsShearer
Seton C. Bovee Robert Silbar
Isabel Charles Howard Simon
L. R. Chubb Robert L. Sloss
Frank '1. Cooper Arthur R. Strubel
H elen Domine Edith Thomas
Douglas Edwards Beth Valentine
Valborg Egeland Gurney Williams
Robert 3. Feldman Walter Wilds
Marjorie Folmer George E. Wohlgemuth
William Gentry Robert Woodroofe
Lawrence Hartwig loseph A. Russell
Richard Jung Cadwell Swanson
Charles R. Kaufman A. Stewart.
Ruth Kelsey Edward L. Warner Jr.
Donald E. Layman Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Department Managers
Advertising.........Alex K. Scherer
Advertising................A. James Jordan
Advertising.............. Carl W. Hammer
Service'................. Herbert . Varnum
Circulation............. ..George S. Bradley
Accounts..............Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications...............Ray M. Bofelich

Irving Binzer
Donald Blackstone
Mary Chase
,eanette Dale
ernor Davis
B~essie Egeland
Helen Geer
Ann Goldberg
Kasper Halverson
George Hamilton
Agnes Herwig

Jack Horwich
Dix Humphrey
Marion Kerr
Lillian Kovinsky
Bernard Larson
Leonard Littlejohn
Hollister Mabley
Jack Rose
Carl F. Schemm
Sherwood Upton
Marie Wellstead

Landladies, the student body, and
other interested groups have con-
ceived the idea that President Lit-
tle does little else but address
bodies on birth control, university
problems, and the students' duty
to the citizens of this great com-
monwealth. The quotation has be-
come current that the students of
the University of Michigan are the
"people Little forgot."
How welcome therefore was the
short note which appeared in last
Thursday's Daily addressed to the
editor, but intended for the stu-
dents.. In this note, President Lit-
tle thanked the students for heed-
ing and taking kindly to his plea
not to disfigure campus buildings
with paint at the time of class
games, and commended them for
their attitude toward the no smok-
ing regulations in the buildings.,
It is probable that the campus
has forgotten that President Little
once asked these things in a con-
vocation, early this Fall. The im-
provement is noticeable, however,
ahd the result may be traced to
the president. But the main thing
to be gathered from this note is
that the president of the Univer--
sity made a contact with the stu-,
dents themselves; not with the
alumni, the landladies and real
estate dealers, the citizens of this
great commonwealth who pray
nightly for the students at the
University, and wealthy and influ-
ential men and women.
President Little has temporarily
returned to direct contact with the
student body in general, and while
even at the time of the publication
of the letter he was on his way
East for another long absence, he
deigned to dip into student mat-
ters without an eye out for the
advancement of any theory.
In a recent issue of The Daily
a quotation from Professor Mat-
thews of the School of Forestry,
and Conservation, asserted that our
hardwood forests are being used at
a rate of four and one-half times
the rate at which they are being
grown. This is another aspect ofj
the problem of conservation which

which will be required to carry
through such experimentation.
Undoubtedly Professor Matthews
has found the means of relieving
an imminent shortage of hard-
woods. All that remains is for
some authorities to collect various
timbers and test them so that they
can be ready for use before the
actual shortage occurs. The local
School of Forestry and Conserva-
tion is now entering its second
year and it seems that such a proj-..
ect might be worthy of the atten-
tion of. research men of that
school and bring the credit to our
own campus.
Announcement was made re-
cently from New Zealand that all
the units of Commander Byrd's
Antarctic expedition have assem-
bled in Dunedin and are starting
on the long trek to the expedi-
tion's base in the Ross sea. In
Commander Byrd we have the
highest type of "modern explorer,"
one who is a genius at raising
funds, one who leaves no stone un-
turned to insure the safety and
success of his undertaking. His
two ships are manned with 80 ex-
pedition-members and are full of
supplies and materials,-everything
that science and enthusiasium can
provide to make his trip safe, sane,
and comfortable.
But some remember a man by
the name of Wilkins, a Briton who
received some recognition for being
the first to fly over the North Pole
from America to Europe. The fact
that most of the Arctic explorers
and world geographers proclaim
this flight as the greatest ever
made in the Arctic, is largely for-
gotten because it was not the first.
But let Sir Hubert Wilkins com-
plete his Antarctic flight before
Commander Byrd, and he will be
hailed the world over as the first
to make the perilous flight over
the South Pole,-thereby tarnish-
ing Byrd's crown of glorious
Wilkins is the exact opposite of
Byrd. His equipment is an abso-
lue minimum. He and Eielson are
taking two planes and two men.
The expedition plans no base ship,
their means of communication are
poor, and in case of a forced land-
ing Wilkins and Eielson will have
to walk out of one of the most
barren, windiest, coldest, and prob-
ablythe most lifeless regions in the
world. These plans are enormous
and an arrogant expression of self-
If we regard the Wilkins and
Byrd expeditions as in a race, the
odds must be about even. But
barring accidents, it must be pon-
derously in'favor of Wilkins. The
elaborateness of the, Byrd camp
is too much for speed. Wilkins
may sneak out under Byrd's nose
and complete his program before
the Americans get a start.
In all events, it will be an in-
teresting race, and one which will
be watched with much interest.
Whether or not that enormous
land mass around the South Pole
becomes really useful, remains to
be seen. But the future must base
its decision. on the work of the
present,-on the expeditions of,
and the results gained by such men
as Wilkins and Byrd.
Eight days from today, the

twenty-third annual Michigan
Opera will commence its Ann Arbor
run in the ancient and historic
Whitney theater. Standing at the
head of the list of college produc-
tions given by men only, the Mich-
igan Opera has established itself
as the leader in pretentiousness,
earnings, and expression of college,
dramatics along the lines of the
musical comedy.
Few colleges can boast having
had twenty-three such productions
as the Michigan Opera, and the
successes that they have had. The
opera is open to all men on the
campus, and those in it usually
form a very representative group.
It is written by students, played by
students, and almost entirely man-
aged by students. It is a student
production, the equal of which is
found at no other time here during
a school year. The advent of the
Opera has become the one time
when the faculty, student body,
and alumni may hate a chance to
see a typical campus production by
which they may note improvement
in campus dramatics each year.
The audiences have been prom-
ised "something" new again this
year, in "Rainbow's End." It may
be possible.
But those who have never seen

About Books

v -I


There's something about the air
or the life of England that breeds
essayists-instills in men a feeling
for, and about, life which comes
1 onto the printed page in one of the
most delightful and charming
kinds of literature known to man.
The list of English essayists would
more than fill this short review,
and an analysis of the spirit that
j moves them might be the subject
of several good sized volumes.
If the list were ever compiled it
is certain that E. V. Lucas would
be well at the head. For he is the
intimate essayist at his best. Life
to him is delightful, whether it is
bringing sorrow or pain. And al-
ways it is something significant,
something well-worth the medita-
tion and the talk of men.
The latest volume to come from
Mr. Lucas falls well into line with
the things that we have come to
expect from him. The title gives
the key to what is to be found
within the book-"A Rover I Would
be*" And the essays are the
thoughts and the experiences of a
true rover of the world-a man
who finds life and people in the
outlying sections and districts of
the world and takes from them and
their philosophy something of the
secret of. life and the beauty of
mere living.
The essays concern themselves
with travels in England and
France. They are about fairs and
sales and homes and about peo-
ple, and they have all of the quaint
spirit that the true traveler finds
in such contacts and such experi-
But this is more than just a
travel musing book. It is colored
throughout by the true personality
of the man Lucas. It catches him
looking at things around the cor-
ner and across the street, won-
dering how they apply to him. He
sees some simple scene that most
of us would pass by, and he makes
of it a delightful bit of fantasy-
a fragile bit of reconstruction that
is delightful while it lasts.
This truly is an excellent addi-
tion to the essays of England. The
essay is an art of which we know
too little in this country, chiefly
because we do not have time to
look at life for fear life will pass
us by. One of the best ways we
know of liking the essay is to have
"A Rover I Would Be." It's delight-
ful through and through.
*by E. V. Lucas. E. P. Dutton and Co. New
York. 2.5o.
A critic has said of Robinson
Jeffers that his work is "the colos-
sal symphony of a mad Dante."
But somehow we can't believe that
the word 'mad' is fair to the man.
We rather conceive of him as a
man who is immensely sane and
who, by this very sanity, is able to
detect the madness in others and
make it play the moving force in
his dramas. For that detection of
madness is the quality that one
catches always in his creations.
His people are more than people
who simply "are." They are peo-
ple who snap-people who move
along in a single rut until a crisis
comes and then move out to meet
life, prepared and armed with
nothing but their passions and
their imagined strong minds.
"Cawdor*", the latest of Jeffer's
works, forms the third of the
series which began with "Tamar."
From "Tamar" he progressed to the
creation of "The Women at Point
Sur," a tremendous study of half-

crazed people who were what they
were simply because life was what
it was.
And in "Cawdor" we have life
again as the protagonist. People
are bent and torn asunder by the
mere machinations of a life that
is relentless - and an environment
that has fashioned them without
their knowing. They live and
move and have their being. as if
they were people of free minds and
strong wills. But life has them,
in its grasp, and it is when they
start the wrestle with life that the
tragedies occur swift and uner-
Besides the title poem there are
numerous short pieces which re-
veal the power of Jeffers as the
master of words and of imagery.
He moves rapidly from the plain
narrative style to the more diffi-
cult and involved imagist style,
and as swiftly back again. But;
through it all, and with all of the
almost weird subjects there is an I
immense coherence and force in-
herent in every line.

C} Q


M Misic And Drama
Tomorrow evening, those inter-
ested in the theatre will have an
opportunity to see produced at the
Whitney by the Guild company
which has been so successful il
their productions here this year,
"John Ferguson," a play which will
be doubly interest'ing on account
of the importance it has played in
the success of the Theatre Guild,
and because of its own merit.
From the skilled son of St. John
Irvine, this play is not only one of
the best examples of the present
movement in the Irish theatre, but
it is also a fine picture of Irish
life and human nature strangely
enough combined successfully with
a melodramatic plot which when
barely told would sound like little
more than one of the sure-fire mel- .
odramas which are so popular
with the tired business man.
The character of Jimmy Caesar
is one of the most striking in this
play wherein all the characters are
I remarkable for the clearness and
truth with which they are por-
trayed. Jimmy Caesar is a coward,
but St. John Irvine has treated his
character with a sympathy and
feeling which is extraordinary for
this stock character. Jimmy is a
tragic figure with whom the audi-
ence is expected to sympathize
rather than the butt of farce and
"John Ferguson" was produced
in 1919 by the Theatre Guild just
as it was on the point of failure.
It was immediately a great suc-
cess,and ran on Broadway foran
entire year which is alone a suf-
ficient tribute to its popularity, and
the reviews of the critics testify to
its merit. Philip Moeller who di-
rected the premiere presentation
has directed the cast which will
appear here tomorrow evening.
Their previous work this season
is a promise of a finished perfor-
Play Production, as it is at
present, is in the anomalous posi-
tion of being in effect a Little The-
ater group, self contained and self
sufficient, while at the same time
being, classified as a division of the
department of Speech. Plays do
depend of speech, but it is difficult
to see just what form of speech
scenery designing or directing con
stitute-unless classification. of
sacred and profane speech is in-
troduced. Any but dull-witted
bureaucracy would classify Play
Production as an independent unit,
having control of its own finances
and system of credits, but since
this is not the case it has remained
for Mr. Windt, director of the
group, through his personal quali-
ties of friendly cooperation and
eager enthusiasm, to achieve the
proper aims of his department.
The Play Contest which the Di-
vision of English is sponsoring is
directed at unifying the activities
of Play-writing classes with the
producing classes in Play Produc-
tion. This unification as yet is in
no way official. It represents
merely Mr. Windt's willingness to
provide some form of production
for such plays as . the judges of
the Play Contest select from the
t group submitted, and the kindness
of Mr. Rowe, of the Rhetoric de-

partment and head of the play-
writing classes, in coaching his
students in that direction.
The Contest, which closes Janu-
ary 11, although open to the entire
student body, is limited to the
one-act play form for the primary
reason of coordinating Play Pro-
duction's activities with the work
in the play-writing course which
for the first semester is limited to
the shorter form. The secondary
purpose is to provide wider repre-
sentation of the work submitted.
Obviously, a program of three or
four one-acts presents a wider ex-
ample of local ability than does a
single, full-length play.
But Mr. Windt's activities will
not be limited to a single program'
of the best plays. He has offered
his facilities for the production, in
laboratory of course, of as large a
number of student plays as seems
warranted by their merit and as
his production schedule permits.
In this he offers to the literary stu-
dent, who has only had the oppor-
tunity to visualize his play, the
chance to see it projected on the
boards as a living thing. And as
a further encouragement the
author will work with the director
in the production, and so will be
able to polish and remold the
niece a bramol-ii o rimoiev Q1nafypa.-


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